
What the Fic?! 12/31

Tuesday December 31, 2013 at 7:54 AM


Fic Diving 12-30-13

Monday December 30, 2013 at 11:49 AM


Diving Deep for Fan Fic Treasures

Each week I will brave the treacherous waters of Fan Fiction for untold treasure. Below are the trinkets I've found this week!

Surprise!  Early Fic Dive this week!  I won't be able to post tomorrow, so you get these gems today!

Have a great New Year!  Be safe! 

Here's to keeping the treasures coming in 2014!

Onscreen Chemistry by winterhorses
Bella, America's young sweetheart on screen, is starring in her first R-rated film. Her co-star is Edward Cullen, Hollywood's reputed playboy, and he won't give her the time of day. Will they fizzle onscreen as Bella attempts to turn up the heat in her first erotic scene, or can she cause a reaction powerful enough to burn through his arrogant, impassive facade?

Bella is a former child star branching out.  Edward is a total manwhore who won't even speak to her outside of their required lines.  Something is going on with him, more than his tabloid life portrays, and I can't wait to find out what it is!  This is a first time writer, and I am really enjoying her story so far.

Long Way to Christmas by That'sMzPeachesTYVM
She is brilliant and beautiful, and well respected at a very young age in her field, but she is all alone. No family. No friends outside of work. He is alone by choice, punishing himself for the sins of his past, but he has family to give him strength. Will a chance encounter and a daily trip out of her way lead her to the family and place of belonging she so craves? AH/AU MA

E & B both have pasts that cause them to question their self worth.  This Edward is as sweet as the yumminess he creates.  Just a smidge of angst to keep things interesting.

Scrooge by kitchmill

Ever the Scrooge, Edward Cullen has no interest in celebrating Christmas. Will his attitude change when he finds a young woman down on her luck? Complete

Short Christmas Story. Edward the Scrooge redeems himself when he meets Bella. He helps her in a bind, she helps him mend his Grinchy ways. Complete.

Yes by GeekChic12
"He talks to me sometimes. I mean, it's usually sort of one-sided, but… every once in a while, he'll make eye contact with me, and I feel like I've won the lottery or something." All human. Dedicated to lellabeth

Sweet high school romance.  Lovable Edward with Asperger's.  Bella has some balls.


Semper Paratus: That Others May Live by RainyGirl1978
Reluctant widow, Bella, attempts to break out of her rut by going out with the handsome & cocky Coast Guard officer, Edward. Can he win her heart & who will rescue whom? AH

I love any type of Military-ward.  This one does not disappoint.

Sideline Collision by Nolebucgrl
A cocky QB runs into a snarky band geek. What happens when they collide on and off the field?

GAH!  This Edward...  There are no words for how much I love this cocky jerk and his kitten.  I am patiently (or not so patiently) waiting for the sequel.

See you next year!  (hee hee, my 8 year old loves that one)

Your feedback and input is appreciated!



Sneak Peek

Monday December 30, 2013 at 8:54 AM

Since mo kagen said she wouldn't be around this Monday, I hope it's okay...

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post something about your upcoming chapters here

excerpt / pictease / music / riddle / poem / banners

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Happy Monday

Monday December 30, 2013 at 6:57 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week.The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy. 

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum.If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.


The Daily Chew! 12/30

Monday December 30, 2013 at 6:33 AM


What the Fic?! 12/30

Monday December 30, 2013 at 6:32 AM

Mrs. Brownloe

Fanfic become legit?

Sunday December 29, 2013 at 2:41 PM

This is an interesting article about the relevancy of fanfiction in the publishing realm.  It seems that publishers are being forced to recognize this method of writing and publishing and not turn their collective noses up at the medium.  Fanfictions are no longer the red-headed step child, I guess.

Questions I have:

Have any of you published on this Amazon Kindle fanfiction site? Did you like it or no?

Copyright seems to be a cloudy issue.  I know some authors claim ownership of the "worlds" they've created, i.e,  G. Martin jealously guards Westeros. 

What about fanfiction authors, like the lady who is pubishing the fic: Hope Floats, who not only borrows Edward, Bella, et al, but also the entire plot of another novel? 

Love to hear your thoughts on this.


Fandom for Philippines

Sunday December 29, 2013 at 6:46 AM

I'm still alive! Yes, I know, it has been forever since I've been on here, and please don't shoot me, but I've been insanely busy... Those who follow me on Twitter or Facebook will know some of the reasons why.

One of them is the following.

Fandom for Philippines

As you will know, early November 2013 typhoon Haiyan swept over the Philippines, leaving death and destruction in its wake. Thousands of people lost their lives, and millions are without a home and livelihood. While western countries were busy celebrating various holidays, people in the Philippines were struggling to survive another day. Governments, relief organisations and generous individuals have donated time, money and goods to help rebuild a country in ruins. And although we are now almost two months down the road, help is still needed.

To encourage people to donate to relief funds, I have set up Fandom for Philippines. Several authors (including one from the Philippines), banner makers and betas have signed up, and there are a further 2 generous offers: everyone donating or contributing will receive a signed ebook of Lash by LG Castillo, and can enter the raffle to win Poughkeepsie swag made available by Debra Anastasia.

Please consider signing up or making a donation, and help me spread the word! Clicking the image will lead to the blog.

Important dates:

01/10/2014: Submissions due
01/10/2014: Donations due
01/12/2014: Compilation is distributed
02/14/2014: Authors may post stories elsewhere


Feed me, said the e-reader (12/27/13)

Friday December 27, 2013 at 9:27 AM

Welcome to the Feed Your E-Reader

weekly campfire

(End Of Year 2013 close-out edition)



Please post all the fabulous deals you've found this week. And if you pick up a book from a comment inside, please let your fellow campers know you did.

And don't forget to feed the trees, yeah? 


The Daily Chew! 12/27

Friday December 27, 2013 at 3:46 AM


What the Fic?! 12/27

Friday December 27, 2013 at 3:45 AM

Diana Wolfskill

YEARBOOK - How Will You Remember 2013?

Friday December 27, 2013 at 1:05 AM





New baby? New job? 

Did you move, marry,

get a degree or go back to school?

Did you lose a loved one?

Did you write or otherwise create something that you're proud of?

Was there some event that you will 

always remember?


Post pictures or write a few words.

Let's talk about

what happened in 



happy christmas!

Thursday December 26, 2013 at 9:45 PM

salut! i've been off the grid for a while now but it's nice to pop by once in a while and see how you guys are doing :)  i myself am spending the holidays in france and as every christmas i'm re reading and re watching harry potter!  i haven't read ff in a while but i reeally want to read something good about Lupin & Tonks, does anyone remember a good one? :)


Addictive tv-shows

Thursday December 26, 2013 at 10:03 AM

I've just watched the Downton Abbey - Christmas special episode and...don't worry, I'm not going to give you spoilers. I'd like to find more great tv-shows. I began to watch them as a way to improve my English, and I need to keep it fresh, right? ;-)

Over the past few years, I've watched (and loved):

- House

- Cold Case

- The Closer

I'm still following Criminal Minds and -- but you already know it -- Downton Abbey.

I've recently discovered (and devoured) Homeland and Game of Thrones.

I've watched the first season of Man Men, but I'm not going to insist. And I've watched a few episodes of Suits.

What would you recommend?

I've heard good things about The Sopranos (believe it or not, I've never watched it), Boardwalk Empire, and House of Cards.

Have you watched them? Would you recommend them? Why?

I've read great reviews for Breaking Bad, but I'm not intrigued by it.

Thanks for your suggestions!

- Raum


Yay! Christmas is over!

Thursday December 26, 2013 at 9:08 AM

I'm not a Scrooge, promise.  I love Christmas, or at least what Christmas is supposed to be.  I love time spent with my family, and seeing everyone enjoy their gifts, and time off from work/volunteering/school to be with loved ones.  

However, I could live without:  the "hype," family drama, the expense, unrealistic expectations, and how the lives of the less fortunate in our society become even more difficult during the holiday season. 

In short, I'm so glad Christmas is over!!!  It's always a relief to have all the holiday plans come to fruition and, for better or worse, to be DONE.

To celebrate, we are having a "do nothing" day at our house today.  After all that shopping, preparing, decorating and cooking, I'm just chilling with the hubs and my youngest kiddo.

What was the best part of the holidays for you this year?  What are your plans between now and the end of the year? 



Looking for a fic

Thursday December 26, 2013 at 8:21 AM

I ran across a story rec a few days ago for the story By Your Leave by jonesn 353402, but have had no luck finding the story or anything about what happened to it.  Is there anyone out there who might know where I can find it, was it pulled to publish, etc?  Thank you for any help.



I am currently reading Fan Fiction, Sex Gods and Single Girls by bannerday.  It's been a while since I have lol'd this much over a story ;)  (tried to link but apparently I don't know how to do so any longer) 


The Daily Chew! 12/26

Thursday December 26, 2013 at 4:06 AM


What the Fic?! 12/26

Thursday December 26, 2013 at 4:05 AM


stories from.....

Wednesday December 25, 2013 at 12:43 PM

does anyone have any stories a fanfiction author  TheLionEventuallyEatsTheLamb?

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