
Too Many Contests

Tuesday April 27, 2010 at 9:09 AM

I am infamous for browsing the Twilight Awards contest page, and coming away with six different contests I simply don't have time to enter. The topics are to die for, though.

So, what to do? Enter and waste time, or let it alone? What do you do?



True Blood Mini-episode 1 Eric & Pam

Tuesday April 27, 2010 at 9:00 AM





what's so good about it?

Tuesday April 27, 2010 at 6:44 AM

Ya know how Bella was sometimes surly to Charlie?

He's a man of few words, and yet he'd always manage a "Good morning, kiddo."

and grumpy Bella would harumph or scowl... Yeah. I'm having one of those days.


So tell me campers, was this worth getting up so early for?



Why So Shy, Little One?

Tuesday April 27, 2010 at 6:41 AM


Okay, so, FYI, the latest chapter of my fic "Breaking News" posted on ADF last Tuesday.  To date, that chapter has over 8000 views here.  And five reviews.  Now, nobody's obligated to say anything at all to me about anything I write - I'm cool if you just want to hang out and read and then move on.  I get it.  I do it, too, and I'm not about collecting hundreds of "OMGZ UPDATE SOON" comments.  But for comparison's sake, the same chapter has something like 5000 hits over on ff, and about 300 reviews.  I know that the other authors here experience the same discrepency, so it's not as though I am giving off some kind of odor (I don't give off an odor.  I swear I don't.  Ask the people around here who've met me.  I'm totally clean and fresh, and not skunky in any way).

My question to you beautiful campers is this: why are you so shy?  You're pretty, and what you have to say is important.  I want to talk to youuuuuuuuuuuuu.  I'm not offended in any way, and this isn't a pathetic plea (seriously, SERIOUSLY, don't review anything if you don't have something to say.  I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm just going to keep telling a story regardless of whether or not people open up a dialogue on the subject with me, because that's how it works in the real world).  I'm just curious.


I told Jennyfly I'd start this campfire.  She said I could.  Sometimes, I think she lets me get away with too much.  But honestly, if there's a reason why you're less inclined to review here than on ff, I want to know about it.


There their they're

Tuesday April 27, 2010 at 6:30 AM

Have you ever read a fic that had a great premise? The original characters were preserved, whilst an interesting and new storyline was introduced?

Have you ever been disappointed, after starting to read said fic, when the grammar and spelling has completely turned you off?

I will be surprised if anyone here is able to say ‘no’.

I started to read a fic today, when halfway through the chapter I was convinced that the author must be from a non-English speaking background. There were mistakes everywhere. They actually spelt tomorrow as 2morrow, had tired instead of tried, misplaced their, there and they’re, had aloud instead of allowed, allot instead of a lot, along with many other grammar and spelling mistakes. I was convinced. Surely, this person was trying to improve their English skills through writing.

I checked their profile, planning on offering myself as a beta, to help them with their language and spelling, to help get this great idea into a better place. The problem was, they were from a country with English as the first language..

Unfortunately, this happens way too often in the fanfiction world. Have schools stopped teaching basic English skills, is text speak becoming too prevalent, or are people just getting lazy with the rules?

I see so many errors that a 10 year old should be able to pick up, especially with spell check! Am I being too hard?

My question is… what is your pet peeve when it comes to incorrect grammar and spelling? Why do you think this is becoming so common amongst English speaking writers?



shoulda' put a ring on it

Monday April 26, 2010 at 11:29 PM

You can buy Bella's ring!

You can only marry Edward Cullen in your fantasies, but now you can ask your real life lover to propose with the same ring the vamp gave Bella Swan. The ring, which author Stephenie Meyer and Infinite Jewelry Co. co-designed, made its big debut last Friday in the latest trailer for Eclipse. It matches the description from the book:

"The face was a long oval, set with slanting rows of glittering round stones. The band was gold — delicate and narrow. The gold made a fragile web around the diamonds.”

Now you can get it for as low as $35, but the real diamond version sells for $1,979 — I suppose the makers hope some people will actually wear this as an engagement ring...



omg you can bet twihards are going to make their Bf's propose with that hideous pos.


Another one of THOSE posts :)

Monday April 26, 2010 at 10:57 PM

I need fic recs. For, what, might you ask? Well, you don't need to know the specifics, but something recently happened to me that made me think, "Wow, sex really is kinda funny. :D" I'd heard that before & hadn't believed it until tonight. Now, I know that fanfiction is rife with perfect first times & splendiferous sex, but I want your "real sex" fics--sex with people who aren't concentrating on the act or funny mishaps or whatnot. Bring'em on! =D


like a drifter, i was born to walk alone

Monday April 26, 2010 at 10:08 PM

So, there are a lot of new faces around here, and I don't know you.

I need to rectifyum that



so answer these questions, and learn something new about your fellow campers!

What is your name? (I just need first names)

What is your preferred brand of shampoos and conditioners?

What kind of socks do you wear?

Left or right handed?

If you were transported back to another decade, which would it be?

Do you roll your rims to win?

What's the story morning glory?

Best feeling in the world?

Worst feeling in the world?

Instead of leaves or money, what is the one thing you wish would grow on trees?

Fuck, Marry, Kill - 80'd edition.

Billy Idol

Joe Elliot

Dave Coverdale





Let's Talk About...

Monday April 26, 2010 at 9:00 PM

So the lovely FarDareisMai2 asked the question today:  What is the difference between smut and erotica?  Why is Henry Miller a respected novelist, and others, who write similarly graphic sexual material…not? 


I used to write original fic a long, long time ago.  And one of the reasons I stopped is that my writing groups kept telling me that my writing was “too sensual” for publication.  WTF?  What they meant to say is that you can’t write a graphic description of a languid kiss and get picked up by Epoch or even Zyzzyva (both fairly well-known lit mags).  So I was very excited to come to fanfiction and discover all kinds of great writing, there for free, and lo!  Some of it was kind of sexy.

But now, I’m left with questions:  What’s the difference between smut and erotica?  Why are Miller’s works labeled “literary” and Nin’s labeled “erotica?”  (I wiki’d that shit.)  Is what many of us write smut?  Is it porn?  Does it have literary value?  Can anyone help me answer these questions??


Finally, I wanted to include a photo, for your time.  To my eye, it is impossibly erotic.  To others, it may appear smutty, or dirty, although nothing below the neck is shown.  Still, I will link rather than embed, as I know we all have different ideas of front-page decency, here in the forest.

(graciously approved by WTDBOC.)


Regrets? I have a few

Monday April 26, 2010 at 8:56 PM

But not as big as this one!

Do you think that she thought about the fact that if someone was to do it doggie style with her-Robert's eyes would look up at them?

Discuss things you regret.


Fic Me Blazer

Monday April 26, 2010 at 8:16 PM

I need help finding a fic!

I have the strongest desire to read something that involves a battle/war between vampires and humans/more vampires where Bella and Edward are on opposing sides. Kind of like the whole setup of the Underworld series except for instead of lycans they are humans.

Help please?


Bella Swan is a total bitch.

Monday April 26, 2010 at 7:50 PM

Inside the triangle of love between a Bloodthirsty Vampire, a Violent Werewolf, and an average Human Girl, the TRUE MONSTER is the one you'd least suspect.




Monday April 26, 2010 at 7:18 PM

 Okay, campers, 


In the form of youtubes of songs, lyrics, pictures of beautiful men, glasses of your favorite beverage, books, people, inspirational posters, things you want but can't yet have YOU NAME IT..




DON'T LET ME DOWN!!!!!! I have about a million things to do tonight and I need help finding my drive!

I am listening to this guy right now, but it's obviously not doing enough since I am posting this campfire!


joliepearl new!!!!

Monday April 26, 2010 at 7:12 PM

 hey everyone.....dis is mii first campfire!!!!!!!!!! can someone plz help me...i cant seem to upload a pic for mii avatar...


First Campfire folks

Monday April 26, 2010 at 5:42 PM

As many have said.. this is me de-lurking / no longer stalking everyone elses posts / starting my first fire..etc. etc. With all that being true, lets hope I'm doing the whole campfire thing right!

My boyfriend has gone home for 3 months and I'm stuck all alone in the nations oldest city (props to any of you who can guess my location from that clue alone!) adding to that my roommate is going back home for the summer and to top it all off I'm in a fanfiction rut. Yes, ladies and gentlemen (if there are any gentlemen, I feel they should be addressed too!) .. a rut. I spend most of my free time reading fanfiction so you can bet most of the "well-known" fics I've read. For the past coulple of days I have been searching like a mad woman for my next big read and I've repeatedly come up empty handed. Tell me campers, does this happen to you? My boyfriend cannot seem to understand the idea behind fanfiction and repeatedly asks "Won't you ever just run out of stories to read?" I usually give him an eye roll and brush him off but I'm beginning to worry ladies!

So guys, could you help me out? Rec' me whatever it is you're reading!

Sidenote: I'd love to become a regular and get to know some of you (again, like many have said I'm jealous of all the friend talk and meetups!) Should I join the world of twitter?

(My twitter name: lbreaux)


Help Out a Fellow Twilighter

Monday April 26, 2010 at 4:32 PM

Hi all. I’m in need of some help from campers who are 26 years or older. You see, I have this paper to write for my Human Development class, and I need to interview someone for it. Here’s where you all come in. I’ve got three sections of questions about Health/Nutrition/Exercise. All you need to do is answer the questions in about a paragraph or so, tell me your age and gender, and if you want, give me a pseudonym (otherwise I’ll make one up for you).

What type of physical exercise do you participate in (how long, what type, are you in any programs at a gym, etc.)? Have you changed your routine as you grow older to make up for aging differences? How so, and why do you feel you must?
Do you keep a healthy diet? If so, what sort of things do you do to keep healthy? What sort of indulgences do you allow? Are you a smoker? Are you a drinker? Why?   
How important do you think it is to keep up with healthy diet and exercise as you grow older? Why? If you had the chance to go back to being a teen or young adult, would you do anything differently in your diet/exercise?
Thanks everyone and especially wtdboc for letting me post this.
Approved by wtdboc

 Here's some encouragement...

Robert Pattinson Pictures, Images and Photos

David Boreanaz Pictures, Images and Photos


a different sort of rec post

Monday April 26, 2010 at 3:04 PM

convince wtdboc to read a twilight fanfiction

i don't exactly make it a secret that i haven't read twilight fanfiction in quite some time

so convince me to read a story.  your favorite.  the ONE twific you think i should read.

give me reasons why.

and i'll take the most convincing argument... and i'll for reals read the fic.  i'll even review every single chapter.

ps... being jandco and saying "do it for me" will not work this time.  i'm onto you, jimmy.

pps- if you don't include links, i won't be doin' no googlin'.  i'm that lazy.

ppps- sucking up and db picspams won't help, either but they couldn't hurt

pppps- this is also probably going to be a great way to find a recommendation for what you should read next.

for your time:



Image and video hosting by TinyPic


FF Sneak Peek

Monday April 26, 2010 at 2:52 PM


Do you write fan fiction?


Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!


Don't forget to include a link!


Add images and videos to make it interesting at your discretion :)


Smut As An Outtake

Monday April 26, 2010 at 2:06 PM

Just a thought today....I'm sure there are will be many different opinions about this, but I have to say I really don't like it when a story fades to black, and then the smut outtake is either at the end of the story or in an author's list of stories as 'extras'.

I find that after a story is over, I tend to care less (and feel the emotion behind it) than I would if I read it in context. (I still read it, I love smut.)

For example, if there's a pivotal scene where E/B or whomever get back together after a fight or breakup or whatever, then you don't get to read the makeup sex until the author decides to include it at the end as a birthday present to someone or something?

I think it loses the appeal and power that scene might've had if it were in place where it should be.

And yes, not everyone is comfortable including smut in their stories, but in a story where there's already been some? What's the point of leaving some out for the end?

Just bothers me.


Twilight meets Legends of The Fall

Monday April 26, 2010 at 1:50 PM

Hi everyone, I've started reading this fanfic (still fairly new at 6 chapters in) and just wanted to give it a shout out.

The author is JosieSwan and she's taken inspiration from that great movie Legends of The Fall.

In this incarnation, Edward, Jasper and Carlisle are the three brothers whilst Bella is the woman who has a profound impact on each one. Intriguingly, the canon Twilight traits have translated very well - think a strong, silent Edward, wild and slightly dangerous Jasper, (Jasper as the Brad Pitt character? swoon), and a compassionate, loving Carlisle.

It's early days and the author is keeping her cards close to her chest in terms of how closely the story will follow the movie (*cue puppy dog eyes and pout*), but it's really well written with some beautiful characterisation.

Summary and link below - please give it a read and review if you like!

In the Shadow of Ursa Major

When WWI forever alters the lives of Bella Swan, Jasper, and Edward Cullen, the bonds between friends, lovers, brothers, father and sons will be tested. Will the tatters of their lives be mended, or are there some actions that can't be forgiven? AH OOC

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