
wassail! wassail!

Friday December 6, 2013 at 7:58 AM

Snow Text - http://www.christmastext.com

hey hey sorry sorry, something came up and i didn't post this earlier. SORRY

also it's freeforall weekend omg i forgot it was even friday my life is terrible rn

the holiday freecycle is a little different, so pay attention, holiday elves

-start a comment with what you're willing to give away, including treat boxes! i was gonna do a separate CF for that, oop

-people give away stuff they no longer want or need, but this time of year, you can give whatever you want. check previous holiday freecycles by clicking on the "freecycle" tag and scrolling to the december posts. if you're giving away an ipad mini or air, let me know in advance so i can snag it, eh?

-no money is to exchange hands, else it wouldn't be a freecycle

-the first person to comment gets the stuff. don't be a grinch!

-let us know if you're willing to ship internationally.

-don't give it away if you aren't willing to give it free and clear.

-if you're in the spirit of giving and have the means to do so, offer giftcards to people! this is a rough time of year, and while 25 bucks might not mean much to you, to a lot of people it can mean the difference between having bread and milk or being kinda hungry. the kindness of internet strangers never ceases to amaze me!


-if you're looking for a specific gift for a person that you can't find, ask for it! check previous holiday freecycles, you'd be amazed at what people give away. this is the only freecycle all year where we allow people to ask for stuff.


-feed a tree while you're here, keep the forest paying for itself!

-your thing goes to the first person to respond.

-don't be a freecycle hog. let other people get free things, too! 

-if you offer it, you take care of shipping. that has always been the deal.

-if you're taking it, you really ought to offer to reimburse for shipping. shipping can be a lot, man. 

-do not post your home address or email address anywhere on ADF. take care of that via PM!

-let us know to which countries you're willing to ship 

-if you'd like to anonymously give gifts to fulfill requests, send me a PM and i'll be your santa go-between

now, get to it, and lemme know if you have questions. also ipad minis.

i've never had macarons, someone send me some fyt:


Mother of the Year...Maybe not.

Friday December 6, 2013 at 7:28 AM

Ever have one of those things happen to make your think, someone is going to come and take your babies away? Here's my latest.

My son brought this drawing home from school.  After trying to hide my horror/laughter, and praying that his teacher didn't see it, I asked what it was.

He looked at me like I was a complete idiot, and said, "Duh, Mum. It's Squidward with a big giant goose egg on his head!"

What horrifying things have your kids done?     ETA: Squidward 


Rob Lovers

Friday December 6, 2013 at 6:41 AM

For all the Rob lovers out there, have you ever seen a more beautiful picture of him?


 photo Kwkiph3h_zps884ff900.jpg


16 y.o. girls & 30+ y.o. men

Friday December 6, 2013 at 1:15 AM

Hi guys. Haven't come here in a long time; hope you're all OK. I've been going through some difficult times, with my health (clustered microcalcifications on breast; waiting for biopsy results. Not the easiest thing). Fic wise I've been trying to read Counselor's Look .. , but I can't get into it at all unfortunately. And I really need to find something to read, something captivating.

Anyway, what made me make this cf is Paul Walker's death. I always thought of him as the most beautiful (pretty) AND handsome man in Hollywood. His death was shocking and all, but there's the other side too, about how those speeding are putting not only their lives at risk, but also the lives of innocent others. Now that I've been reading more about his biography though, I'm starting to find some things very unsettling. Apparently he was 33 when he started dating his 16 year old gf, and it's not the first 16 y.o. he dated as a grown man. I know young Bella, much older Edward is a plot many like in fics (e.g. Age of consent), but as a mother of two girls and a former 15 year old that once dated a 19 year old it makes me nauseous. Sure, breaking prejudices is cool and hot and whatever, but on retrospective, I can't feel fine with this particular type of relationship.

What do you guys think? Anyone that has been in such a relatiohsip? Am I just too prejudiced?

Articles I've been reading:

Was Paul Walker guilty of statutory rape?

Paul Walker was wrong to date a 16 year old... and I know that from experience


FYT The absolutely amazing Muse from the tour I went to (playing now in the cinema in every other country but mine boooo). Really, watch the beginning, and tell me you're not ruined for any other artist/show for ever. ETA: if it doesn't work, try this link. But, really, try it.



It's cake!

Thursday December 5, 2013 at 7:28 PM

Heya peeps can you give me an eggless chocolate cake recipe? I shall love you forever if you can.

Even if you can't, desserts are always a great topic. What's your favorite dessert? Have you ever made an eggless dessert? Are desserts even important to you? I have days where my meal is incomplete without dessert. Does the same happen to you?

comeon in and tell me everything!!!

dessert fantasy for the win!


RIP Nelson Mandela

Thursday December 5, 2013 at 1:57 PM

We have lost an amazing and beautiful man today.

Please, every day, do what you can to make this world a better place. One person can make a difference.



Let's Celebrate Women

Thursday December 5, 2013 at 12:47 PM


So let's celebrate women in comics. Who do you love? Why do you love them? Is Ms Marvel or Wonder Women more appealing? Who do you think is sexier?

They have also cast WW in the next Batman?Superman movie, I'm curious for everyone's reaction....apparently she's on the small side.


The Daily Chew! 12/5

Thursday December 5, 2013 at 8:10 AM


What the Fic?! 12/5

Thursday December 5, 2013 at 8:09 AM


The Rec Campfire

Wednesday December 4, 2013 at 1:07 PM

What are you reading?

Special assignment:

Give us the first and the last fics on your favorites list. 

What did you read last night? Fanfic, book, or both.

As always, feel free to ignore the special assignment and give us anything you want.  



Picture This! ~ Food

Wednesday December 4, 2013 at 11:52 AM

Come inside this warm Campfire and post some pictures of

Did you have an amazing Thanksgiving spread? 

Are you obsessed with food and like taking pictures? (shout out to rote_kirsche....haven't seen you around lately)

Have you found a recipe here on Capricorn75's Food CFs and want to share what you made?

Come inside and drool over some creative food that my kids and I made.  I'll give you a hint: it's brown and purple and orange and doesn't look great but tastes amazing.

Above is a Curry Buffet, not just Turkey Curry buffet, but I will admit that we made Turkey Curry after SouthernCharm posted a CF about Thanksgiving leftovers.  And by 'we', I mean that I suggested it and my husband made it.

For next week's CF:

ETA: So  next week, let's do a little tweak on what I originally suggested.  I'm calling it "Winter Holiday Traditions" and you can post whatever that means to you.  So, tell us about your family or cultural traditions for this time of year, or what you used to do during your childhood etc.  This can include Holiday decor as well.  :D

 For inspiration, a classic (that coincides with the Turkey Curry buffet above):


Help Desk

Wednesday December 4, 2013 at 9:23 AM


We here at ADF are a friendly, helpful bunch!

If you have a request for a type of story or a book,
this is your spot.

If you are unsure about something that has to do with ADF,
ask here.

If you have amnesia about a fic,
this is the place to ask about it!

If you are unsure about something that DOES NOT have to do with ADF,
ask here as well!


The Daily Chew! 12/4

Wednesday December 4, 2013 at 8:21 AM


What the Fic?! 12/4

Wednesday December 4, 2013 at 8:19 AM


Oh writer, where art thou?

Tuesday December 3, 2013 at 6:08 PM

Hello, hello.

First campfire post as I'm typically a lurker so please bear with me. 

I was going through my favorites when I noticed a story I completely love and forgot about, Vanilladoubleshot's "Ars Moriendi."  This AU/AH is a gutwrenchingly amazing story, but it hasn't been updated in three or four years.  One of the ANs mentioned she had some RL sufferings.   I was wondering if anyone knew how she was, and if she had any intentions of one day finishing this phenomenal story.  I know it's very unlikely, but my hope tends to take awhile to fizzle out. 


Ars Moriendi by vanilladoubleshot
Edward and Bella thought they would have forever.  Instead, Edward is teaching Bella a ghostly lesson in ars moriendi... "the art of dying."  AU; mixed POV; lemons; MCD at onset. Some mild/dream-state DubCon.


Hi Honey, I'm Home!

Tuesday December 3, 2013 at 2:31 PM

Home is where the heart is.  For almost 2.5 years, I had to take a break from fandom... you know, life?!?! UGH!  But, I did sometimes lurk, and always had a place in my heart for the only fandom site in which I was actively involved.  With the movies over, the fandom sure has changed, but I love the way ADF has evolved, and well, I miss my ADF fam!!!  

How has everyone been? What have I missed. . . ??? Come say hi so I can say hi back!!!!!!!


I did note the new rule of posting a rec (yes - that's how long I have been gone ... that rule is new to me) - my rec is below.  Tags are new to me too - and I have no idea what would work for this so feel free to add a tag for me :)

For those of you that know me, you know I have a soft spot for this fic - I love it. Alas, I have been gone long enough that I can't link it all pretty so forgive me (and if you can teach me how to link properly, I'd love it)!



The Locker Next Door

When Bella Swan meets Edward Cullen, she can’t stand him. He’s arrogant, rude, and annoyingly handsome. As she vents her frustration on her blog, Bella’s feelings change. Can Bella channel her online confidence into a real-life confession?



Tuesday December 3, 2013 at 12:43 PM

So I was on livejournal and saw this.




Don't know how truthful it is or what actually happened but I can't say I'm that shocked...seriously though, Rob, cocaine? Tsk tsk...


Fic Diving 12-3-13

Tuesday December 3, 2013 at 8:12 AM


Diving Deep for Fan Fic Treasures

Each week I will brave the treacherous waters of Fan Fiction for untold treasure. Below are the trinkets I've found this week!

Found these two treasures, but I think they've been rec'd in a few places since my last post. Hope all you NaNoWriMo writers got some good stuff done for your O-fic.  Now get back to fan fic...STAT!!  :)  The water's been a little shallow this past month!! We miss you!

Happy Reading!


Puzzle of my Heart by Payton79
Bella leads a promiscuous life: no relationships, no last names, no numbers. After meeting a certain green-eyed man, she begins to break her carefully set up rules. In a steamy friendship both their pasts and insecurities will be revealed. Will Bella give in to love? And what will happen when the past catches up to her? A story about lust, love and trust. AH, rated M for a reason.

Burned by love Bella only does one night stands.  She finds Edward, and he's ok with friends with benefits...for now....

The Second Time Around by anhanninen

One call changes Edward Cullen's life, giving him a second chance to be the father he always imagined. Piecing together his broken daughter isn't easy, and he soon realizes she needs more help than he can offer. His daughter comes first, but feelings can't always be controlled and he might just find another second chance he didn't count on. All Human.

I can't wait to see where this one goes.  I'm already in love with these characters and we're just getting started.



All the Wild Horses by elusivetwilight
In her suffocating small hometown, Bella Swan meets widowed Edward Cullen. Can she pull him from the depths of his grief? Is there enough of him left to soothe her clawing loneliness? AUAH E&B.

Broken Cowboyward.  I'm sold!

The Vineyard by TheShortVampire

After the betrayal and death of his wife Englishman Edward Cullen is bitter by love. But when he meets a tradesmen's daughter who was everything his late wife wasn't Edward finds himself giving his heart to a woman who he, in the past, would deem improper.

Set in France in the 1800's.  Good historical romance.

An Acquired Taste by Magnolia822

Arrogant British celebrity chef Edward Cullen made an impression on NYC caterer Bella Swan long before either one of them became a success. Now, armed with her cat and a devious practical joke, Bella's plan may turn up the heat for both of them. ExB OOC

Love the banter between these two and Bella's cat!


Thanks for your support and feedback!


The Daily Chew! 12/3

Tuesday December 3, 2013 at 7:05 AM


What the Fic?! 12/3

Tuesday December 3, 2013 at 7:03 AM

First --- | >> | 422 | 423 | 424 | 425 | 426 | 427 | 428 | 429 | 430 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
