
Holiday Dinner Party.

Wednesday December 23, 2009 at 1:51 PM

It's the Holiday Season in Fanfic World!

Tell me--what five fanfiction characters would you invite to dinner?

I'd have Father Edward at the head of the table...and seated next to him I'd have Son Of A Preacher Man Jasper (because Father Edward would be exasperated and that Jasper is hilarious and hot)

Then I'd have James from Fault, he could bring the applesauce and make me laugh in that creepy, gloomy way.  And I think he'd annoy Father Edward and provide good comedic material for Jasper.

I'd also have Emmett from the Elite because I adore him.

And Alice from The Caged Bird, because she was funny and not annoying and--I liked her.

I would serve Chicken McNuggets and Mountain Dew and have ashtrays at everyone's elbows.

It would be a blast.

Who would you invite?



Rob is heading to London

Wednesday December 23, 2009 at 8:27 AM


I predict many smiley pics of him and his mates coming!


appreciate the forest

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 7:06 PM


this post is to appreciate this here forest.  what does it do for you?  what're you here for?  what would you like to see?  i judge no one and genuinely want to hear what you have to say.  question you want answered?  do it here.

i see a lot of people saying they have a hard time connecting with people.  well, i connect.  espesh in my own posts.

this is your chance to play/vent/dalloftheabove.  git in here... but leave a gift. it's the thing to do. 

don wtvocorleone apologizes for the excessive bandwidth abuse, to those of you with slow interwebs connectivity.

now come on in and bring your godfather a gift.  sopranos gifs, david boreanaz, and n00dz are among the acceptable.

and something to keep in mind:



drumroll, pleaseeee

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 6:26 PM












Was it my imagination?

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 6:03 PM

Or wasn't there going to be a Twilight companion book put out by SMeyer this month?

The Twilight Saga the official guide was advertised in the back of Breaking Dawn as coming soon...

Anyone know what's up?

And has anyone read the Philosophy of Twilight book?




Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 5:45 PM

 Yes, this was due yesterday but I was having so much fun finding out what you guys wanted for christmas that I couldn't have given this the attention that it deserves. Really, you guys amaze me. I love learning about your involvement both inside and outside of the Twiverse and I love being part of a community that is so supportive. As was written about earlier today by the lovely Jandco, all too often we feel like outsiders, but let me tell you right now..as a Ranger I WANT TO INCLUDE YOU. . and this post is a great way to start. 


That's right, sugarpops, now is the time to tell us about YOU. What you write, what you design, things inside and outside of the twiverse that you want US to check out. I only ask one thing in return..if you find out about something via this post, TELL THE AUTHOR, DESIGNER, WHATEVER that you heard about it HERE. How can we show are support if we don't know where we get it??

Last week I asked for you to go to my cabin and let me know what you write so I could get a chance to read it and pimp it out right here on the front page. WOW, I got a great response. KEEP THEM COMING. I will try to get around to reading you all and giving my feedback but I am only one woman (one busy woman) 

THIS WEEK I am going to pimp out TwilightTrin's story A DIFFERENT TWILIGHT. What makes it different? Bella isn't just a fragile human

The first paragraph:

"I’m moving Forks to be with my father. My mother, Renee, is traveling with her new husband, Phil. He’s a great guy, and he makes mom happy, but he travels a lot and I don’t think I can handle the road. I don’t want her to have to stay behind with me, so I came up with the great idea of moving to Forks, Washington, to be with my dad, Charlie. I was packed and said my goodbyes to Phoenix. I'll miss the warm, dry air and the sun, which I won’t be seeing much of anymore unless I conjured a small sun-spell. Being a witch is interesting. I’m really going to miss my grandmother even more when I'm gone. It feels odd not having her around, and although she died last fall, talking about her in past-tense feels weird."


So your challenge this week is to start reading her story. It has WAY TOO FEW reviews and there is already a sequel (along with a great James/Victoria one shot) so you can really read her and watch her grow as an author. WHEN YOU READ IT, LEAVE A REVIEW!! TELL HER YOU SAW IT HERE.


Anything you got. I want to hear about it. I want to read it. I want to hear OTHER people gush about it. I WANT TO KNOW!



Rec me a fic, chickens!

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 5:42 PM

And not just any 'ol fic.  I'm looking for the best damn Emmett fic around.  And I've already been through It's the Beaches, so you've got to try harder!  I've blown through my share of E/B fic and I'm needing some McCarty hawtness.

Oh...And BTW...if someone wants to make me an Em avie, I will heart you forever.  Four times.

Oh yeah...and here's some Kellan p0rn.

Ok, Rob too...

La Strana Musica

Twilight In Five Years?

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 4:41 PM

Lets think five year down the line...

All the movies will be finished. We will have nothing more Twilight related to look forward to. Unless SM writes another book.

Not likely.

Will everyone just forget about this world phenomenom?

Will people still read TwiFics and come on ADF?

What do you think it will be like for the TwiFandom in five years?

Lettuce dicuss :)


Let's play a game...

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 3:37 PM

(Don't worry, it's short!) 

Sneaky Twilight Gifts! 

I have bought the following gifts for family members which are actually covert nods to the Twiverse. Can you guess what my crazy mind was thinking of when I picked these items up??

1.) Graphic Tee for DD, the writing says: "All the Pretty Horses"

2.) Bad Monkeys by Mark Ruff for Mom

3.) This Bath and Body Works set for my step mom: 

4.) And finally these for SO (which he's actually been wanting!) 

To keep it interactive have you ever worked Twilight into the lives of those around you in a sneaky way? 

Hey I get bored and need to keep myself amused around here.  :) 


New "Remember Me" Still!

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 3:28 PM


Elemental updated!

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 2:20 PM

Glitter Text Generator

I LOVE this fic! The plot is so creative!



And DISCUSS here!



What the **** is a Twihard?

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 1:44 PM

So I'm writing this post because I'm pissed and confused. I've been out yesterday with a group of my sister's friends who I don't know very well and don't meet often. We were laughing and drinking, just having some fun. My sister kind of dropped the hint that I liked Twilight and that I read fanfic. I did not deny, because its true, and I think its harmless fun, so why the hell not. Most of them were surprised and okay with it, but there was this guy, who I always had a great time with, who just couldn't get over it and I swear looked at me differently.And he asked me if I was a twihard in a way that made it seem like he was disappointed in me and I suddenly became shallow. I mean, I guess I am a twihard in some ways since I have an account here and read fanfic.

Sometimes I come across posts on blogs which contain something Twilight related with a hint of criticism, where the twihard commenters curse the whole family and friends of the writer into early grave but I just laugh them off. I like Twilight but not religiously, I know its flawed and unintentionally funny in oh so many ways, but its the most delicious guilty pleasure ever and fanfic spins it around in the most extraordinary ways. I never really thought to hide it, but this just keeps bugging me, that some people might put me down as an imbecile because I like it. I get why aggressive devoted twilighters who can't accept someone not liking it cause outsider to be vary of them, but I am not like this at all, I have no problem with those who hate Twilight. There are people who hate chocolate too, but why hate on them? All the more for me.

Has this ever happened to you? How can you dig your self out of the hole this put you in? Should you have to?

My sister says I'm blowing this out of proportion, but it just made me feel bad. Pls send some words of comfort for me!

Sir Rachel

What would you rather be doing?

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 12:48 PM

 As I'm about to head out to the dentist, I keep thinking about what I'd rather be doing. I'd rather be surfing ADF and tweeting randomly and reading fics.

What Twilight-related thing would you rather be doing right now?

Or if you're doing it, what ARE you doing?


Who Would You Party With???

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 12:36 PM

I was scouring the interweb this morning trying to figure out what the hell Im gonna be doing for New Years when I came across this ad.

My first thought was, damn I wish it was RPattz I could be partying with.

[That might happen since Im probably going to a party at Chateau Marmont]

 So my question for you campers is

Which Twilight actor would you like to ring in the New Year with???

and what are your New Years plans so far?

and a little dance music to get ADF in a party mood








Music approved by the lovely Ranger Jandco



Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 12:02 PM


Recently I've stumbled upon some opinions about the forest we have here.  And it's been pointed out to me that we may have a 'mob mentality' or we speak too harshly about the fandom we adore.

First thing I want to make clear is this:  We don't want ANYBODY to feel uncomfortable or out of place while playing on ADF.  This issue actually kind of shocked me as I'd always considered ADF to be an 'anti-clique' site.  It was started by a few gals who didn't really fit in any fandoms at all. 

A Different Forest was established as a site free of the fandom hierarchy.  We want it to remain that way.

We very much want everyone to feel free to post ALL opinions regarding ANY post.  As far as I've seen, opposing opinions on ADF lead to interesting discussion, and that's also something very welcome here.

I guess, the point is, please feel free enough and comfortable enough to post and share your opinion...and please bear in mind, there isn't one group or clique that runs the show here...we're all very much on equal ground.

So, I suppose now I'm way too curious not to ask--Lurkers, is THIS the reason you lurk?  If it is, please come out and offer any suggestions or advice you have for us to make this place comfortable for everyone.

Look.  Even Robert Pattinson is worried about this.


Funny "New Moon" spoof

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 11:02 AM

This commercial for the People's Choice Awards has a funny New Moon spoof.  I love this other Kristen!




(I tried to get it to embed but it wouldn't work...Sorry!)



Questionable Present Idea?

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 10:05 AM

 Hi everyone! I was trying to think what to get my Twilight obsessed sister for Christmas and i was wondering if it's OK to print out stories from FF.net and put them in a binder for her.  She doesn't have a working PC  and has no idea what she's missing!  Is this considered tacky, illegal or just a cheap gift?  Thanks!


jumping in

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 9:20 AM

Hi All,

I usually hang out in EV or The Gaz, but I thought that I'd make ADF one of my regular stomping grounds.  Anywho, since I'm not all that computer savvy, I can't figure out how to get my avi 100 x100.  Anyone want to break it down and explain to me how the heck to do this?  I've been all around this site, but don't see a FAQ section. 



Another request

Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 4:49 AM


I’m sorry for constantly asking for recommendations. I’m looking for Edward (Huh!) in particular Controlling Edward, Jealous Edward, Rude and arrogant Edward. I need some grit, some feistiness. Very aggressive would be yummy.
I’ve reader Master of the Universe and I’m pretty sure this Edward is the reason for my urge. I’ve read all the Dominants and Submissive that are floating around.
Please help. I’m due to start work soon and I want something to read on the train.

bored ranger is bored

Monday December 21, 2009 at 10:47 PM

in honor of whatever the eff this formspring thing is, let's ask each other questions.

leave a comment.  people will ask questions and you will answer them.  ask anything.

note: i will answer every single question asked of me.  that's how much i don't feel like writing bored i am.

First --- | >> | 1353 | 1354 | 1355 | 1356 | 1357 | 1358 | 1359 | 1360 | 1361 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
