Edward Cullen

Hello, I'm Edward Cullen.

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 8:37 PM

I feel as though I should have a special font color or something else distinctive, but I suppose that will come with time.

Hello, Campers.  I was wondering if you would be so good as to tell me a little bit about yourselves?  I believe they call this a friending post.

What did you do for the holiday tonight?  Emmett needs some ideas.

What's your own personal brand of heroin?

What was the last book you read?

If you were about to die and I was to turn you into a vampire, what would you miss the most about being a human?

One of the Rangers is telling me that this post needs gifts in the form of "hot hot hotties."  Can you hazard a guess as to which one it was?

This does not amuse me:


edward Pictures, Images and Photos


What is going on at ff.net?

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 8:29 PM

I guess I've been living under a rock since I don't frequent the fansit.es often I really just read a story and move onto the next one... I've noticed that quite a few authors have posted up notes about other stories being deleted? Is something going on? Do I have to look elsewhere now?


Welcome to the Unveiling of the Emmett Challenge

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 6:16 PM


A month ago, HMonster4 and Emibella issued a challenge:

Write an Emmett Fic

That was it. Nothing about the size, shape or coupling.

Just a chance to have a nice database featuring their favorite Cullen.


Come visit the "Happy Valentines Day Emmett" Community at

ADF Valentines day Challenge

but wait, there's more! I have started my first NEW FIC in over a year. AMAZED? Well, I sure am! I have about half of it written so it should update fast and furious 

but you can only read it EXCLUSIVELY HERE AT ADF...


But please, READ ALL OF THESE OR PICK A FEW AND REVIEW THEM! It's nice to support your fellow ADF Camper!!

Thank you, writers, for all of your hard work!!



Bah, Valentines.

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 6:11 PM

It's Valentine's Day and I'm all by myself.  Hubs barely acknowledged it instead wishing me happy chinese new year (and we're not even chinese!  gah!).  I figured I might as well focus my energy into resurrecting my Photoshop.  This came out:

pics.livejournal.com/neuroticris/pic/0001dc6y <-- click for full size

pics.livejournal.com/neuroticris/pic/0001eb7c <--- full size

Let's decorate the forest. Post your icons, banners, and wallpapers here. 

p.s.  I'm wanting to make some thematic wallpaper so I'm looking for some HQ Twilight and/or New Moon stills.  I'd work with the leaked Eclipse stills but the meadow is too cheese for me.


Valentines Day= Swirl & Daisy update

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 5:58 PM

Love this story so much. It's the best kind of sweet and fluffy, and just updated.



Facebook Hate?

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 4:58 PM

Now, before anyone starts to get angry, this is not a hater post. It is simply a informative post. Am I the only one who has seen this?http://www.facebook.com/pages/I-Hate-Jacob-Black/189341988330?v=wall

Really now? Who else thinks maybe this has gone a bit to far?



Do We Have Room For 2 More?

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 4:29 PM

Summit is angry about the leak, but nothing can really be done at this point. So... here. 



Sunday February 14, 2010 at 4:08 PM




did you get your valentine? (who didn't? ME!!)

what did you get for valentine?

who do you want to be your valentine? (post the first person popped into ur mind. no cheating!!!)


i know yah don't know me, been too busy this year. oh gawd!

i'm doing a new photomanip. xp.


gift from you!!









edit* - caption the pics!



who's from the philippines here? =]



pop up ads

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 3:50 PM

 what's with all the double underlined words that have pop up ads linked to them?  is this a new thing?  i noticed they are even in the stories...


just wondering.


Bad boy Edward.

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 3:50 PM

 Hey lovely people,

So I'm looking for a good fic with Edward as a sexy bad boy and a sweet and innocent Bella.

Cliched I know but give me a break it's Valentines day and my boyfriend is out of the country on business, and i feel the need for a good bit of cliched romance.

Please help I have my box of chocolates and cup of tea ready and waiting all I need is a fic

: )


Hmmmm... on purpose?

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 3:28 PM



 It seems that the influx of pictures from Eclipse were leaked, not "OFFICIALLY" released by Summit.




Hmmm.... can we speculate? 




I was wondering why we were getting SO MANY. 




Talking in your sleep

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 2:17 PM

Bella does it, do you?


Has it led to highly embarrassing confessions/revelations of dirty secrets (this isn't an invitation to air your secrets on the net though, I don't want to cause anything) of your inner thoughts/feelings to poor innocent bystanders/Spouses/Boyfriends/BF's/Family members/ Strangers on the morning commute?

And I found this... liked the name of the group (and their name makes me think of HL5 because of Renee's description)


And because I can't stop laughing (hope this link is okay Rangers)






The cherry on top of my day

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 1:25 PM

How to Save a Life updated...


Go Check it Out.



Oh god its the quilt

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 12:50 PM

Here we go again.... but tender and cute...no?


Edit: Just realized not everyone knows what the quilt is. It is from an incredibly awkward moment in the script in which Renee gives Bella a quilt made of shirts and baby clothes and stuff. 




Sunday February 14, 2010 at 12:23 PM



Bigger Size Pics Here: 





EDIT - 1 More:


(I swear, by the time the day is over, we'll have seen the movie already).


God cant get enough

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 12:18 PM


information overload (and my DH rocks)

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 11:19 AM

I've been away for a while, not just ADF but most of the fandom. I went to my TA meetings and only slipped up a few times when I surreptitiously skulked at Robsessed ( and erased my computer history, DH is my sponser so he can check up on me) but I'm back and I'm trawling through all the verious parts of the fandom looking for what's new, what's old what needs avoiding/ignoring completely and so on.


I am on information overload and donut know where to start.

So ADF'ers can you take a few seconds to just fill me in on your most memorable fandom moments from the past month or so?


And my DH is adorable....here's what I found for my sreen wallpaper when I logged onto the computer a few days back



He has got to stop looking at me like that.


Happy Valentines.

 Oh, and we'removing to KOREA




Annyong-hi jumushyossoyo

I believe that means 'Good Morning' (sorry if I got it wrong) but literally translated 'Did you sleep well?' - I think.

The Hat Does Nothing

Valentine Day

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 10:15 AM

What Did You Get For Valentine's Day?
I Hate Valentines Day.
Yesterday Me, My Dad & My Sister
Gave My Mom 6 White Roses
& 6 Red Rose As A V-Day Gift
Because She Deserves It.
Today, We Were Woken Up At 9 AM
Because Someone Sent My Sister 12 Red Roses.
Well, I Was All Like Whatever Stupid Day
& Went Back To Bed.
I Was A Little Depressed.
Even Though I Dont Like V-Day
I Was Still Sad
That I Was The Only Girl In My House
Who Didnt Get A Bouquet Of Roses.
Than 2 Hours Later,
Im Woken Again By The Door
And An Annoymous Person
Sent ME A Bouquet Of 12 Blue Roses.
I Don't Know Who It Was

But They are Beautiful.
A V-Day To Remember.
So What Did You Get Today?


ruh roh

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 10:08 AM

I feel an overkill coming on.

more of our favourite lovers for Vday.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


District 13-ers

Sunday February 14, 2010 at 9:40 AM

So I just slammed through the last pages of Catching Fire, squeee, and I had this nagging portion of my mind that kept wanting to picture Rob as Finnick. So I submit to you that Rob Pattinson would make a good Finnick, thoughts? Other castings?

For your consideration:

I mean he is "mr. beautiful"

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