

Monday April 26, 2010 at 12:32 PM

Do vampires ever get full?

We know vegetarian vamps always feel a bit unsatisfied...but what about the human eaters?

I mean, I love me some nachos, for example, but after about three plates, I'm all...."Hell no, I can't eat anymore"  and i don't want to smell nachos for at least another hour.

So, is Aro ever just like..."I couldn't possibly eat another person right now!  I'm stuffed!"

or can they consume huge amounts all the time?

This is seriously bugging me.





Monday April 26, 2010 at 12:16 PM

You guysssssssssssss guess what i just posted my first chapter of my first story and i'm super excited :)


Dear, Rangers i knew it's not Wednesday but i'm excited :( **pouts** plz don't delete me **cries**



Monday April 26, 2010 at 12:15 PM

All throughout today I find myself going subconciously to ADF when I meant to go somewhere else, before I realize I'm in the forest.

IDK how I'm going to survive when finals time comes and my BFF takes my laptop away.

Does anybody else have this problem?

Melissa Cullen

Eclipse Trailer Mash Up

Monday April 26, 2010 at 11:02 AM

My friend just sent me this on FB.  Someone took the 2 Eclipse trailers and made them into one nice looooong trailer.  FABULOUS!

So tell me what you think campers!  Love it?  Hate it?  Just feel meh about it?  Me...I think June 30 needs to hurry up and get here!



House of Night readers??

Monday April 26, 2010 at 10:52 AM

Hey Everyone!

I was just wondering if there was anyone here who reads the House of Night series.  The next book comes out tomorrow and I am suuuuuper excited!!! (Although I don't know how I'm supposed to fit in RL books with all the fan fic I want to read.)

So are you a fan of the series? What do you think will happen with Zoey in this next book??

Rangers: I know this isn't Twilight related, so I hope this is ok!


Hello Campers

Monday April 26, 2010 at 10:42 AM

 They say that the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem in the first place. So I'd like to admit something.

I'm a lurker. 

It's true. I've been lurking around this fandom for about a year now, and I've never really put myself out there. My first step was setting up a Twitter. I am now @NondiRochelle. My second step is to find some cool people to follow, and who better than all you campers?

So who am I? My name is Nondi, I'm 21 and a student. When I'm not going to class, I work helping pre-teen kids in an after school program. I am also sick and tired of hearing about Justin Bieber. I obviously love Twilight and read lots and lots of FanFiction. I love all kinds of music, but lean more towards Alternative, Rock, and Indie. I love to laugh and have a great sense of humor. I kind of feel like this is 3rd grade and I'm passing a note saying: Will you be my friend? Check Yes or No.

Anyway I hope by doing this I'll be able to de-lurk myself, and start making some new friends. 

This post is WTVOC approved.


Boy On the Side...Part???

Monday April 26, 2010 at 9:41 AM

Ciaobella27 and I are back with another installment of our TomStu story, Boy On the Side. While this isn't exactly Twilight or vampire related, I think this campfire is totally legit, because a) he was considered to play Edward Cullen (or maybe that's just a rumor I heard/possibly made up); and b) both Robert and Kristen make an appearance in this chapter.

Thank ciaobella27 for this one -- I just added the beer.

As always, BOtS is dedicated to Ranger Wolvesnvamps, who shares our love of Tommy.

The chapter will be the first comment inside the campfire. Enjoy. Leave Tom some love.





The Bella Cullen Project

Monday April 26, 2010 at 8:53 AM

Hey, guys! This is my first campfire ever, and, well - I only decided to post this because I wasn't sure if anyone else had heard of it. It is twilight-related, though.

Ok. So, I was on lyricsmode just a few minutes ago and I was looking up a song by Incubus and then all of a sudden, it just hit me that I didn't have Bella' Lullaby in my ipod yet, nor had I actually listened to it properly. I entered Bella's Lullaby in the search box and there were two results:

Bella's Lullaby by Edward Cullen

Bella's Lullaby by The Bella Cullen Project

I was going to click on the first one, obviously, but I was intruiged by second one because - dude, wtf is that? 

After I got the lullaby, I looked at all their other songs and was . . . um . . . see for yourself?

Bella's Lullaby lyrics 3 Votes [3]
Bree lyrics  
Charlie's Answering Machine lyrics  
Dig Me A Grave lyrics  
Emily lyrics  
My Little Moon lyrics  
Out Of The Blue lyrics  
Sexy Vampire lyrics  
Switzerland lyrics 1 Vote [1]
Vampwolf lyrics  
Victoria's Lament lyrics  
We Don't Need No Stinking Fangs lyrics  
What's Wrong With Him? lyrics

They also have some other songs called 'sleep, Nessie' or something.

At first I thought these were just people making fun of Twilight but then I decided to put on my glasses and research a little bit, and I was bowled over to find out that their was Twilight-based band named The Bella Cullen Project. Uh - okay. 

Just three twihards who fashioned an indie-rock band devoted to Edward Cullen. So interesting.

They have a song called Vampwolf. And I want to hear it. Why haven't I heard of this before? Have you?






Is site down?

Monday April 26, 2010 at 7:45 AM

Is anyone else having problems getting on to http://www.fanfiction.com this morning?

I have updates that are calling my name.

I will be really pissed if IT blocked this site on my computer...half the office is on Facebook playing games all day.

Please let me know, I've been known to overreact sometimes.


It's Monday~

Monday April 26, 2010 at 6:32 AM

Good Morning Campers!!

It's Monday and it's raining here in Ohio.  I actually love the rain...it's so cool and fresh outside right now.  I have a TON of work I need to do today and the rest of the week.... but instead I'm writing FF...and I have a few tabs open of fics I plan to read.

How are you procrastinating this morning?

Did you have a good weekend?

I photographed a lovely wedding on Saturday with an... interesting assistant.  If you follow me on twitter you'll know why. (omg you don't follow me?!)

I also unknowingly sent some Rob p0rn to Jandco's husband (while she was out with jennyfly and not thinking about me) Hopefully he saved it for her.

Some random facts (note the theme):

Approximately two-thirds of people tip their head to the right when they kiss.

Coffee drinkers have more sex than non-coffee drinkers.  They also enjoy it more.

Married men tip better than unmarried men.

Humans and bonobo monkeys (pygmy chimpanzee) are the only species who have face-to-face sex.

Studies have proven that it is harder to tell a convincing lie to someone you find sexually attractive.

Cold showers stimulate your sex drive.

Among older men, vanilla is the most erotic smell.

Kissing helps prevent tooth decay.

Impotence is grounds for divorce in 26 U.S. states.

Both men and women can be turned on by the aromas of wine.



Tell me about your weekend.

Give me a random fact... about you, or not.

Tell me your twitter.

You can fine me @grownasswoman20


My Head's Been KStew-ified

Monday April 26, 2010 at 5:46 AM

So I decided that since I'm going home soon and I deserved a break from the endless paper writing, I'd get my hair cut as a treat... I had super long (bra strap length) hair, and told the lady I wanted an inch off and for the style to look like this, but in a way that would work with curly hair, since i might not be able to straighten it every day:

She cut the length, then asked if it was good... at that point it was, but somehow when she was doing the layering, she got lost and i missed it when it all went wrong, ending up with this...

look somewhat familar?

Now don't get me wrong, I love Kristen Stewart and I think the look works for her.... BUT it's not me, and i'm really scared to see how it turns out curly.

Tell me about your bad experiences with haircuts...bowl cuts?  Flowbees?  Etc.. 


Rangers -- sorry if this isn't allowed... feel free to delete if so



A Mini Loner Party of Excitement

Monday April 26, 2010 at 5:03 AM

Haha ok. So its the middle of the night where I am and I should be sleeping - I have a massive day tomorrow. BUT I had this sudden urge to check my emails - which I get often since I have started writing fanfic -  and found 3 reviews. Don't get me wrong, I love reviews on any day, but these reviews were UBER special.


Because they made my story 'Grounds for Inspiration' hit 100 reviews on Twilighted!

I know, a lot of you are probably wondering what all the fuss is about. 100 reviews. Sounds like nothing for some authors, but Grounds is my very first fic and 100 reviews was my aim for the ENTIRE story, let alone 8 chapters.

*cough* So there we go. Because everyone else is asleep right now, I had to share it with someone.

*happy dance* Party anyone???

LJ Summers

Eclipse Trailer, LOLZ Style

Monday April 26, 2010 at 4:52 AM

Yep, because everything's better with LOLZ style grammar and attitude.


Do you ever rethink anything or any part of the movie with the LOLZ kind of "tone?"  I sometimes do. It's scary.

Here's one of the pics:

blank space


Bend Me, Break Me

Monday April 26, 2010 at 4:23 AM


Sometimes a story amazed you so much you HAVE to share!

That's how I feel right now.

This O/s, called "Bend me, Break me" is a punch in the gut and the dialogue will literally blow you away!

Take a handful of Bank Robbers and some hostages. Or is it really about that?

The author, Dariachenowith, took all the things she loves and knows to write this masterpiece. You'll find the universe of Chuck Palahniuk, Quentin Tarantino (who could totally adapt it as his next movie) and Frank Miller. (You will also find Alain Badiou, Timothy Leary, Mikhail Bakunin and even Nietzshe. )

Except it's not their universe anymore, it's hers...

It's Humanity in all its ugliness and glory.

A tale about surviving. Not the trauma, the guns or C-4, not even being held hostage. It's about surviving society; the one you and I live in, the one dictating you How to feel, What to think and How to react. It’s about how the monsters are rarely who we think, the danger coming more often than not from the sheeps.

It's a must read !

Two more things:

 This story is tagged Edward & Bella. But it's really just a story about a man and a woman. If the male character had been in an aquarium at the time, this story would be tagged under characters from Fiding Nemo.  It's a joke, It's sarcastic... (you'll understand when You read it!)

Also, as the author puts it, it's dark, sick, twisted and crass. You've been warned.

Now after all things said, I dare you to write her a review that doesn’t start with “WOW”… You’ll see it’s quite difficult!

Here is the link



PS: I'm sorry for any mispelling and errors but my French is much better than my English!




Yet another annoying attempt to find a fic.

Monday April 26, 2010 at 1:31 AM

Hey everyone. I know, I know, people are probably incredibly horrifically sick of these types of posts, but here it goes:

A while back I was browsing the recently updated stories on Twilighted and found a story where Bella lives in a world of arranged marriages and is arranged to marry Edward and she has to grow to love him?? Does this story even exist? I can't find it anywhere.

Would be a great help if someone would fish it out of the deep depths of Twiber-space for me.


- Melie.


Urban Dic....tionary

Sunday April 25, 2010 at 11:00 PM

Ok, so we have all, at one point in time, googled our names.

So Let's Urban Dictionary them :) Go here www.urbandictionary.com And type either your real name or your ADF name & tell us what the 1st description says about you.

I'll start:

bloodlust - lust(craving) for blood; A craving to see, feel, or even taste blood just to be satisfied; A primal instinct supressed by societies 'perfect' world, in which that there is no war, no fighting, absolutely no confrontations at all, sad isn't it?; In the end it's the people that feel this primal instict that survive.

(My RL name) Shamarra - Angel princess of a distant, strange land, known for her astounding perfection. (Damn straight)




It's War!

Sunday April 25, 2010 at 10:34 PM

Had a bad day need something to cheer me up :)



YAYAYAY! show me the GIFS!

hope im not breaking any rules here.


Is it weird in here, or is it just me?

Sunday April 25, 2010 at 6:57 PM

Let's talk crushes. But not what you'd expect. The weird ones. The ones you announce and everyone looks at you with a confused look on their face.

Not necessarily the ones you are embarrassed of, although that's ok too.

Just the ones who make people go, "I really hadn't thought about it..."

I'll go first!

Kevin Spacey. I have a ridiculous crush on the man. He's well-spoken, witty, a HELL of an actor, and has a WICKED sense of humor. Plus, his hands are gorgeous. Don't judge.

I think we'll find that we have more crushes in common than you'd think :)

Ranger approved by the absolutely lovely wolvesandvamps


Bad Boys Vamps

Sunday April 25, 2010 at 6:54 PM

In honor of my new avi (omg he is so hot) I want to know your favorite bad boys from the vampire world. Yes we all love Edward because he is the sweetest vampire in existence but sometimes a girl need a guy who just wants to have fun, damn the consequences.

So tell me who your favorite bad boy vamps are.

My all time favorite.

But I wouldn't mind hanging out with this guys.


How are you?

Sunday April 25, 2010 at 4:52 PM

It's Sunday or early Monday for the majority of campers right now.  How are you feeling right now?

Is something bothering you? are you happy? sad? angry? meh?  feeling naughty? bitchy? cuddly? bloated?

Please explain your mood in GIF form. If you feel the need to elaborate on your feelings, please do so.

This is me right now-I am feeling pretty bouncy and I am listening to my iPod and surfing ADF.


ranger approved


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