Sneak Peek

Monday June 25, 2012 at 3:12 PM

If you decide to fire me from this job.... I understand lol


I'm so sorry I forgot

I love you all

entice me into reading your fic by giving me ONE line from your next chapter

~Don't forget to include the link to your fic~


What the Fic?!

Monday June 25, 2012 at 9:09 AM



Happy Birthday EKSmith

Monday June 25, 2012 at 7:53 AM

hey all!!!

so i just got to know through my twitter feed that its the birthday of the sweetest ranger ever!!! yes, i'm talking about eksmith...she's the ranger i feel like cuddling upto most of the time....

coolest thing, her son shares his birthday with me...we're hip like that!

soooooo, when i got to know that its her birthday i was this kid:

overexcited about birthdays, that's me!!

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!

i've been told you love Black Forest Cake...i hope you like this one!!!

and this lovely angel cake with strawberries too...

i hope you have a great day, darling!!!

campers, please bring cakes and wishes, lets celebrate EKSmith's birthday everyone!!!!

P.S. She has a really bad cold, how about some tips as well...


Would Anyone Mind?

Monday June 25, 2012 at 5:55 AM seems my fic is putting up a fight. It doesn't seem to want to upload to the Forest. No bloody clue why, and tech support suggestions haven't worked, and that's just...grrr. So I think there's maybe 10 people reading Everything I Knew on this site. My question is, would those 10 people mind if I spilt the story? The rest of, and any forthcoming chapters would be published as a Part Two. 


Questions, concerns, brilliant ideas I've yet to try? And yes, I did the swearing and name calling. No luck. 

My rec: Walls of Dreaming by her mighty ubergeeknees (hmu)

Okay, so this is s completley selfish rec on my part. This story hasn't updated in like 3 months, and I'm in love with it damn it! I'm hoping a surge in readers will inspire the lovely author to continue to post.

Summary: Several years after Edward leaves her, Bella is an adrenaline junkie that crosses paths with the Cullen family during her University studies. Her world is turned upside down with the new dangers she faces. Who will save her now?


Wish I Could Close My Eyes

Monday June 25, 2012 at 1:58 AM

Summary: Bella barely remembers her godparents, but after losing her mom and dad, she's shipped off to rainy Washington to live with the Cullens for her final semester in high school. On the outside, the Cullens are perfect. Behind closed doors is another matter.

Why is no one talking about this yet?

This was so hard to read!

I'm so worried.

What do you see happening next? Pretty sure we're getting near to the prologue


Miss Snazzy

Who is going to fix ME?

Sunday June 24, 2012 at 9:35 PM

I swear, I need rehab or something because no one should be this excited over an update.

Author: AllyDLV
Sequel to Shattered. After Bella turns, Damon takes her under his wing, and teaches her to embrace her new life. Her shattered heart has mended, but is it ready to open up again?
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Bella & Damon S. - Reviews: 288 - Chapters: 4 - Words: 24,337 - Updated: 06-24-12 - Published: 10-07-11


Let's discuss. =)

(Would've posted this in the Daily Update campfire, but there doesn't appear to be one for today yet)


Euro 2012 England v Italy

Sunday June 24, 2012 at 12:38 PM

The last quaterfinal! Let's watch it together!!!! It's bound to be entertaining. 


Live journal

Sunday June 24, 2012 at 11:52 AM

Okay, so yesterday I finally made an account. I figured I would try my hand at blogging for once since writing in my journal just doesn't seem to be doing it for me anymore and I like typing away. Anyway, I ended up with a lot for my first post, I had to save my stuff since I was at a starbucks and we were leaving. I figured I'd just log on once I got home and continue.


Everytime I enter the address of the site, I keep getting a "sorry, this page is not available, reload later " message. I've been trying since last night and I STILL can't get to the site!

I'm using google chrome, and I tried using my firefox browser, but that didn't work either. Is anyone else having problems with LiveJournal? Maybe my toshiba is just acting up. I've had this thing since 2008 and frankly I'm surprised it's still working so well. I mean sure, the headphone jack doesn't work, and the sound it makes when its starts up stutters in a weird way, but overall, it's still working pretty well... Anyone?

EDIT: and of course, the minute I post this campfire, LJ magically works. Let's change it up a bit. Who here actually uses live journal? Tell me its pros and cons. :p


Where is SuddenlySandi / SDfreeze

Sunday June 24, 2012 at 11:28 AM


Where in the world is SuddenlySandi aka SDfreeze ?

She is the author of The Cube and MANY other stories.

There were some people here on ADF that know her in real life, does anyone know how she's doing?

A few of her readers and I used to exchange emails with her, but she hasn't replied to any of us.

Her stories are still on

Anyone know anything?!

Bella is a unique girl, to say the least, and meets Edward when he needs to learn a different way to live. She helps him look at the world in a whole new way and find true love. SDFreeze Story AH


author profile



Sunday June 24, 2012 at 4:09 AM

I was just trying to log in my FF account, when the site offered me to log in with my fiction press account. 

And then, I discovered Fiction Press

"What is FictionPress?
FictionPress is a growing network of over 1 million writers/readers, and home to over 1.2 million original works.

As a writer, FictionPress is a place to showcase your creativity. For a reader, this a place of discovery and an opportunity to feast to your heart's content.

FictionPress is for original content. To publish/read fanfiction please visit our sister site at FanFiction.Net. "


Did any of you knew about that?

Do any of you publish here already?

How do you think about publishing original work on a public site, where it can be stolen without a second thought and in total legal way?


My rec : The Demons in my dreams, by littlecat358

27 y.o. social worker Bella Swan has seen her fair share of troubled souls, but nothing like Edward Cullen, part owner & manager of The Cullen House Group Home. Will he allow her into his life? And can she survive the demons that haunt him? OOC.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Edward & Bella - Reviews: 5,676 - Chapters: 27 - Words: 285,814 - Updated: 06-09-12 - Published: 04-26-11


50 shades of humor

Sunday June 24, 2012 at 3:54 AM

So. I was rolling on my Facebook page, and a groupe named "No hope for the human race" posted this.


I found it to be freaking hilarious. So I shared.


Please, do not use this to flaunt about Icy's infamous behavior.

This is not a FSOG hate campfire. Please respect that.



My fantastic rec is   The Give away Girl by  MrsSpaceCowboy

Honor student Bella Swan has mastered the arts...of manipulating her divorced parents, rolling the perfect joint, and faking an orgasm. Who wouldn't want to keep a girl like her? An unconventional coming of age tale for Gen Xer Bella. Rated M.

I'm so in love with this fic, it's outrageaous.


Dude, I love the 90's!

Sunday June 24, 2012 at 12:42 AM

So, about two weeks ago my favourite radio station here in Oz (TripleJ for those Aussies out there), had an entire week dedicated to the 90's.


They played all the great alternative songs from the 90's, they had a dress-up day, they talked about all the rad things from the era that we all miss. It. Was. Amazing.


Snap Bands, Hypercolour, Johnny Depp and Kate Moss, Nirvana, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Doc Martins, Grunge Music, The Riot Grrrl Manifesto, Beverly Hills 90210...the list goes on.

As someone born in the early 80's, the 90's were MY TIME! 

It was the era that glam rock and glitter boots died, replaced with ripped jeans, greasy hair and the slacker attitude. We didn't care and we wanted you to know it! Sure, girls could have fun (thanks Cyndi Lauper), but eff that - we could do what the boys were doing - and we could do it BETTER (Thank you Bikini Kill, Hole and The Spice Girls)

What was your favourite thing about the 90's?

What cringeworthy/totally awesome fashion did you rock?

Do you still know all the words to The Fresh Prince of Bel Air's theme song?

Who was your favourite musician/band/group.

TELL ME!! I'm drowning in a sea of 90's pop culture and I love it!


Where in the world is 107yearoldvirgin?

Sunday June 24, 2012 at 12:14 AM

I see that her blog and profile on were deleted this week.  Any word on the why (and where/if those phenomenal stories can be found elsewhere)?  I hope 107yearoldvirgin returns to us soon!


France v Spain

Saturday June 23, 2012 at 12:49 PM


 ranger edit:

Will France prevail? Will Spain move on? Lets find out together!!!


What the Fic?!

Saturday June 23, 2012 at 9:14 AM




I've Got Nothing To Do Today Except Smile

Friday June 22, 2012 at 7:52 PM

As of 4 o'clock today, I'm officially on vacation! Even better? My best friend is coming for a week-long visit. I haven't seen her since September and I'm officially hyperventilating with excitement.


So Campers, what's making you happy lately? Has anything fabulous happened to you that you want to share? Any exciting plans coming up? Come and tell me all about it!



EURO 2012

Friday June 22, 2012 at 1:16 PM

It's football/soccer time!


Germany vs. Greece


Who is watching?


And who are your favorite players and teams in this Euro cup?



non-paranormal shows

Friday June 22, 2012 at 12:16 PM

Do you watch Suits?

So You Think You Can Dance?


Ummmm.....Jane By Design?

I can't think of anymore, but you get the idea.  Come inside and talk about this weeks episode of your favorite non-paranormal tv show!

Ryan Ninea


Friday June 22, 2012 at 11:44 AM

Hello fellow campers.

I have been wanting to post this for a while, I really need some advice. I don't have a lot of any girlfriends and just really need to talk about some stuff and get some opinions/feedback ya know?

So lets have an advice, girl talk, whatever campfire. We can pretend we are at a sleepover, and it is 2am and our parents are all asleep. I don't know how virtual light as a feather stiff as a board works, but hey if you can firgure it out, I'm game.

My eh dillemma is inside, please post yours as well. I am at work so I may not have rapid fire responses, but I will be responding as soon as I can.  (I posted from work because I don't have a computer at home. I can respond fine from my blackberry but posting is a pain)



Friday June 22, 2012 at 11:40 AM


Like thousands, if not millions, of other people, I have an Etsy Store.
I haven't really sold too much, but I haven't posted that many things either.

However, I have purchased wonderful things from Etsy. I love it because it supports and promotes creativity, uniquenss, and vintagey old things (which I love a lot).

There are also so many things on there that inspire me to make things myself and a TON of other things that I WISH I had!

Here are some things I've bought-



Here are some things I'm selling (Hoot & Tweet by owlsarebirdstoo)-




Do you have an Etsy Store?

What's the best thing you've ever gotten from Etsy?

What's on your Etsy Wishlist?

First --- | >> | 613 | 614 | 615 | 616 | 617 | 618 | 619 | 620 | 621 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
