Snippy author's notes

Sunday November 25, 2012 at 7:23 AM

The authors of two stories I read decided yesterday and today to add pissy author's notes after getting reviews they don't like.  This makes me angry and makes them look petty, small and thin-skinned. Especially when they threaten to stop writing or delete their story.  Not every review is going to be glowing. 

So what say you, campers? Should authors express their ire or suck it up?


Please help - J/B fic

Saturday November 24, 2012 at 7:26 PM

Hi All! I'm brand new here and I'm hoping someone can help me find a completed copy of Underneath Your Scars by HammerHips. Also, if anyone has any recommendations for other well written Jasper/Bella fics I'd love to know about them. Thanks for your help!  


All the Feels...

Saturday November 24, 2012 at 3:50 PM

I need to let some of these feels out before I rupture my spleen or something.

I just started reading Breaking News, which of course everyone else read eons ago but I'm only now reading, and I'm sort of freaking out.  

No really, if you haven't read it.... Please do.  It has, possibly, the best and hottest first kiss scene I've ever read.  

Except, I'm not.  I'm really not.  I can't handle it.  

This story is making me freak out like no other.  

I think it's time for a good ol' fashioned fangirl meltdown.

So, please come join me so I don't feel quite so alone in my flailing.

What are you reading now that has you ripping your hair out, gnashing your teeth, or scraping your face in the best way possible?

Come in and tell your favorite authors just how you feel about their words.


And Writeontime?  I get it.  I get why everyone was dying over your story when it was a wip.  I am half grateful that it is complete so I can keep right on moving and half thinking a break might be a good thing.  I have to put it down in between chapters to take a breather.  Oh, and btw, your Tanya is my favorite Tanya I have ever read.  I want to be friends with her.  Your story is awesome, I can't wait to continue.  Speaking of which, it's naptime for the kiddos, so I get to read some more!  Thank you for writing and sharing. :)


This campfire is part recc, part gratitude, part emotional outlet!


Happy is the new chic

Saturday November 24, 2012 at 2:24 PM


I saw it on Robsten's French facebook page, and I liked that they both seem so genuine. 

I'm not sure how to make this interactive...

I don't have much to say myself, but this just made me smile, and I had to share :)


Oh, and in case you were living in a cave the last week, Rochelle Aliison started Embrace and it Awwwwwwwesooooooome!


What the Fic?! 11/24

Saturday November 24, 2012 at 10:17 AM


Rival Weekend

Saturday November 24, 2012 at 9:39 AM

Happy football weekend and happy Thanksgiving weekend. Today is one of my favorite football weekends of the season (and sadly, one of the last!) because of the rivalry games. If you're watching, come in and tell me who you're liking and hating.

A nod at my boys who actually won a game yesterday and are bowl eligible!


A nod at my men who are trying to stay in the wildcard playoff hunt even though 49% of the team is hurt.



I know someone will have the answer...

Saturday November 24, 2012 at 12:07 AM

Hey Campers,

Hope everyone in the US had a Happy Thanksgiving and the rest of you had fun listening to all the crazies talk about Black Friday shopping. 

Anyway, here is what I am looking for, my daughter has a B & W Nook and has asked for a Kindle Fire for Christmas IF she can convert her books and transfer them to a Kindle Fire. I have done some research and this seems possible but I wanted to know if anyone has  done this and how they did it.

This is also on the sons Christmas list, he has been using mine the last couple days and can't stop talking about how badly he wants one. Little does he know it's hidden in the house. I love Christmas for this reason.

Thanks for your help! 

While you're here give me some good recs for the kiddos too! Girl = 20 and Boy = 11


I have been waiting for so long.

Friday November 23, 2012 at 3:01 PM


And FINALLY it's been released....well, in Finland anyway.
I'm going to bounce of the walls until it's released here and hopefully not too far away.
Is anyone else excited for this?

Where's George ADF style

Friday November 23, 2012 at 2:22 PM

[IMG][/IMG]Where's George? is a website that tracks money. A note is placed on a piece of money, usually a one dollar bill(thus the website's name) and sent out into the world. If you catch on that there's a note on the bill you can look it up on the website and find out where in the world it's been.

I've caught a bill that originally started in California over a year ago and want to see how many miles I can put on this. I'm asking my fellow campers if they would like to participate by receiving then mailing my Where's George dollar bill. Hopefully we can get overseas campers to participate thus adding alot of miles and get to know each other even more. Maybe even a photo of yourself with good ol' George as you send him on his way? Whatever you feel comfortable with.

Any other ideas on what can be done with George?


Black Friday Sale

Friday November 23, 2012 at 1:41 PM


You can get an ebook of my novel, Ghostwriter for only $4.99 today!  If you want one, hurry: the sale only lasts until midnight.



Unemployed, with her savings dwindling, Sara Howell thinks things are looking up when she lands a ghostwriting job and rents the affordable island home of her favorite author, Seth Fortner, who mysteriously disappeared in 1925.

Strange things happen, making Sara wonder if Seth ever left. When she finds an old trunk of Seth’s letters, she delves into a world she never imagined, filled with love, and a family curse it seems only she can break.


Sydney Logan also has her lovely story "Mistletoe Magic" for FREE today. (And Lessons Learned is also $4.99!)




Thanks to WTVOC for suggesting I post this. 



Friday November 23, 2012 at 1:33 PM

Yesterday, after partaking in the traditional Thanksgiving fanfare, my husband and I headed over to Best Buy. We proceeded to wait in line for 9 hours. We met a few people in line who kept us entertained. We battled through the fact that there were no restaurants with open restrooms (thankfully one opened up later, but that didn't stop my husband from peeing in a cup... in the car... men).

Best Buy employees started handing out tickets that would guarantee the receiver the doorbuster attached to the ticket. We were up front, so we got what we wanted: A 55'' Panasonic LED flat screen with a sound system. Once inside, it was a madhouse! My first grab was a Kindle Fire which came with a free $30.00 gift card from Best Buy. We also purchased a few dvds and blurays. We then had to wait in a long line to get our TV, but we didn't mind. We ended up finding a few more blurays (Kill Bill 1&2, and The Crow). 

We finally left a little after 2:30am. After dropping off our stuff, we did our time honored tradition of going to What-a-burger for a pick-me-up. After sharing a burger, we went home, took a bath, and crashed. 

To those interested: Like last year, the only incidents we had were people trying to cut in line. There was no pepper spray, arrests, or fights. No one was stealing things from other people's baskets. It was just really REALLY busy. 

What about you guys? Did anyone else brave the Black Friday madness? Or, did you drive by a Walmart, Best Buy, ect and catch a glimpse? Share! 

purple edit: lol i tagged your campfire for you. appropriate, no?


ADF Fit Club - Week 4

Friday November 23, 2012 at 1:25 PM


Hello darlings!


I understand that it's Thanksgiving (not here in the UK, although I could TOTALLY go for a Turkey dinner) but it's also coming up to Christmas - this is probably the hardest time of year to try and lose weight.


So I thought we could have a 2 week challenge!

This week: Name one alternative ingredient that you could use in a recipe. For example, whatever meal I'm cooking, I pad it out with bell peppers. They're delicious and I eat less of the calorific stuff because I'm filling up on vegetables. Alternatively, I've switched from full fat cheese to the lighter stuff in the supermarkets.


Next week: Share a healthy recipe with the rest of us. A soup, a dessert, a dinner... I expect a lot of us have fussy eaters to provide for (my sister!!) and maybe we could find a new recipe that would satisfy everyone!


Come in and share your losses, gains and anything else you want to share.


What the Fic?! 11/23

Friday November 23, 2012 at 8:19 AM


Fic search, Geeky, Loner Edward

Friday November 23, 2012 at 3:58 AM

Posting here for a FB friend, message that follows is hers:

So i look for a story i read a while ago: Edward is some sort of geek and has no friends. Even in his family he has to struggle to be accepted. Then he meets Bella who is an outcast (funny (blue?) hair) herself. His silblings bully her, so they hide their relationship from everyone. One day she overhears him denying her to his family. So she runs away and has an accident. Carlisle is the doctor who saves her. Edward rushes to her...please help....


Anyone here able to help with a title/author ?




mo kagen

What the Fic?! 11/22 Holiday edition

Thursday November 22, 2012 at 7:24 PM


because I have so many feeeeeeelings about a certain update today, I'm invoking an emergency What The Fic 


come inside and give thanks for any surprise updates today


Looking for a story

Thursday November 22, 2012 at 1:40 PM

Happy Holiday, fellow campers! I'd be even more thankful today if someone can please recall the name of this story... Bella is a university student who needs a job. When she finds herself also needing a decent new apartment and can't manage to find one, a friend steers her to Edward's current housekeeper. The housekeeper wants to quit, so Bella starts working for Edward as keeper, cook, etc., and eventually moves into a spare room in his house. Things - ahem - develop, of course. Does this sound familiar? Thank you in advance!

My rec: 47 Days by netracullen


Looking for a Thanksgiving fic...

Thursday November 22, 2012 at 10:20 AM


Does anyone have a PDF of SydneyAlice's "Thankful" fic? I've been wanting to read it for Thanksgiving and it would be awesome if someone could send it my way!!!




It is not a good idea to post email addresses on a public forum.


Redneck Love

Thursday November 22, 2012 at 10:14 AM

Hey everyone! First off, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the U.S.!! And happy thursday to everyone else, lol :0) So I come to you today to confess something: I'm now in love with Daryl Dixon from the Walking Dead. Yes, Mr.Redneck himself. I recently watched the first two seasons (thank you dvr) and the 6 episodes of season 3. I just have to say, I just like him more and more as the show goes on. I think the's the best equipped of all of them to survive. Glenn is a second favorite, but Daryl is just so badass!

Anyway, are there any other Walking Dead fans out there? How are you guys like the new season so far? I've been pretty suprised with who they have killed off so far!  And I am not gonna lie, I kinda want to punch Andrea in the face. And I seriously think Carl. Jr. is the omen child, for reals!

If Daryl gets eaten, I'm gonna be super pissed! Game of Thrones and the Walking Dead are now my two favorite tv series EVER. Seriously, what took me so long to discover this show? I'm gonna have to go watch Boondock Saints now, just because Norman Reedus (Daryl) is in it!

Oh, and if anyone has any Daryl fanfic recs, they would be so welcome!


Thank you!

Thursday November 22, 2012 at 9:15 AM

I'm thankful for the Forest and wanted to let the rangers know how much they are appreciated.


I have so many things to be thankful for, and I usually end up taking way too much for granted.  No matter where you're from, feel free to join me in listing some of the things you're grateful for.  (Even if it's the fact that your in-laws left dinner early.)


ALE & THW by Lolashoes

Thursday November 22, 2012 at 8:53 AM

Hello, could someone pleeeeease, pleeeease provide me with a copy of ALE and/or THW by Lolashoes.

I have read review about it but cannot find...sooo sad :(

Read LYLST and it was amazing!!!

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