
Add Caption/Screen Name to Avatar?

Sunday January 3, 2010 at 12:46 PM

Hello, everyone -- unfortunately, my first post may be a bit of a silly one. Can anyone provide info on how to add screen name to bottom of avatar?

Thank you,
"not enough coffee today"


To The Powers That Be...

Sunday January 3, 2010 at 12:15 PM

I come before you actually asking for advice, since there are so many of you accomplished author-rangers strolling around in the forest. I have started writing my own story and I have written some but I'm still clueless in so many things. How many chapters should you write before you start posting? How detailed does the outline have to be before you start writing? Does there even have to be one? How does one go about getting a beta? Is a beta only correcting grammatical mistakes or is she like a little co-writer?

As you can see I'm pretty much at sea and I know that the answer probably varies for everyone, but having more than one opinion definitely beats none as far as I can tell. I'm really conflicted, I would have posted it already, in one moment I think it might just be my Andy Warhol's Campbell's soup print, in the next I think FF will establish a 'lameness' excuse for refusing to post it. So please bring it one, dump all your good advice on me and earn my eternal gratitude. Please HELP!

For your time, some funny pics ;)

Robert Pattinson

Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal



Sunday January 3, 2010 at 11:54 AM


ADF Brings you:

Rob Candy:

a little

Kellan Candy:

and some

Jackson Candy:


Show us YOUR, gifs, actors, musicians...anything that you think is sweet, sticky and delicious.


Kindle,Sony Reader

Sunday January 3, 2010 at 10:23 AM

I have never heard of a Kindle or those Sony Readers until a few weeks ago when some of you mentioned getting one for the holidays.  I was doing some research on them and really just wanted to get your opinion on them. Is there one that is better, does anyone use it with their iphone or itouch? Are most books available? What was this whole reading your ff chapter on it? I am trying to research it before I buy one. I guess I am old fashioned cause I just can't picture curling up in bed with one of those, but I am open enough to look into it. Thank you so much!!!

For your time:


An Abridged Account

Sunday January 3, 2010 at 9:51 AM

 How many people are reading An Abridged Account by alchemilla mollis?

No she hasn't updated since the 25th, but i was reading the reviews (yes i read reviews) and i found some of the variating views very interesting ( yes i can tongue twist too)

Do you think Bella's anger is justified or do you think she's just being whiny?

I don't want to spoil the story on the chance that some people haven't read it (GO READ NOW. NOW. NOW!) so I'll share my views inside


FFA - Laughaton

Sunday January 3, 2010 at 1:36 AM

Let's take advantage of the last day of the free for all and post some funny vids.  It can be anything from the infamous "Charlie bit me" video to a funny clip from your favourite show/movie.  Post 'em here.  I want to laugh in the new year.

Edited: crap, none of the vids I picked would let me imbed them so here is my replacement.  You can never have enough NPH.


Watch this and keep a straight face!

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 10:31 PM


1, 2, 3, 4- i declare a gif war

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 10:23 PM

post one gif per comment.

if you have a gif that's better, well- whaddya waiting for?

i start off with this:



go go go go

this thread will potentially kill your internets, fair warning


Did somebody say...robporn?

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 10:13 PM

 As in Robert Downey Jr.? Add, comment, share the love, all of the above! He isn't the only "Rob" love in my life! (Tis why I sneak upstairs to bed to watch, you guessed it, "Iron Man".)


Wouldn't it suck to have a Twilight name in RL?

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 10:10 PM

So, I'm really, really bored tonight.  Our doggie is sick (he got into some Christmas chocolate), so the hubs and I are just sitting around, keeping an eye on him and watching for any symptoms. 

ANYWAY, my friend sent me a link to a site - - and I got to thinking, "How weird would it be to have a Twilight character name in real life?"  According to this site, there are 88 Edward Cullens living in the US; one Isabella Swan; one Bella Swan; 40 Alice Cullens...  I could go on, because I'm bored enough, but I won't.  You get the picture.

I just think that would really suck to be an Edward Cullen right now.  Srsly, they're probably mostly old dudes and completely unaware of the whole phenomenon, but everytime they go out and give their name girls either freak out on them or think they're being pranked.


what douchebags

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 9:53 PM

**is it still FFA?**

I'm about 8 weeks into my 3rd pregnancy (and feeling like shizzle, but that's not the point of this post...haha).  I have 2 wonderful little boys, and my family is already starting to pester me about how I need to have a little girl.

Well guess what, I'm pretty sure I'm having another boy, and it's going to be AWESOME.  That's not to say that I wouldn't love to have a girl, but I'm annoyed as hell that they're acting like having another boy would bring armageddon.  It's not just my family either, some of my friends have made the same comments....grrrr.

To make this interactive: what have your family or friends done lately that has made you rage?



Saturday January 2, 2010 at 9:26 PM

Thank you all so much for making me feel right at home here. You all seem like amazingly sweet, and fun people. I'm really looking forward to the day when I can say I have you all as friends. Thank you for the encouragement in writing my first fan fic. I'm still a little nervous, I have to be honest. However, I think I will give it a go. I mean, why the hell not?! :) So, anyone have any pointers for me? Any help will be much appreciated! Also, can ya'll give me some recs on the fan fic here? Just so ya know.. I love my angst, a lot of it. Lol. Of course there HAS to be an actual story and not just screwing going on.. you know what I mean, right? God I feel like a perv. Haha. Anyhoo.. until we meet again foresters!


Am I losing my mind?

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 7:47 PM

Or just another fanfic?

ok- Maybe I didn't lose it- maybe it's gone to heaven where a lot of other fics have recently gone.

This one was a Jasper/Bella fic. Edward and Alice had died fighting the Volturi and Bella moved away and turned to crack, smack or some other drug to deal with the pain. Jasper found her and cleaned her up- but then Maria turned up and forced Jasper into changing her.

Sound Familiar? Anyone? Bueller?


Bella's New Moon

creative juices

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 7:41 PM

 I'm at a loss, and since all you campers are incredibly creative, and it's still  free posts..

I need some help naming these pieces of art that I've been doing....    I've been calling them "Art Mats" but I need something more creative to call them as I advertise them to sell on my website that I just finished.     Thanks all you creative campers...


This piece is called Bella's New Moon .  (Curiously like my avatar, minus Robert Pattinson & Kristin Stewart)   

This is the application of one of my art mats.  It really brightened up the small space and made me think I was in Hawaii! lol

This is called Isle Esme       Ok it's a little small, for Edward & Bella but  I'm sure they could manage...

Thanks Y'all!  And Happy New Year...



Let's be friends

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 7:32 PM

 I think, since it's a new year, we should have a

So, comment with your name and maybe your twitter, gchat, livejournal, etc., and make some friends.

And if you want to express your love to someone in this post, you can.

especially your love for me. js js.

Ranger Edit:

The forest loves you all! Show some love and follow it on Twitter:



One shot recs?

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 5:39 PM

Hey there my lovely camperoonies!

I'm in a fic reading slump :(

None of my alerts are updating.

SO, does anyone have a nice o/s rec they fancy hitting me with?

Any genre, any characters etc

Eternal gratitude up for grabs. Thanksalot!


Cold Feet Fest, Gimme sunshine!

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 5:39 PM

Since the FFA is still on, I'm gonna share something with ya. Post a snapshot or something of your city conditions right now. Lemme see how bad awesome they are in the cold weather, or hot for the southern hemis ppl.

I'm in New Delhi right now, and it's fucking freezing! The fog is making everything look haunted, killing the visibility up to a few metres only. And the cold breeze never lets up. We don't have central heating systems here, so my home is chilled like a brick and my teeth are clattering. It's early morning and I can't sleep. (There is a joke around here in local parts, that the people from my city are the toughest in the country, because they go through all extreme types of weather- be it freezing cold winters or toasty hot summer time. Or monsoon rains.)

This is my city right now.

Now show me yours. It doesn't have to be a pic taken by you, but a somewhat latest pic anyone taken by anyone.

*Goes to the liquor cabinet to get a swig of Brandy*


Fic Generator

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 4:45 PM

Let's play fanfiction Mad Lib.

Bella is a _(age)___ year old working as a (occupation)__. She meets Edward Cullen, a dashing young occupation)_. Little does she know, he has a secret. He has ___(phobia, DSM-IV disorder). He is this way because when he was a child, he experienced a ___(dramatic Lifetime-esque event)___.

She finds out when Edward has a meltdown at a ___(place)___. Edward starts throwing ___(objects)___ at (person)__.

After much soul searching at a  __(random retreat place), Bella decides that she is okay with Edward's flaws. She takes him on a vacation to a ____(getaway place)____. They have crazy hot _(mammal)__ love, where they do _(random sexual positions)_ for _(number)__ hours straight.

As Edward is (sexual act)_ on Bella's face, he comes to the sudden realization that he love her. The power of love overcomes his (phobia/DSM IV disorder).

They wed in __(random getaway place)___ and live happily forever after in __(place)___.





Saturday January 2, 2010 at 4:18 PM

The Hat Does Nothing


Saturday January 2, 2010 at 4:01 PM

I Have A Random Urge For Some Carlisle/Bella Fic.
One-Shots or Multi-Chaptered.
Are there any good ones out there?

Reason For My Sudden Urge VVV

First --- | >> | 1344 | 1345 | 1346 | 1347 | 1348 | 1349 | 1350 | 1351 | 1352 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
