
For a giggle

Sunday November 22, 2009 at 7:15 PM

I thought this was cute and I loved the Mean Girls reference! Show us your favorite Twilight spoofs/manips/comics/snark in this post!

music hungry

Sunday November 22, 2009 at 7:05 PM

I love new music. I spend ridiculous amounts of money on iTunes.

For the most part I find new music in TV. Last week I heard this song and thought it was the most awesome cover I've ever heard.

What new songs have you heard recently?


as this isn't really Twilight related we'll just cover that up with some Kellan and Rob Porn. Make it all pretty -like...

God, you could eat soup outta those dimples



Sunday November 22, 2009 at 6:57 PM

Do stories have to be well researched for you?

If it's set in a different time periods? What if the story is set in a place that the writer clearly is not from- is a minimal knowledge of the area w/some mistakes ok, or should they put more effort?

There's a story that comes to mind and I've seen discussed (quite passionately) because it may have some historical/geographical errors. It's called Volition and it's about Belfast and the IRA. I've never read it, but I thought the issues brought up were interesting. Should ff writers deal with issues like this- when some many have been affected and could possibly be offended?

Can you suspend your disbelief? What if it deals with something that hits closer to home? ( Twifanfic about 911, anyone?)

I know, for me, that if a ff talks about New Orleans I go on hyper bitch mode. Especially if it mentions Katrina. This hasn't happened in this fandom really, but I was recc'ed a story where Snape and Harry worked for hurricane relief...  :0


221 Days and Counting....

Sunday November 22, 2009 at 6:06 PM

Until Eclipse.

From and including: Sunday, November 22, 2009
To and including: Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It is 221 days from the start date to the end date, end date included

Or 7 months, 9 days including the end date


That is all.



Sunday November 22, 2009 at 5:54 PM

logo maker - http://www.sparklee.com

it has come to my attention that there are many new faces  here in the forest!  welcome!

let's see who's here.  answer my questions, campers new and ancient!

how'd you hear about adf?  wha'd you order from burger king this weekend?  how hot is my icon? 





Sunday November 22, 2009 at 5:50 PM

I was wondering... are any of you participating in Nanowrimo this year?


Doesnt really have to do with anything.

Sunday November 22, 2009 at 4:43 PM

okay so im bored and i was wondering..

Whats your favourite song?

like ever.

you can add robporn if you would like.


some funny gifs


Bella's Lullaby

Sunday November 22, 2009 at 2:00 PM

I was listening to the Twilight sound track and it got me thinking about Bella's lullaby.  I have read of several opinions on it and now I am wondering what is yours?

Hate it?? love it??

Is there a song that you think would be much better???


When I first heard the song I totally hated it, but over time it has grown on me.  But when I first read Twilight I was thinking of something more emo's ish I guess. Something darker...

some other lullabys for ya...


** if this post has been done already, please feel free to delete it**



Sunday November 22, 2009 at 1:50 PM





Sunday November 22, 2009 at 1:45 PM


Bratty Vamp Updated My Escort!

Read the chapter HERE



Pixievamp Updated Loneliness Be Over HERE

Play in her Cabin HERE.


Let's give these vampy girls some love!



Sunday November 22, 2009 at 1:39 PM

I've been trying desperately to find myself a beta for my brand new fic, but obviously I'm doing something wrong.  No one has gotten back to me :(

I refuse to keep posting chapters on my new fic until I have someone to read over them, because I want them to be as close to perfect as possible!

So please, fellow campers, share your tips for fishing for betas with me.

Where do I look and who do I ask?  Or is there anyone out there bored enough to beta for me?  What do you look for in a beta?  Etc.

Here's my fic:





Master of the Universe teaser

Sunday November 22, 2009 at 1:12 PM


OH-it's Sunday. That means NY Giants football. Well she has a treat when she gets back-look....A Master of the Universe teaser!!! We should all tell the author how much little wolvesnvamps loves her story so she will start putting the teasers here too!

Master of the Universe
Chapter Forty Five - Teaser

I glance nervously round the bar. I cannot see him.
“Bella, what is it?”
“It’s Edward, he’s here.”
“Really?” She glances round the bar too. I have neglected to mention his stalker tendencies to my Mom.
And then I see him. As he makes his way towards us my heart leaps… beginning a juddering thumping beat. He’s really here - for me… My inner goddess leaps up from her chaise longue in anticipation… Moving smoothly through the crowd, his copper hair glinting under the recessed halogens, bright green eyes shining with… anger? Tension? His mouth is set in a grim line, jaw tense… oh holy shit… no. I am so mad at him right now, and here he is… how can I be angry with him in front of my mother?
He arrives at our table, gazing at me warily. He’s dressed in customary white linen shirt and jeans.
“Hi,” I squeak, unable to hide my shock and awe at seeing him here in the flesh.
“Hi,” he replies and leaning down he kisses my cheek very quickly, taking me by surprise.
“Edward, this is my mother, Renee.” My ingrained manners take over… he turns to greet my Mom.
“Mrs Dwyer, I am delighted to meet you.” How does he know her name? He gives her the heart-stopping Edward Cullen patented full-blown-no-prisoners-taken smile. She doesn’t have a hope. My mother’s lower jaw practically hits the table. Jeez, get a grip Mom. She takes his proffered hand and they shake. My mother hasn’t replied… Oh, complete dumbfounded speechlessness is genetic – I had no idea.
“Edward,” she manages finally, breathlessly. He smiles knowingly at her, his green eyes twinkling. I narrow my eyes at them both.
“What are you doing here?” My question sounds more brittle than I mean and his smile disappears, his expression now guarded. I am thrilled to see him, but completely thrown off balance, my anger simmering through my veins. And I’m anxious about the email I just sent him. I don’t know if I want to stand up and shout at him or throw myself into his arms – but I don’t think he’d like either – and I want to know how long has he been watching us…


Hey. Tempt me.

Sunday November 22, 2009 at 11:58 AM

This happened--

Jess:  Joe, see New Moon.

Joe:  hahahahahahahhaahahahahaaaa

Jess: Seriously.

Joe: No.  and hell no, too.

Jess:  Why?

Joe:  Why would I?

Jess: If i can give you 100 reasons why, will you?

Joe:  Ok.

There it is.  I come here to you professionals looking for 100 reasons why i should see New Moon.  And in return, if i get the reasons and go see it, Jess will tape my take on the movie and display my shame and horror for you to all laugh at.



Vamp Bella, Human Edward

Sunday November 22, 2009 at 11:42 AM

Bella as a Vamp


Can anyone rec me any fics with Bella starting as the vampire and Edward starting as the human? I'm already enjoying Redshift, Blueshift, Daybreak, Random Angels, and Past and Present but I seem addicticted to this premise lately.

Thanks Ladies : )



Robert's BBC Radio Interview

Sunday November 22, 2009 at 9:23 AM

Sit back and enjoy 11+ Minutes of Robert:



Our New Moon Experience...

Sunday November 22, 2009 at 7:03 AM

Sorry this is a tad late, but allow me to share a few pictures from the midnight showing of New Moon that the lovely bratty_vamp and I had the chance to experience!!


Our AWESOME T Shirts


My sister Becky dressed up as a confused Harry Potter fan


The line at about 9pm


These ladies were so nice....


....I'm glad they didn't bust us out for our excessive drinking!


The line out in the lobby


More dressed up fans


Playing ScROBble before the show...how many appropriate words can you spot?



Sunday November 22, 2009 at 6:53 AM

New Moon Shreds Movie Records!


(Sorry about the link, I don't know how to do the fancy-schmancy thing where you type a new line over it.)

RANGER EDIT: Fixed up your link so it's nice and pretty!  Thank you!


Note this line in particular:  "New Moon has also shown that when the female audience supports a film, it can absolutely dominate box office."  Damn straight.  


La Strana Musica

Nikki Reed Has Done It Once Again

Sunday November 22, 2009 at 5:16 AM

Nikki Reed Has Done It Once Again

Can we have a round of applause for Nikki Reed and her fantastic portrayal as Rosalie Hale?

Ever since they cast Nikki Reed as Rosalie Hale, I believed it was the best choice for the character. Nikki Reed is one of the few choices I approved of when they casted for the films :)

She is absoloutly stunning, and a fantastic actress. She is never caught looking bad for the press, and is always smiling.

And yet she still managed to carry off Rosalie and her icy persona.

I liked her in Twilight, loved her in New Moon.

Nikki, you have done it once again.

Well done ;)

Lets show our appreaciation.




Ugh the dreaded cliche

Saturday November 21, 2009 at 11:29 PM

Awful awful cliches.


Yes they're everywhere in Twific. The front runners for the most overused (and frankly heinous) ones are "Popping the P" and "sitting indian style"

IDK but that to me sounds like a kinky sex move from the Kama Sutra ala missionary. kwim?

After trawling through many a happy ever after I've decided on the bane of my existence. The dreaded, the one and only



Making Love.


Yes, I said it. That shit is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


So tell us, what's your most overused line in fan fic?

Holy Crow anyone?






Saturday November 21, 2009 at 10:49 PM

 I don't really know if anyone has posted this yet. But ECownsme is stewing...

Edward's fight scene with the Volturi guard is disturbing me to no end.  Shouldn't Edward be able to dodge his attacks because he can read his mind?  Why was he beaten to submission??? Tell me please... 

I just got home from watching the movie for the second time and I have tickets again to see it tomorrow.  New Moon completely blew me away and I was not expecting too much from it.  But it was so freaking fantasmic. May it be Edward & Bella's intense kissing or Jacob's abs.  


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