

Friday February 12, 2010 at 1:34 PM

 I was looking up the Paris theatre in Manhattan where the Remember Me premiere will be and was looking at google maps, street view and was caught off guard by what movie was playing at the theatre in the photo... the one and only little ashes,  just thought I’d share (don't know if this pic or link will work), but it was a weird coincidence!

i don't know how to get the picture but the look up the paris theatre, new york, on google maps, if you look at the street view you'll see it



Happy Birthday!

Friday February 12, 2010 at 1:01 PM

On this day, not so long ago...

a Fanfic Goddess was born.

That's right, Campers.

Today marks the anniversary of the birth of the one and only

Halo Jones.

Come on in and wish Halo a very happy birthday!



Love Stinks

Friday February 12, 2010 at 12:42 PM

In keeping with the "I Hate Valentine's Day" theme, I want you to post your favourite anti-love song.


The "I Hate Valentines Day" thread!

Friday February 12, 2010 at 12:29 PM




Just Broken up?

Cat lady?

Doesn't matter. If you hate Valentine's Day-come and join me!





Friday February 12, 2010 at 12:17 PM

Nah just messing with ya guys

Anyway so yeah I love Skins. I love Skins sfm. Just the fact that they're all messed up and in college has me entertained all the way.

While I was watching it last night for some reason I came up with a crossover where Edward is all falling for the hoebag that is Effy. Yeah I get rid of it as soon as it came to my head. I always have shitty stories like that.

What's your favourite Twilight High school/College fics where everyone is messed up and just complete fail but done good.

I dibs Scotch, Gin and the New Girl. I love that story as much as I love JJ and that is major big love.

And ya know cause she's a hoebag and still kinda cool....

KAYASCODERLARIO33.gif effy skins image by cromo_916


Your non-Twi obsessions

Friday February 12, 2010 at 12:14 PM

Yeah, yeah. We all love Twilight, or fanfic, or at least Rob, but what other obsessions might we share?

I LOVE me some David Tennant (and by association, Doctor Who), Matt Bellamy's vocal folds (yes, they are NOT cords- trust me, I'm a voice teacher), The Hunger Games, Graham Norton, and Glee.

What about you? (Picks are for my enjoyment, but feel free to enjoy as well.)



Valentine's Day!! (not the movie)

Friday February 12, 2010 at 11:56 AM

So me and my hubs have been together for 8 years!!! YES 8 years! And Valentine's day is our anniversary.  He asked me to be his girlfriend on Valentine's day up at Mt Washington overlooking Pittsburgh by giving me 13 roses with a card that said " I will stop loving you when the last petal of the last rose falls" (the 13th was silk) also he gave me NSYNC tickets with a note that said "Will you be my girlfriend I'll be your shining star" (the lyrics to Girlfriend) Obviously I said YES!!!!  Now 8 years, one dog, a house and a CUTE 6 year old son later and he still loves me!!!! 

So tell me who you love and what they did to melt your heart!! 

The reason for this post is cause I just got a dozen roses, teddy bear, bath salts and chocolates delivered to my work, and it has now made this a GREAT day!!


More on (moron?) "Breaking Dawn" in two parts

Friday February 12, 2010 at 11:34 AM


You got yer Breaking, and you got yer Dawn...

Nikki Finke is usually very reliable.

For a good laugh, read the comments.  My favorite:  "I'm embarrassed for humanity."

(P.S. - I liked the book, and I will see the movie(s) no matter how many there are, or how horrible.)


Sweet Valley Forever!

Friday February 12, 2010 at 11:11 AM

 So I found this article on yesterday. 

St. Martins to publish first adult 'Sweet Valley High' novel

Great news for grown-up fans of  Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield: Today, St. Martin’s Press officially confirmed that they will publish Sweet Valley Confidential, the first hardcover adultSweet Valley High novel. The novel — which “follows the cast of characters into adulthood,” according to St. Martin’s press release — will be written by the writer who created the franchise in the early 1980s, Francine Pascal.

“I’ve had thousands of queries from fans over the years wondering what Jessica and Elizabeth would be like as adults,” Pascal says in the release. “Well, Sweet Valley Confidential should give them all the answers. And I can guarantee they will be very surprised. Actually, more like shocked.”

I am really excited about this. I loved these books when I was younger. I read them all; the twins, high school and college ones. 

Did anyone else read these? Anyone but me excited??? I think they are supposed to be out sometime early next year.


The Twilight Gift Exchange

Friday February 12, 2010 at 11:09 AM



These Authors have written and received anonymous gifts of fanfic for the holidays, which are now being posted on LiveJournal.  Drop by and take a look at the stories.  They are awesome!



ADF in the Eddies.

Friday February 12, 2010 at 10:37 AM

Hi.  I'm normally a lurker, but that doesn't mean I don't LOVE the forest, soooooo  I'm taking a deep breath and starting my first campfire.  I noticed voting is open for the Eddies and Bellies and that A Different Forest is up for Best Site.  I would love to see this place get the recognition it deserves and of course I'll be voting ADF! 

Making it interactive....

Will you vote in the Eddies? 


Hmm....rec's please??

Friday February 12, 2010 at 10:37 AM

SO I just finished reading A Mzungu Oasis and loved it and I started The Introduction of Swirl and Daisy last night so my question now is....what do y'all think I should read next???? I'm not too picky...just make sure it won't make me cry my eyes out and its all good...hehe

So have at it ladies

Send me your recs!!

A get to know you post

Friday February 12, 2010 at 10:35 AM

Tell me about yo'self!

Who are you?  Are you on twitter/LJ/ffnet?

What do you write?  What do you like to read?

Who is your favorite twicharacter?

Tell me something quirky about yourself!



Friday February 12, 2010 at 10:33 AM

Dude, I'm lame, I pressed enter before I even typed anything.

Valentine's Day is coming soon...and it got me to thinking(uh-oh)

Me and my hubs kind of changed things around. We don't really celebrate this holiday anymore. It seems really silly in our relationship to have to buy each other chocolate or whatever on this day.

We consider this a kids holiday now and we only buy stuff for our kids.

What's the take in the forest? Do you think Valentine's Day is silly or what?

For your time:



I'm rec'ing a fic...

Friday February 12, 2010 at 9:59 AM

I don't think I've ever recced a fic before...but this one deserves it.  I love undiscovered gems...this one certainly qualifies.  Thanks to twatter, i found this lovely little tale...


it's like really awesome twi-fic meets the West Wing...kinda sorta.  It's new but it's looking like the author is updating quite often...which is WIN

Read it :)

and because i <3 him.....



Friday February 12, 2010 at 9:36 AM


 Why does Bella always smell like strawberries ?



edit : What is your favourite perfume ?


Happy Friday My Loves

Friday February 12, 2010 at 9:31 AM

Got this through the best Twitter RT chain EVER.

I don't know why he's channeling Al Bundy on a bathroom floor. I don't really care.

I just know it's a good thing I'm at school right now or you wouldn't be hearing from me for several hours.


Some Viking Love

Friday February 12, 2010 at 9:30 AM

I have nothing important to say. I just love me a Viking. I just got my period (Am I allowed to say that here?) and I'm in pain. Today is my day off so I'm home, reading, waiting on my meds to kick in and wanting lots of pics, gifs, or anything on Alexander Skarsgard. So show this lover some love. Please?


Now I'm ffffffrrrrrrree, free post-ting....

Friday February 12, 2010 at 9:24 AM

Tom Petty. Check yo self.

Ok random.

Anyway - Here's what's pinging around my head today.

~ I'm re reading Twilight. I checked it out of the library last week. It was just sitting on the shelf - all lonesome, battered and abused from fangirls. 

I completely forgot about:

1.) Jessica having curly hair in it. I don't know why that struck me as so odd.  

2.) The perfection that is: "Hello. I'm Edward Cullen." *heavy sigh* 

3.) Kstew is seriously perfect for Bella.

I mean, stay with me -  what normal teen stutters and blinks more than Bella Swan? Kstew.  Brilliant casting. 


~ I read drivel only. Like Twilight, supernatural romance YA drivel.  I'm gonna finish up the Mortal Instruments series, read some book called Uglies and then I need something serious business. 

Any reccs? 


~ My Tax return is here! I mean it's miniscule but it's something and I fully intend to blow it on nonsense. Like make up and clothes and a new belt for DD.  And tomorrow it's supposed to be sunny! YAY! All around a good start to the weekend! 

What are you happy about today? 


free for all friday!

Friday February 12, 2010 at 9:06 AM

hullo there, gents!

donut forget, it's free-for-all friday!  post whatever you want!  you have until 3pm eastern tomorrow!  exclamation point!

were i to post anything, it'd be about how life no longer holds meaning now that bones is on hiatus until april.

git to it!

vintage hottie for your time:


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