
Chapter lengths

Tuesday November 27, 2012 at 7:24 PM

Do you think there is a corrolation between chapter lengths and whether or not the fic in question is a posted WIP? It seems as though big name wip's have bigger chapters as the story progresses, whereas fics that have been completed in it's entirety before posting  (you know, those fics that gloriously update like once a week because the story is already completely written) are more...idk, evenly spaced out/ shorter.

Share your thoughts.


Sherlock, WHY?!

Tuesday November 27, 2012 at 5:32 PM

Hello, all.  I haven't been on ADF for quite a while and in the meantime, I joined the Sherlock fandom (I accept your condolences about joining the weirdest fandom on Tumblr).

Sherlock is just some good, ol' fashioned darn good television, and if you have any doubts about watching it because it's set in modern day, get rid of them.  It's that good.  At least watch the 1st episode.


So during this heartbreaking time, I've been reading Sherlock fic.  But here's the thing - not a high volume of excellent fic for the fandom, right now.  There are some, but I have to say I've read better quantity of better quality Twilight fic.  However, before Sherlock I NEVER read slash.  It just wasn't my thing and I couldn't really see it, but now JOHNLOCK IS THE MOTHER OF ALL MY SHIPS, right now.

So if any of you are part of the Sherlock fandom as well, SEND ME SOME SHERLOCK/JOHNLOCK RECS, PLEASE! Maybe some gems I haven't read.

Also, I'd like to know what ships turned you to reading slash or femmeslash. I figured out, I wasn't interested in slash before because I couldn't see those particular characters falling in love, but come on:

Johnlock is being totally obvious.

Here's my rec.  Not a Sherlock fandom "classic," doesn't even have a high hit count, but I guess that makes it a secret gem.  I love fics where John is a BAMF.  The "Circle of Fifths" Series starting with "Time Signature" and ending all the way with "Coda" (WIP).

(Sorry rangers if this isn't allowed, but I saw the Sherlock tag so maybe it is?!  If not you can take it down.)


Looking for two twilight fanfic?

Tuesday November 27, 2012 at 2:17 PM

hey guys I'm extremely new to this site so I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm looking for 2 twilight fanfics that I orignally read on fanfiction but now I can't find them on the site. 

  • the first one is about Edward and bella they're neighbors and they live in new York with there families. Also there best friends and really into hockey their favorite teams are enemies. As the story goes on they realize that they love each other as more then friends and get together as a couple. Theres also some drama with Jacob and I believe in the end they move to new jersey. I think Edward gets Bella a dog for Christmas?
  • the second one rosalie gets pregnant with emmett's baby but they weren't a couple it was just a hook up but they end up together. Also bella at first doesn't like edward but she ends up really loving him as the story goes on. Edward is an artist and stoner and as a lot of tattoos and piercings. At one point in the story they go to a motheriing class and are given fake babies and edward draws fake tattoos and pierces his and bellas baby.

AvengeRanger Edit: Welcome to ADF.  Please add a rec to any post asking for anything (like lost fics, fic recommendations, etc.) to provide a quid pro quo for what you are asking. Please refer to the Rules/FAQ link at the top of the page for any further information about the Forest.

Thank you.


What the Fic?! 11/27

Tuesday November 27, 2012 at 11:02 AM


Is that a Trident?

Tuesday November 27, 2012 at 8:11 AM

Catching Fire Set Pics!

more inside!

ETA - OOPS. Gotta make it interactive. uuhh...share how exacited you are? what other movies are you looking forward to? Happy or disappointed by casting rumors of upcoming movies? (for instance DIVERGENT.)


A Question For Writers

Monday November 26, 2012 at 9:12 PM

Which writing program/software do you use? Are you happy with it?

I have been using googledocs but it drives me crazy! Every chapter I ever write stays in my index, even after I've made a "group", and organized the chapters into the stories they're from. Having my index that long, with bits and pieces of stories everywhere, just distracts me. If I delete things from the index they disappear from the group as well.

And then, the filing system within the "groups" is nuts! If you use numbers eg Chapter 1, Chapter 2 etc, when you get to Chapter 11, it automatically get put between 1 and 2! I don't know how to keep the chapters in chronological order, other than selecting alphabetic sorting, and then titling the chapters a b c etc.

My preference is textedit, but that means my work is only stored on my own laptop and I can't access it from elsewhere unless I carry a flashdrive.

I really just want an online word processor and document storage facility that is easy to use and makes sense! (and is preferably free) I've spent hours browsing for something and trialling things but haven't found what I want. 

Any suggestions?


Now for a rec. Personally, I ship Edward and Bella, however I really like Jacob as a character, and I think the whole mutant baby outcome for him was a sad ripoff.

I know a lot of people don't like reading Bella/Jacob. But good writing is good writing, so have a look at this

The Definition Of Want

It's Bella/Jake and it's extremely good - I promise!


A Little Positivity Can Go a Long Way...

Monday November 26, 2012 at 8:18 PM

Because we have so much negativity, I just feel like showing a little love!  This is only my second or third campfire, so I'm not sure if this is ok, but I just want to show some love and give a shout out to Rochelle Allison and her amazing fics.  I swear everything I read from her is AMAZING!  She seriously has no clue who I am but I adore every fic I read of hers...

My favorite:


Her new one that I AM LOVING, updates daily, and is so much fun  (yes, stop, go read it now!)


And, not that anyone cares, but since I'm feeling all positive and happy, and in the very small chance you haven't read this fic, my all time favorite fic is by whatsmynomdeplume...The Best I Ever Had

I swear, I have read it a zillion times and every time, I swoon.  It has some of the best one-liners in every chapter. make this interactive, which I think is a rule, and to show some love/positivity (which is the point of my campfire), what author do you absolutely love and have read everything they have written?  If this doesn't apply, what is your all-time go to/read a zillion times/love, love, love fic?  SHOW Some love to our awesome authors in this fandom!!!  



Hi, I Need Your Help.

Monday November 26, 2012 at 8:16 PM

Hi, I am writing a college paper about the fan fictions and how they are positive (it's my final paper YAY)

However my professor wants me to have a primary source for the paper so I was hoping you guys can answer some question for me =).... Please?

The questions are:

1)How as fan fiction change your life?
2)What does fan fiction provide to your life?

3)Do you feel as if the fandom provides you with a safe place you explore and connet with your passion (whether it is writing or reading)?

Thank you so much

Rec: Summary: Without Bella's love, I can merely exist. Now that I've lost her, I am bound to wander this earth, alone and unchanging for eternity. - Edward, attempting to be noble, leaves again after the Night of Tears. Will Bella crumble or run after him? Eclipse/AU.


Happy Monday

Monday November 26, 2012 at 9:04 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

So come on in and see who won the crown this week!


Rob Funny & sexy times

Monday November 26, 2012 at 6:56 AM


3 fantastic videos I found on Robsessed, made by Catushka.
I just had to share.
And my rec will be Off Piste by landdownunder
Edward is a professional skier, Bella is an ex-Olympian still involved in the industry. They haven't seen each other since one memorable encounter a few years ago; now the Vancouver Winter Olympics will have them sharing the same slopes once again. AH COMPLETE
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Friendship - Bella & Edward - Chapters: 51 - Words: 58,949 - Reviews: 379 - Favs: 191 - Follows: 190 - Updated: 11-26-12 - Published: 04-15-11 - id: 6907982
mo kagen

Monday Sneak Peek !

Monday November 26, 2012 at 6:53 AM

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Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post something about your upcoming chapters here!

excerpt / pictease / music / riddle / poem  

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


What the Fic?! 11/26

Monday November 26, 2012 at 5:40 AM


Looking for EPOV of Eclipse and BD

Sunday November 25, 2012 at 8:30 PM

Now that the movies are all done, I find myself wanting to read the books again ... but I want to read EPOV.  I have Midnight Sun (sadly unfinished).  I also have Dark Side of the Moon, the only EPOV of New Moon I've ever read; but I can't imagine a better one. So I need suggestions for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.  I have read some but it was several years ago and I can't remember which ones!  Thanks ladies (and gents maybe) :-)


Sexy times fic

Sunday November 25, 2012 at 7:31 PM

I'm assuming it's still FFA.....I'm looking for a fic, and the name is right on the tp of my tongue. Bella and Edward have a class together where they are discussing how communication has been hindered/enhanced by the internet.  They start to kind of flirt back and forth while talking online (during class), and Bella is getting TURNED ON but isn't 100% sure who she is talking to (although she suspects it's dear ole Eddie).  She invites him to her place, and BAM. SEX.

Also, Eddie has a HUGE PEEN, and I believe that he wears black-framed glasses. Goodness gracious.

It's a one-shot. You know you've read it!


I want to read it again

Sunday November 25, 2012 at 5:42 PM

Hi everyone,

can you send me the pdf of secrets and lies by bellescotia thanks in advance.




Card sharing anyone?

Sunday November 25, 2012 at 4:18 PM

Hello there! This post is to gather your addresses because I will be sending Xmas cards this year again. So please!! leave me your addresses hereon an inbox or if you have LiveJournal, go to the post Hello!! Its time for Xmas cards and leave a comment ((comments are screened)) with your address there.



((If this isnt allowed, sorry and feel free to delete))


Anybody Cookie Swap?

Sunday November 25, 2012 at 3:09 PM



Hello Wonderful Peeps!

So it's that time of year again, when the music everyone loves to love is played - for hours on end, when the red and green and gold is strewn everywhere, and when the massive baking and eating begins! Every year. for about the past ten years or so, my friend and I have had great fun throwing a Christmas Cookie Swap. For those who have never attended one, a cookie swap is a party in which each attendee brings a dozen homemade cookies for each other attendee of said party, and then you swap! My kids always love it because Mom always comes home with several dozen brightly wrapped cookies that they promptly dig into. Anyway, this year's Swap is coming up soon and I'm looking for new recipes.  If you are willing, please share your all time favorite, tried and true homemade cookie recipe and maybe we can do a virtual swap here! I'd love to see what others enjoy baking in different parts of the nation and from other countries. One of mine is below:


Chocolate Covered Cherry Cookies

1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
½ cup butter or margarine, softened
1 cup sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon baking soda
1 egg
1 ½ teaspoons vanilla
48 undrained maraschino cherries (about one 16-ounce jar)
6 ounces semisweet chocolate pieces (not imitation)
½ cup sweetened condensed milk

In a bowl, combine flour & cocoa; set aside. In a large mixing bowl, beat butter on high about 30 seconds, until softened. Add next four ingredients and beat until well combined. Add egg & vanilla; beat well. Gradually add flour mixture.

Shape into one inch balls ; place on ungreased baking sheet. Press down on center of each ball with thumb. Drain cherries, reserving juice. Place one cherry in each indented cookie.

In a small saucepan, combine chocolate pieces and condensed milk. Heat until chocolate is melted; stir in 4 tsp. of cherry juice. Spoon about 1 tsp of frosting over each cookie, covering cherry. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. Cool on wire rack. Makes 48 cookies. 


...or cookies.


Replaying fights/arguments in our heads

Sunday November 25, 2012 at 1:51 PM

Do you guys tend to play those scenes over and over and over in your head, thinking what you should have said (in order to win the argument) or what you will say and stuff? WHY can't I stop doing it? It's certainly not healthy, 'cause it's eating me alive. Like, I had the former BFF argument (ambush) two months ago, and I still reenact it in my head. Probably because at some point I'll have to confront her about it, but, still. This can't be normal. How common is it though?

"Oh look, I'm all serious and geeky and ****"" "And I'm still jawyous and with her" FYT


My Ship Will Go On

Sunday November 25, 2012 at 12:29 PM

I want to talk about something really sad and awful and completely tragic... Ships that will never be. i want to know who and what you ship, is it a couple from a movie? Two actors or singers destine to only be friends? You think these two would be perfect for each other and when you see them you wonder why are they not out somewhere making babies. but in your heart of hearts you know that it's never gonna happen but you don't care you're going to ship them anyway. Let's dedicate this campfire to them come inside and share yours

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Please help me find a copy of BHPP&PC

Sunday November 25, 2012 at 12:28 PM

Hi I am sorry to ask for this but a while ago I was reading, Broken Headboards, Power Panties, and Penis Charms by Nyddi , but then it got pulled from .

I've been searching for a complete version of this story for a while I really loved it , but I haven't found it.

If you have a complete version of it, please send it to me .

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