Hey all! Long time lurker, occasional commenter. First time campfire creator. *rubs sticks together* ooh, I think I've got a spark...
(Rangers - I hope this is okay. If not, let me know :)
I have questions about bullying in the Twi fandom - relating in particular to ff writers/readers. Has anyone here had experiences with it? Have you been bullied by readers who were either unhappy for whatever reason by your story or perhaps misunderstood your genre/plot entire work as a whole?? How did you deal with it? Why do you think people bully?
I'm curious. I've recently withdrawn my stories from ff.net and have had to block PM's etc because of a sudden onslaught of what started out as maligning my character as a writer and has ended up becoming harassment and cyber-bullying. Which I feel mortally embarrassed about being invloved in, because I though I'd left this sort of behaviour behind in high school.
I want to have insights into these people's minds. I want to know why, if they decide they no longer like something, they don't just close the tab and search for something else. Do you think it's perhaps a power thing? I can understand being disappointed when a story I've been invested in has taken a turn in a direction I'm not comfortable with, but I can't understand being just so invested and so disappointed that I have actively chosen to go out of my way to attempt to upset the author. Has anyone here done that? (Confession time!)
A reader of mine and I were chatting about accountability, and she made a very good point:
"One of the many things I have noticed about the changing views people today have, is that before the internet, before the emotive news reporting, people chose what they read according to their individual tastes. Taking offense was a rarity, as most people held themselves accountable for their own actions - and I include the reading of certain genres in that.
These days, with instant communication and delivery, people seem to have forgotten they can filter what they see, listen to and read. It's almost like the ability to change the channel, close the book or switch off the radio has disappeared into a void. It's like a 21st century disease - that whatever is put in front of them via a screen, must be devoured and therefore open to limited world views."
Should a writer be held accountable for readers who choose not to close the page? And if yes, should a writer just grow a thicker skin and accept backlash from people who seem to be struck by this "disease"?
Which leads me to my final question, I want to know if, anyone who has experienced harassment or bullying over the internet, you've ever fought back? Is it okay to bite back, or should you just keep your mouth closed and accept it?
A few reccs from my stash of personal favourites:
Let's Pretend The War Is Over - by Pir8fancier
Draco spends all day trying not to go crazy, Harry is king of takeaway. M. Draco/Harry (this is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.)
Awake in the Infinite Cold - quothme
Sometimes the fruit is forbidden for a reason. A mélange of Twilight and How to Be, with an Artward who so carefully and so softly sneaks under her skin and into her soul. Not your typical E/B romance. Complete.
Edit - I really, really want to use the "Zombies Will Eat Your Brains" tag. Can I, can I? Please?