Morning people?

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 5:21 AM

First campfire :)

So... it's officially 7:14 here in the shit-tastic state that is Michigan... and I'm ordering that it's way too early.

My kids decided that 6:30 was awake time this morning!

Anyway, this got me thinking. Did anyone ever notice the change Bella went through in her sleeping patterns when she came into the fanfiction world? In Twilight... she's always a morning person. You always read about her being up and ready or whatever at the ass crack of dawn. I'm calling a big N-O here. I mean, she's a teenager, right? How many of you guys were morning people as teenagers? I tend to think that fanfiction has a more realistic side about things when it comes to the sleeping patterns of Bella. I'm all for her throwing an alarm clock at the wall. THAT seems realistic to me.

Anyone else ever notice this?


Help me find this fic...

Saturday January 9, 2010 at 12:13 AM

First, I remember reading a rec here a while back for a fic that was an New Moon AU. Bella gets all crazy and thinks she imagined the whole Cullen experience and then they all come back to convince her otherwise. Whats that and where can I find it?




Friday January 8, 2010 at 11:29 PM


apparently this is rob and kristen holding hands.


This Omnific thing...

Friday January 8, 2010 at 10:09 PM

I have some thoughts.

Some...unpopular thoughts. (Or perhaps really popular, I'm not sure.)

I don't think it's a good idea. In fact, I think it's a horrible idea. I think we are about to get the proverbial banhammer from Stephenie Meyer because people are trying to make money off of her characters. And that is what's going on. Boycotts and Barflies? Everyone knows that's a Twific. So they changed the names. And maybe the setting. Who knows? But guess what campers. It's still Twific. It never would have been written if it wasn't for Twilight and the work that SM has put into her novels that have been published and made into a movie (or two). SM and Co. are a money-making machine. Money-making machines like to make money. They don't like when little upstarts take what they think of as their money. They stop those upstarts. At the source. Which is fanfic. I can't say it any simpler.

In short, I don't like it. I hate it. I support the entrepreneurial spirit. I just wish they had stuck to original fic.

There are my two cents. IDK how to make this interactive.

Do you think this is a good idea? Do you think I'm a special kind of idiot for railing against the BNFs in this fandom? Will I be blackballed? Will people talk about me behind my back? Will I care? 

(erm...I don't know if I need to say this, but this post was approved by wolvesnvamps.) 



Friday January 8, 2010 at 8:55 PM

I'm on a MSCL kick tonight (shocking, I know.) and now I'm craving some angsty fics akin to this prematurely cancelled drama.

So rec away please!!


Guess Who?

Friday January 8, 2010 at 8:34 PM

Okay, so when I started posting my new story called River Dam, I admitted that I had to have help writing it.

But for a while, I had to keep my helper a secret. In my author's notes, I've asked readers to GUESS who they think my collaborator might be, but so far only these four names have come up:

  • Bratty_Vamp
  • Gallantcorkscrews
  • Jandco
  • Pastiche Pen


Well, this coming Sunday, when I update the story (now that I have my laptop back - YAY!) the writer's identity will be revealed. So if more of you wanna get in on the guessing, now's your chance.

You can read the three extant chapters right here:  River Dam



Friday January 8, 2010 at 5:16 PM

 Word Challenge. Yo.

Haha, anyways, a WC is where two or more people get together in a chat and then compete to see who can write more in a certain period of time. And, then you just do whatever after that. :P Talk, teasers, run far away, you know. :)

Anyways, I am going to host one tonight. Cause I need to write, like really bad. I'm hosting it on gtalk. So, if you have one and want in, add me : then tell me and you're in. So, far jandco, cullenismsays, and Zombie's Run This Town, aka anythingzombie, is in. Along with me. :)

So, who else? :) 

KAY. We're starting Still add if you want though. :P :00 is when the deadline ends. :P



Friday January 8, 2010 at 4:52 PM

I just saw a tweet--Omnific is announcing their first two books tonight.

any guesses on what we'll be seeing?

I'm going with reworks of The Office and Passionfish.

What are your guesses?

ps--adf is happy for any authors taking advantage of this opportunity--as always, snark and opinion are welcome, please, no personal attacks.


FanFic 4 U

Friday January 8, 2010 at 3:15 PM

HELLO ADF!!!! I had been looking for a good copward story and haven't been able to find one so I decided to write one myself, so if anyone wants to check it out go to and look up My Tourniquet by SaxGirl2012.





Friday January 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM

 That addicting site that is great for procrastinating? Yeah, that's the one. :P

I want everyone's Twitter if you have one. And, if you don't get one. If you don't get it, I don't care. :)

The reason for this campfire is because these past two days have been freaking great and I had to fangirl to my friend about wolvesnvamps & jandco following me. 

Two more things. ADF is love. And :

I love his hats.

Edit : I forgot to give you mine. : IChimpz :P


fluff fic

Friday January 8, 2010 at 1:10 PM

Hello Everyone!

Today was not such a good day at hell aka work. There were tears and lots of quietness around the hell hole. (by me mostly) But its ok, Ben and Jerry came over and invited their good friend Bacardi  to help dry my tears.  Now we all are sitting here wanting to read some good fluffly fanfiction.

Can you please share your favorite fluff?  Thank you so much!!! In the meantime I am going to be at Tor's campfire checking out Henry.



Friday January 8, 2010 at 12:35 PM








Friday January 8, 2010 at 12:05 PM

Hello! Share you weekend plans with the forest!

I am going to a party, doing a million errands and watching the wildcard playoffs. It is suppose to be freezing here so we will probably watch some movies as well. And of course, I will be hanging in the forest!

Whatcha doing?



Out of lurkdom I come...

Friday January 8, 2010 at 10:58 AM

I love how non-intimidating and welcoming this site is. Thanks for that everybody! The general tone of everyone's posts/comments has encourage me to just DO it already. I'm shy, what can I say?

I just read the loveliest fic...I believe it was rec'd on TLYDF. Not sure if I'm supposed to start a whole dang fire about it but I figured I've lurked long enough...

It's called A War of Cynics by Greeen Goldfish. The dialogue is spectacular and I feel like I owe it to her to rec this since I wanted to review every single chapter but I didn't (there are a LOT of them, but they flew by for me.) It's intelligent, and captivating, and funny....and I'm not sure I've ever been more turned on by someone else's version of Edward than right now. It's impossible to not love him.

Anyone looking for something new to read should definitely check this out. Added Bonus: it's complete and though there's no detailed smut, there is a smuttake on her profile.






Friday January 8, 2010 at 9:24 AM




top o' the marnin' to ya

Friday January 8, 2010 at 8:58 AM

why, hello there, you gorgeous little camper, you!

it has come to this ranger's attention that many of you are delurkifying, and lemme tell ya- it warms me from the bottom of my cold, dead heart.

so... huddle around, and let's share some campfire stories.

my name is _______________.

right now, i am listening to __________.

i love ADF, mostly because of _____________.

today, i'mma __________.

i highly suggest you read _________.

i love trolling for pictures of:

and of course, here's my gift to wtvoc:



Thursday January 7, 2010 at 11:53 PM

 I swear I'll delete this after, but I can't figure it out.

How do you get the avatar? I mean, I can't get jepg or whatever it is.

And I don't have gifs, sadly.

I feel naked.



EDIT : Thank you! <33 I did it. So much better. :)


Unraveled Knot Updated!

Thursday January 7, 2010 at 11:42 PM

Hey guys, I know this is like my second post, but I just wanted to steer your attention to this really great fic that I've been following for a really long time. It's called Unraveled Knot by twistedcoincedence. This really isn't like anything I've ever read. Its got this really unique and quirky Bella that speaks her mind, but is also damaged by her relationship with her mother. And the many relationships that her mother has had with men. Its got this PencilNeck Edward that is living this mundane lifestyle because its safe and doesn't require him to acknowledge his problems. Its got a Carlisle that is obsessed with home shopping and snuggies and an Emmett that you just want to kidnap!

I really love this fic because it really touched my heart, and I know that you guys will love it too. Its gonna make you feel emo, but the humor is gonna having you lulzing like crazy!

So I just want you to give it a chance. The author has been kinda down bc her co-author bounced on her, but she's been encouraged to continue. So show her some support!!!


And here is a little excerpt of the lulz:

Esme! Did my snuggie come?”

Dad, this is Bella,” Edward offers. I straighten myself and offer my hand, but am pulled into an embarrassingly hard chest. God lord is that muscle definition genetic? Izzy,” I mumble lamely into Papa Cullen’s shirt.I like you already. Did you want a snuggie? I got a two for one offer.” he asks. I feel my face screw up in confusion. Is that code for a hug?

And some Candy:



Now THAT is a great ship!

Thursday January 7, 2010 at 9:49 PM



Thursday January 7, 2010 at 9:28 PM

Well my fine campers I have finally caught up with everyone else it seems, I am finally reading Hydraulic Level 5.

This fic is frigging awesome.


Ranger Edit: I bet you all already know this but you can read Hydraulic Level 5 RIGHT HERE at ADF in the storytelling area and leave thoughts with Gondolier in her VIP cabin. Go ahead. Make her day ;)

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