
Missing Disabledward

Saturday February 2, 2013 at 9:48 PM

Does anyone have a copy of C56 by ss10 to share? I've been enjoying a reread of In the Blink of an Eye and now I really want to read C56 again. Thanks!

In the Blink of an Eye » New Moon AU. Bella went cliff diving but it didn't turn out well. She broke her back. A decade later, Edward reappears in her life on the same night she loses her best friend and husband to a freak accident. She's not thrilled to see him. Eventual E/B
Twilight, M, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 69, words: 240k+, favs: 2k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 1/5/10 published: 8/26/08, Bella & Edward


Give me Four NOW!!!

Saturday February 2, 2013 at 2:31 PM

So the waiting game for who will play four in divergent is getting old fast we want to know and seriously things inside the divergent tag on tumblr are getting pretty violent

and by violent i mean I'm pretty sure if people don't stop complaining about and bashing Alex Pettyfer I'm pretty sure one of those fans from his tag is gonna stab one from divergent in the eye with an old rusty spoon.

i mean but seriously every time i hear he might be cast as four i want to crawl into a hole and cry i swear that boy just can't act at all i don't care how hot he is or that if he does get cast I'd still stalk him when they start filming here in Chicago in April he just can't act


so come inside and give me your four or any cast member, heck lets just talk about the book itself i don't care, i don't get to talk about this with anyone so i have so many feels i can't share with anyone like why the hunger game fans have so much hate for these books (i don't get it at all i love both series)


anyhow I'll leave my choice for four inside.... :( come chat with me


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Running in my underwear?!

Saturday February 2, 2013 at 2:03 PM

Hello campers!

So, next weekend, I am participating in this: 

Cupid's Undie Run, which raises money for the Children's Tumor Foundation (and involves running outside in your underwear in February!)  The goal my team has is to raise $1000 for this organization, and we are pretty close! This fandom has done amazing things for charity, so I figured that I would ask if anyone would like to donate! If you would, please comment and I will PM you the fundraising link.  No matter what, please cross your fingers that I do not completely freeze my butt off.

I know I'm not a huge particiant here, but I always love looking and feeling part of such an amazing fandom.  You are all great ladies (and gentleman), and I'm privledged to be a part of it.  

Rangers, if this isn't acceptable, please let me know and I'll take it down! Thanks.


So Excited!!!

Saturday February 2, 2013 at 1:42 PM

So, a lady I know asked me to take some photos of her, for a job that she is looking into.


I'm so excited and nervous at the same time.  I am an okay photographer but my muse and subject is my daughter.  I've never really taken pictures of someone other than family and kids.  


It will be an outdoor setting as well.....I'm worried I'll mess it up.


I also don't know what to charge!! (I've been told by a few to charge as if I don't, no one will take me seriously and always ask for free photos).


TIA  :)  


HeavyMetal Ballad request

Saturday February 2, 2013 at 12:43 PM

I've been put in the mood for some heavymetalballads since going to my son's hockey games(won last night 11-1 with J getting a hat trick, thank you very much!). I don't have any metal knowledge but the song I really want I think is by Metallica and has a verse somethin' like: "Never be, never see....bla,bla,bla...inside me...bla,bla,bla" I'm sure I'm butchering it but if it's like a classic and I'm a moron for not knowing let a girl in on the title. If you don't know this song but know a great metal ballad similar to Metallica,etc. give me a rec for it. In the deep cold of the Charleston winter I need a good pick me up. How you girls up North crawl out of bed is beyond me. Anyway, back to itunes and my search. Thanks in advance.


Morality In Fiction Question

Friday February 1, 2013 at 11:21 PM

I have a question inspired by some things I read recently. I'll have to put my examples in the comments because they're a little spoilery for The Twelve and The New Hunger but I'm sure relate to other books as well. It's a question relating to acceptable social mores and stretching them in fiction. Do come and chat? I'd love to hear what other people think of this.

This pic is tangentially related (consider it a hint):



Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters

Friday February 1, 2013 at 10:59 PM

Is anyone, ANYONE, as excited about this as me?!!!! Vampire Academy was option for a movie a really long time ago and now it's scheduled to start filming this summer! I really have been waiting for ever for this. First the movie will be called  Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters. And, the guy who wrote Heathers, Daniel Waters, and his brother, Mark, the guy who directed a little movie called Mean Girls are in on the project. David has written the script and Mark is set to direct it. Also Rose, Dimitri, and Lissa have been cast (pictures below and they actually picked a Russian actor to play Dimitri!)

Interesting fact Zoey Deutch is the daughter of Lea Thompson, Back to the Future, Lea Thompson! So a Heathers, Mean Girls, and Back to the Future connection.

Okay so lettuce discuss, if you are a fan like me!


There is no Vampire Academy tag...why?! Also I have tagged it as Demetri, but if you are a VA fan you know Dimka's name is spelt Dimitri, with i's instead of e's!


Sister advice wanted

Friday February 1, 2013 at 9:38 PM

I'm a step sister. As married step dad with 3 very close daughters when I was 14 and I'm suddenly an only child with 3 step sisters. They never accepted me as a sister and it's all I ever wanted.

Flash forward to our thirties. All three blood sisters are very close. I'm still.... not. I am not good at developing family relationships because my own family is pretty screwed up. For the last 18 years, I haven't gotten close to my step sisters.

Anyways... it's "Sisters Week" apparently. My step sister posted this sister quote on Facebook and tagged her other sisters but not me in it. Lame. immature. I know. I can't help it but I'm PISSED. All 3 of them have gotten married in the last 2 years and I've been a bridesmaid in each of the weddings but they can't tag me in a sister quote on Facebook?! 

So what do I do?! This isn't the first time I've seen stuff like this on Facebook, and it might not be the last. It's upsetting to me and I'm not good at conveying my feelings to people. 

I need some advice. Please help.



Calling Mommy Campers!

Friday February 1, 2013 at 9:37 PM

I need from help from my fellow mommy campers. I have a precocious 8 month old that began rejecting her formula after she started eating solid food. I breastfeed her, but supplement with formula during the day because I have never been able to pump more than a few ounces. She drinks water from her sippy cup (with assistance) and eats three meals a day, and the number of poopy and wet diapers she has tells me she is not dehydrated. More importantly, she is a healthy weight. What's the problem you ask? She still hasn't slept through the night. 33 weeks after her arrival, this mommy has yet to sleep more than 5 hours, and that's on a rare good night. Her pediatrician suspects she is reverse cycling - making up for the calories she is missing during the day by nursing all night.

The ped suggested cutting back on her food so that she is hungry for a bottle. I tried that one day - she came home from the sitters starving and fussy because her food was cut back and she still only drank 2 oz of her bottle. I caved and sent her normal amount of food to the sitters the next day. 

Should I drop the bottle and focus on getting her used to a sippy cup? Is there another way she can get the calories she needs during the day so she isn't waking up 2-3 times per night? Her normal pattern is to nurse around 9, then 12-1, 2-3 and get up around 5:30 for the day.

Has anyone had a similar experience? I would appreciate any and all tips, suggestions and words of wisdom. I love my daugher more than I ever imagined possible, but I am teetering on the edge due to the bone crushing exhaustion I feel each and every day. I have tried co-sleeping, but she won't nurse laying down and generally will not settle down at all if I try to lay with her. I have tried to have my husband give her a bottle and she just screams until I come nurse her. Needless to say, I'm exhaused and desperate for to try anything within reason to get a full night's sleep. 

Lucky for her, being cute covers a multitude of sins ;)


What Moves You?

Friday February 1, 2013 at 8:53 PM

I recently found out about this movie in the making and had to share:

Be Brave

Bursting with unquenchable curiosity and a boundless love for life, Daniel Northcott was a one-of-a-kind filmmaker. Barely 20, he set out on a decade-long quest to travel the world, spreading his infectious enthusiasm across four continents and dozens of cultures. Through ruins and cities, war zones and sacred sites, he captured each precious moment on camera with an eye for colorful characters of every age and description.

In April of 2007, Dan’s journey led him to a greater adventure than he had ever imagined. Despite warnings of an ancient curse, he brought home a bone from a sacrificial Mayan burial cave in Yucatán, and just months later he was diagnosed with leukemia – cancer of the bone marrow.

When Daniel learned 8 years into his film project that he had only months to live he began a race to complete his unfinished film. Amazingly, he continued to document every detail of the roller-coaster ride that followed —from the doctor delivering the crushing news to every intense medical procedure, losing his hair, and intimate moments with friends and family.

With over a thousand hours of footage and no energy or time left he made a 40-minute sketch of the film he dreamed to make and left the footage in his will to his sister Erin Northcott. His last wish was to request she oversee the completion of his legacy, his film.


To find out more about this project, please click here.
I'm not a crier on any level but the trailer for this had me tearing up, probably because it's such an amazing thing that his sister is doing for his memory.
So how 'bout you, campers? What causes have inspired you to donate/volunteer/spread the word/contribute in some way? Do you have any personal connections to the cause or were you inspired by the actions of a stranger?

I'm a 12 yr old in an adults body

Friday February 1, 2013 at 8:04 PM

Ok Ladies...what brings out the 12 yr old boy in you? What totally innocent things make you do a double take and then giggle? What makes your brain take a detour through the gutter?

Show and tell so we can all see..... and explain if need be.

I saw this the other day in a parking lot and it made my mind go places other than the manufacturers intended.


It's a Pontiac Vibe.....all I could think was...."must be a woman who drives that"


Need help with my computer!

Friday February 1, 2013 at 7:28 PM

I had to press the reset button on my pc while my microstorage device (4.0GB) was plugged in because my computer just froze, I couldn't safely remove the storage device.

I turned my computer on and now I can't load the storage device. It has all the pictures/scans I was editing. My computer wouldn't let me safely remove after the reboot so I pulled it out. A window popped up about formatting drive f and that I shouldn't have removed the storage device...

Is there a way to recover my pics/scans. I'm kind of freaking out right now. I don't have any back ups. :(

Thanks for any help. 


New Trailer!

Friday February 1, 2013 at 4:22 PM

More vampire movie excitement!

So the other day I posted a still from Only Lovers Left Alive. Today there's a new trailer for Byzantium:



I think this trailer looks amazing. Someone in the other campfire mentioned they hadn't heard of Byzantium so here's some info:
Directed by Neil Jordan (The Crying Game).
Starring Saoirse Ronan (The Host), Jonny Lee Miller (Elementary), Caleb Landry Jones (X-Men: First Class), and Gemma Arterton.
Two mysterious women seek refuge in a run-down coastal resort. Clara meets lonely Noel, who provides shelter in his deserted guesthouse, Byzantium. Schoolgirl Eleanor befriends Frank and tells him their lethal secret. They were born 200 years ago and survive on human blood. As knowledge of their secret spreads, their past catches up on them with deathly consequence.
And a bit of fun trivia:
A rising Irish actress has confounded musical experts after learning to play a complicated Beethoven piano sonata in just 12 weeks.
Saoirse Ronan, 17, from Co. Carlow, Ireland, had never played the piano before but she was asked to play the role of a music-loving vampire in Byzantine.
Director Neil Jordan was left 'speechless' when she performed the difficult 'Piano Sonata Opus 2, No. 3' instead of miming her part in one scene. (God, I love her!)
Okay, so to make this interactive: What do you think of this trailer? What are some of your favorite not so romantic vampire movies? Anyone going to the movies this weekend? If so, what are you seeing? Or just post some of your favorite trailers!

Love Well Spent

Shepherd love

Friday February 1, 2013 at 1:26 PM

I love German Shepherds.

I believe they are one of the best breeds out there.

I'm seriously considering adopting a Shepherd from a rescue after I graduate college in December and once I get a steady job. I've already saved up quite a bit of money from my summer jobs and babysitting (I've been thinking about getting a dog for a while, haha) Anyways, I've never had a GSD before so I would love it if any of you lovely Shepherd owners could let me know what to expect. I'm not getting a puppy, instead I think I'll get an older Shepherd around 2-3 years old. I also would love to make him/her a therapy dog, but we'll see. Can't plan too much yet!

Do you have any great stories about your Shepherd that you'd like to share? 

Or any pet! (doesn't have to be a Shepherd)

Also, to make this more interactive: What's your favorite dog breed and why?

Shetland sheepdogs are my other favorite breed, I grew up with two of them. :)



My life is a fic...

Friday February 1, 2013 at 12:16 PM

Have you had moments where you think, this is too ridiculous, this should be in a fic?  Or maybe it's a good moment.  Have you had that perfect romantic moment where the music swells just as the sun is setting and you get that amazing kiss and then...your leg pops?  :) 



Okay, it doesn't have to be that cheesy or whatever.  Just come in and share your amazing/ridiculous/swoon-worthy/face-palming moments.  

As for me?  My life is feeling a little fic-like lately.  My husband got his groove on with inappropriate would-be suitor...or something.  I'll share an update on my work awkwardness in the comments. :)



Okay, so it wasn't this intense but any excuse for angry Edward is a good one, right?  ;)


Baby Name Help

Friday February 1, 2013 at 11:54 AM

My hubs and I can't agree on a name for our little girl who will arrive in 8 to 10 weeks. It's come down to:

If she has brown hair when she's born she will be Natalie.

If she has blonde hair when she's born she will be Emily.

If she had red tones she will be Madelyn.

(kidding but only sort of. And son is reddish blonde, daughter is brown)

I like them all but prefer Madelyn or Natalie better than Emily. Prefer nicknames of Maddie, or Emi better than Nat.

Wonder if Madelyn is too popular now but it's my current fave....I think. Gah it's so hard!

Your pick of the three?

And just for fun, my latest belly shot - 30 weeks - ala bathroom. I'm up 12 lbs. Mostly boobs and baby.

HA HA when I clicked on the campfire after I posted, it elongated my picture to make me look thinner than I am. Me likey LOL


ADF Fit Club - Week 14

Friday February 1, 2013 at 11:41 AM


Hey all!


Come and share your losses, gains and anything else!


Your challenge for the week - Inspiration. Come and tell us what is inspiring you to lose weight. Tell us how you get inspired. Inspire someone else. Use pictures, stories, gifs etc.


Or for something more practical like the exercise-avoider like me, show me an inspirational exercise video to make me do something. I tried a core strengthening class this week and genuinely thought I might have torn my intestines open or something.


Blurb Help

Friday February 1, 2013 at 11:24 AM

Yeah, so this is me right now.


For some insane reason, I did NaNoWriMo and completed my first orginal fiction novel. It's now with an editor (yay!), but now is the hard part--writing the book blurb.

It's driving me nuts! I've narrowed it down to two versions. Can you help me by taking a peak and letting me know, which one grabs your attention the most?

Blurbs are inside.



Hey! FFA!

Friday February 1, 2013 at 10:23 AM

It's the FFA

have at 'er.

keep your nudes off the front page

shut yer filthy mouth up in front, too

whatcha been up to?



What the Fic?! 2/1

Friday February 1, 2013 at 8:45 AM

First --- | >> | 498 | 499 | 500 | 501 | 502 | 503 | 504 | 505 | 506 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
