
SM does it better. But why?

Tuesday August 12, 2014 at 11:32 PM

Yes, stories like Outlander have managed to capture our interest again, offering us a way of escaping rl issues. No second-hand embarassment either, as others have mentioned: the acting's great, the writing's better than SM's (well, how worse could it be) and watching the actors' interviews doesn't make you cringe at all. Professionalism all around.

Yet Twilight is the only story that seems to have caused such a frenzy. And I'm not even talking about the number of females affected; it makes sense that Twilight, with the 100+ y.o. vampire would appeal to both teens and adult women, whereas stories like OL probably don't. What I'm talking about is the intensity of the response. You know, women who had never read any book before not being able to put the damn book down, thinking about it all the time, going nuts on its fanfiction, watching the movie (first movie. Don't forget that SM wasn't planning on writing all those books before the publishers pushed her) over and oever again etc. I remember reading this quote ""If there is a chemical that's released when you're falling in love, your brain has it when you're reading or watching "Twilight.", and laughing. But now I see it's true. And that no other author has managed to write something so appealing to women.

I'm not the only one saying this btw, check out this article on psychology today or the endless sites created by women who used to laugh at the idea but then read or watched it and just went nuts (e.g. this). I used to think that Twilight was especially captivating to people like me, who always thought vampires were hot but scary. But, no, it's obvious that it's not just me. Of course there's the FSOG appeal, but there's no need to give any explanations on this site how it's built on everything that made Twilight so captivating.

So, what exactly is it that made Twilight so captivating while the rest of the stories aiming at female audiences not so much? Continuously praising the romantic hero's looks right from the first second (which is not what happens e.g. in Outlander)? The female protagonist, who's average looking, doing nothing else in her life so she becomes obsessed with her ideal man, and making the readers obsessed in return?  The "loves me so much he doesn't even eat me oh he's so dangerous but not to me' notion? And, last but of course not least, the UST?

Any more ideas on why Twilight stood out so much? Or what element would you say helped it the most? What does Stephenie Meyer even subconsciously know that the others don't?

Stephenie with Matt Bellamy from Muse, whose angsty and passionate lyrics have been her source of inspiration:


Fic Diving 8-12-14

Tuesday August 12, 2014 at 9:02 AM


Diving Deep for Fan Fic Treasures

Each week I will brave the treacherous waters of Fan Fiction for buried treasure. Below are the gems I've found this week!

Some great finds this week!  

Here's our To Do List for today:

1.  Read these wonderful stories
2.  Write a review and tell them ADF sent you!
3.  Feed a Tree--Let's keep these Campfires burnin'!
4.  Tell me what stories you love--Let's talk about them!
5.  Don't forget to Vote for your favorite July Fic Dive!

The Red Carpet by MyInfiniteBliss
"My night wouldn't have been complete without at least one trip down the red carpet. Literally. Welcome to Hollywood." Blinded by constant flashing lights, actress Bella Swan can't seem to tell the difference between who is acting and who isn't anymore. Humor, scandal and romance ensures along with our usual suspects E/B AH/AU Twi-celebs.

A reluctant Bella comes from Hollywood royalty. She and Edward clash. Loving this so far.  

CourtShip by Esme Incognito

In cleaning out a house, sorting through a lifetime of memories and possessions, she happens upon the journals, his and her stories of how it all began: a 50th anniversary, a graduation trip, a cruise that set them on a new course. AH 20-something Bella & Edward. A little angst, but mostly fluffy, romantic fun. 

Sweet story about Edward and Bella's relationship through their journals and scrapbooks being read by their granddaughter.  So looking foward to more.

Fearful Symmetry by elusivetwilight
Edward is a vampire monk who has vowed to deny himself all the pleasures of human flesh. Bella is a free spirit with secrets in her past. Edward has been sworn to protect her from a looming evil. Can he keep his own evil at bay to fulfill his duties? Tiger, tiger, burning bright, In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry? E&B, OOC

I'm late to the game on this one. It's been rec'd here at ADF before. Bella is a half immortal being coming to terms with the fact that she's "important" in the supernatural world.  There's even a teaser in this past Monday's Sneak Peek Campfire.

Liking Blondie by scorpsifer

'If the cool kids secretly whispered behind your back anyway, what did it matter if you pretended to like Blondie? It didn't. After all, Bella Swan was a Sex Pistols kind of girl.' When Edward Cullen, Chicago's best finance columnist, visits Bella's college for a seminar, he may find she is a bit too lace-and-leather for his taste. But maybe he's tired of suits and ties.

An unconventional Bella meets a straight laced Edward.  

My Angel by ObsessingOverEdward

Edward's career, social life, and family life are exactly where he wanted them until a freak accident left him scarred and struggling to accept that his life was changing and not necessarily for the better. Battling with hallucinations he sometimes thinks are real, he struggles to straighten out his life and make the woman in his dreams fall in love with him. AH BxE

Just one chapter in.  Great writing and flow.  Haven't seen a Weather-ward before.  I hope she updates soon because I'm very intrigued by this one.


An Angel in Hell by AgoodWITC
Bella, arrives at MASH 8076, as the new nurse working alongside her fellow dr's & nurses during the Korean War. She catches the eye of Capt. Edward Masen & he sees in her the angel who can make their hell worthwhile. Entry for 2010 Age of Edward Contest 

I used to watch MASH all the time when I was a kid.  Not many shows could pull off comedy, tradgegy, drama and romance all in one.  This is loosely based on that show.

Something For the Rest of Us by MandyLeigh87
"We're the broken ones. The damaged. The left behind. The forgotten. Sometimes love is all we have. It's something for the rest of us." ExB Rated M Drama/Romance/Some Angst EPOV

Edward rescues a girl who has no memory of her past life.

As always, THANK YOU for your feedback.  I particularly appreciate those of you who put your two cents in every  week!


The Daily Chew! 8/12

Tuesday August 12, 2014 at 7:10 AM


What the Fic?! 8/12

Tuesday August 12, 2014 at 7:09 AM



Monday August 11, 2014 at 7:59 PM

Anyone else having trouble logging on tonight?  I get  a message saying "Service Unavailable" whether I use Chrome or IE.


Robin Williams died

Monday August 11, 2014 at 7:35 PM

Robin Williams died this afternoon...

I am a very sad panda right now - he is (I guess I should say was) one person who could always make me laugh.


RIP Mork


Sneak Peek Monday - Too Darn Hot

Monday August 11, 2014 at 9:13 AM

It's the heat. And the humidity.

But thank goodness it's a clammy, wet, dirty sort of disgusting urban heat + collective crowd sweat humidity here in NYC.
Couldn't be just one or the other. Of course not. Why go small?

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Not gonna lie. I've decided to get all European on August and
hereby declare this entire month moot.

And ridiculous for working.

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Please join me in in my mind staycation.
There, we'll be lolling about in a quaint knotted hammock...
as the breezes kiss our bare feet & playfully ruffle our sun-kissed hair...
when we may or may not muster up enough energy to tap some
tropical topics relevant to peeks of something sneaky called fanfiction.

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Decisions, decisions. They take time. And effort. Ergo, we don't like them.

Do we hit 'enter' - or do we squeeze a lime wedge to make that latest cocktail perfection?
Do we wonder what's for dinner - or do we merely beckon the pool boy to ask Cook
before our afternoon massage? 

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*Little fun fact: evidently, it takes up to five highly qualified & uniformed professionals
to thoroughly maintain your pool area. Who knew?* 

More important: does my new nail polish compliment
the plumeria blossoms just beyond our deck?

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If you have more energy than I do, please post a tantalising tidbit to tempt even the most languid of mental lanai loungers into lifting a finger to read all about Edward's singer. (Although at this point, I'm just happy my blood is still pumping... much less belting out showtunes
to beckon any bouffant boy vamps not already in the Hamptons or on the Cape.)

Don't forget to post an excerpt & a live link to your story.

And this just in: there's always one
in every bunch, isn't there?

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Above AP photo picked up of ValWaltzing paddling wildly to the other side of our island, where rumour has it
The Professor has set up some coconut-and-curly-wire receptor thing to snag Starz signals
in time for the next Outlander episode.
Well, at least I hope she brings back some bananas. Or more bananas, I should say.


How do you like them apples?

Monday August 11, 2014 at 8:38 AM


The Cullens were forced to move frequently in order to avoid detection or exposure as vampires.  (Yes, of course this is the obligatory paranormal tie-in, as shameless and unoriginal as it is.)

Even though I happily transplanted to the Midwest 15 years ago, I will always remain a Southerner at heart. I usually don't think about the differences until they smack me in the face (like the lack of good sweet tea, inferior BBQ and the Midwestern obsession with garages and basements). But when I travel, I realize how different each state/region really is, despite the many similarities and our national identity as "American." 

When you travel, or if you've moved, what do you miss the most about "home?"  What do you like best about the "new" area?  What differences really make you take notice?  (For non-American campers, please share regional differences within your own country!)


Happy Monday

Monday August 11, 2014 at 7:12 AM

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Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week.The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy. 

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum.If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name


The Daily Chew! 8/11

Monday August 11, 2014 at 6:41 AM


What the Fic?! 8/11

Monday August 11, 2014 at 6:41 AM


Castle Leoch!

Sunday August 10, 2014 at 7:11 PM

Finally got home after a very fun (and very impromptu) visit to St. Louis this weekend (which was supposed to have been an impromptu visit to Chicago).


(This post is brought to you by an overcast Gateway to the Midwest and the best daggone BBQ outside the State of North Carolina!  And no, I didn't eat it all, but I sure did give it a try.)


Previews for next week!!  His back, omg.  His BACK.  Honestly, though, I thought it would be a lot worse.  


Doesn't he look like he's having naughty thoughts?


(never mind that I've already seen it 3 or 20 times)

Did you watch it?  Do you like BBQ?  Do you think Jamie would like BBQ?


The Daily Chew! 8/9

Saturday August 9, 2014 at 9:58 AM


What the Fic?! 8/9

Saturday August 9, 2014 at 9:56 AM


Change in the Air

Saturday August 9, 2014 at 8:07 AM


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After a bit of time posting Sneak Peek Mondays, I've come to a hunch and a sincere question:

Perhaps we should be talking Sneak Peek Thursdays or Fridays?
Are we hanging it out at the wrong end of the week?

Today, for instance, my inbox is flooded with new chapters. The weekends seem to be when most authors understandably have both the time and material to bite the bullet, bite their lip & finally hit send hard.

So: if authors have something a lot closer to completion later in the week - excerpts of which they may feel more comfortable semi-posting closer to actual posting - wouldn't that still serve the purpose of a teaser...
with more potential participation & exposure for writers and their stories?

Although I obviously have fun coming up with absurd Sneak Peek themes, the main goal here
is to provide fanfic writers with a safe, loose, interesting & timely place
where they may mildly advertise their current WIP 
without feeling too self-conscious pushing themselves or their story forward. 

I'd love to help excite & incite more readers to either check out their favourites or to be reminded
of a story and author they've been meaning to finally check out as well. 

What say you? 

Any and all comment or collective brainstorming - positive, negative, yes-I-love-your-tuna-surprise-as-I'm-feeding-it-under-the-table-to-the-poor-doggie-who-can't-help-himself - is most welcome and appreciated.


Feed your reader (8/8/14)

Friday August 8, 2014 at 7:31 PM

Feed Your E-Reader

(mostly) weekly campfire


Please post all the fabulous deals you've found this week. And if you pick up a book from a comment inside, please let your fellow campers know you did.


This CF is open to all genres and all book deals.


And don't forget to feed the trees, yeah?


Edward Christian Cullen ... whateve

Friday August 8, 2014 at 6:56 PM

Holy Smokes, he looks hot!!!!



Rob's still got it. Sometimes I think he enjoys toying with us and our fanfic fantasies. How about you?


Universal buys rights to Vampire Chronicles

Friday August 8, 2014 at 4:51 PM

Anne Rice's 'Vampire Chronicles' to be developed by Universal as potential film franchise

Hopefully Universal will do the franchise justice, because the last film sucked so hard.

Who should Hollywood cast for the series?!?!

As much as I know that RPattz will rather do anything else than up into another vampire series, his broody face/mannerism will make a wonderful Louis de Pointe du Lac.

As for Lestat, Tom Cruise make be cray cray these days, but his Letat was perfect and I'll be hard pressed to see someone topping his awesomeness.



resistance is futile

Friday August 8, 2014 at 9:52 AM


I'm officially challenging you shy, hidden, lurking campers

to come out of hiding and post your very first ever Campfire.  

(or respond to this post and tell us what you want to talk about)


Like hanky-panky, it's scary the first couple of times, 

but if it doesn't kill you, you might find you like it. :-)


So come on, I KNOW there are Campers out there who have

something they'd like to talk about but just don't want to dive in. 


(Also, wtvoc promised to send you all brownies, Juniper Jenny will help you design your own X-men/woman, and abellebiter promises she can expand your vocabulary in just 5 easy steps!
Then again, I could be making some of that up.)

What will it take to get our lurking friends out of the shadows?


It's Friday!!

Friday August 8, 2014 at 9:43 AM

It's time for a



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with a 

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I want you to answer some questions using songs

You can either just give the song name + artist

or post the video, It'sup to you


Come on in + see the questions


First --- | >> | 369 | 370 | 371 | 372 | 373 | 374 | 375 | 376 | 377 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
