
So, my second campfire...

Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 7:50 AM

and I'm a little squeamish about it. I've been talking with a few people and I just want to air some ideas and thoughts out:

Is this fandom becoming TOO EMOTIONAL to be involved in?

I'm hearing stories about authors and their reviewers, of cat fights starting in forums and, the worst yet, cyber-bulling. I used to think this was a great and wonderful fandom to be in, but now I'm not so sure. Another reason why I came to ADF: to avoid the drama.

Maybe I'm too cynical or something, but is anyone else in this boat?


Assessing The Damage

Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 7:01 AM

Since the FFA is still in effect, I thought I would take a moment, since I have a moment to tell you about my almost 2 year old. He'll be 2 on January 7th. Normally at this time he'd be in school/daycare because I work from home. He's staying with me today because he was running a fever this morning and has a double ear infection

In the 3 minutes it took for me to fix him breakfast he:

Colored the PS3, a DVD, the wall, sliding glass door and my hardwood floors in purple crayon.

Broke his train set he got for Christmas

Spill his milk on the dog

Tell me he loves me

Rip pages out of his new books

Set the TV so I have no idea how to get it back to it's setting

Hid my cell phone.

It's only 9am.

Send Prayers.

Ryan Ninea

Yay for the FFA

Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 5:00 AM

So, I have been dying to ask you lovelies, what do you think of this?

Dead in the Family is due May 4, 2010.

Have you read the first chapter that is up on Charlaine's web page?

Is this how you pictured Alcide?


And all the other season 3 casting they have done. Do you think TBs weres will be as well recieved as Taycob?

I for one am about to combust, the anticipation is killing me.

Oh and plaid.


Alex in EW


eff ff.net

Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 2:12 AM

pulsepoint has posted a oneshot.


it was entered in the "thing called love" contest and won third place despite the typos omg

go. read. ffail.net ain't workin', still.

deanostarr.gif for my bb pulsepoint


Soo, first start

Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 12:50 AM

Hello all!  I noticed the FFA is continuing on until after NYE so I figured I would start my first campfire....
It probably seems kinda random, but I have to tell someone and I didn't want to tell any of my friends or family over the phone, so I decided to tell everyone at ADF.....

I'm pregnant. 

Yeah phew!  I am kinda excited/kinda freaked out because it wasn't completely planned.  My husband wants to wait to tell our families until go to the drs and they confirm it, but I'm pretty sure they will and either way we are telling my fil tomorrow night because he has to travel for his job on Monday and he will be gone for a month. 

So, thanks for reading this and here is some yummy RobPorn with a little TL thrown in....

Bella's New Moon

a scuze meee...

Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 12:10 AM


but did anyone see that tongue...........OMFREAKIN.............me next........ now which story does that remind you of ???

I'll start:  

Bratty_Vamps     Abbracciare il Cantante

a scuze me while I go plunge myself into a snowbank now 



Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 11:01 PM

omg pulsepoint made me another icon.

talk about how much you love her fic burn and shine, or about who made your day today.


Gather 'Round the Campfire, Kids, It's Story Time

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 10:16 PM

Since it's still open posting, and so many of us live in NYC, I thought I'd try this here. I'm going to take a minute to get to the point.

So I moved into my current apartment in June. After awhile it became apparent that I had a mouse. I put out a couple of traps that didn't work, then bought one at Target that did and got it pretty quickly. I thought that would be the end of it, but that's just not my life. One night I go into the kitchen for water and I found three to four running around. That began a month long nightmare of living in what I call Rodentra. The apartment managers were being useless dillweeds. The best I was getting was glue traps to catch them. Throughout the whole ordeal at minimum 15 came out of there dead. I was calling guys in out of the hallway to dispose of them. The were freaking everywhere. I kept raising a stink and they came in and shoved steel wool in places held down by wood and kept acting like I was some dumbass who was actually going to buy that that would take care of the problem. It did stop them for about two weeks, then I came home and found yet another in a glue trap. So, finally, I called in rage mode (I had been rather civil up until then) talking about their breach of warranty of habitability, thus their breach of contract, and that I'd have absolutely no issues taking this to arbitration as soon as possible because there is no reason I should have to live like that. The next damn day they were in my kitchen ripping out the cabinets and pulling granite away from the wall. They found a perfect mouse size hole at the base of the wall. They shoved steel wool in it, plastered over it and then tiled the entire base of the wall, then put everything back. (Still did a half-ass job of putting it back in places, but that's not the point right now.) So it has been a few months and I haven't seen another mouse, nor have any shown up in the traps. I keep hearing noises, but that's either my paranoia or they're in the walls. At this point, as long as they aren't in, and can't get in my apt., I don't care. It got so bad I basically had an emotional breakdown over this. I just need them to stay out. 

I haven't been able to cook in my kitchen for a long time, and I can't even really describe how I've been living because my places is filthy and diseased. I still had some boxes, and they crawled in some of those. There is mouse crap everywhere. However, because of school I didn't have time to do anything about it. I plan on going back a week before classes so I can finally clean, but I really want to get a professional cleaning crew in there to do a deep clean and disinfection.

So, for those of you who are in the city, do you have any cleaning service recommendations? Pretty please?

Anyone else who lives in the city, do you have questions or need recommendations? Maybe we can all help each other.

Everyone else, what are your apartment horror stories?

If you don't have any then, uhm, Robporn?


I got a craving...

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 9:59 PM

So I think I'm fic!pregnant, because I just got a craving for a certain type of fic. I'm looking for one where Edward still lives with his parents, all Failure to Launch-like.

Any and all would be appreciated! :D

And for all you lovelies:



Vacation Destination

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 8:17 PM

So I'm ready to start planning our vacation for next year and am looking for some ideas. I'm fine with going to Disney World for the billionth time. It's easy to plan, we stay onsite so no rental car is needed, and we get the meal plan so I don't have to pay out of pocket for food. However, I am open to other suggestions, and I'm counting on you guys to have some for me. Some info to get your creative juices flowing:

  • The trip is for me and my kids, age 16 and 10.
  • We typically go the first week in October. It's freaking hot and humid as hell in the south, and I don't like to be out in it, so I don't normally travel in the summer.
  • We like to DO stuff on vacation, sitting around a pool or beach for a week is not fun for us.
  • I have no interest in Washington DC, so let me get that option off the table quickly!
  • Travel needs to remain in the US
  • I'd love to visit Arizona, both the northern and southern parts of the state. I'm leery about renting a car and driving someplace I'm not familiar with though...
  • I'd love to go to a dude ranch where you're really involved, not just where you go on an hour-long trail ride each day and that's it.
  • Spas, massages, and pampering hold no appeal to us.
  • Interested in Southern California but not sure what would be fun family activities; however if we did go there the Santa Monica pier is a must.
  • Interested in Seattle but don't know if there's enough stuff to do to keep us occupied for a week.
  • I wouldn't be opposed to Hawaii if there is something to do that does not involve the ocean or helicopters. I'm scared of flying and I do not go in the ocean at all. Or let my kids. Sharks, you know. And yes I am dead serious.

It's time to PIMP HARD

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 6:53 PM

This week in pimpage:


This means it can be yours (you love your own stuff) but it can also be something that you think needs more attention. Because, let's face it, not every fanfiction that gets over 10k reviews is the BEST fanfiction and not ONLY are the most prolific artists the best and we ALL know at least ONE diamond in the rough. 

Those who want to read something new, this is the post to read!

What am I pimping this week?

To Be Stabbed in the Front by Forever Gold

This fic has 15 chapters and ONLY has 182 reviews. This MUST change. This is just not right. 

summary:  A friend should be a master at guessing and keeping still." - Friedrich Nietzsche. When people are not as they seem and adolescent behavior becomes the façade, Bella is forced to seek truth in a world full of lies.


My girl (I am just going to keep calling her that) HMonster4 is beta'ing what is sure to be a GREAT Rose story as well...

The Long Way Home

by TheHeartOfLifeIsGood

Summary:  There was a girl. She loved a boy. And then she lost it all. Will her journey back to the place where it all began and ended light the path for forgiveness, or will it swallow her whole? A story about friendship, love and the true meaning of coming home.

it doesn't even have 2000 words yet, so if you want to get on the bandwagon (or make a bandwagon for that matter) This is a great place to start!

Your homework for this week, my campers: Read, Review, comment, read, review ... and make sure you tell them A Different Forest Sent You.

We have the power to make someone happy. Why not DO IT??




FF updates

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 6:33 PM

While ff.net continues to ride the short bus and not send out alerts, please be aware that several of our faves updated today.

Bare www.fanfiction.net/s/5115281/22/Bare

Just Wait www.fanfiction.net/s/5320917/29/Just_Wait

Not Without You www.fanfiction.net/s/5343595/26/Not_Without_You


La Strana Musica

What Is Your Fave Things?

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 4:16 PM

We all love Twilight and New Moon the movie. And I am pretty much sure we would like it if there was a TV show about Twilight (and in my opinion they should totally do a TV show, only Edward's POV). But, what other TV shows and Movies do you like?

I'll go first...

I like Bones

I like Doctor Who

I like Friends

I like American Pie

I like Coyote Ugly

I like 90210

I like The Vicar Of Dibley

I like Harry Potter

Yeah. I never used to think that I liked many shows and movies, but now I am listing them I realised I have quite a few. So I'll just stop at my very favoruites so I don't bore you.

Okay. Your turn :)


NM bloopers from imdb-anyone notice these?

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 3:19 PM

Continuity: While Bella and Edward are embracing each other right after they met up in Volterra and are interrupted, Edward's body is not completely "whited-out", only his face is. This is going on the entire time he is speaking to someone in the Volturi. His face is extremely pale, but his neck and abdomen are the color of a human being.

Continuity: After fighting with the Volturi, Edward's robe changes between being tied closed and completely open.

Revealing mistakes: In the scene in Bella's bedroom after Edward's return, the camera shakes as if someone has bumped into it.

Continuity: In the scene when Bella first joins her friends at the table in the school cafeteria after her long depression, as she is talking to Mike, if you look at her hair by her left ear, you can see a bobby pin that may have fallen out of her hair piece or is just not hidden well. When the scenes changes to Mike and then back to Bella the bobby pin is gone.

Continuity: During the scene where Charlie is telling Bella she is going back to Jacksonville because of her depression, the part in Bella's hair changes slightly between shots.

Continuity: Bella's hair color changes frequently. In some shots it is clearly black, whilst in others it is Bella's normal brown.

Revealing mistakes: When Bella is talking to Jake in the rain, only the front of her jacket is wet.

Revealing mistakes: When Jacob tries to wipe the blood from Bella's head with his shirt, the blood doesn't smear or run at all, as if it was painted on or drawn on with a marker.

Continuity: Bella and Alice's relative height changes frequently throughout the movie. (Bella is supposed to be taller than Alice, but Ashley Greene is taller than Kristen Stewart.)

Revealing mistakes: In Port Angeles, Bella is riding on the back of a motorcycle. When there is an overhead view of the bike speeding down the street, it is obvious there is only a driver and no back passenger.

Continuity: In the scene after Bella finds out from Laurent that Victoria is after her, she is sleeping in her bed. The dream catcher is hanging to the side of the round circle on the headboard. After Jacob climbs into Bella's room - he focuses on the dream catcher. The straps are now encircling the headboard.

Crew or equipment visible: During the scene after Edward leaves when Bella is sitting in the chair in front of the window. As the camera spins around Bella the first time, you can see someone in the mirror.

Crew or equipment visible: During Edward and Felix's fight, the harness Edward is wearing under the robe is visible in some shots.

Continuity: When James bit Bella in the first movie, his upper set of teeth marks are in the center of her wrist, with the lower set being on the side of her wrist. When you see Bella's scars in her room with Jacob, the entire set of teeth marks have been shifted markedly to the right.

Continuity: In the meadow with Laurent, the way Bella's hair is hanging changes multiple times throughout the scene, going from untucked to tucked-behind-her-ear and back again, even though Bella does not touch her hair and there is no wind.

Continuity: When Bella is asking Alice where to find Edward in Volterra, she starts the conversation in close-up standing inside the Porsche's passenger door, but when the shot pans out, Bella is standing on the outside of the car's door.

Continuity: At Bella's birthday party, all of the Cullens except for Esme are pale. Esme has the skin tone of a human being.

Continuity: When Bella finds Jacob in the rain, she slams her car door and it doesn't shut fully. The next scene you see the car shut completely.

Revealing mistakes: When Bella is in bed sleeping, and she's screaming because she's having a bad dream. You can clearly see in one shot the actress in the bed is not Kristen Stewart.

Continuity: In the scene where Bella goes to the meadow, her hair is wavy and more tousled, but when Laurent arrives, her hair is noticeably straighter.

Continuity: When Alice takes the photo of Edward and Bella at the party, she clearly takes it with the camera horizontally. However, when Bella prints off the photo, it is vertical.

Factual errors: When Bella is trying to reach Jacob after his abrupt departure from the movie theater, she is in her living room doing her homework while her father is watching an Arizona Wildcats college football game on TV. Football season would have been over by this time, which should have been March or April (according to the fact that Bella's last visible email to Alice was on February 1st and she had spent at least a month or so working on the bikes with Jacob).

Revealing mistakes: During the fight scene in Volterra between Felix and Edward, you can see bits of blue screen around their arms and hands.

Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): When Edward parks at school toward the beginning of the film, he parks sideways through multiple parking spaces. (This is especially apparent later in the film when Bella imagines him walking out of his car and it disappears, revealing rows of white lines indicating a different designated parking pattern.)

Continuity: After Bella falls off the motorbike, she gets a nasty cut on her head. In the following scenes, the cut has completely vanished.

Revealing mistakes: When Bella goes to LaPush in the rain to confront Jacob, she parks her truck and gets out. However, when she tries to slam the driver's door, it bounces back open.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Bella is said to be immune to vampires' special abilities as highlighted when facing the Volturi, however, Jasper is able to control her mood in regards to her birthday party. However, her immunity is to powers that effect the mind, whereas Jasper's powers effect emotions.

Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): In the scene where Edward wishes Bella a happy birthday in the parking lot she states that he is a hundred and nine, which is incorrect. He was born in 1901 which would make him a hundred and eight.

Continuity: In the scene wear Jacob climbs through the window to visit Bella in her room she is wearing a tan/white long-sleeve shirt. In the morning when she wakes up her shirt is green.

Factual errors: Bella and Alice fly from Seattle to Italy on a Virgin America Airbus A320. Virgin America only flies domestic flights within USA.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Laurent doesn't glow like the vampires do, though he is outside. However, it's not so much sunny as overcast. We see Edward and the other Cullens outside many times during the day when it's light but overcast, and they never sparkle.

Continuity: In the very beginning when Bella wakes up with the Romeo and Juliet book next to her, the book disappears and reappears between shots while she's talking to Charlie.

Continuity: Through out the entire movie the scar on Bella's arm from James appears and disappears.

Continuity: At the end of the film, when Edward and Bella are in his car after the vote at the Cullens, the aerial view shows they are driving along a long straight road, but when the camera cuts to their faces, the view out of the rear window of the car shows they have travelled along a winding road.

Continuity: During the Edward and Bella break-up scene in the forest, Bella's hair switches from all hanging down her back to some of it being brought forward over her shoulders. In the first shot from behind, it is clearly all fanned out across the back of her jacket, but despite her not appearing to move, in the next shot from behind, the right half of her hair is hanging forward over her shoulder.

Continuity: At the birthday party at the Cullens, Rosalie gives Bella a wrapped present telling her it's a necklace, but Bella doesn't open the present, or appear to put it down anywhere before Alice passes her the present from Emmett, which Bella is holding with both hands when she shakes it

Continuity: When Mike and Jacob go to the cinema with Bella, Mike is wearing a jacket, but when he leaves his seat in a hurry to go to the men's room, he doesn't appear to have his jacket with him, although he is wearing it again when he rejoins Jacob and Bella in the foyer.

Continuity: When Bella is in the kitchen telling Charlie and Harry Clearwater about seeing the huge wolves in the woods, there is clearly no phone on the wall between the cupboards and the doorway - however towards the end of the film, Jacob answers Edward's call using a phone on the wall, that wasn't there in the earlier scene.

Continuity: As Edward, Bella and Alice are being escorted to Aro by Jane, Felix and Demetri, Bella is walking on Edward's left - however, as they enter the Volturi chamber, she suddenly appears to be on his right.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: While Bella is having flashbacks of her and Edward lying in the meadow, her left foot appears to be missing but it is only tucked under her right foot.


Rob & Kristen ff

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 3:01 PM

I saw someone on twitter make a comment about having Rob and Kristen ff. I thought it was a joke, but apparently its true they do. Who knew?  But I just thought I would ask, do you all read those type of stories? Are they good? Are there any stories worth reading??

To me, it just doesn't seem that is really ff anymore. Thats taking two actors and writing stories about them.  I hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday! :)

cause we all need a little funnies


I know I do this all the time......

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 1:01 PM

I am always asking for good fics....but this time I am BEGGING! I have read all the ones that I asked for before Christmas and I am looking for some good ones.  I have fallen in love with fics about adult E/B, they can have kids or no kids, to each other or from previous.  I prefer them to be complete.  I am sorry if it seems like I ask alot but I do read all them and i just spent  45 mins on ff.net just browsing.....I am in serious NEED!!

I take your opinions serious!!!




Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 12:27 PM

So I finally saw Jackson and the the 100 Monkeys perform on Sunday night.  They've been performing all over LA for about a year now but I hadn't gone to see them because it felt like I would be taking this Twibsession to a whole new level.  But a few months back Jennyfly made a comment about seeing them so I figured I might as well but I'd just need to find peeps to go with.  That's where my 14 and 16 year old cousins come in.  They're down here for Christmas so what a better introduction to LA nightlife then to go to the Roxy on a Sunday night to see one of the actors from Twilight perform.  It was definitely not your typical LA club crowd - mostly female, in a wide range of ages, with a spattering of guys.  I felt like I was at a NKOTB concert with all the screaming. 

The boys were surprisingly entertaining, good performers and all very pretty to look at (too bad their following consists mainly of Twifans).  Jackson was absolutely adorable with his hat, signature smirk and slight drawl...there were moments I found myself just staring at him not even paying attention to the music.  I know some ladies don't see him as their Jasper but, ignoring the fact that he's not very tall, his mannerisms and charisma make him my Jasper.  My cousins on the other hand fell in love with J Rad, the one with the mohawk, but unfortunately for them he is married. 

Here are some pics for your enjoyment.  And I will post more in the comments.  I have some vids and I will post those once I figure out how to do so.  


New "Remember Me" still!

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 12:17 PM


More Rob in London

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 10:32 AM


New Moon redux

Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 8:25 AM


We went to see "New Moon" last night -- my husband, our daughter and I.  It was the third time for me and Serendipitous Jr., but the first for Mr. S.  He really liked it but had a ton of questions, which pretty much reinforced my belief that if you haven't read the books, you won't get as much out of the movie.

I think it's a much better film than "Twilight."  It has improved production values and more professional special effects.  I do wish the script was  better...there were scenes where the dialogue could have been so much snappier.

What do you think?  Did "New Moon" hold up on your second or third viewing?  Did repeat viewings change any of your initial opinion?

Here's one of my favorite pics of Rob to get your day started the right way:


Aaaaand, in the spirit of ADF's random postings...I'm flouncing work tomorrow to go to New York! 



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