
Favorite romantic novels

Saturday October 19, 2013 at 6:19 AM


Twilight is the first romantic novel I fell in love with. Before Twilight I didn't read this genre. I have been wondering which novels have affected you as much as Twilight.

Which are your favorite contemporary, historical and/or fantasy romantic novels?


My recs are inside.


Looking back...

Friday October 18, 2013 at 5:51 PM

I came across some of my old journals today and got sucked into reading them. After about three hours of reading, I had cried, laughed, sighed, and cringed. I usually never read my journals after I write them, but for some reason I keep every one I’ve ever written stored safely in a box under my bed. It’s crazy to see how much I’ve changed over the past few years, and it was really therapeutic to sit and reflect on my life so far. There are definitely some things I wish I hadn’t done, and other things that make me think, “Wow, I wish I could get back to that place.”

Do you write in journals? If so, do you keep them afer you've finished them or ever read them? Do you cringe through reading about your awkward (or maybe not) teenage years, or is it fun to get back inside your old head and remember the way you used to see the world?


Should ANYONE feel ashamed?

Friday October 18, 2013 at 12:14 PM

"This viral photo has sparked online controversy this week. “What’s your excuse?” asks 32-year old fitness enthusiast and mother Maria Kang. Fit and confident, the recovering bulimic hoped her bold statement and image of her chiseled physique and cherubic brood would inspire mothers to evaluate their health routines and choices." (Tiffany Madison, The Libertarian Republic)


My question is, why is the image above met with hostility, while the image below is meant to be motivational? The image above asks one simple question, while the image below aims to make others feel better at someone else's expense.  


Let's discuss. 
Have you seen this image?
Thoughts? Concerns?  


The Daily Chew! 10/18

Friday October 18, 2013 at 9:32 AM


What the Fic?! 10/18

Friday October 18, 2013 at 9:31 AM


Feed Me, said the e-reader (10/18/13)

Friday October 18, 2013 at 8:36 AM

Welcome to the weekly 

Feed your E-Reader




Please post all the fabulous deals you've found this week. And if you pick up a book from a comment inside, please let your fellow campers know you did. 

And don't forget to feed the trees, yeah? 


AHS Coven: Boy Parts

Friday October 18, 2013 at 8:14 AM

A couple of days late, but it's here now. :)

So, what are your thoughts this week?

**Enter at your own risk; there be spoilers inside.**


Originals + Vampire Diaries

Friday October 18, 2013 at 7:56 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Anyone watching either or both of these? 

Let's Discuss



**Enter at your own risk, spoilers**



Thursday October 17, 2013 at 12:59 PM


So the show Arrow on the CW is about, you guessed it, The Green Arrow! I haven't watched it but I have heard nothing but good about it!

Have you seen it? Do you like it? The main actor is pretty....


Lettuce discuss ARROW!


The Daily Chew! 10/17

Thursday October 17, 2013 at 7:40 AM


What the Fic?! 10/17

Thursday October 17, 2013 at 7:40 AM


Love for Capricorn75

Wednesday October 16, 2013 at 11:11 PM

Dearest Cappy:

I thought today you could use some cheer
And since I can't buy you a case beer

I hope some pics of your favorite boy
Would bring you just a little bit of joy

Know that you're loved from across the miles
Praying these pictures make you smile.

With love from all of us.

(please post your favorite Robert Pattinson/hot guy pictures/gifs here for a friend who could probably use some virtual hugs today)

((approved by the wonderful ranger LJ Summers))



What's in the bag?

Wednesday October 16, 2013 at 4:55 PM

What do you think Rob has in his bag?  Post a photo of your guess inside.



Picture This! ~ Your City/Town

Wednesday October 16, 2013 at 1:38 PM

This week we are sharing boasting about the places where we live.  Show us the special places in

Your City or Town


No I don't live in Yosemite.  I just don't have a fancy banner so wanted to post a nice picture.  If you live in a certain area, feel free to expand on that area, especially if you'd rather be vague about where you live.  For example, I won't share all my Yosemite pics, but I will instead post pics of the county in SoCal where I live.  (Yosemite is in Northern Calif for those who don't know.)

Do you know a spot off the beaten path?  Where do you take your visitors that isn't touristy but only locals know about?  Or, just share the beauty of where you live. 


ETA: We will be showing off our FRONT DOORS next week.  Feel free to be creative about what that means, or show us your Halloween decor (or Spring decor if you live in the Southern Hemisphere).

Sorry for posting later than planned--my youngest has LICE.  Yuck!  While I deal with this a lot with work, it's a different story when it's in your house and you have to comb through your three year old's hair with a fine-toothed comb.  Twice.  Yup, my husband and I were so tired last night that we didn't get it all and there were some creepy crawlers in there this morning.  I freaked out a little bit. 

thimbles' socks

The Rec Campfire

Wednesday October 16, 2013 at 11:17 AM



Hi, hi, campers. Sweet Believey is flat out like a lizard drinking at the moment, so ...


What are you reading?


Special assignment: Tell me about a piece of writing that changed you. A book, a poem, a fic ...

Something that you read and absorbed into yourself - whether it was because you learned something new, or it changed how you think or feel about something or someone.






As always, feel free to ignore the special assignment and rec anything you want.

Remember to link fanfics. 



It's Help Desk Wednesday!

Wednesday October 16, 2013 at 9:28 AM


We here at ADF are a friendly, helpful bunch!

If you have a request for a type of story or a book,
this is your spot.

If you are unsure about something that has to do with ADF,
ask here.

If you have amnesia about a fic,
this is the place to ask about it!

If you are unsure about something that DOES NOT have to do with ADF,
ask here as well!

No, really. Ask us all about the secrets of beating back Seasonal Affective Disorder. Or how to get over indulge your crush on Tom Hiddleston. Or whatever.


The Daily Chew! 10/16

Wednesday October 16, 2013 at 8:06 AM


What the Fic?! 10/16

Wednesday October 16, 2013 at 8:05 AM


Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

Tuesday October 15, 2013 at 2:09 PM

October 15 is the official Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness day, but the whole month of October is filled with various walks and fundraisers to support families who are going through a difficult pregnancy, who have lost an infant at a young age due to SIDS or other causes, or who have had a baby born still. 

My second daughter would be turning 5 years old this January and I think about her every day.  She was diagnosed with Trisomy 18 when I was 19 weeks pregnant with her.  In medical school and residency, we learn that Trisomy 18 is "incompatible with life".  What an awful and untrue phrase. 

(Trisomy 18 is when you have an extra 18th chromosome, just like Trisomy 21 aka Down Syndrome is when you have an extra 21st chromosome.)

We chose to carry her to term as it was the best decision for me/us/our family.  We are also lucky in that we had SO much support from our families, our friends, and most importantly our health care professionals. 

There are many fundraisers and walks this month going on locally and nationally and I urge you all to take a peek at them, even if you aren't able to contribute monetarily, just for your own information.  While we had the best care possible, there are many others who aren't so lucky.  The proceeds from these organizations go to education of physicians, nurses, social workers etc, to memory boxes for babies, to infant photography, to grief support and sibling support programs. 

I'll post more details about my story inside.  Have you lost your infant or know of someone who has?  Please feel free to share your story here. 

I'll admit that the grief over my daughter hit me harder than I thought it would even though I knew she was going to die.  (whether it be while I was pregnant with her, or after two minutes, two days, two weeks, two months or two years)  I am happy that I didn't deny myself that grief and, while it's still there, it has changed so much.  I'm a stronger and better person for having known and met my daughter.

Please light a candle today for all those babies lost and hearts broken.  No parent should outlive their child.

Thank  you to LJ Summers for permission to post this CF.


Fic Diving 10-15-13

Tuesday October 15, 2013 at 8:08 AM

Back to Fic Diving this week!

I have no idea of how many stories I read because I was too busy lounging on the beach in my yellow cowboy hat as pictured above.  But, I was able to come up with a few gems!

As always, please read, review and let them know you found them here on ADF!  Enjoy!

I Want My Life Back by samekraemer
Master Sergeant Edward Cullen achieved a very important goal…twenty years of active service to country. As one chapter ends, he's determined to achieve another important goal…to get back the people he left behind in its pursuit. AH/AH. EPOV. Canon couples, but not in the canon way. Rated M…language, adult situations, citrus.

I enjoy all of this gal's stories. I want to see how Edward fares in getting his wife back!

Lilim Division by SirVaden
When Captain Edward Masen reports to an undisclosed location for a new military assignment, his eyes are opened to the dark and fascinating truth of the world around him. Given command of the Gamma Team under the Lilim Division, he must learn to understand those under him while facing a threat he never imagined.

This one is only two chapters in. I love a good Sci Fi/Supernatural fic that takes our Twi-characters out of their normal canon roles. I'm looking forward to see how this develops.

Into the Woods by hismysticmuse
Bella Swan leaves Phoenix for Forks and when she gets there her whole world gets turned upside down. Who can Bella trust with her life, with her love, when things aren't what they seem? It is OOC, AU, ExB, M for lemons

We definitely have a few flashes of canon elements.  Bella and Charlie's lack of reaction to the supernatural creatures around them is kind of funny.  Listed as a drabble, but I really didn't feel like I was reading a drabble.  I feel like people will love or hate this one.

How to Forget by Shadow Masen

Where do you go if you don't know who you are, and what if you find you don't want to remember? Edward finds himself in Forks under suspicious circumstances, can Bella help him discover who he truly is? BxE AH

A good mystery happening here!  Who is Edward?  Good guy?  Bad guy?  Guy in the wrong place at the wrong time? Clues are dropping here and there!

Flashback Fic Dive:

Perfect timing on this one as it updated with an futuretake over the weekend.

Dear Maggie by Jenny0719
A heart leads Bella back home to Forks... and to the brother of the woman who donated it.

Thank you for your support for this campfire!  Your feedback is always appreciated!

Hopefully a ranger can help me out with a tag!  :)


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