
Own your words

Tuesday February 19, 2013 at 5:02 PM

Below is a link to a very interesting article. I had no idea that my words weren't really mine until Google said they were! This article lets us know exactly what's going on, how it works, and how to make sure that you are credited for your words on your blogs and articles.


Twilight Remake

Tuesday February 19, 2013 at 11:20 AM

Okay... So another CF.

If or when the remake of Twilight will be made, about which three actors you'll feel 'Thank God.. A different one.. Why couldn't they change them in original series also?' And about which three you'll feel, 'I can't imagine anyone else... I can't.'



Relacement is must:

1)Kristen Stewart

2)Jackson Rathbone

3)Kellan Lutz


Originals are best...

1)Robert Pattinson

2)Billy Burke

3)Anna Kendrick


What are your choices?


Jaw dropping O/Ss

Tuesday February 19, 2013 at 11:01 AM

I just read few & my head is spinning. lol

Please recommend more such O/Ss which make you go WTF!!!!


What the Fic?! 2/19

Tuesday February 19, 2013 at 8:26 AM


Beautiful Creatures talkalong

Tuesday February 19, 2013 at 2:02 AM

The Beautiful Creatures movie apparently came out this weekend. I am perpetually late to the party, and just purchased the books this weekend.

Quite frankly, I'm having a hard time getting into the story... can someone help me? Is it really worth continuing to read? Or should I just shove it off my kindle?

My initial problems are these:

It's set near Lake Moultrie, in South Carolina, and they say it is like their local swimming pool. Now, I know that some people swim down there, but it is such a bad idea. There are alligators, and they love tasty arms and legs. I have family that live near that area... and those redneck cousins of mine would line haybales with trash bags and fill them up with hose water before they would get out of a boat on the lake. 

The droppin' of every single ing. Why, WHY do people write southerners like this? We don't all drop our g's. And, even if we did, it makes for awful reading. It just doesn't add to the story, and when people from the north try to write southern accents it is just wrong.

And, the character talks about how everyone around that area under the age of sixty calls the Civil War "The War Between the States" or "The War of Northern Aggression." No, no we don't. Are there racists in the Deep South? Yes. But it is a stereotype that many of us born and raised here hate, and want to grow out of. I have never known anyone in my family that ever called the Civil War anything but that. I just think it is a way to marginalize southerners, and there are better ways to express the culture of the South.


So, guys, help me. Should I stay or should I go? If it is a really great story, and it's about to suck me into a beautiful alternate world, I'll keep at it.


If you could...

Monday February 18, 2013 at 11:37 AM

Ever get the feeling like you're supposed to be living somewhere else? That your life is so stagnant that you are constantly dreaming of packing up all your things and moving to that ONE place that you've always wanted to live?

Where would you go?!

For me, I'm getting the naging feeling to move south again. Like, Florida south. I'm obsessed with Disney and I could just see myself moving close by and spending my days off here:


Is that a crazy idea?! Maybe.

Tell me where you would go. Show me pictures, because if you've ever dreamed of living somewhere else then you know you have pictues!

Tell me what's holding you back. What reasons have you found that you can't fullfill this dream of yours!?

Tell me why I should go. Or why the other campers that post should go! Maybe all it'll take is a few encouraging words from some online friends to help motivate someone to fianlly go after their dream!



And if anyone lives in Florida please tell me what you love about it, and hate about it, and why I should move there to be closer to Mickey!


Approved by the wonderful Twitter Ranger....



FSOG, even on my small island

Monday February 18, 2013 at 10:18 AM

So, the other teachers at my school are crazy over it, constantly talk about Christian and how they imagine him to be (nothing like Robert Pattinson) etc etc etc. I couldn't keep my mouth shut. Problem is there are too many things bothering me with this I'm extremely inarticulate when it comes to explaining why. No matter how I feel about P2P, if some well-written stories got published it would help our reputation as Twific readers. I was trying to find any articles explaining its background and why some of us don't like it in simple English, but I haven't managed to. I did find these two articles (links tweeted by miaocuancha) quite interesting though: 1 and 2



And I thought Twilight was bad...

Monday February 18, 2013 at 9:30 AM

So I saw Beautiful Creatures on Friday. My review is inside, spoilers in white.

To make this interactive, and to foreshadow my review:
Have you ever been horribly disappointed when a film (based off one of your favorite books) just didn’t measure up? What film?
Is there a certain book that you hope is never made into a movie, since Hollywood seems inept at transitioning a story from page to screen?


The slave who wouldn't obey » by Milk40 
After a terrible shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea, Isabella Swan, marquise de Courville, her two best friends and her loyal servants are rescued, but only to become slaves and serve the Volturi brothers, three men with very dark desires. Will Edward let Bella suffer in their hands or will he try to save her? On what side does he stand ? All Human. Domward. Canon pairings.


What the Fic?! 2/18

Monday February 18, 2013 at 9:29 AM


Happy Monday

Monday February 18, 2013 at 9:11 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

mo kagen

Monday Sneak Peek !

Monday February 18, 2013 at 7:07 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post something about your upcoming chapters here

excerpt / pictease / music / poem / banners

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~



Sunday February 17, 2013 at 10:38 PM

So I'm watching Abduction. Has anyone else seen this? What did you think if you did? I'm scared because everyone has warned me about it and I keep hearing how bad it is. It's still FFA right?


New Frands??

Sunday February 17, 2013 at 10:07 AM

Hey guys!

so as you might recall, a few months ago I wascstressingbabout a cross country move to San Francisco. Well, it's over and done with. We made it about three weeks ago and are finally getting settled. I start work on Wednesday and we're slowly getting unpacked.

The only downside is right now, I'm only hanging out with my husband, his co-workers and my cats. I'm not going to lie. I'm really lonely and it sucks.

Any campers in the Bay Area have a fic group or something that gets together? Or anyone out here want to get together? I need to interact with more people!



Sunday February 17, 2013 at 3:33 AM

Hi campers!!

I just (and by just I mean right now) joined the fantastic world of flickr....

I'm a bit late I know, but is any of you up there? Wants to be friends?

my nickname inside the comments!



Saturday February 16, 2013 at 4:51 PM

"You're a makeout walrus!"

Californian Lost In NY

Saturday February 16, 2013 at 4:24 PM

Hey Campers!

I recently moved to NY for grad school. EEK!

I've been here a month and its been great.

I've learned how to take public transportation to and from the local Target! Woo hoo!

However, I'm getting a bit of cabin fever as I don't know where to go and haven't made many new friends on campus.

So...any New Yorkers want to meet up and show me around?




Saturday February 16, 2013 at 3:14 PM

Call me a cynic, but I couldn't care less about the dancing. In fact, I find it not only uninteresting, but also, unappealing? idk. idgi. Pretty cute Rob at the end though

All By Myself...

Saturday February 16, 2013 at 10:09 AM

So I just signed a lease on a new apartment. I move the first of April. Kind of exciting, right? But mostly I'm feeling like this:

 photo nervous-woman-cartoon_zps92da9e88.jpg

It's the first time I'll be living completely alone, no family, no roommate. I don't really see myself as an "alone" kind of person, so I'm freaking out a little bit.

Please come and tell me all the reasons why I'm going to LOVE living alone!


What the Fic?! 2/16

Saturday February 16, 2013 at 8:24 AM


Cheap Book Recs

Saturday February 16, 2013 at 8:01 AM

My Kindle Daily Deal email today tells me that the 4 books in the Beautiful Creatures series are each just $2.99 for today only.  I haven't read them, but at that price, I'll download them for sure.

In the weekly rec post, there was some discussion about the love some of us have for free and cheap kindle/nook books.  I am definitely one of those people.  I'll have some recs on the inside, please come and rec some more! 

First --- | >> | 493 | 494 | 495 | 496 | 497 | 498 | 499 | 500 | 501 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
