
Fic Rec

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 9:27 AM

Just read Full Dark by Gina-Bean over on Twilighted. Took me a full day but OMG so worth while. This is an epic story, absolutely flawless writing - I'm talking Booker prize stuff, full of humour, angst, the angriest Edward you've ever come across, the feistiest Bella and the most adorable and lovely Jasper. It's a Breaking Dawn AU, and God I can't say enough good things about it.

And Bella's power when it's revealed, last chapter - you won't believe it.

Go read it now!!!!


More chest hair ala Edward

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 8:48 AM


One more for the ladies.



Sunday February 14, 2010 at 8:21 AM

A glimpse of Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria.  In other news, whats up with the rest of this picture?

patent peekaboo poses

Edward Cullen as a Byronic Hero?

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 8:01 AM

I was doing some research on Byronic heroes (Maxim de Winter... sigh), and found this.

What do you think?


Edward Cops a Feel

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 7:59 AM



 Happy Valentines Day, Lovebirds!



The Leg Hitch

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 7:42 AM

I"m sure that someone more capable than I will be able to post the actual pictures, but there were three new Eclipse shots released!  Here's the link:


Source:  Robsessed


Whats the 411

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 7:06 AM

Suicide King by Nightshade713....??

This has been on my TBR list and I just went looking for it on and of course its gone. Whats the word ladies.. has this story been moved somewhere else or did I totally miss the boat on this one?


And I Said What About...

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 6:11 AM

 Just a teensy little Valentine's Day Gift From ProfMom and I...


We've uploaded the original Breakfast at Tiffany's One Shot in all it's Valentine's Day Glory in Storytelling.  Consider it a Strawberry Poptart or Tiffany's charm bracelet from us to you.  

Happy Valentine's Day

<3 Us


Lost fics...

Saturday February 13, 2010 at 10:37 PM

Ever think about a fic you read in the past and you just can't remember the name for the life of you, and then you go to look it up by summary and you can't find it because its either:

A) been deleted.
B) been moved.
C) Your just a loser and the world is out to get you anway because you suck.

Happens to me all the time... Like right now. So this is a campfire is to discuss those fics that have slipped your mind or been lost in the ether. Maybe we can help each other. I'll start:

The fic I'm looking for was about Bella being in a mental institution where she meets Edward. They fall in love and have sex on the roof or something lol. Alice and Jasper are also there but towards the end of the story everyone starts getting sick and Jasper dies from it. Alice commits suicide because Jasper dies. Edward gets sick so Bella asks Carlisle (her Dr. at the time) to save him because she knows Carlisle is more than human. He takes Edward away and saves him but Bella is still at the hospital and she becomes endangered by a psycho shrink who wants to rape her or something and Carlisle comes back to save her and turns her into a vampire too and then Bella and Edward have crazy newborn sex and every ones happy except Alice and Jasper because their dead....

Umm yea... lol.. wow thats a little redick... oh well... if you know the title or the author please help me. I'd like to know what happened to it.

If you want find the name of a lost story please post or even just stop by and read over to see if you know the names of any of the lost fics that are being sought....

thx all!


Spirit of the Olympics

Saturday February 13, 2010 at 10:31 PM

Well, in the spirit of the Olympics, does anyone know of any fics where a character is an Olympian??? Edward as a figure skater? Bella a rythym gymnast?? Jacob a bobsledder? LOL I would love to read it.  BUT, if there aren't, I think that would make a FABULOUS contest! js :o)



Saturday February 13, 2010 at 10:31 PM

Now that it's officially February 14th in my time zone, I just wanted to spread some love to ADF. To the Rangers and Creators of this fuckawesome site- thank you for all you do to make such a fun environment for us all to run around in. To the VIP Authors and Artists- thank you for your incredible stories and banners and pictures that keep me up way too late at night, and prevent me from making as many home-cooked meals for my children as I should. To my fellow Posters and Pervs- thanks for always brightening my day with a laugh, a fic rec, or Rob pics.






Saturday February 13, 2010 at 10:00 PM

The forest has exploded in recent months and we couldn't be more excited about our growth. We want everyone to have a great time in this community and speak openly. But we will not tolerate personal attacks or relentlessly bitchy/negative behavior.

We hate to do this on a Saturday night but felt it was necessary due to the behavior of a very small but potentially toxic minority. Over the past few days, we have seen some unpleasant behavior and received numerous camper complaints about the comments of a few campers.

1.RESPECT-- If someone ships Rob and Kristen, then that is their right and they are allowed to say it on ADF. You are allowed to disagree. You are NOT however allowed to call them names and tell them that their behavior is weird. If we see this again, we will ban you. Not warn you-ban you.  If you hate Rob, fine. Say it and move on. There is no need to attack the people who enjoy him and call them obsessed and tell them to get over themselves. There is a difference between teasing and attacking someone.

2. TROUBLEMAKERS-- If we Rangers and many campers figure out that you come to our website to purposely cause trouble, we will ban you. Go spread your misery and negativity somewhere else.

3. SPEAK UP--The Rangers try to monitor all the posts and jump in when things get out of line but we need you too. Don't be afraid to ping one of us and tell us when you see something inappropriate.

We are disappointed when we have to make posts like this but we want the forest to be a place where people can agree to disagree and be comfortable with that. Personal attacks will not be tolerated but that doesn't mean debate cannot still take place. Please feel free to post campfires and make comments because like we said, this is just a small minority. The overwhelming majority of campers bring interesting, fun conversations to the forest every day. Please continue!

The Hat Does Nothing

Picture Search

Saturday February 13, 2010 at 7:51 PM

So I Know Many Camp Fires Have Been Created To Show Off;
1. Magazine Photospreads
2. Magazine Deleted Photos
3. Photoshoots
But Being That They are all spread Out, It's Hard to Find The Links.
So Im Asking You Ladies To help Compile The Links To Stuff Like;
the Vaniety Fair Photoshoots, etc.
ALL the Twilight Actors. Not Just Rob & Kristen - While There Will Be More Of Them.
But Yeah. Help A Girl Out Please :D <3



Saturday February 13, 2010 at 7:06 PM




So, I'm kinda in the mood for a daddy J story. I mean there are tones of Edward as a dad, but none as Jasper, and personally, I think that'd be hot as hell. Just my opinion here. I've read one. And it was really good. But that's the only one I've found. I'm having a craving here, like a huge pregnant craving. So this is me, sending out my man to find me my pregnant craving because I couldn't find it..

Will you be my night in shining armor to help me with my wanting of pickles and peanut butter in the form of Daddy J? :)


 Well, I had a beautiful picture to go along with this but apparently I am to stupid to figure out how to get it from my desk top on here.. A little insight? Along with the cravings, I have mood swings, and my laptops life just may depend on you.





Good Darkward fics!

Saturday February 13, 2010 at 5:04 PM

I am loving Octoberland's Darkward stories right now.

Have you guys read them? They are really good-very intense. Check them out--

Anyone got anymore Darkward stories that I should read. I don't want All-Human. I like it when Edward is a vampire. Is wolvesnvamps around? She likes Darkward-maybe I could get her picks?



JR pretties.

Saturday February 13, 2010 at 3:33 PM

Look! Look what I did!

Rob looking wierd as fuck? Crop! Anyone without a Y chromosome? Crop! Kellan? Sorry sweetheart. Crop! The only one coming out of this shoot not looking like a muppet? Hello, and come to mama.

There are more. Start stretching your right- click save, girls, you're gonna need it...


Fan Art Pimpage

Saturday February 13, 2010 at 3:29 PM





Anyway... I may be taking some of the forest's time to pimp some fan art I just made. Whatevs.


So, yes... I have posted 3 Remember Me Banners along with 3 Remember Me Wallpapers in the Carvings Section.  Here's a preview: 


AND... I couldn't help but make some icons out of those Details pics, so hop on over to my tent to see them! 


1 2 3






Saturday February 13, 2010 at 2:56 PM

So, I just realized recently that I have a strange crush on this guy:

For some reason it's so weird to me. I'm lusting after the host of The Abrams Report(if that show is even still airing).  o_O


ETA: MY BAD!! I was still in FFA  mode and I'm OT. Sorry Rangers!


Celebration in the forest

Saturday February 13, 2010 at 2:43 PM

Life is good campers...

grown ass woman and I are celebrating today

here's a few reasons why....

It’s Jennyfuckingfly’s bday

We are still high from the Rob pics spam heard across the fandom

GAS's hubs just got a new car

Edward Cullen has joined the forest.

Tomorrow is my daughter’s birthday

<3 Love is in the air <3


 So, campers....will you please join us?

Grab a beverage, have a smoke, turn up the jamz...whatever it is you do.

Let me know what you're doing this fine Saturday.

What reasons do you have to celebrate?

Or just post pics that make you smile. Like this one....



Saturday February 13, 2010 at 2:37 PM

Hello Forest!

~*~*~*~Happy Birthday Jenny~*~*~*~

So I had the weirdest morning ever...

It included a paranoid Russian dude, bizarre money transactions in the back seat of a car, someone yelling "those are hundreds!", and an inner city bank with so much security, only one person could enter at a time.  Meanwhile some toothless woman was giving me dirty looks and Jandco was sending me links that wouldn't open on my blackberry.  I kept looking over my shoulder waiting to see Sam Jackson yelling at someone or for Quentin Tarantino to yell "Cut!"

But that's not the purpose of this campfire...

AFTER all of that ....I was drivin home and I thought about this FIC that I read about 6-7 months ago and I can't remember the name of it....and I don't know if it was ever finished or not.

Help me out!!

It was about Bella and Edward, who met in college.  His family was very affluent and didn't really approve of him seeing Bella, but he married her anyway.  After a few years, they ended up getting a divorce....not sure why.  And Bella left to go find herself or something liek that....she took a trip and ended up on a boat in the Mediterranean with Peter and Charlotte.  And she kept a blog about her travels.  Edward followed her blog...was all missing her and stuff....I think one night he screwed Lauren at a party at Emmett's house...IDK!!  But then I think E went into therapy. 


Sounds crazy but it was good.

Anyone know what this bsns was?? 

thx :)


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