I read this fic last night about a less that physically perfect teenage Bella.
Not maimed or anything - she just wasn't physically on the better end of the attractive scale, for High School anyway.
And see all the stories I've read, whether he's in denial or just a bastard or incredibly shy or whatever, Edward always feels an immediate physical connection to Bella and of course the way she looks. She might find herself average but Edward never does.
Yeah it wasn't like that in this story. As a matter of fact he tormented her pretty much her entire life.
Of course she still loved him and had a crush on him from afar.
In the end that did end up together and while I was sort of cheering for it and some moments were very sweet...It just felt...false.
So here's what I want...something that feels a little more fleshed out than this....
Recc me some stories in which Bella has to strive to overcome physical barriers to win Edward over. Barriers like weight and pimples and Edward's apparent need for physical perfection.
Are there other such stories?
Rob's wondering too...
Or we can dish about the FF I just read...
Or other stories you've read in which the ending just kinda rang...Huh? to you. The ending didn't quite seal the connection.
Let me hear it people. : )