
What the Fic?! 6/10

Monday June 10, 2013 at 7:30 AM

mo kagen

Sneak Peek !

Monday June 10, 2013 at 6:24 AM

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Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

excerpt / pictease / music / poem / banners

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Happy Monday

Monday June 10, 2013 at 5:52 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.



Sunday June 9, 2013 at 1:05 PM

Anyone know what happened to Transencedence, by Savage7289?








EDIT: Anyone here got a copy of the aforementioned? ;)


I hate to do it, but lost fic...

Sunday June 9, 2013 at 12:57 PM

I can't for the life of me remember the name of a certain M rated fanfic.  It was a multi-chapter fic, with a vampire Edward and co.  The main detail I remember is that Edward's venom served as an aphrodisiac to Bella.  There were chapters where the author teased the idea of what his venom could do, and then a couple of chapters where (oops) Edward bit her or something, and she loses her mind.

It's not Forever by AwesomeSauce76, as awesome as that story is.  Thanks to anyone who may help!


Happily Ever After

Sunday June 9, 2013 at 12:48 PM

Hey guys! So this campfire is about, you guessed it, fairytales!!!


So I got sucked into watching a few disney movies with my nieces the other day. They are four and five, and in full on 'Princess' Mode. Everything is Disney Princesses lol. Anyway, as I watched Cinderella and the Little Mermaid, it brought me back to my childhood and it made me realize-fairy tales are the very first type of 'make believe' and 'fiction' most of us are exposed to in life. I still remember sitting in my room and being mesmerized by Ariel and her underwater world-so much so that I made my mom buy me an Ariel costume that year for Halloween.

So I guess I have several questions-who is your favorite princess? Your favorite fairytale? Do you like the new princesses, from Tangled and Brave? Do you think these fairytales are healthy to expose kids to-the promise of Happy Ever After, which doesn't always ring true in real life?

And have you ever read the original tales-where Cinderella's  stepsisters eyes are pecked out by crows? The orignal tales aren't exactly kid friendly-Grimm's versions are pretty brutal. Still, kinda cool now that I'm older lol. And how silly some of stories seem if looked at logically, like the Meme above states.

I even admit I've read a few books like 'Cinder' and 'Scarlet' which are based on tales like Robin hood and Cinderella.

Do you think we ever get too old for these stories? If you live outside the US, are there different fairytales that are common to your culture? Or are Belle, Mulan, Robin Hood etc all pretty universal?

And for your amusement (the video is hilarious):


Prom dresses and body image

Sunday June 9, 2013 at 10:33 AM

The other day there was a discussion in a campfire about a girl who wore a strapless dress to her prom. Many thought it was inappropriate, some thought it was fine, and there was some discussion about dress codes and following the rules.

Then I came across this today:


We can't keep shaming girls for the way they dress. We just can't do it. This thought process leads to making girls cover head to toe... even their "sexy" eyes. 


What do you think?


need help finding fic/recs

Sunday June 9, 2013 at 3:59 AM


at the moment im addicted reading pride and prejudice fanfic. but its very difficult to find good story recommendation. 

please can someone give me pride and prejudice recs? thanks :)

ps : dear moderator im sorry if asking for recs other than twilight is not allowed.

eta: you can definitely ask for recs other than twilight. we normally like to have a rec to ask for a rec, but it's the ffa. so, meh. jandco.


Lost Fic: And With Thee Fade Away

Sunday June 9, 2013 at 3:57 AM

Hey everyone!

I recently discovered that a fic that I LOVED (And With Thee Fade Away by Derdriu oFaolain) got pulled :( Does anyone have a pdf of this fanfic or know where I can find it? I'd love to read it again....

Thanks a ton!

Fic Rec: 

Dine & Dash by KittyTylz:

Bella gets dared dine&dash but is caught by the restaurants owner, Edward Cullen. He's a 19-year-old dangerously attractive but deadly gangster. The well connected leader of the Shadow Fangs, he also happens to be the enemy of the gang her best friend Jacob belongs to and she's stuck in his territory to avoid a permanent record. AH/AU,Possessward,Torch Awards Peoples Choice Winner


Dior, where are you?

Sunday June 9, 2013 at 1:39 AM

Rob has managed to stay unphotographed for what seems like AGES now.   Either the paps have lost interest in watching him buy snapples at the convenience store or he is sitting on the sofa watching reruns of cops shows with his dogs.  ETA:  Minutes after posting this, photos emerge -- woo hoo!  Fan pics from a Bjork concert.

In any case, I am impatient for this Dior advert, which I am imagining will be just a better version of his Details shoot, though not as abstract or as cold.  (He looks completely disinterested in the naked gals.)   I hope Dior will surprise me with something fabulous.

My favourite perfume campaign has been Charlize Theron, stripping it all off without breaking her stride.  
What do you think is the most memorable advertising campaign (or face) for a glamorous product?
Liz Hurley back in the day?  Kate Moss CK Obsession?  Kiera Knightley?  Brad Pitt (lol)?


Saturday June 8, 2013 at 5:41 PM

jandco made me title the post.




i won't subject you to autoplay even though i really wanted to


Where are they now?

Saturday June 8, 2013 at 12:55 PM

I was thinking today of authors who disappeared from the fandom. I love the story Fold Your Wings, even though it rarely updates. I remembered the author was jadapattinson (I think!) on Twitter, so I checked out her Twitter feed to see if there were any updates. But it doesn't exist any more. (Unless I got the name wrong.) Does anyone know anything about that?

Also, are there any authors who have dropped out of the fandom whom you're curious about?


The Daily Chew! 6/8

Saturday June 8, 2013 at 11:55 AM


What the Fic?! 6/8

Saturday June 8, 2013 at 11:54 AM


Edward is a ghost?

Friday June 7, 2013 at 10:54 PM

I briefly remembered reading a fanfic a while ago where Edward died and realized that Bella can see his ghost and enlisted her help to figure out the circumstances surrounding his death (I think E & B didn't know each other when the fanfic started). I believed it was a mystery genre and it did have a HEA, I think. Sorry for the vague details, but it's been bugging me for a while now. 

And while you guys are here, what are your favorite slow-burn fics where E & B didn't fall in love/begin a romance immediately. The one that comes to mind immediately is "At your own risk" and "My perfect mr imperfect" by both  xrxdanixrx :) I guess I'm looking for something like that. 


Enjoy your weekend everyone! 


Gamers Unite!

Friday June 7, 2013 at 8:04 PM


I was curious, are there any gamers on ADF? If so, what do you play? What's your favorite computer/video game? Are you into MMORPGs, or RPGs, or first person shooters? Xbox, Playstation, Wii products - what?

Tell me!! Unless you're from World of Warcraft, then go away.


HSV+ Essay Compilation

Friday June 7, 2013 at 12:28 PM


HI ALL! It's been forever since I've posted, AND I'M SORRY, OKAY?!

However, I'm working on a project very dear to my heart, and I'd like to extend the invitation to participate to you lovely ADF'ers. A friend and I are working on a book compilation of essays written by people living with genital herpes. Our intention in doing this is to dispel the negative social stigma that comes along with contracting HSV, as demonstrated by the above WWII-era poster. You might think this conception would've changed by now, huh? NOPE! The truth is--unless you're celibate (and sometimes even then), you're at risk of contracting an STD, *even if you're practicing safe sex*.

I'm copying the following info/invitation co-written by me that we originally sent via email to friends and acquaintances who had interest in the project. If you or anyone you know may be interested in contributing, please feel free to copy/paste the below message and forward it along to others!



We are two friends living with genital herpes, seeking out other individuals who are HSV positive. We're writing to you in hopes that, if you or anyone you know has genital herpes (either HSV-1 or HSV-2), you'll consider contributing your experience of contracting HSV to a project we're working on. If you're not HSV positive and you've received this email, we hope you'll consider passing the invitation on to an HSV+ friend.

We were each diagnosed HSV-2 positive within months of each other and now find ourselves in a continuous dialogue examining how the virus has altered our lives. Particularly interesting to us is that despite the prevalence of the genital herpes virus--1 in 4 American adults supposedly carries it-- there still lies a heavy social stigma in discussing it openly.

As part of an effort to transform this stigma, we'd like to invite others living with genital herpes to compose a personal piece of writing addressing their stories of contracting genital herpes and how it has affected their lives. Our goal is to compile an intimate selection of essays documenting first-hand personal experiences of living with HSV. First things first: we respect your privacy and have an intimate understanding of the social stigma attached to HSV, so you may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, use a pen name, or use your real name--whichever is most comfortable for you.

We're particularly interested in writing that comes from an honest and open point of view. Though your story may or may not include pain and misery (but let's face it-- it probably does), our overall mission in this compilation is to provide HSV positive people with an opportunity to both tell their stories and read the stories of others. We're hopeful that in doing so, we all might feel a little less isolated with a disease so often accompanied by loneliness, secrecy, and shame.

Instead of posting this invitation publicly, we have chosen to use a more personal network of friends and acquaintances. If you know anyone who may be interested in submitting an essay, please feel free to pass this e-mail on to them, and encourage them to share it as well.

The deadline for submissions is July 30, 2013. There is no limit to the length of your essay. All queries and submissions should be directed to

Thank you.]


If you have any questions for me regarding the project (or HSV in general), please don't hesitate to comment here, PM me, or email the above account. Please know that I respect your privacy. (Also, I have been assured by the lovely WTVOC that ZERO hate will be tolerated on this post, so don't even bother, haters!) Open minds for all. GIRL POWA.


The Daily Chew! 6/7

Friday June 7, 2013 at 7:37 AM


What the Fic?! 6/7

Friday June 7, 2013 at 7:36 AM


order your fine horses now

Friday June 7, 2013 at 7:27 AM

it's the freeforall!

feed a tree whilst here!

then start a campfire on anything, ANYTHING! no permission required, no recommendations required!


as long as there ain't no porn or bad words on the front page. do whatever you like inside; just keep it clean for the casual observer, mmkay?

yes, those are my little pony sparkles.

let's just make this one a music rec campfire. i'm currently digging this summery tune. found any good, new summer jams yet? let's hear 'em!

qt new zealand 16-yr-o fyt:

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