
What the Fic?! 10/8

Tuesday October 8, 2013 at 8:25 AM


maybe they don't want me

Tuesday October 8, 2013 at 7:54 AM

I hate to post a CF that is a help question when we have a perfectly good weekly CF for that but 


I'll post my problem inside with the hope some kind soul can help me

thank you.

p.s. - this is not a matter of real importance

For your time and effort:

A wonderful fic with amazingly sweet Edward who is definitely not the norm...



Can't copy and paste from ff net

Monday October 7, 2013 at 11:56 PM

Uh, I am beyond angry and want to know if it is me (my computer) or is it happening to everybody. I was posting my nominations for The Twific Fandom Awards. For certain sections they ask you to indicate story, link and copy and paste an excerpt from the fic you want to nominate.It is no longer possible (So I can't paste a wonderful little piece from Alchemilla's An Abridged Account, nor copy it from ADF - it is one of the chapters that refused to be posted here).

I tried to copy from other fics too. No, the lines don't get highlighted, no way. Strangely enough, I can still copy and paste summaries. This is very inconvenient - we often copy and paste bits of stories on campfires, when appropriate. Can you try and see if you can do it? (And in such a case I need to know what I did wrong - Is there a way around it?).

It occurs to me that ff net is making it impossible to copy and paste due to the many cases of plagiarism. Could it be that? Do you know more?

For your time here is a rec: (slashy, AU and gripping, because I don't know what will console Edward)

Cast Aside by EdwardsMate4ever

Summary Carlisle thought he loved the copper-haired boy...until he met a woman who would change their lives forever. Inspired by the music of Rufus Wainwright.

Ah, btw, there is not any tag for fanfic Awards and Contests - there should be one!


The Daily Chew! 10/7

Monday October 7, 2013 at 8:37 AM


What the Fic?! 10/7

Monday October 7, 2013 at 8:36 AM


Happy Monday

Monday October 7, 2013 at 7:24 AM

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Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week.The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy. 

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum.If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

mo kagen

Sneak Peek !

Monday October 7, 2013 at 5:34 AM

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~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


The "one" thing that = Turpentine

Sunday October 6, 2013 at 6:44 PM

We all read fics with different likes and especially different dislikes. There was a recent CF with a similar topic but I want to narrow it down to be difficult.

What's the one, absolute one thing that would or does make you stop reading a fic. Even if you've been invested for chapter after chapter then you come across that one turpentine that makes you just feel sad for being so invested, hate it, have to run away screaming, etc.


The one. I'm serious about that one. No a close second, it's a tie. Nope. Nada. The ONE thing and that's it and why.


For me: vamps in AH. Yeah I know.


Who's Your Laminated Top 5

Sunday October 6, 2013 at 2:39 PM

Who's Your Laminated Top 5?

So, it's still FFA weekend, right? I needed something fun so here it goes. The question is, "Who is your laminated top 5?"

If you don't know what the heck I'm talking about, this question goes back to an old FRIENDS episode. I don't know the name but it could be:
1. The one with Isabella Rosselini
2. The one with Ross' laminated top 5 list

I had trouble imbedding the YouTube video but here's the link:

In the FRIENDS episode, Ross decides to make a list of his top 5 celebrities - you know, the ones where he'd drop whatever and whoever for? It's their top 5 celebrities they would sleep with. So, after watching that episode some years back, the hubs and I decided to name our top 5. We do this every 6 to 9 months or so.

 photo e83b318d-cd05-4358-94a9-0cb3476fe77d.jpg

I know, I know...this goes under the weird things you do when you've been married forever. But hey, this is all in good fun! We're also not the jealous types so yeah, that helps.

So, "Who's your laminated top 5?"

 photo image-5.jpg

Step inside for my list!


The "S" word

Saturday October 5, 2013 at 10:52 PM

To those of you caught up in this mess, know that I am thinking of you.

How much snow do you have?



To all my friends in South Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska: Next time I pray for snow, I will be more specific on where I want it to fall. (Sorry about that.)


Amnesia -- apologies!

Saturday October 5, 2013 at 10:38 PM

Hello --

I know that there are campfires for this, but it's FFA and I think I'll forget my request by Wednesday! I'm looking for a fic where both Bella and Edward get shipped off to a camp....Bella doesn't want to get married to Jacob and Edward doesn't want to be involved with the family business.  I'm pretty sure the camp is located in Australia, and Rosalie owns it.  Also, Emmett is there and tends to blow things up.  If anyone has any ideas it'd be much appreciated. Thanks!

I know it's FFA, but here's a rec of one of my favs:  The Search, by Amber1983.  I love the British boys...

When Bella Swan flees to London to escape her painful and humiliating past her new life is knocked off its axis by her charismatic and ambitious boss, Edward Cullen. Can Ed unravel Bella's secrets and get what he wants without revealing his own demons...and his heart? AH. Britishward.

Mrs. Brownloe

Some Help, please

Saturday October 5, 2013 at 4:49 PM

I'm a high school teacher in the deep south of the USofA, the deepest south.  So far south that we don't have winter. We don't have fall.  We don't have spring.  We just have two seasons: Wet and Dry but always warm to hot temps.

As a result, many of my students have never experienced the change of seasons, especially autumn.  It has been my habit to ask friends who live in the northern US where leaves are changing, to gather some fall leaves, shove them in a box and send them to me around Halloween.  I strew them all over my room and my students get to experience some of what it is like to walk through an autumn forest, the sound, the smells.  I get some apple cider and some cookies, put on some bluegrass music (it's where I'm from) and we enjoy!

So what I'm asking is if there are any of you who would be interested in helping me to please send me a PM.  I will send you a box of Florida sunshine in return. (Either Mineola tangelos or Navel Oranges)

To make this interactive, is there anything that you miss from your childhood that you can't experience now?  It could be because of a move, or just the fact you don't orbit the same places anymore.



I didn't want to sound exclusionary but it is illegal to send agricultural products (and leaves would be considered that) across borders.  So, I limited this request to the US.  I thank my Canadian friends from the bottom of my heart for offering to help!


Your weekly recipe campfire!

Saturday October 5, 2013 at 3:17 PM

Today's recipe request is a little different than normal. We're looking for HOME REMEDIES! I know nothing about this topic, to be honest. My idea of home remedy stops and starts with homemade chicken soup. 

I know we've got campers out there, however, who can educate us and teach us something new. Some come post your ideas and recipes. Bonus points to anyone who can help me get rid of the combination headache/nausea/dizziness (non-vertigo) that I've been suffering from all day, on this- the first of my four days off work.

Next Saturday we'll be looking at pasta recipes, and on Sunday our own SouthernCharm will be back for another Campfire Cookalong. Be watching for the recipe/ingredient/supply list in the next couple of days!

Previous recipe requests: Soups/stews, Side dishes, Casseroles, Potatoes, Veggies, and Chicken . Make sure you click the heart icon at the top of the campfire so you can always find the links on your favorites list!


It's FFA, right?

Saturday October 5, 2013 at 1:48 PM

My first campfire...I'm a bit nervous! So, I'm returning to fic after a long break. I had a baby about 6 months ago, and now that he's down to only one middle of the night feeding, I feel ready to use my brain again for things other than calculating hours between feedings and navigating Netflix. Which brings me to my fic return. I'm reading through old campfires so I can catch up on what's new, but my break keeps leading me back to my old favorites. I made a list of some I'd like to re-read, and I'm looking for something that at this point, may not even exist...possibably a figment of my sleep-deprived mind. I *think* the fic involves Bella moving to Forks and hiring Edward to fix up her house...Bella sometimes cooks Edward dinner...that's unfortunately all i can remember and the master fic list and several google searches are failing me.  Sound familiar to anyone? Thank you!


A Monster Attraction

Saturday October 5, 2013 at 12:38 PM




Although I don't think I've been living in a cave, I've never heard of this one before: there's an entire genre of Prehistoric Critter Sex?

Evidently this writer, Christie Sims, lives to tell the tale of pterodactyl panting, raptor ravishing and Dino doing.

From her Amazon page:

"Hi! I’m just a plain old, everyday Midwestern girl that lives a normal life. However, while my outward tastes are relatively simple, my inner thoughts are filled with lusty thoughts of big, strong, powerful monsters having their way with beautiful maidens.
Almost all of my stories fall under the Monster Sex genre, and come from the inner desires that spring from my mind.

The monster sex genre? I realize that Edward calls himself a monster - and that there's definitely a mild bit of 'other' kink going on between Edward & Bella - but this takes all the "Is this possible? Can we make love between species really work for us?" to another level.

There's a very funny reading of this particular erotic oeuvre (and many other pieces of fiction) here at Bad Lit Makes the World Go Round.

But I admit I haven't yet braved more than a sampling, so it could be the hottest thing since the discovery of fire.

Any thoughts - or bad '90s bathing suits - to toss into a discussion of huge, horny herbivore fiction?


The Daily Chew! 10/5

Saturday October 5, 2013 at 10:21 AM


What the Fic?! 10/5

Saturday October 5, 2013 at 10:20 AM


Football's on

Saturday October 5, 2013 at 6:37 AM

Happy football weekend, campers. Come tell me who you're cheering for and against, how good or bad your team is, and what you're watching today.

My Mountaineers aren't as bad as I thought (or Okie State is worse than I thought) but my Steelers are worse than they've been since 1968.

A nod at my boys, who play Baylor tonight.

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And my pro men are off this week, hopefully sitting in a corner and thinking about what they've done to their fans.


What happened to the Fictionators

Friday October 4, 2013 at 10:50 PM

Hi All - I just found out the Fictionators is gone. Does anyone know what happened?



Friday October 4, 2013 at 6:47 PM

Let's have a good ol' fashioned TMI campfire!  Haven't seen one of these in a while. :)

Anything goes in here!  Want to talk potty humor?  Sex?  Most embarrassing moments?  It's all good, you're among friends!  Have any questions about the above or any other topics that you just can't bring yourself to ask your friends or doctor?  Or do you ever get confused by sex scenes in fic and wonder if something described actually happens?  I know I do.  Bring 'em here!  

To get us started, here's a special assignment.  Since I'm due to pop any day with baby #3, tell us about your birth experiences.  You know, the version that you censor in polite company?  Or, how about, did you have any tricks for going into labor?  I'm pulling out the stops on this one, lol.  Don't have a birth experience you can share?  No worries.  Have a mom, sister, aunt, friend with a crazy story?  Let it fly. :)

Of course, feel free to ignore the special assignment and bring up your own topics!

If you are easily squicked out, this is not the campfire for you.  Otherwise, grab a beverage (for me, I think I'll make an ice cream sundae because that's how I'm rolling here at the end of these 9 months) or maybe a Friday night plate of Super Nachos and join in!  

I may have gone slightly crazy with the tags. :)

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