
I'm bored....

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 1:25 PM

...let’s play a game.

I want to see how well you know your Robpr0n.  
I’ll post a portion of a Rob pic and all you have to do is find the original and post it. Feel free to post your own for others to figure out as well.
You can switch it up and post pics of the other cast members too, if you’re so inclined.
I’ll start you off with several.

1) Photobucket   2)  Photobucket  3)  Photobucket

4) Photobucket  5) Photobucket  6)  Photobucket 

7) Photobucket 8) Photobucket 9) Photobucket

10) Photobucket 

Sorry, got a little carried away there...



Thursday February 11, 2010 at 1:20 PM

 It's my first campfire - be gentle with me.

There's been a fair bit of lamentation recently about the lack of Eclipse news compared with how much stuff we had for New Moon.  It got me wondering - is this really a bad thing?

I hardly knew anything about Twilight the movie before I went to see it, although I'd read the book, so even though I think we can all agree it's not the best film out there, it really drew me in.  When I left the cinema I wanted to go straight back in to watch it again.  

Whereas with New Moon, I felt like I'd already seen most of it and I knew exactly how it was going to play out compared to the book (and I hadn't read the script).  Even the two key scenes - the break-up and the reunion - were kind of meh because of this.  Although New Moon is technically the better movie, I still prefer Twilight, because it reminds me of the magic of that first time.

So, I have resolved that this time around I am going to try and abstain as much as I can before I go to see Eclipse to try and recapture some of that magic.

How about the rest of you?

Apparently I can't write anything 'briefly'.  Sorry about that.


So this winter business?

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 11:05 AM

Yeah I'm over it. Done. Fin.  

I'm a black filipino chick living in Texas.  No part of my DNA is coded to withstand the cold.

(Oh and I know some of y'all are like...balls deep in snow...but THISISTEXAS! It's 35 degrees right now. My city is about to shut down due to the cold!) 


I'm re reading YGMCTG, smutty hot times...but I need something else. 

So what smutty fun times are you guys reading? 

Um - I'd prefer canon pairings, completed or at least 20 chapters in - I don't even need plot at this point.


brrrrr....I need some Bella gloves....

and a cutie in a pea coat to take care of me.  : ) 


Need to find author!

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 9:26 AM

Hi! Never posted my before, but lurk here often -

Maybe someone could help me? I'm looking for the stories "Resisting Edward" and "Seducing Edward" or the author's name! I can't seem to find them anymore and if they've been taken off of FF I'm hoping she has a blog somewhere.

Also, I know the author of "The Office" took it off FF (and I understand her reasons) but I had that on alert and when I went to go read it (I try to only read completed fics) just the last few chapters were up and I'm soooo bummed! I doubt anyone would send me the story if they had it saved (don't know if this is a no-no?) but does anyone know if she has plans to post it anywhere else?

Thanks so much, I love it here! Can't get enough. I'd follow Jandco anywhere...



Thursday February 11, 2010 at 9:06 AM

This is off topic but i feel as though it requires our attention.  Billboard released their top fifty sexiest songs for valentine's day.

get ready for this.

#1 is Physical by Olivia Newton John.

Clearly, something went wrong in their process.  Tell me campers, what do YOU think is the sexiest song of all time?


A Non-Twilight Love Story

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 7:54 AM

Four years ago today, this handsome man:



Agreed to marry this neurotic girl:


They did a lot of this:


And more...


And a year and a half later they had him:

The man is now here:

Which is why the neurotic girl is sharing her story will the forest instead of doing lots of this (okay, this was taken at my college graduation, but you get the idea):



So I am asking everyone to share their story! The more pictures the better.

How did you meet? Was it love at first sight or were you like us and hated each other for a few months before giving in?


I found this and I love it, so I'm throwing it in...this was us in NYC last month before heading out to dinner.

 Ranger approved

The Hat Does Nothing


Thursday February 11, 2010 at 7:15 AM

So Bella & Edward Went To Prom.

Anyways, That Was Just Making It Twilight Relevant.
So, I Wanna Know About Your Prom Experience.
Mine Is Coming Up In A Year But I Dont Wanna Go.
I Just Dont Care - To Me It's a Glorified Dance.
And At The Dances Everyone Just Grinds Up On Each Other
Im Not Down For That.

So Tell Me;
1. What Was Your Prom Like?
2. Did You Go?
3. If You Didn't Do You Regret It Now?
4. Should I Go To Prom?

Yes I Did Add Purple Text For WTVCO - Im A Suck Up!


Overall, Ladies Thanks For The Crazy Response.
While I Dont Like Make-Up, Dresses, Doing My Hair 'Pretty' or Alcohol
I Dont Have A Boyfriend Either - Not Allowed To Date.
Im Currently In My Junior Year And Am Unable To Go To This Years Prom
I Need To Be Invited - Via Date - To Go.
So, You Can See Why I Wouldn't Want To Go
I Do Love My Friends And The Memories May Be Good.
So, I Think You Ladies May Have Swayed Me Towards The Prom.
Besides, This Will Be A Chance For Me To Ask My Best Friend To It.
If I Can Work Up The Nerve To Ask Him O_O.
But Thanks Ladies For The Huge Response.
Besides, I Dont Really Have A Choice.
My Girl-Friends And Twin Sister Plan To Force Me To Go.
Vound And Gagged The Whole Nine Yards.
My Sister Has Really Got To Stop Conspiring Against Me With My Friends. -_-


Pulled off of FFn

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 4:31 AM

Hi everyone

I have a question. Lately a lot of my favorite fanfics are pulled off or taken of as precaution by the authors. But there as also a few I can't find back anywhere.

Do you know if there's a list of pulled off fanfics? And where those fics are now?

If there isn't any is there a possibility to make one all together so every one can find their favorite fic back???


The few I know are:

The Trainingsschoolsaga by the SpoiltOne and Footroze - now to find at the Writers Coffee Shop Library (

Emancipation Proclamation by kharizzmatik - now to find here

The devil's toy by rparkerp -



Please help to enlarge the list, or the place where to find another list



Bel Ami set

Thursday February 11, 2010 at 2:40 AM

Sooo...there are Bel Ami set pics out now and I may or may not be drooling over the fact that he wears suspenders and a waist coat in this film.

More can be found here


So....what do you think so far? Frankly, I think he looks a lot better in the period clothes than I thought he would.

jessica stanley

V-day gifts for HIM?

Wednesday February 10, 2010 at 11:36 PM

Okay, so Lauren totally dragged me shopping with her today (like I didn't have anything better to do). She wanted to get a VALENTINE GIFT for Tyler because they've been going together for like four weeks. She says seven weeks, but that's not consecutive, so I don't think it counts.

Anyhoo, she thinks Mike would totally notice me and my many fine assets if I were to wow him with a small token of my thoughtfulness this weekend. I went along with it at first, but we were in this little store that sold like novelty Jell-O molds shaped like human anatomy and those pens that have swimwear models on them until you click, and then the swimwear is gone. Yeah, well, Lauren was browsing these faux fur bikini ensembles, and I stepped WAY back-- Mike doesn't need to see quite that much of my fine assets just now, if you know what I mean.

So, long story short, I guess I panicked. Everything was so suggestive, and then I saw the candy section, and I thought "Candy is nice and traditional and safe for Valentine's Day," and I picked this out because by then Lauren was tapping her foot and swishing her hair and being utterly annoying.

And don't judge me, okay? Mike likes bacon. He's ALWAYS eating bacon. He eats so much bacon that his hair actually smells like bacon all the time.

But that's where things went wrong. Because we saw the guys hanging out, and I got nervous about trying to make plans to see Mike on the weekend to give him the candy. And I didn't want to take it to school and have him like reject me in front of everyone or something-- in you know Worst-Case-Scenario-Land. So I handed it over just now in the parking lot, and he said it was "So cool." And then he took a piece of it out of the package and he said, "It smells like Bella's hair."


In conclusion, I think it was the worst Valentine ever. The least you all can do is:

  • A) show me a worse gift
  • B) show me what you got your honey
  • C) show me what your honey got you
  • D) show me what I should get for Mike if I work up the courage to try again before V-day
  • E) tell me why Bella's hair must always smell like freaking strawberries
  • F) all of the above

More Remember Robert

Wednesday February 10, 2010 at 10:26 PM


Cancel the Pedo-Bear Alert

Wednesday February 10, 2010 at 10:04 PM

Ladies, the day is finally here. It's after midnight on the East Coast, and you know what that means.

You can look at this without feeling like a pedophile.

That's right, he's 18 now. Legal in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Now before you all think I'm a creeper for counting down the days until he turned 18, I'll share that I am less than 5 years older than Teenwolf. Some of you (and I'm not naming names because I honestly have no idea) are more than 5 years older than Rob and still salivating. So, before the pot and the kettle get together for a black screaming festival, let's just bask in the joy of knowing that staring at these pictures is no longer punishable by jail time.


For your reading pleasure...

Wednesday February 10, 2010 at 9:47 PM

Everyone's always complaining about how Twilighted makes their eyeballs bleed, including me.  So, I was surprised and happy to see this little ditty today on one of the forums:  

For those of you that have trouble reading with the dark background, psymom has offered an alternate white background skin!

 Option 1:

1. Login on the main site (
2. Go to Account Info
3. Click "Edit Preferences"
4. Click drop down menu next to "Skin" & select "white"
5. Click "Submit"
6. If you try it and don't like it, to return to the classic Twilighted skin, you'll need to go back through the same procedure, selecting the skin called "Twilighted," and clicking submit, but then you have to clear your cache and re-login in order for it to go back to black.

Option 2:

1. Login on the main site (
2. Go to Account Info 
3. Click "Edit Preferences" 
4. Check the box next to "Display table of contents for stories" 
5. Click "Submit"
6. Go to the main page for a story (by clicking on its title) 
7. Click the printer icon Image at the top right (next to number of reviews and star rating)
8. It will bring up another window that gives you the entire story in black text on a white background.

Hope this helps!  I apologize if this is old news to everyone, in which case I offer an second new clip of remember me as a consolation, here:  Can't figure out how to embed it, sorry 

someone beat me to that, drat.  I'm out of door prizes.


Some things are just not ok

Wednesday February 10, 2010 at 9:46 PM

I have no words right now. And I think I need some bleach for my brain. I just read a fic where Bella is 70 because Edward wouldn't change her and she has Alzheimers  and is on her way to dying. (The author has hinted that she's gonna be changed before that happens). But yet, they continue to kiss makeout. OMG DNW! And she said it was M for "future sexin'." Sorry, but I DON'T want to read about 70 yr old crusty Bella getting it on with 17 yr old vampire Edward.

So the point of this campfire:

There was a campfire earlier about what you "require" in fics. How about what you can't stomach? For me, this was something I just couldn't stomach.


If Campers Were Songs

Wednesday February 10, 2010 at 9:42 PM

 this post has been approved by wtFREAKINDBofcourse because she tried to get me banned today and FAILED

Okay campers gather round. I have a sort of challenge for you. We have all gotten to know each other pretty well in this here pretty forest so Im here to see how well we know each other.

Your challenge is to post a song that you think best represents the camper above you. For example Ill be posting the song that I think best represents wtvoc. 

Then the first person to post on my campfire will post a song about me. and so on and so on.

You get my drift???? I hope so.

So without further ado let the music picking begin.

cause OMG who doesn't think she is the boss around here


Another Remember Me Clip!

Wednesday February 10, 2010 at 9:26 PM


Last Airbender Trailer

Wednesday February 10, 2010 at 7:27 PM



No words are needed. Just watch.



You guys can keep RememberRob. I want Sokka. Am I right Emibella???


Wednesday February 10, 2010 at 6:20 PM


Welcome once again to Pimp Wednesday

The Pimp Campfire is for:

  • Pimping things that you are writing, complete with Links, Banners and summaries.
  • Pimping things that you are reading and adore.
  • Pimping things that you have created like banners, song mixes, live journal sites (that's you, HG ladies) and the like.
  • Commenting on other peoples pimps, concurring if you would like to pimp as well and general pimp fun
  • Something nice for Emibella


  • Greeen Goldfish's Reviving Fireflies
  • Gondolier's Skygod
  • Jennyfly's Sanctuary

It's a readers paradise!

Also, I would like to remind you that you have a few short days to write your Emmett fic for the Emmett Valentines day challenge! Email me at Emibella@adifferentforest or contact HMonster4 with your entries.



New Remember Me Clip!

Wednesday February 10, 2010 at 6:00 PM


Hey now...there's that little thing called chemistry!  Also...yum.


Desert Island Beauty...

Wednesday February 10, 2010 at 4:58 PM

So, there I was this morning, staring blearily into the mirror as I put on my makeup for work, and it struck me that I have quite the routine for my face in the mornings. Which led me to the thought that Bella... well, our little vampire lover didn't have much of a routine at all.

I love makeup, and cosmetics in general, but there are a couple of things that I can't live without, and are so part of my "routine" that I don't even realise I'm using them.

This being top of my list...

Yup, I can't live without mascara, and this one is fab... If I was stranded on a desert island, this would be my one request - yes, I know it's very vain of me, but anyone with pale lashes like mine will understand!

Another of my favourites is this...

This is my daily treat.

I have many other things that I use every day, but I won't bore you with the details!

So campers, what beauty products can you not live without? If you were stranded on a desert island, what would your must have beauty product be?

And what would you recommend for Bella, product wise?

Personally, I would tell her to use a moisturiser with built in SPF - even in rainy Forks, those pesky UVA and UVB rays get through, and we all know the girl has enough issues with aging as it is!

PS This was Ranger approved - thank you, Jandco!

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