Anton M.


Tuesday October 1, 2013 at 9:28 AM

I don't always start campfires, but when I do

Tinky Winky.

I have no bloody clue as to how this campfire thing works, so if I break every rule ever (un)written, tell me. Imagine talking to a monkey—and then don't change anything.

Recently (no, not really, to think about it), I've found my attention drawn to (read: frustrated with) stories that sound promising but that I've had to stop reading for one reason or another. Authors' notes aside (Mrs. Brownloe's campfire a few weeks ago taught me a lot about that), I started to wonder if anyone else has fanfic deal-breakers. You've started to read a story that you've dropped, haven't you? What I wonder is—why? What are your pet peeves and deal-breakers? I can name some of my own, and you can (and should) disagree. The following, of course, is my personal opinion.

While I wouldn’t say I am against pregnancy in a fic (it depends, really), I’m a bit miffed if the protagonist acts like an idiot about it. I understand that there are difficult situations in life due to which you wouldn’t notice skipping a period. But I’ve reached a point where one mention of going on antibiotics (when she’s on the pill) makes me want to tear my hair out. And later, when the protagonist spends every morning retching on the bathroom floor, convinced it’s a stomach bug?

Kill me.

Reading about a protagonist who claims to be an introvert, someone who insists she loves to be alone yet continues to accept every invitation to every party ever had?

That being said, I feel it noteworthy that INTROVERT =/= SHY.

What’s up with referring to the heroine’s core? What in the world is being referred to? Sexual organ(s)? “Shaken to the core,” I get that. (Understanding does not imply liking it.) But referring to your (am I allowed to say it here?) as a core? In the next chapter, the protagonist finds out she’s a tree. Dendrochronology for the win.

Or does it actually make perfect sense, it's not being redundantly used and I’m just being a moron?

Please feel free to (dis!)agree. Passionately. Whatever the case, I'd be thrilled to hear opinions about characterisations and situations that you might've liked at first but found to be repetitive over time. Is there anything in particular that makes you stop reading? What are your deal-breakers?

(I feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh, well.)


The Daily Chew! 10/1

Tuesday October 1, 2013 at 8:27 AM


What the Fic?! 10/1

Tuesday October 1, 2013 at 8:26 AM


Fic Diving 10-1-13

Tuesday October 1, 2013 at 7:34 AM


Diving Deep for Fan Fic Treasures

There will be no fic-dive next Tuesday as I will be doing my own diving on the sunny beaches of Florida's Gulf Coast. The Good News is that I'll have and 18 hour road trip down and back to look for new treasures!  So hopefully, I'll have lots to share the following week!

This week I read 14 and found 4.

Soiled by bornonhalloween
Cleanliness is next to godliness, but not even the boss's daughter can stay unsoiled forever. The hot mechanic is gritty and gruff and avoiding her like the plague, so naturally he's all she wants. But would she be better off keeping her distance? Angsty ExB told in BPOV.

I am looking forward to hearing Edward's backstory.  This "princess" Bella is getting in over her head.

Point of No Return by NeedMyFix
"Nothing, Edward. Not a word. You broke my trust and completely shattered me in the process. It's left us at a point of no return." There's always a reason why people do what they do. There's always another side to the story.

I'm anxious to see how Edward spins his side of the story. Angsty. 

Bourbon and Cigarettes by RedShoes33193
Bella goes back home for one of her mother's ridiculous family dinners to meet her little sister's new boyfriend. What she doesn't expect is to already know him, well sort of. All Human. Mature.

Not as angsty as it sounds. Lemony. Looks like there is some drama coming from Bella's past. Few typos, but nothing that distracts.

The Princess and The Playboy by kymbersmith90
'Sure, she was hot, but I imagined her to be a pompous, stuck-up know-it-all who would more than likely be incredibly boring in bed, so as far as I'm concerned, she isn't worth my attention' Playboy Edward is in for the shock of his life when The Princess Isabella of Scotland is assigned to his flat at university. Based on the love story of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Cute story.  Looking forward to more.

Flashback Fic Dive:

The Bandits of Bennett Circle by samekraemer

The quiet neighborhood of Bennett Circle is being terrorized. When Edward Masen becomes the latest victim, he determines he's going to catch the culprits. Who he encounters in his quest isn't at all what he expected. AU/AH/OOC. Canon couples with a few surprises, but nothing too surprising. Rated M. It's a fun ride, I think. Full summary inside.

I love this gal's stories. I'm also a sucker for a Daddyward.

Remeber to Read, Review and tell them you found them here on ADF!

As always, thanks for your support and feedback!

I know!!!  No Tag!  Still getting an error.  :( Sorry.


Le Cry

Monday September 30, 2013 at 8:38 PM

So The Fictionators is gone.

Twilighted is vacant and lonely.

Kellmett Happens is gone.

Don't think I've seen any iFics on iTunes for like 2 or more years.


I'm all paranoid now because someone said something about "What If ADF disappears..."


This will be me when it's gone...


I'm begging you guys, DON'T LEAVE ME! YOU'RE LIKE, LITERALLY MY ONLY FRIENDS. LOL Oh yeah, so to keep this interactive, what do you notice disappearing in the world of Twilight/fanfic?



The Daily Chew! 9/30

Monday September 30, 2013 at 7:23 AM


What the Fic?! 9/30

Monday September 30, 2013 at 7:22 AM


Happy Monday

Monday September 30, 2013 at 7:03 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week.The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy. 

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum.If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

mo kagen

Sneak Peek !

Monday September 30, 2013 at 6:15 AM

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


New idea

Saturday September 28, 2013 at 5:07 PM

So, with how things have been progressing lately with writing, I've had sort of an idea concerning a new weekly campfire. I think we did this in the past, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, I keep remembering back in the day how part of the fun with writing a chapter was getting feedback from my beta. Or some other third party. It just helped with the writing process, having another pair of eyes look over your work and validate some of the craziness going on in yout story. Someone I can explain my reasoning with. What I had a problem with was the fear of the beta inadvertantly taking over and influencing my work.

So I've been thinking...what if there was some sort of one and done consult service every week? Not to spell check grammar or anything like that, but a place fan fic authors could go to if they needed some feedback on a potential chapter concering character development or story structure, etc. someone they could bounce ideas back and forth with.

I've noticed with my past betas that grammar and character development are 2 sides of the same coin, and that while a beta may understnd one side, he/she may not be so great with the other...

The colloaboration wouldn't have to be done publicly. An interested camper could contact the author privately once they see the authors "ad" in the campfire (the ad would consist of an excerpt of the their story followed by an explanation of what they were having trouble with.)

It could introduce campers and authors alike to up and coming works in progress and help along wth writers block and give the authors a chance to vent their frustrations and have an outlet where they could explain certain aspects about their story (it would be up to them whether to keep that info about the story private or public for other campers to see.) It wouldn't be for just wip's either. finshed works could be discussed. Authors who have tons of back story  they have never used in their works could finally have a place to put it all.

So...tell me..would you utilize this? Are you like me where you have all of this info that you've compiled and developed for your stry but you have no one to share it with? If this campfire has existed in the past, should we restart it? Or is it still active?

Talk about it.


Your weekly recipe campfire!

Saturday September 28, 2013 at 2:25 PM

Just in time for fall- we're looking for your best soup and stew recipes! Whether it's something easy you just toss together in a crockpot, or something more entailed and fancy, give us your favorites!

I'm personally looking for a good AND easy beef stew recipe. My mom made the best, and I never learned from her before she died. I haven't had beef stew in 11 years! Come on, peeps- take pity and help a Cap out.

Next week we're going to be looking at home remedies. Get ready!

Previous threads: Chicken, Veggies, Casseroles, Potatoes, Side Dishes.



Saturday September 28, 2013 at 10:47 AM

Last night I was out running with a group of people from work. Being the graceful person I am, I tripped over my own feet and ended up face first on the sidewalk. I scraped up my hands pretty good. My face met the sidewalk, breaking my favorite sunglasses, and cutting my face in the process. Talk about embarrassing! Now the world knows what a giant klutz I am!


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So, to make myself feel better, tell me all about your klutzy moments. The more embarrassing the better!


The Daily Chew! 9/28

Saturday September 28, 2013 at 9:29 AM


What the Fic?! 9/28

Saturday September 28, 2013 at 9:28 AM


You can't handle the football

Saturday September 28, 2013 at 6:10 AM

Happy Football weekend! 

So come in and tell me who you're cheering for. Tell me who you're cheering against. Who you love? Who do you hate? Who are you watching? All of that. 

For more interactive stuff, go ahead and tell me who you pick to go to and/or win the Super Bowl. Go ahead. Make a prediction.

For my boys, who were shut out for the first time in 12 years. ugh. You make me feel like our coach...

 photo HOLGO-MAD_zpse83bd8f0.gif

For my men, who are also bad this year. ugh again. 

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My Own Personal Brand Of Heroin

Saturday September 28, 2013 at 1:19 AM

Today the nominations starts on TwiFic Fandom Awards (stops October 12) and the voting starts October 20. Although I already know the fics I will nominate in the main categories, there are many categories that will be a bit of a fun challenge (you don´t have to nominate in every category). I will have trouble finding my Favorite Undiscovered Gem Fic because I am such a follower, and my Favourite Scream Fic because I am a wuss. The opposite is true regarding the scene categories, I have for example read loads of swooning scenes that I loved through my years of reading fanfics, so my problem will be to limit myself (I will probably have to reread som parts). Have you started thinking about which categories you will nominate in and the fics you will nominate?

Favorite Newbie Author
Favorite Veteran Author
Favorite All-Time Fic
Favorite Tiny Fic
Favorite Undiscovered Gem Fic
Favorite MY EMOTIONS Fic
Favorite Snuggle Fic
Favorite Out of This World Fic
Favorite LMFAO Fic
Favorite Scream Fic
Favorite Variety is the Spice of Life Fic
Favorite Grammar Nazi
Favorite Screener
Favorite Fangirl
Favorite Da Vinci
Favorite Fic Rec Site
Favorite Fic Rec Individual
Favorite Writing Help Site
Favorite Drop Everything Fic
Favorite Boomerang Fic
Favorite Don’t Let It End Fic
Favorite Cliffhanger Fic
Favorite UNF Scene
Favorite Hulk Smash Scene
Favorite Pee Your Pants Scene
Favorite Swooney Scene
Favorite Minor to Major Leagues Author
Favorite Potential Best Seller
Favorite Potential Best-Selling Author
Favorite Mr. Rogers
Favorite Captain Sassafrass
Favorite Ellen
Favorite Fandom 411
Favorite Porn Dealer
Favorite Writing Contest

The Offspring

A Fun Little Game!!!!

Friday September 27, 2013 at 7:02 PM


I still live! :D

Who wants to play a friday night game? Or maybe more then one?



FYT: A kickass group that I hope to see soon in the US.



Friday September 27, 2013 at 2:29 PM

Does anyone have a pdf etc of "A Crimson Change" by Rubiconqueen?  It is my go to fic if I'm in the mood for a little Peter.  hehehe  (pun intended)  But really this fic started my love for all non canon stories.  I really want to re-read it for the 40th time.  No, seriously......    Thanks, Tracey

if u know another site she is on....that's great too!

I found her and her story on TWCS.  I would still like a pdf though,  I fully recc this wonderful gem.  :)


Feed Me, said the e-reader (9/27/13)

Friday September 27, 2013 at 1:35 PM

Welcome to the weekly

Feed Your E-reader 




Post all the fabulous deals you found this week. 


bored, bored, bored

Friday September 27, 2013 at 1:25 PM

happy 5th birthday, scotch, gin and the new girl!




because it's hilarious to do so, and because scotch jasper would approve.

emmett would just burp and stick a pill under your tongue. 

also, because some people brought it up on twitter and me and jandco's first simultaneous thought was "holy eff, we're mothereffing old and what the eff have we been doing for five effing years"

so get in here and idk, curse up a storm or post pictures of booze or something

also, go leave me really funny reviews if you haven't already done so

in exchange, i will post the first few lines of the original fiction coming soon from wtvoc and jandco right up in this here campfire.

party on, darlings!

emmett's favorite song fyt:

omg this song/video is super nsfw

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