In preparation

Sunday April 25, 2010 at 3:15 PM

Hey lovely people

So to put It simply and honestly I'm drunk!!!!!!

My plan tomorrow apart from a quick trip in the morning to the supermarket to purchase hangover food is to spend the day in bed, in my PJs reading fan fic.

So in preparation for the hangovers to end all hangovers thought I would do a fic request.

Now I know you all must get so fed up with this but seriously I'm anticipating that there is no way on Gods green earth that I'm gonna have the brain power to pic a story.

So my hangover which I anticipate will be kicking in in about 8 hours begs and pleads with you for help.

I usually go for A/H but to be honest can't see me being that picky the only request I do make is that they're E/B I know i'm dull and predictable. If you could add a link I would love you forever and name my unborn children after you.

Please help a horribly drunk camper out, sense I'm gonna be slightly embarrassed by this campfire come morning time.

PS: Read Master of the universe yesterday. Not usually into S&M stories but I do love an all powerful, rich yet damaged Edward (told you i was predictable). Anyone else read it? What do you guys think?




Get ready to rumble!

Sunday April 25, 2010 at 2:59 PM

Do you use


Tell us why!


ranger approved


How did your first loves hold up?

Sunday April 25, 2010 at 11:35 AM

My first vampire love is doing just fine thank you very much. Gah-he is more handsome now than when I lusted after him in "The Lost Boys"

Show me what your first celebrity/sports crushes look like now

greeen goldfish

Show me what you REALLY listen to

Sunday April 25, 2010 at 10:02 AM

I kind of stole this from Pemberley over at LJ. But I put a spin on it. I want you guise to post a screencap of your iTunes. But not just ANY part of your iTunes. Show me your '25 most played' playlist. I want the screencap to show that part highlighted so we know you're not cheating! No hiding the embarrassing stuff! (See mine below.)

I'm always a little surprised by what's on this list when I look at it.

For those on Macs who don't know how, you screen cap by pressing command + shift + 4 and then expanding the box over the part you want to capture. Then, the photo should show up on your desktop when you release. IDK how non-mac people can do it. (who cares. those people are lame anyway.)

This campfire was approved by a drunk ranger.


Canon or AU

Sunday April 25, 2010 at 9:53 AM

 I have a little problem... no, more of a question. 

I'm planning on writing a post BD story, but I don't know if it's Canon or AU!! The characters are a little OOC, but they're still canon pairings and all with the same characters.

The only really OOC is Nessie, but I don't know if it counts bc she CHANGES throughout (like 70 yrs post BD) both physically and mentally. And I mean, there aren't really many clear facts about her how she is when she's all grown up. 

Anyone are to share their thoughts? Canon or AU?


We're Not In Twi-fic Land Anymore Dorothy

Sunday April 25, 2010 at 5:39 AM

Alright, I know this has NOTHING to do with twilight and everything that comes with it but is anyone else a fan of Prison Break?

No, Yes, Never heard of it?

okay wondering if any fans have read any Prison Break Fanfic, is there even any good stuff?


OMFG. he really shoudn't be aloud to be this pretty.


Carlisle's Accent

Sunday April 25, 2010 at 5:17 AM

So I just watched the Eclipse trailer for the first time just now and at one point I thought I heard Carlisle talk with a British accent.

And that got me thinking... wouldn't Carlisle speak with a British accent? Vampires don't change at all after they've become vampires, so they're voice wouldn't change either, would it? Carlisle was born in England and changed there, so why does he have an American accent? Laurent has a French accent and maybe it's me thinking too much into this but is Carlisle's accent change intentional? Is he supposed to blend in or whatever?

For some reason this really bugs me.


What Old People Do For Fun...

Saturday April 24, 2010 at 11:00 PM

I was thinking about a conversation I had with my Twife some time ago...we were joking about the Cullens and possible geriatric possiblities for crack fic....I believe there was a contest at one point...

I saw this video on youtube and it totally reminded me of what Rose and Emmett might be like as senior citizens....

Whaddya think?




Saturday April 24, 2010 at 9:43 PM

Any one of you lovely ladies who are tech savvy want to make me a gif for ADF that is Jackson smoking in the movie know the scene where he is in the alley when he meets that creepy guy...

I feel like I need an avi that moves like everyone elses

I would love you forever if you did this for me...


Being Cocky

Saturday April 24, 2010 at 9:08 PM

so i was thinking the other day, that my favorite kind of bella is cocky and confident.

completly ooc i know. but i was watching the blind side and i freaking love sandra bulloks

charecter in that movie. how she is so bold. so i was wondering if anyone had any good recs where bella is

confident cocky, and bold. AH please. thank you much guys!


Threesome anyone?

Saturday April 24, 2010 at 8:23 PM






Jenny, Jess and Joe at a bar about 30 minutes ago. Guess what they are doing now? ;)


This is not even close to Twilight-related

Saturday April 24, 2010 at 7:59 PM

 I am a HUGE David Tennant fan- and I know I can't be alone here. 

For those of us in the US: (who haven't heard about this yet)

David Tennant's "Hamlet" is broadcasting on PBS Great Performances this Wednesday at 8pm.

I am excite. 


EDIT- I think we need to add a little DTporn to this campfire to keep it going. Give me your fave DT pic. Doctor Who or other. 



Majesta Moniet

Edward/Bella bonding?

Saturday April 24, 2010 at 7:13 PM

So I was sitting around thinking about Twilight (hey, you know you do it too), when I found myself pondering (just go with it) what it was that Bella and Edward did for fun? I couldn't think of anything. D:

The series gives the impression that all they ever did was sit around and talk.  Which, you know, is key to any relationship...but also kind of rediculously lame after doing it non-stop for six months straight.  I mean, we know they weren't sexin' it up.  And they weren't going out for icecream. And they weren't going to school sporting events or parties. So...did they just sit around, stare into eachother's eyes and quote Shakespeare at eachother? There's a whole summer we never learned about, so do you think they went out then?  Cosmic bowling on Friday nights?

Factual question: Is there any account of them in the book going out on an actual date before they got married? If so, what did they do? (Baseball with Edward's family does not count. If your in-laws are there, it's definately not a date, lol.)

Burnt Turkey


Saturday April 24, 2010 at 6:02 PM

  By past campfires I've noticed that some of the canon traits in the characters/plot of the books turn off readers; I, along others, am here because I didn't like the direction and end of the story and found parts lacking.

However, there must be something that caught your attention in the original books and made you keep reading them and therefore, be here. So campers, what are those canon elements that you liked at the beginning? Was it the vampires? Are you into the brooding type?


Fic Help

Saturday April 24, 2010 at 5:27 PM

Can anyone remember the name of a fic where Edward is in the service, like a Navy Seal or on some type of squat team and Charlie is his boss? The plot of the story is Bella tries to seduce him at her 18th birthday party and he spurns her. Eventually he gives in, they start having an affair, Charlie get's sick at one point, then he finds out. I'm sorry I'm not being specific but I can't remember much from the story. Any help would be greatly appreciated:)


Do you break up well?

Saturday April 24, 2010 at 5:01 PM

Do you stay in touch with your former romantic partners?

Have most of your break-ups been amicable or messy?



Attention Just Wait Readers!

Saturday April 24, 2010 at 3:44 PM

Do you read Just Wait by InstantKarmaGirl?

Does Stutterward own your heart?

Do you want to be part of a team for the FGBEclipse auction?

If your answer is yes to all of the above, come join Team Stutterward! If your interested, contact Amanda (@thurtysomething) on Twitter for details!


jennyfly visits jandco

Saturday April 24, 2010 at 3:11 PM

i arrived late last night for a series of VERY IMPORTANT MEETINGS

with jandco AND the whole Trainwreck crew.

The meeting with Joe is coming soon, but for now, here are a couple of pictures.

We are about to toast WTVOC with birthday wishes for the ages.


^^^Enjoying coffee                                                         ^^^writing Sanctuary




Saturday April 24, 2010 at 2:46 PM

So I'm trying to post another campfire, and I can't figure out how to put a picture in it.  I clicked on the Insert/Edit image button, put the URL in for the picture, and then nothng shows up.  How do I do this?????????????


Wastin' Time

Saturday April 24, 2010 at 11:25 AM

Campers, my life is just one big ball of stress right now.  So I was roaming around the interwebs last night, trying to unwind, when I came across this:


If you go on there, try playing this for LULZ:

Jjhfdhap as op Jjhfdap aassGGjk
hjk ddssaap uuooaadd
ddssaap uuooaaff G ddssaap oossffjj
jjhffdap ffhhkkzz bbvxxzkj
hjk ddssaap uuooaaff G
ddssaap uuooaaff G ddssaap oossjjj


It's my new favorite thing, and I've just wasted like, twelve hours learning how to play Fur Elise and Never Gonna Give You Up. 

What I want to know is, what are your favorite internet time wasters?  Got any favorite websites to share?  Post 'em in here!

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