

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 6:23 AM

Okay, this is just a tiny clip...but.  Watch Mister Pattinson's face when Megan Fox appears.  I might need this to be a gif.


Help Me Remember?

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 4:06 AM


Good morning everyone!


So I am having one of those nights and it is now 5am and I am remembering ghosts of fics past.  One keeps nagging at me and I can't remember the name of it or what happened to it and it is driving me crazy.  The gang was in college (well at least most of them), no one was together.....Jasper was strung out on drugs and Alice was trying to help him, Emmett, his buddy worked in a garage, Rosie was pregnant by Emmett, and Bella and Edward had broken up.  The girls along with Edward shared a house until Edward got in an argument with Alice about Jasper and Bella got dragged into it.  Emmett showed up and forced Edward to leave the house and live with him because he was worried about all the stress was having on Rosie and the baby.

Gah, does anyone remember this story?  Was it abandoned?

Any help would be much appreciated.




what do you do?

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 1:38 AM

I just got home from work, and since work is on the brain, I want to be nosey and find out what you guys do :)

So tell me, what do you do?  Do you work?  Go to school?  Stay at home mom? 

Do you like your job?  Hate it?  Is it what you always wanted to do?

Let's hear it!


whatcha doin?

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 12:02 AM

i declare a chat post.

what's up?

i'm writing bonesfic and gchatting with the loverly booksgalore.  oh, and listening to a shitload of daft punk that pulsepoint was so kind to send my way.




Monday December 28, 2009 at 10:08 PM

Pick someone here in the forest that deserves a big fucking smooooosh just for being as awesome as they are.

Maybe they made a sweet comment.  Shared a link with you.  Sent you a nice message.  Posted a fuckhot picture.


For me?  Wolvesnvamps and Jennyfuckingfly  just worked their fingers off (pushing buttons, tearing their hair out, and talking on the phone with tech dudes) to get me back into the forest when I kept getting an internal service error.



SMOOOOOSH to those two rangers for general awesomeness.


Who would you like to smoosh?  (Come on.  Share the love!)


rob spotting

Monday December 28, 2009 at 8:53 PM



WITH his new beard, it looks like ROBERT PATTINSON is fast turning from a vampire into a werewolf.
The Twilight star gave his fans something else to Robsess over as he sported the new face fuzz on a post-Christmas day out with his sister LIZZY in Barnes, South-West London.

RPatz once admitted that until he was 12 his sis used to dress him up as a girl and introduce him to pals as Claudia.

He said: "Twelve was a turning point as I moved to a mixed school and then I became cool and discovered hair gel."


VIP Authors Update!

Monday December 28, 2009 at 7:21 PM


YES, one of those authors would be yours truly. I am few and far between with updates but I DID update If it's the Beaches last night and the story is about three chapters away from completion so it would be a great time to jump on the ol' bandwagon. heh, heh. (Seriously, I have been writing this story for a year and I would really like to get it done this month)

The new chapter is entitled TIN MAN, named after the song which fits the chapter BUT there is a reference to one of my favorite songs in the chapter. I wonder if anyone will be able to find it. (Of course, you'd have to listen to The Decemberists so it may never be found out.)

So go read my chapter here: If it's the Beaches:Tin Man

And please visit my cabin here: EMIBELLA'S CABIN


ALSO, my girl ItzMegan73 did it again and updated The Cannabean Betrothal. I swear she must not sleep! Talk about commitment! 

Read her chapter here: The Cannabean Betrothal Chapter #13

She ALSO did a Rough Start outtake: HERE

and, of course, visit her cabin: ITZMEGAN73's CABIN




Wallbanger updated!

Monday December 28, 2009 at 6:53 PM

Oh happy daaaay!





Late X-mas prez for Jandco

Monday December 28, 2009 at 5:20 PM


Deleted scenes

Monday December 28, 2009 at 5:06 PM

Sorry if I'm late to the party as usual with posting this, but I just saw it. Deleted scenes, extended scenes, and bloopers are my favorite part of movie dvd's. Why didn't they have a blooper real on 'Twilight'? Hopefully Chris will provide one for 'New Moon'. Anyway, these are from deleted NM scenes that will appear on the dvd this spring.


Whatcha doin'?

Monday December 28, 2009 at 4:47 PM

Cause Im bored and nosey, and what to take advantage of the free for all in the forest, I wanna play a game Fill in the blank.

My name is ___________ and right now instead of ____________, Im _____________

The weather here in ______ is ________.

Over the holiday I nearly killed myself eating too much_______.

Whenever I come Into the forest, the first thing I do is______________.

And this is exactly my kind of porn___________.







Monday December 28, 2009 at 3:51 PM


If you could re-cast this movie saga thing with any actor OF ALL TIME (dead or alive) what would you do?

Natalie Wood as Bella

Audrey Hepburn as Alice

Marilyn Monroe as Rosalie

Marlon Brando as Emmett

Paul Newman as Carlisle

And I'm at a loss for the others.  Who would you pick?

P.S. --seriously close call for Emmett.



Rob Interview

Monday December 28, 2009 at 3:49 PM

Could this be. An actual On-Topic Post.

Don't mean to ruin the fun but I just wanted to share this.

Its Rob people. Dont look at me that way. I had to post.


Enjoy :]


for all those who love robporn

Monday December 28, 2009 at 2:28 PM



click here. (it's a youtube vid)

you are welcome. 

and idk how to do that fancy thing where it actually appears as a link (embedding, is that what it is??), but, whatevs - it's hot.

there is a shirtless montage.

and no, no idea who made this, but I like it. 

kay, I'm done.


Come and rage with me, my pretties...

Monday December 28, 2009 at 2:02 PM

It was passed around on Twitter just now that Jayeliwood got the following review on her Slash Backslash entry, The Bodyguard:

"I didnt read this story because of course it made me sick to my stomach. I dont have anything against gays or their relationships for personal reasons I am not at liberty to discuss its not my story to tell. What I do have is people taking Jasper and Edward and making them out to be something the author SM did not intend for them to be and it makes me plain sick and very disappointed in good authors like yourself making these two characters gay. Sorry if this offends you, but you wrote the story so you should be able to take the criticism for putting such garbage on your list of stories you are to good for this."


Needless to say (especially if you know me and my fervent love of all things slash) I raged. I couldn't control it and sent a PM. Me being me I think it was quite toned down. Anyway, now that I'm in rage mode, I feel like bringing everyone down with me. This is obviously not the first time I've seen reviews like this. In fact, the last time I was raging over reviews like this was over the ones americnxidiot got for her seriously adorable TT25 Jasper/Edward entry (*cough*thati'dlovetoseecontinuedifsheeverhastheinclination*cough*). Even before I was into fanfic, I'd see little screeds like that about slash in other fandoms. I just don't understand the need to express your hate on something that you a) didn't read, and; b) don't have to read. If it doesn't float your boat, push on. By the way, I'm fairly certain SMeyer wouldn't be pleased with a lot of what is done with her characters in fanfic. JS. 

Does commentary like that ever have a place in reviews?

Did it make it worse for anyone else that they specifically stated they didn't read the piece?

Should it have been sent in a PM? Or should the reviewer have kept their opinion quiet?

As an author, would you even respond? How?

Approved by WTVOC...and The Duck.


Riding in Cars With Boys

Monday December 28, 2009 at 1:55 PM

Totally random but...Im watching Riding in Cars with Boys and ever since I started reading Twilight FF I always picture movies i love with Edward and Bella (lame I know, does anyone else go through this?) But i mean the Dad is even a Cop in this movie!! Ironic? So anyway...Have you guys read any Fics with the same plot as this movie? Or something like it that you would recommend? And also what Fics have you read that are based on movies that you really LOVE or think could have been better than the movie?


Peter is totally in this movie as the total nerd that is in love with Drew, and then voila! He comes back as the hottie we all know and love : D

Sorry if this has been posted before :(



Monday December 28, 2009 at 1:55 PM



My friend is sick of Bella, recently, so E/B isn't really doing anything for her. Could you please rec her some good Jacob fics? Pairing can be anything, except J/B or J/Renesmee.

Also, to make this more interactive, let's make this a Jacob character discussion. What do you like about him? What don't you like? Why are you team whatever?


also, how hot is my new icon?


The Adventures of Pocket Edward

Monday December 28, 2009 at 1:53 PM

As suggested by Ranger WTVOC, Pocket Eddie is getting his own campfire (and I'll also be popping my campfire cherry).

Pocket Edward lives on my desk @ work along with Dean and Sam's Impala.

Here he is posing with the 100 Monkeys.  Pocket Edward wishes he could play guitar but poor Eddie, his arms don't bend and his fingers are frozen. :-(


By the way, did anyone else notice how awful they dressed Edward in New Moon?  Why the hell was he dressed like Grandpa Joe?  I liked his wardrobe better in Twilight.  He looked like a real teenaged boy.


Now, this is where you come in.  If you have a pocket Edward/Alice/Bella/Jacob etc., post pics of their various adventures.  I'm curious to see what everyone else does with their dolls.  Let's light this campfire Amelie-garden gnome style!


Just for WTOVC...

Monday December 28, 2009 at 1:51 PM

Here you go! Happy New Year...


Need a beta. Any volunteers?

Monday December 28, 2009 at 1:35 PM

It frightens the heck out to me to write this, but I've been putting it off for far too long now so here it goes;

I've been hovering around here and ff for a while now and I have this story that I really want to write but I'm too chicken shit to just post it and worse still, don't really want to post it without a beta. Someone, please help?

Even if its not a beta,and its just someone who I could bounce ideas off of. At this point, I'll take anything.

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