I just finished reading a fic that I enjoyed. The plot was somewhat unique and the writing was good. The normal cliches were there, but it was a pleasant read.
Until the epilogue.
Why does an author feel it necessary to carry the epilogue just that bit too far? Edward and Bella overcome the obsticles that have been placed in front of them. They are building a happy, functional relationship together. All messy plot points are cleaned up.
But wait! There's more!
Sneak peaks into their future... the birth of a child... the death of a parent... mid life crisis...
I don't mind sneak peaks. In some instances, I crave them (see Help Wanted outtakes). But wait! there's more!
What? Edward and Bella are dead? Their child is eulogising them? They meet again in heaven?
Wow, thanks for all of that detail, but I am totally wierded out and am going to back away quietly.
This isn't the first time I've read this, so I know it won't be obvious which author I am talking about (because I don't want to point fingers).
So, what is your opinion on epilogues? Have you had a similar experience to the one I just went through? What fics have you read that have had a really good example of a happy ending without taking it too far?