
What the Fic?! 7/30

Wednesday July 30, 2014 at 6:43 AM


Problems accessing FF net

Wednesday July 30, 2014 at 6:10 AM

Since two hours ago if I try to access anything on fanfiction net, stories, PMs, my profile, whatever, I get a message in Italian which says, more or less:

Unsafe connection signature certificate OCSP unvalid. The page you are looking  for can't be shown because the authenticity of data can't be verified

Contact the person responsible for the website

I use Mozilla. Strangely enough I mangaed to reach ff net trying  with  my obsolete outlook express.

Edit: Mozille Firefox and ff net must have "spoken" while I slept because now I can finally access it from my regular browser. Thank you all


Fic Diving 7-29-14

Tuesday July 29, 2014 at 11:03 AM


Diving Deep for Fan Fic Treasures

Each week I will brave the treacherous waters of Fan Fiction for buried treasure. Below are the gems I've found this week!

Thanks to all of the Rangers and John for keeping the Forest up and running!  Your hard work is appreciated!

Some interesting finds this week.  Please let the writers know where you found them and let folks know about the .net trail to the Forest.


Cooking Contest Encounter by TwiTwiAgain
College student Bella enters cooking contests to win extra money. Surgeon Edward hopes to create healthy recipes his patients will enjoy. They can't fight their attraction, when they meet on the way to a contest in Napa.

We get a behind the scenes look of how cooking competition shows on TV work.  Beware of a slow updater, but I'm really liking the story, so I'll hold out hope that she sticks with it as promised.  The writer is a cooking show contestant herself so maybe we've seen her compete!

Star Crossed by tufano79
She was the leader of her people. He was a gruff, by-the-book star ship captain. An interstellar war, negotiations for a peace treaty gone wrong and a taboo relationship between two species. Will they survive this threat or are the Star Crossed lovers doomed before they even have a chance?

Good alien love story!  Lots of Trekkie and Sci Fi type lingo.  The writer does give us a glossary of terms at the end of each chapter.  I'm intrigued and liking it.

So I Can Kiss You Anytime I Want by k8ln713
It's been five years since Bella's returned to her hometown in St. Pete Beach. Her reason: to finally get her husband, Edward, to give her a divorce. She's built a successful life for herself up in NY after leaving Edward, but has been having trouble getting Edward to give in and sign the divorce papers. Will Bella's return make her remember that Edward was always the one for her?

Very Sweet Home Alabama.  Cute.

Hit and Run by Trixi20
Hit and Run: the act of operating quickly so as not to be late for another engagement (often a non-medical appointment). He was stuck in Nowhere, USA but maybe that wasn't such a bad thing. Doc Hollywood meets Twilight. Awesome combo if you ask me.

Fun story so far.  I'm a Doc Hollywood fan. Also the same premise as the Disney movie Cars.  It worked for both of these movies and I'm thinking it will work here as well.


That's A1 by The Irish Cullen Twilight
A simple bet, see who can use a 'coupla focail' to get a 'cailini' into the 'aul 'leaba', what could go wrong? Well Irish Boy Edward Masen is going to find, not just what could go wrong, but what could also go right. Not you're typical Irishward. Complete Drabble

I liked this Irishward.  Some chapters are longer than others. 

The Better Angels of Our Nature by Lissa Bryan
Bella is a powerful telekinetic, escaped from a government research facility. With her is Edward, her guardian angel, sent to earth to protect her. Can they find safety? Can Bella love this extraordinary creature? OOC/AU

This one has all the makings of an awesome action packed story.  Good, evil, angels, bad guys, telekinetics, fire starters, mercinaries, sexy times with a white winged Edward and my personal favorite--a puppy named Dave.

Thanks as always for your feedback and support!


Fantasy Characters

Tuesday July 29, 2014 at 10:21 AM

Way down at the bottom of the screen, it states:  

A Different Forest is an all-inclusive user-generated supernatural community

So, what's your poison?




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Do you prefer to read a book about them or watch a movie or TV Show? 


ETA: Yes, I do realize that Witches aren't truly Supernatural Creatures. This post is based on their beyond believable fantastical powers + how they're classified in their book sections, movie + TV genre, not the religious following.

It's not meant as an insult in any way to any one


The Daily Chew! 7/29

Tuesday July 29, 2014 at 7:37 AM


What the Fic?! 7/29

Tuesday July 29, 2014 at 7:34 AM



Tuesday July 29, 2014 at 6:34 AM

A glorious thing to wake up to. 



Did you you see the Outlander Q&A last night? Tobias Menzies is actually making me look forward to Frank!  Also, Sam shares a few Rob qualities, one being that he is beautiful from certain angles, and not beautiful from others.

Do you think Outlander is poised to GO BIG, or do you think this is much ado about nothing?


Long Awaited Update

Monday July 28, 2014 at 6:19 PM

OK, I'm going to clear up some things quickly.

First, for those of you who don't know who I am,  I'm the WebMaster and I wrote every line of code behind the site and am a co-owner of the company hosting the server.

There are and were no conspiracies, kerfluffles, etc - what happened is the domain registration accidentally expired, our registrar immediately sold the domain and we are looking to possibly get it back.  

One night as I was getting my son ready for bed Tor told me the site was dead and people were freaking,  I immediately found the cause (domain name gone) and bought the .net immediately myself and reconfigured the server for the new domain.  

This is why the registration changed and why it was so sudden.  It was a total "oh shit" moment as I'm not here daily, I did what I had to do to get it running again and have been VERY busy ever since.

For now the .net is working and will continue to work, spread the word to those who have not found their way.  We are working on the .com but no promises as of yet.

So everybody chill ;)



Monday July 28, 2014 at 2:04 PM





Also, in non-sh*tstorm related news, 

Outlander/Starz is doing a Live Q & A tonight at 9pm EST!


The Daily Chew! 7/28

Monday July 28, 2014 at 7:07 AM


What the Fic?! 7/28

Monday July 28, 2014 at 7:06 AM


Happy Monday

Monday July 28, 2014 at 7:06 AM

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Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week.The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy. 

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum.If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name


Sneak Peek Monday - Hallelujah To Ya

Monday July 28, 2014 at 5:39 AM

 ~  Jehovah's Sexiest Witness  


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Wants YOU to Testify!

Dearly Beloved
We are gathered here today
To celebrate this thing called fanfic.
The princely power of purpledude
Joined with prosy pulchritude.

Strike a chord with the little lord of summer heat and a sexy back seat beat.

Raise a hand to the heavens, clutch your diamonds and pearls
Make a joyful noise unto the artists who really know girls
Forget the Spanx and give thanks that the homilies are free
With fic teasers from the pleasers who share their copy.

Dump the chumps and follow the scriptures
Of those who know a real amen when they write one.

So get it on the page and get on with the plot
Post a live link here & show us what you got.


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Come on and have mercy. Do wrap up with a wrap-up.


It's here...

Sunday July 27, 2014 at 9:06 PM


Boys who dress up as girls

Sunday July 27, 2014 at 1:14 AM

My brother has two sets of twins (I know...): a girl and a boy aged almost six and two boys aged almost three (they share the same birthday). Ever since one of his youngest sons was six months old he wanted to wear bracelets and necklaces. Now he cries he wants to wear dresses and carry a purse. My sister in law and my mother, who sometimes babysits them, let him as he truly wants it, but tell him 'That's just for girls'.

I consider myself pretty open-minded, to a point that I honestly, honestly would prefer my daughters dated girls, esp. when they go to high school and we'll have all those date rape and unwanted pregnancies worries. I've seen many women being abused by the wrong men (my former best friend included) so why not keep that other window open?

But to go back to my brother's issue, they seem to worry not that their son will turn gay or whatever, but that he'll want to cross dress at school -and then later in life-, and 'what if he wants to be the princess at the school show? The bullying?'. There are always the employment difficulties (unless you live in Scandinavia or San Fransisco? idk), which is of course looking faaar ahead, but it does make you wonder about the disadvantaged position these people must be in. Much more if you're a man than if you're a woman. Not that it's certain that he will still want to cross dress when he grows up of course, though it does make it more probable than, say, his twin brother. Neither plays with dolls though, and I wonder if that means anything. Anyone knows such cases?

What concerns me the most is that he's started to become aggressive towards his sister, and it's hard not to suspect it's because she's so easily allowed to wear her tiaras and her pretty dresses. But then again, I do understand why they their first reaction was to tell him it's girls that do that.

Any thoughts on this?

FYT: Placebo, who I'll go see live in less than two weeks. Hope they'll be worth it!



Saturday July 26, 2014 at 7:35 PM

Hi Ladies! I hope you are all doing well and I hope it's still FFA. If not, I offer my sincerest apologies.

Anyways, I was looking for your opinion.

I am in need of a new planner. Usually I buy a Lily Pulitzer planner because they're pretty and classy and do their job, and those are like the three most important things in life, right?

But this year, my friend turned me on to Erin Condren planers which are GORGEOUS and highly efficient. They're more than I would usually spend on a planner, but if I really want to, I can totally justify it to myself and my husband.


Is there another planner that you all would reccomend? One better than the two I've mentioned?

FYT, I was going to include a picture of Eric Dane as Dr. Mark Sloan from Grey's, but I can't figure out how to link a picture. Oh well.


The Daily Chew! 7/26

Saturday July 26, 2014 at 10:20 AM


What the Fic?! 7/26

Saturday July 26, 2014 at 10:20 AM



Friday July 25, 2014 at 8:24 PM

OKAY. SO. I have been watching this show:



AND... I'm not gonna lie. I'm pretty unhappy with the pics for the Live Shows. ESPECIALLY this one guy that's entire "talent" is to rollerblade and pose like a teenage girl. AND HE'S LIKE 50.


But any of you watch? If not, tell me what talent shows you like. American Idol, The X Factor, Britains Got Talent, blah blah blah.



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