
Um. Some things.

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 11:53 PM

 OKAY. HELLO THERE. IT IS PAST MIDNIGHT AND I'M GIGGLING. It's never really a good sign though.

Anyways, I am reading Emibella's If It's The Beaches because she's awesome. jsyk, you should all go read it. Like right now. It's in ADF story telling.

Another thing for posting this. I want to admit this. I CAUSED THE TWITTERFAIL a few days ago. I was very proud of that, you know. I mean, I'm so awesome I cause a twitter fail. It just cant' handle me. Pssht.

Okay, the WC last night...or whenever the hell it was, was awesome. I even finished this one-shot : Here and it's awesomeness. All I have to say was bacon and mint was my favorite part. Go read and review please.

Oh yeah, my MAIN point. Skype. It's my home. Other than twitter, cause twitter is just my crack. Anyways, do you have one? First off, if you do add me : IChimpz.

Second of all, if you don't have one go get one DO EET. It's awesomeness. Trust me, the chats I have there are pure awesomeness. Plus if you get some group chats going all there, I giggle a whole bunch. Snorting is rare. Plus, if you're on a call with me, I may scream profanities a lot. js.

So. GET SKYPE. And rec. me some angst one-shots while you're at it. Um. Yeah. Imma go back reading. 

Oh yeah, candy. Um, since I'm reading this fic, this is what I want right now :

And :

You can so tell what chapter I just read. ;D


Tutorial On Icons: Cropping and Resizing (Picnik)

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 11:27 PM

Ok, so, I noticed from a previous thread, that some people are having trouble cropping and/or resizing their icons. So, I present a tutorial on doing just that. And you don;t even have to use an illegal copy of Photoshop for it.

Tools Needs: Yourself, A Lulzy/Hot/Drool-Worthy Photo, and access to Picnik.com (no sign-up necessary)

This thing is a bit long (sorta. I have visual aids, kids), so here's a link:

***Posted with permission by WTVOC. Thank you!!!



Saturday January 9, 2010 at 10:32 PM

Okay so this is my first campfire and I thought I'd put it to good use.


Earlier today I updated my fic, Human Nature. Thought you all might be interested in giving it a read :)




brand spanking *new*

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 10:10 PM

 I feel like I'm dropping in on a heavy day, but I wanted to say hello (waves). I've also been, not so secretly, coveting some of your gifs next to your names. Any of you fantastically talented ladies willing to direct me to where I can fine one OR make one for me (hides)?

And a special hey to sah004 who has lured me into your campsite here :)




Saturday January 9, 2010 at 8:46 PM


Here are the placers (chosen by vote):

and tied for presenters choice are:



Thank you to all those who participated and all those who supported.

From the bottom of our black hearts, we love you!
-yanxxx, rparkerp, durtynelly, yellowglue


posted with permission from wtvoc (thankies!)


Your Dream 'Ward'

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 8:03 PM


kimvi and i really want someone to write us an Outlawbikerward fic (because of Sons of Anarchy)  and i'm re-reading The Godfather so i would really love a Godfatherward (i know there is EP but its waaaay too long and i want it Michael Corleone style)

so if you could pick any tv show/movie/book what would your dream ward be?

 EDIT: or your dream 'sper' 'mett' 'ella'..whatever, lol



Drunk Post, Part Deux

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 7:52 PM

evidently, i break websites.... here goes nothing...


-so this whole omnific thing, huh?  I know psymom & company were hoping for buzz but I’m willing to bet they weren’t expecting this.

-someone needs to invent a waterproof laptop.  I seem to get all my best ideas in the shower but by time I rinse, lather, repeat, dry off, lotion, and dress….. I forget everything.

-my hubz (grownassman) and twife (@infernalheart) need to get together and coordinate their schedules before abandoning me for the weekend AT THE SAME TIME.  Wth?!? One is away for National Guard…the other is visiting family in Miami. AND THEY LEFT ME ALONE WITH A FULLY STOCKED WINE BAR AND THREE KIDS…. YOU DO THE MATH!!  It’s dangerous when im bored and alone and drunk

-is the author of University of Edward Masen a guy or a girl?  Srsly… I needz to know.  I think it’s a dude.  So YO SEBASTIEN---- COME PLAY WITH US IN THE FOREST!!  WE’LL SHOW YOU OUR BOOBS (if you’re into that sort of thing)

-the only thing scarier and more annoying than when my 12 yr old daughter and 14 yr old son are arguing is when they are getting along.  Really…it’s weird.

-do any of you follow any of the Olympic Coven on twitter?  Some weird shit is going down and I can’t quite figure out what it is.

-if I write RPatz a letter do you think he would come to my house and make tacos with me? Maybe a yummy apple pie? I think he should.  I can write a REALLY convincing letter (and bake a mean pie).

-there aren’t enough dirty Carlisle fics…someone go write one.  Thx.

-it’s bad enough that my daughter made me watch that Miley Cyrus video on youtube OVER AND OVER….what’s worse is I liked it L

-what did I wait until tonight to start DEAR ISABELLA?  This fic is GENIUS!

-where the hell has Wonkeygirl been?  I miss her!

-(Disclaimer—this will piss some of you off….but I don’t care sry) I’m willing to bet Taylor Lautner has more ROB CANDY on his HD than I do.  (And according to the ladies from last night’s WC, I’m not the only one who thinks this way LOL)

-me+wine+a really good internet connection= good times LMAO


Carry on…

this post approved by TOR...and hopefully its not defective



There was originally ROB CANDY with this post....but i'm buzzed and lazy, so...whatevvvv



What are you reading tonight?

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 6:49 PM

And what are you drinking while enjoying your fic?

I began reading Geek Love by SassenachWench today. Based on a friend's rec.    I am enjoying a geeky Edward and Geeky Bella!  The author's humor is awesome.  I poured a glass of sauvignon blanc to sip while reading.  And the bottle has my name written all over it.   Dh is secured downstairs in the man cave so I can read away!!!!!


With Teeth

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 6:47 PM

I know some others were saying that they were also having issues with finding out when WITH TEETH by TalulaBlue over on Twilighted was updated...

Welll... it was!






For Those Of You With Children (or know children)

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 5:10 PM

What is the silliest/oddest thing you have heard them say about anything Twilight related?

Mine's inside...


Turning FF into your own Word documents

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 4:05 PM

First time starting a campfire here.  I'm pretty new to this site, so pardon me if this has been discussed before.


With all of this talk about Omnific, I was wondering what the copyright laws are concerning taking an author's public work of Fan Fiction and turning into a Word document on your personal computer?

I was also wondering what author's thought about this practice?

I have to admit, that even before all of this brouhaha, I'd copied and pasted some of my favorite stories and stored them so that I can read them again at a later date.

If it's not against the law, and authors don't mind,  I'm  thinking about going and copying a few more before they're ripped from public access.  Quite a few of my favorites have already been taken down, and now I guess I have to pay to reread them.

Okay, I'm also wondering if this is something everyone does on the DL and I just opened a can of worms?  Any comments?


Dear Isabella Updated

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 2:59 PM


How much do we love authors/Rangers JandCo and WTVOC?? 

Soooooooooooooooooooo MUCH!

Read Dear Isabella Chapter 5 in Storytelling

Talk about it in the cabin they co-habitate

Tell us about how much you love JandCo and/or WTVOC right here. 


Dry Humpage

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 2:38 PM

My friend and beta (one of my two great beta's) has just won best dry hump in the Slash Backslash Contest hosted by AngstyG and PastyP (I lol when I read their names like that)


You can find all the contest winners here...

To make this interactive, what is your favourite dry hump? Don't forget the linkage... we all love a good dry hump :)




(yay! My first campfire)


Fic Disclaimers?

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 2:37 PM

Okay. (First campfire. Whew!)

This is probably a total newbie question, but I really just need some clarification. With all the Omnific drama out there and the copyright issues that have been discussed the past few days in lieu of this, I just a question to all you ff writers out there - what is the general opinion on disclaimers? I mean, I get the jist of it - they are in place so SM and Twilight can't come out and sue us for copyright infringement. I get that. But... what is your opinion on them?

Are they completely necessary? What do you/should you include in it? Do you post it before each chapter? Or do you not bother at all?

Is it so that other writers can't steal your work? And I know there's been issues lately with unauthorized translations and reposting of stories.

I guess I'm just basically confused on the matter. I mean, a lot of people seem to be going all out, with the copyright and the year, and others just make sure to note that Twilight belongs to SM.

Anyway, I'm basically uber confused on what should be included in a fics disclaimer, and whether or not it actually does do anything.

Wow. That's a lot of questions. My peace offering:

Thanks all!



Saturday January 9, 2010 at 2:31 PM

This weeks Trainwreck comes with a few disclaimers:

1.  This was taped BEFORE last night, which means a few Omnific details were unknown.

2.  Pwtf and Tuesday Jane--The answer to your Dialogue with Omnific Post is in here.

3.  Excuse the blaring noise mid through.  We're ghetto but promise it won't happen again next week.



Saturday January 9, 2010 at 2:04 PM

Can anyone start a campfire? I'm new.

Anyway who's doing TT25? Cause I am! Yup.

Well comment if you are or whatever, I wanna see your epic stories :)

That's how you do a campfire right?



rockin' robin- tweet- tweedily-deet

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 1:45 PM


use it?  hate it?  avoid RL people on yours?  fanfic people?  people named mr. douche?  (omg he follows me and why?)

post links to your twitter accounts here.  follow each other.  jandco and i have an account to notify you of updates.

who do you follow?  who's your fave tweeter?

now go follow ADF, dammit. retweet us whenever you see a post.

and now as a test of your learning curve/ability to pay attention/lurking on adf...

screencap your current twitter page and post it here.

wtvoc on twitter

jandco on twitter

adf on twitter

jandcoandwtvoc on twitter

BonesonFox on twitter

and here's laviepastiche, inviting herself over for lunch since i made delicious sammiches today

 lol red panda




Saturday January 9, 2010 at 1:05 PM

Ok, so in true born2dance94 fashion, I'm asking for yet more recs. :P

This time, I want recs for stories where either E or B cheat on the other, but they end up getting back together by working things out.

I'm reading "A Woman Scorned," but I'm looking for others.

Thanks, guys!


Dialogue with OmniFic Founders?

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 1:04 PM

I like to speculate as much as the next person, but what I would love at this point in the discussion would be a information straight from the OmniFic founders. Is there any chance they could be convinced to join us for some respectful dialogue on the subject? Rangers, is this possible? They've contacted ADF for publicity reasons, maybe they would be open to addressing fandom concerns here? We would of course need to make sure they felt welcome and not attacked, but I think that's possible.



What the eff is going on?

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 10:30 AM

Alrighty... This is my first campfire and I'll be the first to admit I have know idea what the hell I'm doing. I rarely review the fics I read (what a bitch, right?) and my pathetic excuse for a story failed miserably. I try to involve myself in the fandom and then chicken out a lot because some of you people are more famous to me than Mr. Pattinson.

I had know idea about this whole Omniwhatever thing until I looked on here today. I'm still not 100% sure I know what's going on, but I have noticed that people are talking about S. Meyer killing Twific.  I'm a self professed net-stalker and regularly check S. Meyer's website. I just wanted to bring it to everyone's attention that she has a list of all the "Twilight Fansites" that she must support, or else they wouldn't be listed on her site, right??

Well, if you scroll down to the 'F' section... The first one there is Fanfiction Net Twilight Page.

Every fanfic that we love and adore, directly linked back to her own website. Now... Does that change anything????

ps- Please go ahead and yell at me when I sound like an idiot. Thanks.

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