
Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks?

Friday April 23, 2010 at 5:46 PM

Dont mind the title. I couldnt think of one so i quoted Glee. Sue me.

I wanna play a game. Its not really a real one so dont get too excited. Im making this up as i go here, okay?

Okay so the way we're gonna do this is, Im gonna quote a song. Not, you know, a whole verse or anything just a nice little snipet. 

I will leave said quote here and then someone else comes along and leave a video of the song the quote came from as well as a quote from a new song.

Some one will reply to their quote with a vid and a quote.

Got it? Good.  Here we go...

"...Your remorse hasn't fallen on deaf ears, rather ones that just dont care..."


now your turn.



Happening in a Nail Shop

Friday April 23, 2010 at 5:00 PM

Some of you know that my baby girl is getting married this weekend.  So, today we're at the nail shop (not a spa, just a little shop) and it's packed like sardines with women 'cuz  the weather is sunny and fine.  The women are chatting, the fans are buzzing, the TV is on in the back with Oprah on, and what happens at 4:50 when the Eclipse trailer comes on?  I'll tell you what.  DEAD SILENCE.  You could have heard a pin drop.  Every head in the place turned to the tv and watched.  My daughter, who knows about my fic obsession, looked at me and rolled her eyes so far back in her head I thought she was going to tip off out of the pedicure chair.

We laughed so hard on the way home that I almost peed my pants.  The trailer might suck, but we're all watching.  Happy Friday!



in need of de-stressing

Friday April 23, 2010 at 4:39 PM

So I am stressed beyond belief since finals are in thirteen days. My usual techniques of hot baths and movies isn't helping, so I tried fic diving for interesting stories. I was wondering since ffn is a black hole when it comes to stories if the wonderful campers had any recommendations.

In the past two or three days I have read A Murmur of Fire in the Veins, A Lesson in Release, Ride it, Taking a Walk on the Wild Side, Get Me to You and Accidental Threesome. 

Story recommendations can be any pairing and any rating, I just seem to be in a Jasper kind of mood recently, and any stress relief tips would be greatly welcomed if you have any to share.

Sorry, but no pretty things to share since my computer is being a pain in the ass and not cooperating :(

EDIT: My computer decided to behave. Here is some funny for you all.


Finding a Fic

Friday April 23, 2010 at 4:36 PM

Okay I'll post this while it is still FFAF.

The summary: Edward and Bella are popular and she may be the new girl I can't remember. They make a bet that he will fall in love with her within a short amount of time. Lots of lemons and if she wins she gets his car.

I don't know if it got pulled from or not, but I have tried searching for it and can't find it. If anyone knows what I am talking about that would be awesome.







sad, sober panda

Friday April 23, 2010 at 4:13 PM

 I am a sad, sober panda today.  Tonight is the *big* winefest in my city and I am unable to go.  The worst part is, I work in the industry and most of the peeps that work in my area left 4 hours ago to get their drink on.  So, I am looking for some things to cheer me up.  I don't care what it is.  Fic recs, pictures, YouTube vids, gifs - just post them here.



Well we're movin on up, To the East side..

Friday April 23, 2010 at 4:10 PM

Have you ever just wanted to pick up and move? I mean as in move to a different area from where you grew up?

I've been wanting to do it for 10 loooooooooooong years, but I'm a wuss.

Has anyone ever did that. If for a job or other reasons just moved to a different part of the country. Especially if you did it on your own.

Any regrets?


Sorry, no hot pics. I'm Tech challenged.


Sneaking Out of the Fandom... brb

Friday April 23, 2010 at 3:04 PM

Evenin' guvnors.

I find myself a-wondering - was Twilight your first fandom? I don't know how many of you fine people only entered the world of fanfiction thanks to Twilight.

Your challenge, dear campers, shou you choose to accept it

Rec me a fic from a different fandom!

My offering comes from the Phantom of the Opera:

Erik the Vampire Hunter

Erik's past makes him an ideal hunter of unconventional evil, but when he meets a young collegiate dancer named Christine, he is forced to reconsider the darkness that surrounds him and face the truth about his origins. Modern day AU
Phantom of the Opera - Fiction Rated: M - English - Action/Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 59 - Words: 253,252 - Reviews: 1086 - Updated: 4-2-06 - Published: 1-27-05 - - Erik/Christine - Complete

This story was freakin' HUGE in the Phandom. Enjoy and send me your linkage!



Overwhelmed camper in need for headache medication

Friday April 23, 2010 at 2:51 PM

Okay, it's FFFA, right? Which means I can post whatever I want and annoy people, right?



A few days ago, I decided my days of lurking/occasionaly leaving comments on campfires were over. I saw that basically everyone was BFF with everyone and thought "hey. Why don't I make friends too, for a change?"

So I created a Twitter account.


People help me please I'm so looooooost. There are people randomly having shout outs about "WC" and I'm too shy to ask. What's WC?

I discovered what a hashtag was yesterday and the wonders of retweeting and twitter-jacking.

And people are talking about gchat left and right and I have a gmail but I cant figure out how to work the chat and I don't have any friends

I don't usually need to ask for help for techie stuff but js this is so overwhelming.

Omg please someone take pity on me or I'll have to keep harassing GAW every 5 seconds to see what she means in her tweets. Please, for her sanity and mine, give me the holy key of twitterland.


echo echo

ps: my twitter is @goldenhair2 if someone wants to help me over there and my gmail is goldenhairff add me or talk to me or I don't know whatever just do something please I'm so bored


Tell me about your proposals!

Friday April 23, 2010 at 2:40 PM

I was on the bus and eavesdropping (it's hard not to when people are so loud) on several women talking about their boyfriends proposing. I've been having a pretty shitty time and my boyfriend and I broke up this month, so I wanna hear how your fiance/significant other proposed to you. Was it sweet? Were you expecting it? Did it go well? Or did you propose?

Please, give me hope that relationships do work out.


Parents going back on their word???

Friday April 23, 2010 at 2:07 PM

I turned 16 this past Friday and got a lovely card from my grandfather that said "I owe you contacts for your birthday, we'll go get them next weekend."  I have an appointment tomorrow at 10:15 for my contacts exams that I won't be able to get my contacts from.

No offense to any of the Twi-parents but...


Cause I have no clue, cause since I turned 13 my life has been a living hell.

Any comments, words of advice, or offers for me to have a new home with you would be greatly appreciated!


Watching Eclipse trailer with the sound turned off

Friday April 23, 2010 at 1:37 PM

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffIt is set in the same town as Twin Peaks, 20 years later.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThere is a very handsome boy.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffAnd a cancer patient.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThey are fighting over a pretty girl.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffIn the scary and mysterious city...

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned Off...the cancer patient's doctor dies.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThis makes the girl very concerned for her cancer patient.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffBut he has a new, and very creepy medical team. We think the one in the middle played a doctor on Nurse Jackie, so he's probably pretty good.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffOh no, everyone at the mill is on strike!

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThe girl everyone is fighting over has a best friend who is Goth and wears creepy contacts.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThe cancer patient's doctor talks to the handsome boy.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThere is a cure involving wolves, and only the handsome boy can help the cancer patient.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThe cancer patient is worried because the boy who is friends with the wolves doesn't like him because he took his girlfriend.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffIt's the Twin Peaks lake. They're going to find Laura Palmer any minute.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThat's not her.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffIt's Laura Palmer's zombie family.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThe pretty girl's best goth friend has a hood. Maybe she is little red riding hood and has to help the wolves.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffNow everyone is on the Ewok planet and there is going to be a giant battle.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThe Zombie Palmers are fighting the wolves.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThis makes the cancer patient very sad.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffNow the Ewoks are flying around the forest.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffOh, the handsome man is shirtless. Who cares what is happening. We are there!

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThe pretty girl's goth friends got together and they are reenacting Superman II, but with one extra girl. She's an understudy. I am Zod!

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffWho is this crazy red-haired lady?

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffShe's strong. She knocked down a tree.

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThe wolves do not want to become cancer food!

The New Twilight: Eclipse Trailer With the
Sound Turned OffThis has been Eclipse

Majesta Moniet

Give me your babies!!!

Friday April 23, 2010 at 1:18 PM

So I became an aunt last week, and since the I've been bombarded with baby pics and I'm lovin' it! But now I'm greedy and need MOAR! So does any one have cute baby pics they would care to share with me? I don't mind if they're random or if you have a personal connection to them (totally share for bragging rights!). I justt want fat cheeks, little fingers and big eyes.


I'll start with my neice:

Little baby Evee <3


How does it feeeeeeel?

Friday April 23, 2010 at 1:13 PM

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Twilight? Bad?

Friday April 23, 2010 at 12:26 PM

What has the Twilight fandom done to ruin (in a good way, of course) your life?

For me, it ruined the name Edward. I loved the name Edward before Twilight came out. And now, I can't name my son's Edward because that would just be...horrible. 

Has it taken away some of your social life? Luckily, my social life has continued to flourish. I'm pretty much a pro at drawing the line on when to obsess over fanfic, reading it and writing it, and when to be with the people that were my distraction before Twilight came about.

So, let's be honest now. Twilight has to have ruined your life in some way or another.




Friday April 23, 2010 at 12:22 PM

So I need to add some music to my ipod & I love finding new things to listen to so please tell me some underrated songs/bands/artists that you think deserve more recognition. Mine will be in the comments.

Oh and Happy Friday! I hope everyone is having a great day :)


For mine:


Help please?

Friday April 23, 2010 at 12:02 PM

I just bought my kindle and I'm so happy! YAY!

The thing is, I live in Brazil and we don't have a lot of information about it here yet. So I could use some help from you guys =]

I think I understood the basics but I have some doubts. Can I put my fics in it? How? Do I have to pay for it? Is there something really important about it that I should know?

I know there was a campfire about it some time ago but I couldn't find it.




Speaking of classes...

Friday April 23, 2010 at 12:00 PM

Somehow or another, I made all As this week on all my assignments. Between the contest, writing fan fic, special sections to work on at work, I survived and still made good on my classes.

Tonight... I will relax... maybe...



Friday April 23, 2010 at 11:26 AM

I am excited. Wanna know why? Because I just bumbled through my Spanish oral exam & made a 95. =D I'm celebrating with this
because I don't have booze.

So, tell me campers, how do celebrate small victories?
To get your attention For your time:


epic forehead smack

Friday April 23, 2010 at 11:05 AM

So I'm not new to fanfiction but I am pretty new to blogs about it... i.e. A Different Forest and as i was browsing campfires today, I saw people kept putting "FYT" and under them were pictures of Rob or something.

So at first i was like what does FYT mean, and the first thing that came to mind was...For Your Twat?

Sorry if that's inappropiate, but I was like ok thats pretty funny.  and then i saw FYT with a random pic under it so I knew that wasn't right because that obv wasn't for my twat. and then I put two and two together and said to myself...DUH....FOR YOUR TIME.

i think my brain has found home in the gutter so I'm gonna post this and yes I do mean For Your Twat. lolz.


HOT-robert-pattinson-3124139-468-1.jpg robert pattinson image by HollyRae101


~i'm neither male nor a teenager

Friday April 23, 2010 at 10:49 AM

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and yes, that is a buffy necklace, tyvm

also my new mad as a hatter OPI nailpolish :')



and lol wtf i just noticed there's nescafe in my bathroom

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