Inspired by recent events in a small side fandom I belong to I am curious to get the opinions of a larger fan base, both readers and writers. So without any back story or personal leanings I propose the following hopefully generic questions for discussion:
1. Would you agree that an author has a right to pull their stories at any given time for any reason without warning? Or should an author give warning? If you disagree can you clarify on which parts you disagree with or which circumstances you would disagree with?
2. If an author pulls their work do they then also have the right to ask/tell people not to privately distribute their work? When considering this question keep in mind that on AO3 there is a clear and visible download button for stories so it is probably safe to assume that at some point someone has saved your work.
3. In turn, do readers, many of whom have spent countless hours reading, reviewing, pimping, creating fan art etc, have an obligation to respect the wishes of an author who has pulled their work? Are there any circumstances under which they would not have an obligation to respect the author's wishes?
4. Would your answers to any of these questions depend on whether or not you were friends with the author in question? For example, would you share the work of an author you were not friends with but respect the wishes of an author you were friends with?
5. Often times we've said that authors don't owe their readers anything. If that is true would it then not also be true that readers don't owe authors anything? Agree or disagree and why?
6. For the sake of argument, let's put this in a bigger picture. If, say, J.K. Rowling or Stepehanie Meyer had a change of heart and decided they were ashamed of having written their most famous work and had all the books and movies pulled from the shelves and put a cease and desist to fan fiction and also stated that no one was allowed to privately share copies of those books would you agree to it? Or would you feel at all jipped after having invested so much time and money into their work?
Please play nice everyone. I'm just genuinely curious here.