

Friday April 23, 2010 at 10:36 AM



There is a bit of controversy regarding the video below. Here is the link with all the information on the issue.

What do you think? Discrimination? Publicity stunt?



Random links on weight discrimination: link link link



Bellas Ring

Friday April 23, 2010 at 10:29 AM

Let us Discuss


The Doc and those arms of his



That new eye candy Riley






Friday April 23, 2010 at 10:03 AM

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all the people that helped me when I asked 'what to read next' and pointed me towards Bare. I just finished it, and enjoyed it.

I'm now starting on another that was also strongly suggested, Unraveled Knot, so far so good!

Just wanted to express my appreciation, I value the opinions! 



Friday April 23, 2010 at 10:00 AM

Eek, this is my first campfire and I'm slightly (very) nervous but I'm just too excited to hold on to my shyness.

So, today I found out that I'm going here for my summer holidays:


I was wondering if anyone has been to Luxor, Egypt? Is so, did you like it?

And, because I'm nosey and love to know about people's travels, what is the best holiday you've been on?

Mine was here: (Omg the ice cream was nom nom nom)


 Show me pics if you have them, I would love to see them :o)




Friday April 23, 2010 at 9:33 AM

God bless FFA Fridays, allowing me to get some vacation research in!

San Diego Zoo- as I understand it, there is a zoo part and a wild animal park? What's the diff? Doesn't the zoo already have wild animals? I love zoos- GOOD zoos. And SD is supposed to be the best. Is the wild animal park worth visiting, too? I don't want to shell out extra money and spend a second day there if it's crap or cheesetastic.

Opinions, please?


Burn That Bra!

Friday April 23, 2010 at 9:19 AM

I've been awake for two hours, and in class for one and a half of them, and my intolerance for sexual stereotypes in the work place has already led me to be labeled a "man-hater" by several classmates (most of them women) - which is entirely untrue.  There's a difference between hating men and not tolerating being "man-handled" by a federal judge.

Another classmate seems to think that I don't understand the plight of the white male, because they're damned to be considered racist and sexist no matter what they do, so why should they even try?  They're right - my bad.  I'll try to be more sensitive in the future...

So I know it's early, but ladies someone get in here and restore my faith in humanity.  Someone get their feminist on with me!



Party in my Tummy

Friday April 23, 2010 at 9:03 AM

What are you having for lunch?

(aka the most boring campfire ever)


I'm hungry and I don't know what I want. Tell me what to make!



Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Mistakes: why we make them

Friday April 23, 2010 at 8:55 AM


1st mistake of the day:

going to Tractor Supply Co.


2nd mistake of the day:


letting the "mini Bells" talk me into looking at the baby chicks.


Lets pray I don't make a third mistake, shall we?


(cuz I really want chickens)


ANYONE HERE HAVE CHICKENS?????  (they would be for laying eggs and as pets.  I couldn't EAT them, omg, the heartfail!)



Friday April 23, 2010 at 8:54 AM

What do you have planned for the weekend? :)

I have a ton of school work to do for collage and tommorow im going to go shopping for a dress :|




Link to Ladders?

Friday April 23, 2010 at 8:38 AM

My laptop is in epic fail and I thought I saw that someone posted a link to Ladders by marv on Twilighted.  Due to said computer failure, i am unable to search for anything on twilighted (really sucks) so I am wondering if anyone has the link and can repost.

Does anyone have the link or the story?





Do we want to talk about the trailer?

Friday April 23, 2010 at 8:29 AM

Or nah?



I can post this right? Delete at will Rangers.  

OPRAH's site. Better quality version.

Edited: This looks better, thanks Rachael.


Happy Anniversary!

Friday April 23, 2010 at 7:52 AM

Please, allow me some self-indulgence on this conveniently placed Friday-Free-For-All.

On this date, seventeen years ago, Rhage and I got married in the Columbia County Courthouse seen in the background of this shot:

Here's a snapshot of us from back then:

The result of our union:  Narcissa and Bellatrix:

Any other campers celebrating today?  Please share.  If not, you can thank me for taming the monster that is Rhage.




ADF guessing games

Friday April 23, 2010 at 7:27 AM

how old would you say i am?

i'm always amused at people's answers.  i get this in real life, too.

i realize i come off like a 14-year-old boy, and a camper was a bit flabbergasted when she learned a certain fact about me.

she thinks i'm 19, booksgalore just asked me whether i'm turning 74.  >:(

so, come in here and make a post; we'll try to guess your age.  and guess how old your favorite dirty uncle ranger is. 

if you know how old someone is, don't be a poopface and ruin it for everyone omg


Pulled Story

Friday April 23, 2010 at 6:35 AM

Hey there, The Porcupine Embrace by dyedinwool has been pulled, only 3 chapters are up on FF.

Wondering if any one has saved a copy?

No where on her profile has the author NOT asked anyone to share, so i'm going to go ahead and ask. If she does change her mind and posts that statement, I'll rescind my request out of respect.



Friday April 23, 2010 at 6:25 AM

I'd like to start this off by saying I am probably one of the most socially awkward people you will ever meet. I have a bad case of verbal diarrhea with intermittent thought-stream constipation. Couple that with a complete lack of knowledge of what is appropriate in social vs. professional situations and you have a window into my life. Honestly, my friends find the things that come spilling out of my mouth entertaining.

Since I'm so awkward, when I write, I do my best to make sure my characters are as normal as possible. While I'm living my life as an awkward turtle, I don't feel like I should write about it too. Also, if I write about well-adjusted people enough, maybe I'll turn into one of them.

I have a few questions. Are you well-adjusted? Does it factor into what you write? If you aren't well-adjusted, do you feel the need to make your characters more like you or less? 

If you're awkward, tell me a story of just how awkward you are. If you tell me enough funny stories, I'll tell you an embarrassing one of mine.

Finally, rec me a story with a super awkward character. Someone you cringe for because you just feel so horrible about the situations they manage to get themselves into. Edward, Bella, someone else, doesn't matter.


Friday April 23, 2010 at 5:42 AM

Alright peeps, this week i want smut! I want you to go through your favorite fanfictions and find the most awesome/hot/memorable sex scene. It doesn't have to be anything weird (unless you like weird, which is fine) It can be innocent, kinky, beautifully-written, fluffy, sweet, graphic. I want you to post the link to the particular chapter of the particular story and maybe tell us why it is your favorite. But remember, you only get to post ONE ;)


Mine is The Misapprehension of Bella Swan Chapter 3 by Hunterhunting


Let's not be graphic in our posts in case people get offended.



Happily ever... and ever... and ever...

Friday April 23, 2010 at 3:48 AM

I just finished reading a fic that I enjoyed. The plot was somewhat unique and the writing was good. The normal cliches were there, but it was a pleasant read.

Until the epilogue.

Why does an author feel it necessary to carry the epilogue just that bit too far? Edward and Bella overcome the obsticles that have been placed in front of them. They are building a happy, functional relationship together. All messy plot points are cleaned up.

But wait! There's more!

Sneak peaks into their future... the birth of a child... the death of a parent... mid life crisis...

I don't mind sneak peaks. In some instances, I crave them (see Help Wanted outtakes). But wait! there's more!

What? Edward and Bella are dead? Their child is eulogising them? They meet again in heaven?

Wow, thanks for all of that detail, but I am totally wierded out and am going to back away quietly.

This isn't the first time I've read this, so I know it won't be obvious which author I am talking about (because I don't want to point fingers).

So, what is your opinion on epilogues? Have you had a similar experience to the one I just went through? What fics have you read that have had a really good example of a happy ending without taking it too far?



Friday April 23, 2010 at 3:35 AM

I keep starting this and then freaking out and hitting the X on the top of the screen, but Im going to try to post this this time.

So I want to get to know everyone better around here.

I want to know 3 random facts about you that people think are weird...

3 guilty pleasures....

3 favorite TV shows...

3 bands your into right now...

Also I need more friends so if you want you can follow me on Twitter @DixieGirl8814 And Ill follow anyone that adds me

One more thing if anyone plays Farmville on Facebook and wants more friends you can also add me over there I dont use it for anything but Farmville and Im always looking for new neighbors. Click Here

K hope this doesnt flop.

All of my answers will be in side.


Cracked Moon

Friday April 23, 2010 at 1:13 AM

No doubt I'm way late finding this gem, and the source: peopleofwalmart.com , but I'm sure there are some who have missed it so I must share...



Because I'm Bored...

Thursday April 22, 2010 at 11:50 PM

I'm taking advantage of FFAF and asking you to ask me questions.
I'm not trying to copy the rangers or anything, I promise. I'm just bored at home playing Petville on Facebook.

I LOVE being asked questions. During group introductions, my answer for the classic "Tell us a random fact about yourself" is usually that I love answering questions. Honestly, I think it's just to make up for the fact that I'm a horrible conversationalist, so answering questions helps get me going.
I've been on ADF for a while, but I still don't know many people because I've been too afraid to just make random comments until very recently.
SO...in order to put myself out there a little more as well as help cure my boredom, I want you guys to ask me any question you want. I'll answer everything as best I can and hopefully we can get some awesome conversations going in the process.
And if this fails...then it fails and we'll all get on with our lives. I won't hate anyone.

Ok kids, time for presents!


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