's been a while, yet again. the past 6 months have been....stressful.
So, upgrade trianing for the USAF has been a major bitch, half because the materiel is so very dry, and the other half because of my workplace's stance on holiday-related leave and training.
I'm nearly done. I'm out of my career development courses (CDC's. I had five volumes I had to get through), and now I have to worry about a pretest for my end-of-course test, my flight review, where my supervisors quiz me with questions directly from my cdc's, my commanders review, where basically the same thing happens except my commanders quiz me, and then my end-of-course test. Trouble is, the commanders review has to be scheduled, and that doesn't happen until after I pass the flight review. If I don't pass my flight review soon, my commanders review will likely be scheduled after christmas week, which is the week I have off (but because of my workplace, can't actually fly home). Did i mention that if I fail my commanders review i have to re-do the flight review?
Anyway, even though I'm out of my CDC's, my workplace still probably won't let me go home for christmas week, and this just depresses me even more because my boyfriened will be home. His parents are flying him home for Christmas. He was working hard to save up enough money to come here and see me, but he couldn't raise enough....nearly everyone I know will be home for the holidays it seems like...except me. Other new airman in the same job as me but different sections are even being cleared to go home for thanksgiving, and they're still in CDC's.
I have apprx. 3 weeks before christmas week, and after not passing my pretest as planned today (you need a 90 to pass and I got an 87. Go figure), my hope for passing my flight review and commanders review before then has pretty much plummeted. It feels like the universe is actively trying to keep me here despite how hard I'm trying to get out....I just...hate life right now.
I just want control of my life back.
On the plus side, my parents at least won't be childless this christmas- my brother was released last week from jail: his lawyer was able to make a deal with the prosecutor: 3 yrs probation, mandatory therapy and medication, and he has to stay in a rehab place.
He was evaluated while in jail...the doctor who saw him diagnosed him with borderline personality disorder. But while the doctor who diagnosed him doesn't believe he has bipolar disorder, i've heard it's still possible for him to have both.
As for Resent, the status is still the same as before. I've been reserving real, hardcore work on it for after I'm out of training, so to my past readers, again I apologize.
Comments? Hit me with what you've got.