
Kindle or Girl talk, your pick!

Sunday December 9, 2012 at 11:47 AM

Heya Campers!

I recently downloaded kindle! Yeah I know I'm kinda late to the party but eh! At least I'm here.

And My first purchase was 

And then I realised I probably am not buying another one for the rest of the week.

Then in one of our Weekly Rec CF, I saw someone rec a book which is available for free on kindle, and I rolled all over it and bought with the biggest smile on my face! LOL!

SOOO, I went to find more free books on kindle and got lost worse than Alice in the wonderland.

Can anyone help me find free books on kindle? Any books or series you know of? Any recs in mind?

I'd appreciate any help at all!

If not, then ummm, make this a FUN CF! Post your favorite gifs, talk randomness, tell me how your day's been? That boss who irritates the f* outta you, tell me about it. That horrible teacher you wanna kill, let me help you plan the murder. Basically, come vent all about it!!! and if you DO happen to have some free e-books to rec on kindle, I'll kiss you senseless as thank you!!

P.S. Can you guess I have an unhealthy obsession with tags. :P


AvengeRanger Edit: Please keep all language at PG for the front page in The Forest. 

 So sorry everyone, I swear like a sailor, it didn't even register in my radar that I wrote an f word #fail


To Go Where No (Wo)man Has Gone Before

Sunday December 9, 2012 at 11:14 AM

So there is this amazing Canadian showed that aired from about 2008 to 2011 called Departures. It's a travel documentary (if you would call it that) about two twenty-something guys and their camera man that travel to amazing locations that you wouldn't think to go to. Instead of going to more common locations like Paris and Cancun and staying in chain hotels, they went to locations like Rwanda, Cook Islands, and Madagascar and stayed in hostels or squatted with friends. And they didn't just vacation: They travelled with their backpacks and scrapped by and emerced themselves in the cultures.


Here's the intro to season two:

I absolutely love this show; I've never been outside of North America and would love to travel to somewhere that I won't find a HoJo to stay in.  So tell me fellow campers, what unique, remote, or unheard of places have you travelled to?  Where do you want to travel to as opposed to vacation at?

What the Fic?! 12/9

Sunday December 9, 2012 at 10:03 AM

Esme Incognito

Worst Week Ever!

Saturday December 8, 2012 at 5:21 PM

They say that the worst things that happen to you can lead to the best opportunities. They also say things come in threes. 

So here's my week last week:

1. My neighbor's 16 year old son was in a terrible accident the day after Thanksgiving. He died on Monday. Loss of a child--can't even imagine.

2. On Wednesday I found out a friend’s breast cancer is not only back, but the pre-chemo meds she took put her into cardiac arrest and she had to get a pacemaker.

3. On Thursday I got laid off from my job.

Pretty Lousy...Major life reassessment and all that.

Silver lining--The Fantasy Basket got nominated for the Fic of the Week at the Lemonade Stand (oh--the irony!) That brought a smile. If only it came with a salary & health benefits! 

So, what's your worst week ever, what helped you smile and get through it, and did it turn into something bigger and better?



Come Visit Blog George Camper

Saturday December 8, 2012 at 2:54 PM

Okay, so for all of you Where's George participants I've got a blog up to follow our favorite President in his world travels. My idea is that each camper will be able to enter their own information or comments. Sort of a blog for the many, by the many.

Just google "camper george" and the blog will pop up.'s


And since we're doing this ourselves I picked a different look for our president. There's even a world map of where George has been, currently he's lived in San Francisco and Charleston. I'll be working out the kinks of how each camper will post on the blog and doing a trial run with our first camper, Mabso.

I'm computer&internet challenged so this is a labor of fun for me. Any suggestions are welcomed. This is just for fun and to get to know each other even better. This is open and ongoing so anytime you want to join the fun just PM me your address.

Those that have not gotten their name listed yet, don't worry. After Mabso pointed out the original Where's George site didn't work internationally I thought setting up a working tracking site was most needed.

And if there's anyone out there that has experience in making a blog I'd love to hear from you as I have quite a bit of a learning curve to work on.

So this is what I picture as President George, yeah, he looks really capable.

So to make this interactive please check the blogsite and give me some things to add. I'm very visual so photos would be good. I'll start by putting my own photog up. I'm 20 years older than most of you and wear quirky clothes so you shouldn't feel shy.

This guy looks familiar and suppose to be a George. Do you know who he is?


The Hobbit

Saturday December 8, 2012 at 8:59 AM

Lookit what I found!
OMG, I'm becoming so excited.  I can't wait.
Are you going to see The Hobbit when it comes out?  How excited are you?

Breast or Thigh?

Friday December 7, 2012 at 10:27 PM

So while at work tonight, I came across this book. 

50 Shades of Chicken


I don't know why (ok so I do and it's the obvious really) but the cover of this book had me cracking up. I think it's the way that the chicken is bound. Maybe it's the "bound" to be delicous punniness. Idk idk

It's the 1st 50 related item that I would consider buying, if for nothing but the gag gift aspect.

Since it should be all interactive and s@#!, tell me the greatest gag gift you ever recevied or gave. Or maybe some epic white elephant game story. Idk just come laugh at the ridic with me. 



Note: HAHAHAHAHA Like NONE of these tags (ok maybe 3, especially the lifeless equine and the chicken dinner ones) have anything to do with this campfire. I just liked them and wanted to be that a$$ that clicked a bunch of them. SUCCESS IS MINE!


Home Sweet Home

Friday December 7, 2012 at 9:21 PM

My kitchen is a mess. The cabinets are getting a much needed professional make-over, after 6 years of brush marks from a homemade paint job. I've been waiting for this time to come, but now that it's here, I wish it was over already. The fumes are giving me a headache, my dishes are in the dining room instead of in the cabinets, I can't use my stove to cook, etc.

So, to make this interactive - what's the worst/biggest/best home remodel/make-over you've ever done, and were you happy with the results?

And how did you survive living in the mess? How did you feed your family during the time you weren't able to use your kitchen? Where did you shower (if you redid your bathroom)? How long did it take? And is there anything that will get the smell of oil paint out of the air? 

Hit me with your stories? 


Author to Author

Friday December 7, 2012 at 5:50 PM


I'm part of the Author to Author blog hop. We're a group of writers who have teamed up to introduce each other to our readers. And we're having a drawing for a big prize pack of an ebook from each author. (See list inside.)

Stop by one of the participating blogs and meet some interesting folks. There's a new chance to enter the drawing every day.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Heart (since the symbol doesn't show up)

Friday December 7, 2012 at 4:52 PM


"If you find a girl who reads, keep her close. When you find her up at 2 AM clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea and hold her. You may lose her for a couple of hours but she will always come back to you. She'll talk as if the characters in the book are real, because for a while, they always are. Date a girl who reads because you deserve it. You deserve a girl who can give you the most colorful life imaginable. - Robert Pattinson

Yep, he's just too perfect! <3


ADF Fit Club - Week 6

Friday December 7, 2012 at 4:37 PM


Hello all and welcome!

Come in and let us know how it's going, My details will be inside!


This week's challenge - something to look forward t0!

What are you losing weight/getting fit for?

A special event?

An awesome outfit?

A holiday?

A turnaround in your health?

Come and share your stories! It's never too late to join!

More support and fun at the Livejournal!


What The F is this?

Friday December 7, 2012 at 3:15 PM


I'm a nut

Friday December 7, 2012 at 2:55 PM

I'm so excited because a few days ago, we got this little girl.  OMGOSH she's so cute!  I can't even take it.  *cue eyeroll from everyone else because obnoxious pet owners are obnoxious*  I promise not to be too annoying. :)

My husband joked with me that we should name her Renesme.  But I put the kibosh on that pdq.  I jokingly mentioned that the girl wolf's name was Leah and he was like. YES.  Then my daughter - who has no idea about Twi anything loved the name and there we have it.  I'm not a fanatic, right? 

So, how has Twi affected/effected your life?  Do you have a car named Emmett?  Or a cat named Bella?  Did you make your husband get the Edward "Do"?  One of my students has a truck named Alice - because "she's the hottest chick in all the movies."  Natch.  Come in and post pictures of your obsessed fan stuff.  

Doc?  I expect to see some pics of you with Twi celebrities.  Mostly cuz I mish yer beautiful face and sweetness.  ;)


10 years later...

Friday December 7, 2012 at 2:12 PM

I started dancing when I was 6 years old. I did ballet/pointe, until age 14 when I got hurt and had to stop for a year. That was when I went into the dance team at my high school. I absolutely loved it! However my senior year, I quit. I quit because the girls on the team were vicious, and I didn’t feel like I enjoyed it anymore. Fast forward 10 years, and I want to go back. I don’t want to relieve high school or anything (god no!), but I miss performing with a team. Next semester, I’m set to graduate with an associate’s, and then I plan on moving to a 4 year university. There is a University about an hour away that has a dance team that I would love to be a part of. 

The Texas State University Strutters. I’ve always dreamed of becoming one of them. However, the years following high school, that dream was pushed on the backburner. Since I’ve lost a lot of weight (almost 30 lbs), I find myself daring to dream of being one of them, but I have a two hang-ups.

#1. I’m 28. By the time I actually improve my dancing ability to audition, I’ll be almost 30. They don’t specify an age limit in the try-out packet, but I wonder if that will still count against me. With practice, I know I can be just as good as a girl who is 18 – 22. I was always a talented dancer, and all I need is to get back into the swing of things. I'm just worried that they might look at my age and think "Oh, she's old. She can't do anything."

#2. The University is an hour away. I’m sure my husband wouldn’t mind finding an apartment closer to campus, but it’s still a hassle. 

To make this interactive: when does the pursuit of a dream become unrealistic? When is it time to say “enough”? Have any of you picked up something as physically demanding as dance after being away from it for years? Are there any other dancers out there that can commiserate with me?
p.s. If I don’t respond right away, it’s because I’m at work.


though it's been said many times, many ways

Friday December 7, 2012 at 12:04 PM



and when you get your ADF christmas cards/goodies/whatever, post about it!

use this campfire to tell me what you want to see on ADF in 2013. suggestions, your hopes, dreams, lusty fantasies, whatev.

also, our little camper laurenlovelorn is getting a lot of national attention over marrying cardboard cutout edward cullen. craaaaaaazy!


Funny Videos

Friday December 7, 2012 at 10:15 AM

I had to share this.  I about peed my pants laughing.
Please share your funny videos inside!  I'm in the mood for some laughs.

Are You Effie Trinket? (Or Karou?)

Friday December 7, 2012 at 9:02 AM

Have you ever done anything crazy with your hair?

Mine's thin and fine, and looks like rats' tails if I grow it. So I keep it short, but I sure do love me some color! 

For instance:


Right now my hair looks kind of like this:


How about yours?

PS I would like to add that none of these pics are of me! (I am nowhere near as pretty as any of these girls)(and I'm a mite older)


Happy Friday

Friday December 7, 2012 at 8:27 AM

OK so far today, i've:

1. Spilled my vanilla yogurt all over the black carpet at work

2. Failed to put my coffee cup under the Keurig spout, hence making a huge mess on the counter

3. Dumped my garbage all over the floor under my desk.

This happened in a span of 5 minutes.


Please, tell me, how did your day start?? It can only improve from here, right?


Happy Friday lovely forest nymphs! Feed the trees!


Drunk phone calls

Friday December 7, 2012 at 2:01 AM

Okay,  it's 12 am right now, so technically free for all :)

The title says it all, here's the conversation I just had with my brother over the phone:

Me: Hello?

Bro: Sis?

Me: This is Cassie

Bro: I know. hey, I need you to do me a favor--go downstairs and see if the computer is near the front door.

Me: our computer?

Bro: Yeah, goa nd see if it's still near the door.

Me: Why?

Bro: Just do it. I need you to take it upstairs with you.

Me: You mean the HP? Why?

Bro: Just do it!

Me: Dad has it. He was using it earlier. (looks down from the stairs and sees the computer on the coffee table. Dad is in bed.)

Bro: You sure?

Me: Yeah.

Bro: Don't be B^&*%%* me. Are you sure?

Me: Yeah, I'm sure!

Bro: I just need you to keep it with you, okay?

Me: You afraid somebody's going to take it?

Bro:......Is the door locked?

Bro: Is the door LOCKED?

Me: (goes downstairs, rolling my eyes. I check that the door is indeed locked.) Yeah, it's locked. Are you smoking weed again? What are you on?

Bro: What? Naw, I'm not smoking weed. I had a few drinks, that's all. Is anyone even there with you sister?

Me: Dad's here. Calm down. And why do you keep calling me sister? ( goes to coffee table and gets laptop to take to Mom and Dad's room.)

Bro: Cause your my sister.

Me: *scoffs*

Bro: Hey! You're still my little sister! And I am your elder!

Me: (places laptop on dad's bed. Dad's already asleep)

Bro: *talking to friend in the background* What?.... I'm talking to my sister...So what? I'm her elder. I love my younger sister....Oh yeah? You got any siblings? Yeah, I thought so...

Me: Stop worrying. I gave the computer to Dad, and he's watching it.

Bro: You did? oh okay. Bye.

Me: Bye

So yeah, that's the call I just got. Not exactly verbatim, and in retrospect kind of tame, but you get the idea.

Tell me when you drunk called someone or when someone drunk called you. Hell, tell me when you or someone you knew did something hilarious stupid when they were wasted. ;D


What do YOU write?

Thursday December 6, 2012 at 8:26 PM

This is the campfire of Self Promotion:


Tell us about what you or a friend write. If you beta something fantastic, let us know. If you are hosting a contest, tell us about it.

Don't be shy! Give us a link. Give us a sample. Show us your banner.

We want to read what you write!

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