
The Good Things.

Thursday January 7, 2010 at 8:19 AM

The Twilight Fandom can be awful negative at times.  There is lotsa hissing and name calling and just plain nastiness out there.  Which, hey, everyone can voice an opinion or whatever.

Today I want to know what you LIKE about the Twilight Fandom.  I mean, there must be reasons why you stick around.

Tell me anything and everything you enjoy about anything Twilight. 

Your favorite book in the series?  Or Rob Candy?  Or a favorite fic author?  Or your online BFF?  You get the idea. 

share the love.


People's Choice Winners & Losers

Thursday January 7, 2010 at 7:57 AM


The People's Choice Awards:

The top honors for the night went to "Twilight," which led the multi-nomination contenders with four wins across six categories. "New Moon" star Taylor Lautner took home Favorite Breakout Movie Star and shared Favorite On-Screen Team with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, as "Twilight" took Favorite Movie and "The Twilight Saga" took Favorite Franchise.

Kristen Stewart lost Favorite Movie Actress to Sandra Bullock, who was recently named the top-earning star of last year for the blockbuster performances of her 2009 hits "The Proposal" and "The Blind Side." Similarly, Robert Pattinson lost Favorite Movie Actor to Johnny Depp, who picked up that award enough in the past 10 years to be named Actor of the Decade.

The loser couple consoled themselves with a quiet ramble around some rocks in the UK with an entourage in black.



Other Twilight Fansites

Thursday January 7, 2010 at 7:38 AM

Hey My first Campfire!! I hope that no one else has asked this before. But here goes.  I was wondering what other Twilight sites does everyone  make daily visits to.

I obviously come to ADF everyday ( I only lurk around sorry) and check out TLYDF.  But are there other sites I should check out?  Where does everyone else spend (waste) time at everyday?

Just curious.


With A Burning Heart

Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 11:20 PM


First of all, thank you to withthevampsofcourse for allowing me to post this. I am part of a group hosting a new anonymous competition – With a Burning Heart.  It is loosely focused on the Winter Olympics and Paralympics 2010.  The focus isn’t so much on sport (though that is welcome) but on stories that set your heart aflame. Details can be found on the FFnet author profile of With a Burning Heart but briefly the criteria are very broad encompassing all genres and shippings, with a closing date of 7th February 2010


Because anonymous competitions typically attract very few entries, despite being considered a good direction to go in, I am taking the liberty of contacting authors I admire to ask them to consider entering.


Even if you do not wish to consider entering I would welcome any advice you may have on promoting this contest.



New Rob & Kristen photo in UK

Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 10:21 PM






Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 8:27 PM


Did we have a weekly REC POST yesterday? 'Cause I don't remember seeing one and I really wanted to let y'all know about this fic that has kept me glued to my seat the past two days, trying to read it all and get caught up.

Unraveled Knot  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4919822/1/

A round peg in a square hole. It’s not always the easiest fit that works the best. Maybe if it’s not hard it’s just not worth it. AU/AH E/B

(Chapters are 1/2 BPOV and 1/2 EPOV, but they do not cover the same events, so it's not repetitive at all.)

What do YOU want to rec this week?


What 2009 brought....

Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 7:54 PM

Here you go, ladies:


  • The Bella Uterus:  (See above).  It’s broken because there's a telepathic vampire baby in there, you see.
  • edward-cullen-shower-curtain-robert-pattinsonMy life is Twilight:   “Today I realized that since I started reading the Twilight books, every time my husband and I argue or he says something mean to me, all I can think of is ‘Edward would never say that/ treat me like that.’ MLIT”  FML. F all our Ls.
  • The New Moon missed connection: “after the moviei followed you and your friend to perkin’s. i waited outside in my car so i could watch you eat and smile. i followed you home and made sure you got there safely.i noticed you left you car unlocked so i went to have a look into your life. i can tell by looking in your car that we have a lot in common.”
  • “I wanna be a stupid lamb.”
  • The Twilight Prom, the loneliest place on Earth. “Hillywood Players walked amongst them dressed as Bella, Jasper, Alice and Edward — the latter had his shirt open to reveal his chest, naturally. After sniffing a few potential mates, “Edward” chose his dancing partner from among the blushing fans”
  • Google never lies: offers Twilight fans  Plus Size Jeans and a link to the Sex Offender Registry.  (I got my sex offender a toaster.)
  • Abstinence parable fans visit Italy, only to be groped by real-life Italian convicts.
  • The Associated Press can’t tell Twilight douches apart either.
  • Put Edward Cullen’s face over your vagina, that way it feels like a guy might actually see it.
  • Blood energy drink.
  • Google search suggests “How to Become a Vampire.”  Vampires are the undead, so wouldn’t the first step be killing yourself?
  • The Edward Cullen corn maze. Corn mazes FTW, always.
  • And finally, even though it’s from 2008, Tyra Banks makes Twihards compete

    Here's the full article!













Last one...

Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 7:26 PM

Hey all!

This is the last one that I'm doing!

Feel free to add your own!

Glitter Text Generator

I like this woman:


Hey again!

Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 7:24 PM

Glitter Text Generator



Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 7:23 PM

Glitter Text Generator



Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 7:21 PM

Glitter Text Generator


You know what to do!

Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 7:20 PM

Glitter Text Generator



Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 7:17 PM

So, with the permission of the lovely and almightly Janco, I am continuing her campfire from earlier today.

What person in RL would you have play a character if the originator didn't do it?

I will start a campfire for each person, so this is the first one. I'd rather stick to supporting characters if ya'll don't mind.


First off:

Glitter Text Generator

This is mine:


Everyone hates Steph

Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 7:17 PM


I'm a lurker. I admit it. But, as much as lurking tendencies go, I HAD to post. Everyone around here seems to be ready to kill loathing SMeyer, and, while I don't care for her too much myself,  I need to know YOUR reasons for ... disliking... her.

Hit me with all that you got, whether it be GIFs, Pics, or whatnot.

And I wish I had Robporn Rob Candy but I'm still not really good at getting images on here.



Teenage sex in fics

Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 7:00 PM

How do you feel about teen sex in fics?

Does it matter if they are older teens?

I started reading this fic where all the regulars are seniors in HS. The fics opens with Bella giving Emmett head in his Hummer and Jasper going down on Rose. Everyone is sleeping with or giving oral sex to everyone else.

What really bugs me, is Emmett professing to love freshman and Edward getting head from a freshman. this is the beginning of their school year, so the girls are either 13 or 14, while the guys are 17 or 18.

I guess I'm bothered because I have a 14 yr old freshman and I cannot bring myself to enjoy reading a story where the characters are around the same age he is and having irresponsible sex.


Pulled Fics

Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 5:25 PM

I've been hearing a lot authors pulling their stories, and I've also heard a lot of illogical justifications for doing so. While others have just gone MIA, others have pulled on account of the publicity that has come across Twilight FF's. So here are a few questions I have about FF's.

1. Would it be wrong to save all the chapters of another authors story so you could read it yourself in case they decide to pull it?

2. What's your opinion on all these company's consulting and getting involved in the world of Twilight FF?

Because recently, I have noticed more and more fics getting pulled at random on account of that reason precisely. Plus, it's pissing me the hell off!

3. What do you think is better? Making up some lame story about how your nuclear bomb was taken by the CIA so now twilight is over for you. OR. The whole, Beep.Beep.Beep. Were sorry the story your reading has been disconnected, the author of your story has decided to go MIA and has taken the liberty of pulling the story you are currently fascinated with with them, IMAGINE the ending. Have a good day...

(Sorry just the thought of my fav.unfinished story getting pulled angers me.)

Oh, and I know that some authors really do have good reasons for pulling a story or not getting it finished. But, most of the time its a crock of #$%^.



Rec' Me Some One-Shots

Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 5:13 PM

Okay here is the deal people. Besides tweeting,avatar changing,and fic reading this afternoon, I've been preparing a speech for a City Council meeting tonight. I'm nervous as hell and I'm surprised I havn't keeled over yet from heartfail. As you can probably tell public speaking scares the crap out of me.

For my brave deed I think all you lovely campers should rec' me some O/S I can look forward to reading when I get home. They can be any kind of O/S (smut,fluff,weird,bizarre) take your pick, I'll read it. Hell they don't even have to be Twifics. A Bones O/S actually sounds good. A big kiss to whoever rec's me a good Bones O/S.

A Little Incentive:

For Laughs



Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 5:09 PM

 I just deleted ten out my stories on FFn.

Out of thirty.

I feel quite empowered now.

Okay, I'm a bit frightened at the PMs I could get from the readers, but whatever. It was my choice. The stories totally sucked anyways. So, they're gone.

Plus it took like off 3 chapters I needed to write off. So now I can concentrate on others, which improves it. I think that's how it works.

So I have a question for you lovely campers. Whether it was when you first joined the fandom or whenever, have you deleted a story? Was it because it was really bad? Or because the readers were really...non-good-readers. If that makes sense. :P

I'm biting my fingernails over here worrying about it. I probably shouldn't have done it. But they were sucky. That makes up for it, right? Right??



Art after 5?

Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 4:18 PM

Does anyone have any idea what is going on with Art After 5 by Sleepyvalentina?

I was in the middle of reading it and just like that the whole thing has been pulled. All that is left are the two outtakes.

Anyone know the reason? Or if it will be reposted?



The Big Bang Theory

Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 3:40 PM

 Ok, I don't know what's wrong with me =(

I just saw this, and it's hilarious


And here's a link to the still image (just made it my desktop) I can't seem to make it work










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