
Saturday February 9, 2013 at 12:33 PM

The situation has been resolved & the stories were pulled. Thank you to everyone who helped report, email and spread the word.




I've been posing this everywhere, trying to get people to send in reports. The plagiarism was discovered Wednesday morning and despite numerous reports, the stories are STILL posted.\

Five days now.






It was brought to my attention when Emme MG said on Faceboook she had found this story was a direct copy of a book on Amazon.

Melinda Otteson Gray mentioned that the other stories on the profile seemed suspicious because they were posted in such a short time period.

So, I searched for lines in her other stories and almost all of them were plagiarized, too. Christag Banners, Kelly Trobaugh, and Unimaginative Olena helped me find the ones I couldn't locate. There was only one story on the profile we could not find elsewhere, but it's about 50% copyrighted song lyrics. I've been contacting the real authors to let them know. The authors have all been very kind and understanding, and grateful to the community for their efforts to report.

This situation has continued since Wednesday morning, the 6th, despite multiple reports to FFN. Thursday, we reported another plagiarizer, and the stories were removed within hours. However, those authors were from the big publishing houses. Yeah, I'm a little cynical about that particular speedy response and the fact that books from indie authors didn't receive the same prompt attention.

I'm asking that you add your voices to the mix. Hopefully, if we can get enough complaints, we can get this situation rectified. To report the story, click on the plagiarized version in the links below. On the bottom left, there is a pull-down menu which allows you to report abuse. When the box pops up, select the option which states the story is not the property of the uploading user. Then, paste the URL of the real author's story in the box so they can easily confirm the plagiarism. You need to report each story individually, unfortunately. FFN does not have an option for simply reporting a user. You can report the story as many times as you like.

You can also send an email to Put the tag "[Abuse]" in the subject field. You could include my list below to save time. Please note in your email that these are COPYRIGHTED stories being stolen and some of the authors are considering legal action if they're not removed promptly. Again, this situation has persisted for more than 72 hours, and FFN can find themselves legally culpable if they did not act to remove copyrighted material after they were made aware of it.


This is the plagiarizer's profile:

1. “This One was Just Right” is stolen from She’s Just Right by Diane Darcy

2. “An Unexpected Event” is stolen from Sophia Sharp

3. “Second Chances” is stolen from The Doctor Wears a Stetson by Anne Marie Novark

4. “Vampire Lover Book 2” is stolen from Night Breed by Loraine Kennedy

5. “Angel Eyes” is stolen from The Ylem by Tatiana Vila

6. “The Edge of Darkness” is stolen from Shades of Twilight by Martin Sharlow.

7. “Are You Going to Kiss Me or Not” is stolen from Tuned into Love by Karen Jerabek:

8. “Outlaw” is Indian Outlaw by Lorraine Kennedy

9. “The One” is stolen from Vampire Mine by Paige Warren

10. “My Vampire Lover” is stolen from Born to Darkness by Loraine Kennedy

11. “Dream Guy” is stolen from Meant To Be by Tiffany King

12. “Shades of Twilight” is stolen from Jayden’s Faith by Emma Daniels:

13. “Haunted Cottage” is stolen from Ghost of a Chance by Emma Daniels

14. “The Cursed Canyon: is stolen from Lost and Found by Lori Devoti

15. “Bella and the Royal Sheikh” is stolen from The Royal Sheikh by Katheryn Lane.


There is also a new group on FFN devoted to finding and reporting plagiarism. They need new member because they're swamped with reports:


FFN problems?

Saturday February 9, 2013 at 10:45 AM

Is anybody else having trouble with updates today?

I've received a dozen or so notifications of updates but the chapters do not appear to exist on FFN. All I get is an error message:

Chapter not found. Please check to see you are not using an outdated url.

New chapter/story can take up to 15 minutes to show up


Recs (which should have updated today!)

The Lake House by quietdrabble: Life turned out nothing like expected for Isabella Marie. A trip to Seattle, she can't explain, led her to buy a book she'll never read, a book she could have easily written because she was there sixteen years ago. Memories morph into reality again when Isabella is finally faced with the ghost of her past. Will she find the answers she seeks, or will disappointment lie ahead?

The Witch of Calawah River by Angels of Twilight: In the late 1600s, hundreds of men and women were hanged, burned, and drowned because the people of Salem thought they were witches. This is the story of one half-breed who survived her hanging, and how she found the will to trust in society again. How do you live knowing everyone either wants to use you or wants you dead? A/U.

Across the Lines by losttwisisters: Bella meets Edward, but what she does know not who he is and what he does. But Edward knows the lines that he's crossing when he makes the decision to be with her. Many factors are against them. Will their love be enough? or will the lines be too strong?


Still looking...

Saturday February 9, 2013 at 10:44 AM

Hi everyone! I asked about this fic that's been bugging me in the help desk but couldn't find my answer, so I thought I'd try again since it's free for all...

The story was in a foreign country with a spy Edward and I think a journalist Bella(?). They were in a war zone and staying in a safe house. I remember Edward reading Pride and Prejudice while they were in the house one afternoon. In one scene Edward goes to speak on the pay phone to another agent. Towards the end Edward and Bella get caught in a bombed building by the enemy or soldiers and Edward gets shot... I think the story was pulled but not I'm not sure.

I'm sorry it's pretty vague and confusing but if anyone remembers the name or the author that would be great.


Thanks in advance.


To Destroy
Author: walkingwithgiants PM
In the words of Abe Lincoln, "The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend." Bella works for a man that makes her teeth grind. "My boss is an asshole," she cried.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Bella & Edward - Chapters: 30 - Words: 68,189 - Reviews: 1,492 - Favs: 1,199 - Follows: 1,788 - Updated: 12-25-12 - Published: 10-25-11 - id: 7493279


Kindle Frustration. Grr

Saturday February 9, 2013 at 8:59 AM

Is it free for all? I don't know if this is allowed so feel free to throw leafy leaves at me if it's not... 


I just got one, sort of, and I'm clueless. It took me twenty minutes to get it to turn on, and the wire is dodgy, so I'm sitting here holding it in, willing the little battery to fill up. 

I signed into amazon, have the email address all set up, but it doesn't have the word FREE in it, and have sent myself via wi-fi some books, aka "personal documents."

Now, I'm freaking out, will I get charged for this? 

I googled, and googled, and everyone keeps saying it has to have FREE in the email adfress for it to actually be free. But it doesn't, and it won't let me make one. 


To contradict that, it also says, I only get charged if I want to convert files? And I don't... 

So... Can anyone help and ease my mind, please? 


To make this interactive, what are the last five books you (read) put on your kindle, kobo, unicorn... ? *mine are inside*


Rec: Honest Liar by aWhiteBlankPage

Bella once told me that there was nothing braver than a flower growing through a crack in the sidewalk. I laughed because she was always giving feelings to things that don't feel. If she was standing next to me, I'd tuck the dandelion behind her ear. Or she'd blow on it and make a wish. A hundred wishes. Or maybe just one.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Romance - Edward & Bella - Chapters: 16 - Words: 47,254 - Reviews: 1,465 - Favs: 927 - Follows: 1,405 - Updated: 01-11-13 - Published: 06-26-12 - id: 8257657

Scrooge McDunk

Entertain Me

Saturday February 9, 2013 at 8:55 AM

So, I'm in the middle of a blizzard, stuck in the house, nothing to do but boring stuff I don't want to do like studying and housework.

To give me, and all the other snowbound campers, something to do, how about a "getting to know you" campfire?

WITH A TWIST! Instead of writing me your answers, show me! In pictures, gifs and videos. My answers will be inside.


1. Where are you? (Be as vague or specific as you want)

2. What was the last song that was stuck in your head?

3. Favourite movie of all time?

4. What book are you reading right now?

5. Show me your mood.


Pulled fics

Saturday February 9, 2013 at 7:36 AM

When I discovered that Dyedinwool had removed Lust on a Deathbed, her unfinished Miss my Lion and her whole account, I was really, really upset. I think that if you are going to publish your fic mainstream it makes sense and it’s acceptable (particularly if you finished it first), but this is a vamp story so rooted in Canon that it would be difficult to publish it. So, why? I looked on her (almost empty too) Livejournal and it made me think that religion has something to do with it (I may be wrong), but I just don’t see any contradiction with posting Twilight fanfiction and being a believer. Of course, content has something to do with it, but in this case there was nothing objectionable.

So the first question is: why would you pull a story, thus disappointing your readers, who might have reviewed, recced and pimped it? What demon moves you?

Now I was so lucky to get a copy of Lust on a Deathbed from a nice camper here and therefore I come to my second point, thus making this campfire interactive:

Would you share the best pulled stories you have copy of with other campers? If you have them in PDF or Epub please make a short list (between 5 and 10) of your faves and let’s share them. Ah, please be particularly nice and add a short summary and – of course - if they are AU/Supernatural or AH).

My list is posted inside.

(Free for all hasn’t been officially declared (?!?), but since this is all about sharing fics, I suppose my post is OK.)


ADF Fit Club - Week 15

Saturday February 9, 2013 at 6:17 AM


Welcome back!


Come on in and share your losses, gains and anything else!

I'm too exhausted to think of a challenge, so pop your ideas inside.



Friday February 8, 2013 at 10:57 PM

OK so it's no secret that I'd marry Grabadietcoke if we were 

A) on the same coast

B) not already married to some fabulous men


BUT she is my soulmate, regardless, and she is busy busy busy with real life crap that's all good. There's nothing for anyone to worry about.

She is, however, unfortunately unable to really participate in the fandom lately, and I think she needs a pick me up!

SO that being said, let's throw her some fandom love. PICS, GOSSIP, STUPID THINGS, things she might be missing.

She needs them right now! 

Show her anything to make her smile, as she makes me smile everyday.

Whatever you got, as I know we all love her. 


There's no place like home

Friday February 8, 2013 at 8:14 PM

Hey Forest! 

I've been MIA lately and I've missed being around.  

I'll save you all the boring details, but I've been up to my ears in work.  I've also been dealing with some big stuff regarding my middle son.  

He's almost 5.  He's been in a preschool program all year for children with all kinds of special needs.  He started attending for a noticable speech delay and lisp.  He's been making big strides with his speech - we've noticed great results already.  

To make a long story kinda short - his teacher asked to have an Occupational Therapist come in and do a motor assessment on him.  This seemed like a great idea as he's always had a hard time sitting still (he fidgets and wiggles), and too short of an attention span for a lot of concentrated fine motor work (like coloring - he has no patience for it, but will do things like manipulate playdough).

He "failed" the test.  Miserably.  

I have an appointment scheduled with our family doctor, and will be following up with the OT.  His teachers have been working with him on yoga and other activities that provide practice of "quality" movements (balancing, moving carefully and slowly). 

The thing that has me most concerned was the mention of the possibility of ADHD or other neurological problems.  It's all been really overwhelming.  

I normally wouldn't bring this stuff here, but I know there's some knowledgable ladies around that have discussed learning disabilities in the past here(moms, teachers, etc etc.). Any campers have any experiences with this stuff that they're willing to share?  I would love to hear from you. 



The night is made for sleeping

Friday February 8, 2013 at 7:36 PM

Hello ladies any help would be appreciated here,I was reading fanfic in the midlle of the night and due to my lack of sleep the name of the fanfic or author was forgotten,here is what I remember:
Bella was married toa a baseball player
She has a son
The husband leaves and give full custody of his son for Bella
The last scene that I remember they are in baseball camp watching a game(Dunno if the father kid is a playeror not,the cullen's are there) and the father sundelly appears demending seeing his son.
I know it's not much but thanks anyway.

Here a drabble I really like,

Diamond Doll's Kitty Cave

After graduation, smart mouthed Isabella Swan finds out her father's set her up in an arranged marriage. Not wanting to marry Jake and live on the res, she runs. In Chicago, she finds herself jobless—living with Alice. She seeks a job at a strip club. Edward Cullen calls her a child and tells her no—too bad NO isn't a word she likes. Birthday story for Silverblossom. AH/rated M



Friday February 8, 2013 at 5:53 PM

My son, Jon the amazing, is moving out of our house...or at least he's looking at houses with a realtor, already having been approved for a loan of a certain amout.  It's been a long time since I bought a home and I was wondering if those of you who have been through it recently could shed some light:

1.  What is a short sale and what are the problems associated with it.  I've heard they are more difficult to navigate than regular sales.

2. What are the pitfalls of buying a foreclosed home?

3. What if you've been approved for a loan of  x to xxx amount by a mortgage broker.  How much does one have to struggle if your buying price was closer to xxx than to the lower amount?

4.  Jon has a bedroom set and that's it.  What furniture/equipment is necessary and where can he get good value for his buck in buying such?


Moms have to be informed, don't ya know.



Friday February 8, 2013 at 3:48 PM

Hey Campers --

 photo da6738f1-3cd8-4d5c-80ce-b80243e70be9.jpg

Do you have time to send a quick postcard or note to a sick kid? Full story inside. :)

ETA: Thanks to everyone who responded. Apparently the internet works wonders and the family has been quite innundated with mail, so I won't be sending the address to anyone who replies after crashed jewel. However, please let me say that I appreciate each and every one of you who has responded and please, do feel free to send something if you've got her address already. The Forest is such a lovely place!



Friday February 8, 2013 at 3:17 PM


Okay, I don't know about you, but while I am reading or watching movies, I sometimes think to myself, 'that guy's a Slytherin', or 'she would make a great Hufflepuff'.

I am might be crazy.

So let's have a little fun and sort some of our favorite fictional characters into one of the four Houses. Support your decision. Feel free to agree or disagree.

Mine will be inside.


It's going to be a long weekend for some of you in the Northeast. Have some fun before Nemo hits.

BTW, WTF Weather Channel? Nemo?

Nemo is this

Not this not even remotely cute mass of clouds



What the Fic?! 2/8

Friday February 8, 2013 at 11:41 AM


Baby, it's cold outside

Thursday February 7, 2013 at 7:21 PM

So let's say that, hypothetically, you live in the Northeast US states and are about to get pummeled by a massive blizzard.

Assuming that you have everything you need- family is safe, basic foodstuffs, electricity, and heat- what is the one thing you want or need to help you cope?

Be creative or be realistic

Show me or tell me

Melissa Cullen


Thursday February 7, 2013 at 7:07 PM

I'm posting the watchalong tonight because Bexi asked me to.  And also she pays me in Damon.  ;-)


Shirtless Damon, fmt and because there hasn't been enough of this lately


And a little Elijah because I miss him




Book Club

Thursday February 7, 2013 at 2:41 PM

Hi :)

So me and my friend just started a book club :D it's a very casual, online, once a month-ish thing, but I'd love it if other's fancy joining :)

(image is a link to the blog)

Even if you don't post anything, there'll be book reviews and things :)

Anyway, to make this interactive, is anyone else part of a book club? Even something as small as this :)

Here's a rec (in case I need one), which I think I found on here actually, but it's so good. She writes all of her characters so well, and thinks of things that I'd never even imagined. Very, very good.

In the Blink of an Eye by thatwritr 
New Moon AU. Bella went cliff diving but it didn't turn out well. She broke her back. A decade later, Edward reappears in her life on the same night she loses her best friend and husband to a freak accident. She's not thrilled to see him. Eventual E/B


6 Degrees of Twilight

Thursday February 7, 2013 at 10:02 AM

'Want to play  a game' (in War Games Robot Voice)

I realized this morning that I'm 3 degrees from ROB! My brother worked on The Time Machine with Guy Pearce.

Cherry Jr met Peter Facinelli (and got his autograph) at the Twilight Event they held at PetCo Park a few years back. It was prior to Eclipse coming out + they ran Twilight + New Moon back to back

Are YOU any degrees from any of the cast?



Rangers: If this isn't interactive enough, let me know, tx


Mike was bitten

Thursday February 7, 2013 at 9:25 AM

 photo Of-Light-And-Darkness-Michael-Welch_zpsd3437e80.jpg

I had to post this. I'm laughing so hard.

I'm sorry for the film maker but I see Mike Newton transformed into a vampire and this is the banner a girl did for her fanfic. Like Mike Newton, The Van Helsing of Forks.

I don't know about you guys but this morning I wanted to have news about the cast of Twilight, so I checked Twilightish and I found a beautiful picture of BooBoo Stewart and one of Billy Burke. Come and see them inside.


What the Fic?! 2/7

Thursday February 7, 2013 at 5:46 AM

First --- | >> | 496 | 497 | 498 | 499 | 500 | 501 | 502 | 503 | 504 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
