
Robert Pattinson Bothered by Valentine's Day

Friday February 12, 2010 at 9:03 AM

Jimmy Fallon posted this on his twitter this morning :)

hehehe for more "Robert Pattinson is Bothered" videos, go to Fallon's website HERE.


Techno Fail

Friday February 12, 2010 at 9:00 AM

So I am having some thechnical issues here in the forest. It could just be ME and I am happy to accept that, but I thought I would send up a flare in case other share in my woes.


1. I rarely can reply or post comments on campfires. The comment box comes up but when I go to type words into the box, NOTHING happens. Its frustrating for me and sad for you guys because you are missing out on my razor sharp wit.


2. I can't change my AVATAR. Just won't happen. I am destined to go through this site, when I am able to post anything, as a sad panda. And I was so hoping to be a scary clown today.


Anyway- if there are any girl scouts here in the forest that would like to help a little old woman, let me know. Also, if I am not alone in my techno fail, I would love to know that too!



Whats better then Ryan in the Morning....Nothing.

Friday February 12, 2010 at 8:36 AM

 True Blood's Ryan Kwanten suits up for the cover of August Man magazine’s March 2010 issue.

The 33-year-old Aussie actor posed for celeb photographer Mitchell McCormack and spoke about life as an actor. Check it: source

On making sure he keeps a life outside acting: “I don’t mean to sound preachy, but I think it is a mistake that a lot of actors make. They just surround themselves with the world of acting and therefore that is all they know.”

On watching his passion for the craft grow: “It wasn’t until the roles started getting bigger and the storylines more complex that I realized there was a true profession behind this. As the roles got deeper that passion for the craft was cemented in my veins.”

On leaving behind his life in Australia: “It was never a planned move to Hollywood, but once I arrived in L.A. it sunk its teeth into me and no matter how hard I tried it wouldn’t let go.”

Why I really posted this campfire


 The rest of the Pics from this photo shoot can be found here


Only Hours Left...

Friday February 12, 2010 at 6:46 AM

Emmett, Valentines Day,

Be There or Be Square...

Have  you written/submitted yours yet?

The hours are ticking down...

Emibella and I will be sipping champagne and reading the lovelines....


Soundtrack of your life

Friday February 12, 2010 at 1:54 AM

Hey all, Happy Friday!

I want to talk about music and what kind tracks would fill up the moments of your lives.  I think music played a key role in both Twilight and New Moon (whether effectively or not is another discussion) and obviously is an influence in a lot of people's fanfics. 

While at the Editors (who are on the NM soundtrack) concert tonight (er, last nite) thinking that their new stuff reminds me of Depeche Mode, which then of course made me think of high school and of all the songs that I still listen to from that angsty time, and wondered what "new" music I will carry with me throughout my life.  There is so much music out there but what do you think will survive on your playlists? My "soundtrack" continues to grow and songs that may no longer be "relevant" in my life i keep in "FAV ROCK" playlist and they continue to stir up feelings of nostalgia.  THE song for me, as cliche as it may be, is Nothing Else Matters - i played it when i was angry, sad or just wanted to blast a song and role down the windows and it expressed everything my young self needed to get out.

So tell me, what is THE song for you? what comprises your life's soundtrack?


(my apologies if this isn't very coherent)


You Know What Bugs Me?

Friday February 12, 2010 at 1:51 AM

 Fics (yeah, I talk about fics a lot) where Bella can't breathe while kissing Edward and she has to "come up for air".  Really?  Am I the only person on the planet capable of being able to kiss and breathe at the same time?  Does she not have a nose?

So what about you guys?  What little details in fics bug you?



Thursday February 11, 2010 at 10:04 PM






Holy Flattery!!

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 8:47 PM

I just took a peek in my cabin & found this AWESOMENESS from a lovely Camper named britpop! Watch it. It's so cool!

THANK YOU, britpop!

When has someone in the Twi-verse blown you away with awesomeness????


Gossip Cop clears up BD reports

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 7:55 PM





 Reportseverywherethis evening claim “Breaking Dawn” is going to be adapted into two movies.

The official word given to Gossip Cop from a rep for Summit is, “No decision has been made and as we have said all along we are continuing to work with Stephenie Meyer to bring Breaking Dawn to the big screen.”

HOWEVER, a well-placed source tells Gossip Cop dividingBreaking Dawn into two pictures “is the direction that it’s going in.” We’re told that from a practical standpoint, separating the story into two parts and shooting back-to-back is what makes most sense.

Earlier reports seem to be fairly accurate when it comes to timing, specifically, that filming may begin in October.

Gossip Cop will keep you posted when plans are officially finalized.






i have no words

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 7:40 PM

Can someone tell me what is going on in this photo, it's freaking me out!


New Remember Me Spot - "Family"

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 6:20 PM


A Teaching Campfire

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 5:22 PM

WTVOC did one of these a while ago, but since we have so many new campers we are going to do one again. 


You may be saying "But Emibella, I don't know HOW to post a picture of my desktop!!" 

So I am going to teach you how to do a screen grab. It's an awesome tool. You can grab as many stills of RPatz as your little heart desires with this. Honest.


ON A MAC,  go to your desktop and hit the command key (the apple) + shift +3, then skip to step 5 in the PC tutorial. 


  1. Go to your desktop at press the "Print Screen" key, it's often 4 keys in on the right side of a traditional keyboard. Nothing will happen but don't be alarmed.
  2. Open up "Paint" from your start menu. It's in Accessories on every windows computer.
  3. Press the "Ctrl" and the "V" key at the same time. It's paste, but a right click won't work. You will see your desktop magically appear in paint, and it will be pretty damn huge.
  4. Save the file as a jpeg, I do it to my desktop since it's easy to find and then I just delete it when I am done.
  5. Go to photobucket or some other image hosting site and save it on there.
  6. Copy the URL for the image location.
  7. Use that little button in the comments section that looks like the sun over the mountains to paste in the URL
  8. Click on the image in the comments and grab the corner, resizing so you don't post your big ass picture.
  9. When you are done, you will have something like this:





Pop ups on ADF

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 5:08 PM

is anyone else having trouble with ad sites bloocking access o ADF? I have a mac so these types of things don't usually get to me but can hardly get on ADF. Strange. Only ADF.  Anyone else or suggesstions? 


it's serwclicksor and this-

Driving me nuts!-but only here...


gasp! wtdboc posts pictures of the rob

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 4:54 PM

these magically appeared in mah box just now.  pics of rob on the set of bel ami.  enjoy.  the second one is ace; the third is my favorite.



Image and video hosting by TinyPic 


Image and video hosting by TinyPic 





Image and video hosting by TinyPic


negl, i like the sideburns.  but the db in a vest > pretty much everything else.  OMG THOSE VEINS IN HIS HAND ARE BECKONING.  THEY WANT ME TO START AN IV IN THEM.


BD will be 2 movies

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 4:09 PM

Don't know how trustworthy this is, but:

EXCLUSIVE: 'Twilight' Saga's Final Book 'Breaking Dawn' Will Be Made Into 2 Back-To-Back Movies

I have this from several sources, and it's definitive. Filming on the back-to-back movies would begin in mid-October, and Summit Entertainment is looking at "high-end" directors. Breaking Dawn is the longest in Stephenie Meyer's 4-book series lengthwise and it's the most graphic -- presenting birth, attempted murder, death, and of course vampire bites. Published on August 2, 2008, it has a happy ending for most of the characters. Divided into 3 parts, the 1st and 3rd sections are told from the point of view of Bella (Kristen Stewart), and the second section from the perspective of Jacob (Taylor Lautner). It prominently features all 3 favorite characters including Edward (Robert Pattinson). Summit Entertainment no doubt will save money by making these Twilight Saga movies #4 and #5 back to back. Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg (who's written all the Twilight Saga films) is currently adapting Breaking Dawn. Eclipse, the 3rd movie, will be released on June 30th. Meanwhile, Yen Press, the graphic novel imprint of Hachette Book Group, announced last month that it will publish the first volume in the graphic novel adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight on March 16th. Due to the length of the prose novel, the book will be divided into 2 volumes and the release date for the second volume is forthcoming. Containing selected text from Meyer's original novel with illustrations by Korean artist Young Kim, it's a fusion of Asian and Western comic techniques in mostly black-and-white with color interspersed throughout. Novelist Meyer consulted throughout the artistic process and had input on every panel.



"Expectations" update

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 3:58 PM


"Expectations and Other Moving Pieces" updated.  I know a lot of other campers here are following this fic, so here ya go:



DurtyNelly's Twifics

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 2:53 PM

I just read on one of my fave author's blogs (DURTYNELLY) that her three stories, Buried Among The Begonias - I Love You Like Sid & Nancy - Grind - are being deleted from tomorrow, but she has already posted them all up at The Writers Coffee Shop. If you know the author I'm talking about, than you know she does an amazing Darkward, so if you don't want to miss out on all of the Masen goodness, then go add her on that site :)


juggling too many stories?

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 2:04 PM

 Hello everyone! This is my first campfire, and I just want to gush about how much I love this site and am super excited to be surrounded by so many awesome people in this fandom! 

So, last night my beloved blackberry chimes and I see that I have a story alert. I get super anxious because my 13 month old insane loveable son is asleep and I can sit back and devour some good ff. So after I open the story and read the first bit, I find that I'm completely confused. Like, very similar to the times I've attempted to watch Lost confused. I can't for the life of me remember what this story is about, so I had to go to the first chapter to jog my memory. That ruined the "experience" for me and just made me feel like a crummy reader. 

Does anyone else feel like when reading too many ffs at once the stories and characters all kind of get jumbled up in a soupy mush? Or writers, do you have trouble separating your certain "-Wards" or other characters when managing multiple stories and once?

Are there certain tricks or routines anyone does like faithfully follow a few stories at a time and create a "to read" list for future reading? Or does anyone enjoy having tons of story alerts because they have no problem distinguishing stories from one another?

My apologies if this has already been discussed in the past! But Rob makes everything better :) 



503 Error You Suck

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 1:53 PM

I want to thank all the campers who helped me out yesterday by sending me screenshots and info about the error messages they received when they couldn't get into the Forest.

Thank you:


Then, after seeing eleventybillion screenshots that said "503 Error" I started making up things in my head that would be much more amusing as an error message.

For example:

  • Bella's sleeping now... which means Edward's fapping. Come back later.
  • GTFO Everything Is Broken
  • Smokey fell asleep & the forest burned down. BRB germinating trees.
  • Robert's hotness finally broke the internet.

If you're snowed in or otherwise looking at some free time, come up with some better ones.



Thursday February 11, 2010 at 1:48 PM

My local rock-jocks on the radio this morning announced in their movie news segment that an ECLIPSE trailer will be showing this weekend with the debut of Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief...

I haven't heard this news anywhere else and was wondering what other ADF Campers have heard???

(The DarkHairedVeela is a big fan of the Percy Jackson series--and we're going to the movie regardless :)


wtvoc gave me posting privileges back in the beginning.

RANGER EDIT: Summit has confirmed that the Eclipse Trailer WILL NOT appear during 'Percy Jackson/ the Lighting Thief. Please carry on and discuss Percy Jackson though!

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