You all are so lucky to be able to watch New Moon with sympathetic Twilighters/Twi-Hards or whatever they are named, who fangirl over the same characters, actors and storyline as you do. And you don't even know it.
I live in Istanbul (Turkey), where a small number of people are aware of the Twilight phenomena and the few who are have either read ridiculous translations or they don’t know anything about fan fiction or the awesome communities of the online world. Another reason why I don’t know many other fans may be because I am such a closet fan. As it is I only have my online communities to share my excitement with. (if you are living in Istanbul, let me know)
Here is my New Moon experience:
- There was no midnight screening anywhere in the country. Trust me, I would have taken a plane there to see it, if there were any.
- This morning, there were only 5 more people in the theatre other than me. They were all girls, who shared the same high school uniform and gave me the stink eye just because I am a few years older than them…
- The subtitles sucked. I even noticed some letters missing. What gives film distributors?!
- On the plus side, since there were so few of us, the projectionist didn’t feel the need to give a break and make us suffer through the commercials.
- When the movie ended, they all started talking about how hot Taylor Lautner was and that was when I decided to take my queue to leave.
- My thoughts on the movie are posted on the comments section. They are long and boring...
To make this post interactive:
Who else on A Different Forest lives outside of the States? You want to rage about time zones? Do it here!
Or watched the film in a completely boring, apathetic setting?
Come and post your thoughts on the movie!