
Breast Feeding for Dummies

Saturday February 23, 2013 at 10:07 PM

I'm the dummy and need your help. 

When my son was born 7 years ago via emerg c-section, I didn't get to see or hold him for 5 hours afterwards. I had a T incision (6 inches across and 8 up) and spent a lot of time in recovery. My son was breech (they didn't know) and because I have a family history of hip dysplasia he was sent for ultrasound and x-rays to check. In any case, when it came to nursing, I was sore, he was cranky and though I tried hard, he got a failure to thrive and my doctor pushed formula and being naive, I did it.

When my daughter was born, I had a planned c-section. I had plans to nurse her right away etc. She arrived 4 weeks early, breech and was sent for x-rays and ultrasounds as well. I was so proud of all round the clock breast feeding I did with her but she also got a failure to thrive :(  I supplemented with formula. Then I got a massive infection, was hospitalized and she refused to nurse after that.

This time, I am determined to make it work. I want it to work. But I honestly have no idea how it works. I wasn't educated enough both previous times - I thought it would just be easy.

Can you tell me the basics? Do I nurse both sides? how long per side? I don't even know if I burp in between? Help wanted please!!!!!

Thank you so much!


PS Just for fun: this is what a breech baby looks like after birth and for my kids, almost a week later LOL



Dissertation project

Saturday February 23, 2013 at 3:50 PM

Hey, guys. Some of you may have already seen this, but I thought I'd put it here anyway.

Basically, I'm in the middle of writing my dissertation, the topic of which is "Online Communication in YA Fiction Fandoms." For the research-part of my dissertation, I've designed an experiment that shows how people in fandoms communicate with each other online.

It's really simple: using tumblr, fandom-members spread my short survey through their fandoms in a pass-it-along type of model. The survey is short, and asks only what fandoms the participant feels they belong to, and for the title and author of a book recently recommended to them by a fandom member. Completely anonymous, and won't take more than a minute to complete.

The tumblr where I have the whole thing set up is called Dear Fandoms. It's open to all fandoms, not just books, and definitely not just YA.

If you have a minute to spare, I hope you'll check it out. I've been getting some amazing responses (close to 6,000 now, which is blowing my mind), and I'm really excited about how it's all turning out.

If you want to help spread the word, there are several things you can do:

  • You can just reblog the post, as many others have done.
  • You can tweet about it.
  • If you happen to be apart of other fandoms, don't hesitate to spread it there - that's the whole point of the thing.
  • If you frequent a book blog or forum, or something similar, feel free to make a post about it there, if you can and want to.

Honestly, you can put the link to this wherever you want. The further it spreads, the better. As long as there are fandom-members there, it's all good.

At the end of this whole thing, I'll be posting the results on the project-tumblr. Since I also ask where participants came across the survey, I'll be posting links (to the best of my abilities) to the places mentioned. It could be a great way to get some new readers to a site.

If you have any questions, just ask in the comments. I hope you'll check it out.

Thanks for your time, guys.


Young Celebrities!

Saturday February 23, 2013 at 10:38 AM

I'll Post Pics.

You Guess Who.

Posting A New Pic For Them.


Let's start with this:


Who Is That?

Come Inside And Play.

Share You Young Celebrities Pics, And Let Us Guess.


Parlez-vous francais?

Saturday February 23, 2013 at 8:52 AM

You guys – guess what?

I'm finalizing my application for the Erasmus program. That's a european program to promote student mobility – so basically I'm applying to study a semester abroad.

The main goal for me in this is to improve my French.
I studied French for four years in school but forgot most of it again. I realised just how awful my language skills are when I was in Africa last summer. It came back though – little by little but it's still not that great :(

I applied to Marseille/Aix en Provence, Bordeaux, Paris and (in case my French isn't good enough to attend a uni in France) Copenhagen. (I meant to apply to St. Denis on La Reunion (because, come on – how cool would that be?) but tbh – I'm still living at home, and while I've traveled on my own before, I have never actually fully lived on my own, so I guess I don't need to make it harder on myself than absolutely necessary ;) )
So for now it's actually a waiting game to see which uni takes me/where my superviser puts me. It's all very confusing.



So the main reason I'm posting this is: how do I improve my language skills?

I know all the basics in theory, so I don't really have to study about verbs etc – I guess I just need a lot of practice.
I know from experience that watching a movie in a different language or reading a book helps lots (it's how I improved my English – and now I'm at a point where I rarely even watch German movies anymore!). So I thought: oh well, just pick a dvd and watch it in French – but my main problem is that most of my dvd's don't offer French as an alternative language (there's bulgarian, turkish, italian... french? No -.-)
Are there any websites where I could maybe watch some movies or series online?
How about audio books? Any recommendations on there? Websites where I could download, or order them?



Does anyone have experience with Erasmus? Anyone from those cities? Any tips on how to pick up a language?
Is there anyone on here who's fluent and would/could look through my letter of application once I have to write that?
Or: have you had a similar experience? Moved to a different country? Was it hard for you to adapt?
Or (since I'm already procrastinating) come share some funny language barrier stories :)


(I tried to tag this, really I did, but it wouldn't let me :( ) ETA: apparently it worked after all oO


What the Fic?! 2/23

Saturday February 23, 2013 at 7:06 AM


Blast from the Past

Friday February 22, 2013 at 11:20 PM

Come one, come all and tell me stories of WHAT YOU WATCHED ON TV IN HIGHSCHOOL.


Yes, I may be watching Dawson's Creek at this VERY MOMENT!!!! Did you? Did you get caught up in the romance that SHOULD have been FOREVER - Dawson and Joey? not pacey and joey note.


OR, Noel and Felicity from one of the greatest shows on TV? No Ben! Just NO.


OR, Buffy and Angel?

Get in here and share stories about how you cried over them, laughed and then laughed more about how ridiculous they were at times. Tell me what you were addicted to at 17 and lets remember the times together, dudes.


Ask Robert...

Friday February 22, 2013 at 11:11 PM

Ok, so I've been thinking about this for a long time & decided to make a cf about it.


Ever since Twilight, Robert Pattinson's been firmly in the crosshairs of the fandom.


His every move, every word analyzed to death. What he's wearing. What he's drinking. Where he's going. How he walks. How he tries to runs. What he's saying. What he isn't saying.

All the photo shoots. 

All the interviews.

And still...even though the boy often runs on at the mouth, you know there are things you're dying to know that just never get asked.


So...what would YOU ask Robert?


My question is under the fold....


(this cf is for fun, so please play nice)


Vent!! :@

Friday February 22, 2013 at 9:22 PM

1. Here on the prairies, spring likes to tease you into thinking it's coming, and then winter will be all like, "No way, spring! We're going all the way back down to -40!"

I just want it to be spring summer!!

2. I'm currently full-time at a crappy company with some great people (crappy management, crappy jobs, though). I had an interview with another company, and turned down the job offer out of panic, because I didn't want to break the news to my boss (who is awesome).


3. I graduated from post-secondary. Barely. I should've graduated with a highish 80's average, only graduated with an 81 average. Most of this has to do with the fact that I had a horrible last semester (best friend's younger brother passed away, boy led me on (on and off) for the entire semester, played volleyball when I shouldn't have).

4. I moved to a new city for my job, and ended up moving in with a girl I went to high school with for a while, and I HATE it. She's a nice girl, but much too chatty for me, and her puppy is adorable, but a little brat! HE PEED ON MY BED ONE DAY. SERIOUSLY. AND! Her dad moved in for a week! And he didn't shower once! And he smokes like a chimney! IT SUCKED.

BASICALLY. I just wanted to vent, and misery loves company, SO JOIN IN!

Some hot, angry-looking Kellan Lutz to bring this boil down to a simmer...


Fashion Disasters

Friday February 22, 2013 at 7:04 PM







Celebs have enough money to hire someone to make sure they never look less than their best.  But apparently, having piles of money also means you can afford some spectacularly hideous outfits.

Realizing that we all have different tastes and opinions on what is or is not flattering, consider this CF a place to post pics of folks (famous or not) wearing outfits that make you think WTF?  Or, if you're REALLY feeling brave, share your own pics or worst fashion nightmare stories in the comments.



Good story, poor writing

Friday February 22, 2013 at 3:04 PM



Friday February 22, 2013 at 1:21 PM

so awhile back someone started a campfire talking about the all the different BD2 DVD's that were being released (deleted scenes, extended, etc) and now I can't find it. I'm looking to pre order my copy but I don't want to get screwed like I did with New Moon. Does anyone know the differences between Targets, Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, etc or have the link to that particular campfire.. thanks




RECs - both Complete 

Remember Me TomorrowWhat would you do if your dead best friend suddenly wasn't so dead anymore? After a life of abandonment, Bella finds her sanity slipping through the cracks, until this not so functioning adult receives a shock that may end up being deadly. *All human*



Nightingale - Intrepid Isabella Swan leaves England to seek her destiny in the New World as an indentured servant. Little does she know her physical but temporary servitude would soon lead to another kind of servitude altogether. Not a BDSM fic, or even close to it.



What the Fic?! 2/22

Friday February 22, 2013 at 8:10 AM



Thursday February 21, 2013 at 11:23 PM

i'm moving


i really hate moving. i have TOO MUCH STUFF

so this is your freeforall weekend announcement slash let's talk ish on moving.

i'm only moving a few blocks away and i'll actually be closer to disneyland and within walking distance to scotch target. bonus!

at&t can't be there until thursday next to install my internet. bogus!

so wtvoc will only be around as the free wifi at starbucks and mcdonald's will allow. i'll have my phone, but i won't be posting as much. booooooo

so anyway, give me advice on the stuff i'm gonna need to buy when i'm done moving on sunday and it's like THIS SHOWERHEAD SUCKS and OMG HOW DO WE NOT HAVE ENOUGH TRASH CANS and stuff like that.

basically, tell me what i can go buy tomorrow so i don't have to worry about it when i'm broken and tired and wanna do nothing but watch game of thrones on bluray and smoke a couple of really big bowls eat an entire bag of cheetos.


and for the freeforall, post whatever the heck you want. same rules always apply: no cursing or nsfw pics on the front page- keep that junk in the comments. and don't be a dick to other campers, please.

okay, get to it. 

one of my favorite movies of ever fyt:


Rob plays the guitar

Thursday February 21, 2013 at 7:12 PM

Unfortunately, I couldn't get the video to embed.  But you can watch it here.  (The article includes all kinds of speculation as to whether or not this was filmed the night KStew and Rob were supposed to be reconciling.  Who cares?  HE'S PLAYING THE GUITAR!)




How to make this interactive .... Hmmm.  What parts of you would you let Rob strum with those long fingers? Do you think Rob will ever have a real music career?  What do you think they're eating?

I have to admit that I REALLY like guitar-playing Edward Rob.

Melissa Cullen


Thursday February 21, 2013 at 6:51 PM

This is the place to come in and discuss tonight's episode, "Stand By Me."  And it looks like it'll be a good one since the end of last week's left me all

So tell me campers...will they really and truly kill of Jeremy?  How far over the edge would that send Elena?  Will Klaus and Caroline finally get together?  Will Bonnie ever die?  WILL ELIJAH FINALLY COME BACK AND SAVE THE DAY???  (Okay, I freely admit those last few are my own wishful thinking.  lol)


Come.  Discuss.  But know there be SPOILERS! up in here!

And just because it deserves another week on the front page

You're welcome.  ;-)

Diana Wolfskill

Privacy, Free Speech, Trolls & Our Community

Thursday February 21, 2013 at 2:43 PM

Okay, I am thinking today about the Violentacrez case and about the value set on privacy in our community.


 photo brutsch_violentacrez_zpsf9ff1dec.jpg
Hai there, Mr. Brutsch!


Michael Brutsch, known on Reddit as Violentacrez,  lost his job because of his disgusting posts. He moderated a group called "Chokeabitch" and blogged about having sex with his 19-year-old stepdaughter ...
That's just for starters.

Welllll, the guy was outed and now is unemployed.

It's an interesting case. 

What are your thoughts on online privacy,

here on ADF,

or just online in general?

Is this a freedom of speech case?

What about the women and girls whose photos

Brutsch posted without their

knowledge and consent?




Me, I post my d@mn picture and have Twilight memorabilia on my desk at work. 


(where the pic came from)


LJ Summers


Thursday February 21, 2013 at 10:56 AM



It's Thursday, which for me is a day where my To Do List - though shorter than it was on Monday (my BEST day) is looming with incipient deadlines.

What stresses you out? 

How do you cope?

Any good stress stories? 


For me?

I get stressed when I have a deadline. But that's a good stress and it helps me think.

I get stressed when there is a family crisis, and those kinds of stresses can bring on a mini panic attack.

I also get stressed when surprised. Even if it's a great surprise. The most embarrassing time when that happened was 6th grade when I won this huge award and didn't know it was coming. I started this horrible choking/crying combo that was so bad my teacher cleared out the entire classroom so I could sit with my mom and get my head together.




What the Fic?! 2/21

Thursday February 21, 2013 at 5:46 AM


What the Fic?! 2/20

Wednesday February 20, 2013 at 8:22 AM


silence is golden.

Tuesday February 19, 2013 at 7:12 PM

So, I've been thinking (and tweeting, as some may have seen) a little bit about the way people review. I love constructive criticism. Love it. I love knowing where people think I could've done better, or what does and doesn't resonate with a reader. I desperately want to get better as a writer, and as a result, all useful feedback is welcome.

But then there's those other reviews. The person who tells you you're "dumb," or that they "hate" your characters, or that you should die in a fire because your flawed characters are flawed. Or the review where you think ... but that didn't happen ... are they reviewing the story I wrote?





Here's my current philosophy in regards to reviewing:


There is absolutely nothing you need to say in a review that cannot be said graciously. And if you can't manage that, flounce quietly.


So ... what do you think?


Am I being naïve in my expectations? 


Writers - what do you want in a review? What's helpful? What's not?


Readers - when you're really upset by a chapter/story/character, how do you review? Also, if you write this review, how do you expect the author to respond to you?


Come talk to me inside. 


Let's play nice, too. No naming and shaming necessary.




Some recs for your time:


Beneath This SkyNineteen years ago, time unraveled. In a changed world, Bella fights to save a man from the past and a girl with no future. AU.


Marked IndeliblyFor 4 years they've been "the tattoo guy" and "the florist" to one another. When their paths finally converge can he help her heal from a painful past? Can she him? Em/R surrounded by a mixed cast of characters. Edward on call for comic relief. AH/AU


Two WeeksBased on 'One Week' by Barenaked Ladies. It's been one week since she looked at him, threw her arms in the air and said, "You're crazy." Edward is in trouble with his girlfriend and her parents. Will he learn to swallow his pride and overcome his fears? Will helping his sister through troubles of her own help Edward to face his? E/B, A/J This is their Much Ado About Nothing.

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