Change of Heart?

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 11:34 PM

My sister-in-law is a girl who absolutely loved the Twilight series of books.  And while she doesn't get online and do the 'fandom' thing... she couldn't wait for that first movie to come out.  She went with me.

And she didn't like it.

Most specifically...  She REALLY didn't like Rob in it.

So she was sort of down on the whole movie saga.  Still, she wanted to see New Moon.

Now, I may happen to have a copy.  And I may have taken it over to her place yesterday to watch.  (Because she was NOT going to pay to see it in the theatre, after Twilight was such a disappointment to her.)


Guess what?

She loved it.


Guess what, what? 

She LOVED Rob in it.

She said that he totally changed her mind about him playing 'Edward.'

Now I want to know.... did you (or anyone you know) change your mind about the saga of movies (for good or bad), or any of the actors in the movies,  based specifically on New Moon?



Whew! Still Time

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 11:21 PM

for my Free for All contribution....

I made this last night. (Actually I couldn't sleep and finished it at 6 am this morning)

I usually don't  post my videos, but Kake really liked this one, so I figured what the hey.

It's not Twilight, but it IS vampire related...


True Blood~Requiem

(WTVOC, consider yourself tributed, lol)


Good Reviews/Bad Reviews

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 11:06 PM

Sorry but I just had to post this new campfire.  I have been reading fics over the xmas break as a little pressie to me and I have started some new stories that have been rec'd over here.  I have read some pearlers, truly good fics.

Now my dilemma, one of the recs is a vamp fic that while I was struggling at first to get into it because it had a few spelling/grammar mistakes I kept going cos the storyline was really interesting.  Then Bam smut for the sake of smut just ruined it for me.

I have since taken it off my favs list, but have not reviewed. What would you all do in my situation.  The premise of the story is a really good one and I would like to see it finished but I just can't get around the smutty scene that just done me in.

Question:  Do I leave a reason I left this fic honestly or just leave it alone?

 (now don't get me wrong, I love me some smut/slash whatever, but it has to fit into the story!)



Sunday December 27, 2009 at 7:01 PM

alright, my juicy little tech deficient briskets.

this is a post to get your questions answered.

can't figure out how to post a pic on adf?

don't know the html to make a strike-through? (don't know what a strike-through is?)

wonder how to screencap on a mac?

can't figure out your digital camera?

don't know how to sign on to kick my ass at mario kart all the way from the subcontinent?

well... ask away.  we won't judge.  well, i will

and if you know the answer... go for it.  and be nice.

 example: if i do a post of say, screencap yer desktop... this is what i expect to see.  not "idk how to do it lolz"

(this is my twitter background, but you can still see that adifferentforest is my second quick tab and that it's currently 57 degrees in southern california and i'm freezing my buns off)





boys in books are just better.

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 4:10 PM

 ....well, to an extent.

*eep first campfire!*

So this has probably been started before, but I truly want to know which fictional characters give you the warm-and-fuzzies. As an avid reader, I am constantly crushing on the men featured in my favorite authors' creations! Maybe you'll name a leading man that I haven't discovered yet ::crosses fingers:: and I can go crush on him for a while ;) I should probably give Edward a break. So please-- send me your most squee-worthy hero.


My examples can be found inside to save some room on this page :)



I'm going to miss you Rachelle...

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 2:48 PM

I'm sure this has been discussed but I'm new and I'm going to use this excuse for AT LEAST a week...

I woke up this morning thinking about Rachelle Lefevre.  Man, I'm really going to miss her in Eclipse.  I know this Bryce chicky will probably be fine but I LIKE my sequels to be consistent.  I almost had a aneurysm waiting to find out if those kids were going to stick it out for all the Harry Potter movies...

So this makes me anyone else out there as OCD about this as I am?  

Does it bother anyone else when they recast actors for sequels?  Are there any sequel recasts that made you fume??

Should they maybe have changed some of the other actors in the Twisaga, a certain mancub that I despise but shall remain nameless for the sake of peaceful discussion...

Do you think the recasting of Victoria will HONESTLY make a huge impact on the quality of the movie or how it does at the box office?  I'm pretty sure it's going to do just I'm just not sure of the reasoning behind this recast...

I haven't researched this topic much so give me the skinny peeps...

Farewell Rachelle...I'll miss you pretty lady...I'm really sorry I won't get to see Edward rip your head off :(

La Strana Musica

MaryJanice Davidson

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 2:47 PM


MaryJanice Davidson

Who else is familiar with the fantastic author that is MaryJanice Davidson?

I heart her. Seriously.

The author who brought is the fantastic Betsy The Vampire Queen in The Undead Series. The author who brought is the half Mermaid/half Human Fred in The Mermaid Series. The author who brought us The Gorgeous Series with the pain-in-the-ass The Boss and the hilariously funny Caitlyn. Lets not forget The Wyndham Werewolves. And so many others...

Give it up for MaryJanice Davidson :-)

PS. I thought I would make the most of the free-for-all.




Fanfiction Challenge

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 2:17 PM

Okay, in the midst of my holiday, a TON of our VIP authors have updated. Not only that, it seems as though a LOT of you are reading this weekend? How do I know? I have had a bunch of great alerts from saying that my story is on people's favorite stories list and that my name is on people's favorite author lists. Why am I BLUE then? I haven't received ONE review all weekend! Grant it, I probably have the least review count out of any VIP author but still, I do like them once in a while. *sniff sniff*

So, what is the Fanfiction challenge?

  1. Go to our VIP section
  2. START a new story, read a one shot, anything!
  3. REVIEW IT and place a quick note in the writers VIP cabin.


Think of it as giving back to all of those authors that you love so much. A little Christmas present, if you will, a piece of good cheer for those who work to bring you a little free entertainment. Even little old me, who doesn't have time to write a lot, has TWO one shots. So you'll be able to find SOMETHING!

And while you are at it, if you are reading any of these, check out these updates~

BRATTYVAMP just updated My Escort (Dude, I love that story. Rosalie is such a hard-ass!)

My girl hmonster4 (really, I just wish she was my girl because she is so amazing) updated I KNOW YOU

Pastiche Pen put up an Epilogue to The Price of Permanence (all bow down to Ms Pen!)

Itzmegan73 rocked out a fantastic look eight years into the future of The Tutor (with a commitment-phobic Edward)

and my FAVORITE STORY in all twiverse SANCTUARY updated. Jennyfly is nothing short of a genius.




Sunday December 27, 2009 at 2:00 PM

(first of all, my apologies to wolvenvamps. you know I love you.)


This is a FOOTBALL post

Is your nfl team headed to the playoffs?

did they fail miserably?

do you think some player is extra-adorable?

do you prefer college sports? if so, bowl game anyone????

..and for those of you without any ties to the NFL, what do you think of when you hear "FOOTBALL"???



Christmas post!

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 1:56 PM

Hello everyone! Now that yet another Christmas has come and passed...

Let us share pictures of Christmas 2009: pictures of your gifts, trees, table decorations, food, etc...

Have you enjoyed your Christmas? Do you hate Christmas on principle? Tell me all: how did YOU spend this Christmas?

I spent Christmas snorkeling in the Caribbean, which saved me from spending Christmas with my relatives!



Sunday December 27, 2009 at 1:23 PM

Howdy Campers!

So here's the thing. Some of you who read my stuff might be expecting an update of RIVER DAM today...

And some of you who pay close attention to my posts might be expecting me to post the rest of Sanctuary before the end of the year...



Naturally, I immediately turned it off, removed it from my lap, unplugged it, took out the battery and freaked the hell out.

Then I called the warranty people, and told them the story & the nice dude named Victor listened to me then went away for about three minutes. When he came back he said, "If there was fire and smoke, that's considered a safety hazard, and I need you to turn the machine off right now."

Gee, thanks, Victor.

Anyway, they're sending me a box, and I have to put my laptop in the box and ship it to them so they can try to fix it.

Needless to say, in the mean time, I cannot access my files. I can't get to my stories. I can't update anything. I'm fucked.

So, there will be no RIVER DAM update today, and Santuary is delayed YET AGAIN. Sorry, kids.

I'll have intermittant use of my friend's laptop, and I'm doing my best to not lose my fucking mind over this. Please post words of encouragement and pretty pictures of James Dean and Robert Pattinson to cheer me up.

Thank you. - jennyfuckingfly


What are your favorite Steven King movies??

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 11:59 AM

 Even back in high school, I was really into Steven King novels, I wrote a paper about his life once and his novels.

I own a lot of the movies and love them all.

This are some of my favorites.

The Shining quote

Heeere's Johnny!







Bad house! BAD PLACE!

Courtesy of


Pet Sematary quote

First I play with Judd, then Mommy came, and I play with Mommy. We play Daddy! We had a awfully good time! Now, I want to play with YOU!
the baby on Pet Sematary just freaks me out, but I freaking love it.

Pet Sematary





Reviews make the world go 'round

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 11:47 AM

I want to talk reviews. 

For readers: Do you review every chapter as you read completed stories?  Do you review more if the author replies to your review?  Do you write long well thought out reviews?  Do you leave the dreaded "great chapter, update soon!"?

For writers: What makes up a great review for you?  Do you remember your first review?  Did a review ever make you cry?  Have you ever changed the outline of your story due to reviews? Do you review?  Every chapter?

Can I ask more questions?  Yes, but I'll stop. 

Er, first campfire so I have no idea how to load pictures, but imagine the image of your choice doing something naughty.



Personal Preference

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 11:40 AM

So here goes my first campfire...


Obviously we’re all book-indulging peeps or we wouldn’t be here so I have a few questions.


What we get in the form of a book when we mosey through the aisles at our local bookstore all depends on if some higher up decided if it was publish-worthy or not. Me – I always wonder what we’re missing out on because of these discerning people who decide what the public will and will not like. This breaks my little black heart when I think about it too deeply.


Now, what I’m asking you all is: what makes a good book? Do you like twists and turns and complete mind-effery? Do you like intense passion that burns at both ends and explodes tragically? Do you like damsels in distress and shining knights coming to save them? Do you like fantasy or otherworldly events? Do you like moral connotations mixed in with realistic day to day characters? Do you like stories that make us question everything?


And you writers out there – what do you like to write about? Do you tell yourself that you’re going to write something profound when you sit down and let the words flow? What sparks a story?


I want to know! So please, let’s all be chatty Cathy’s and discuss.


Obscure rec me bb

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 11:39 AM

 I am knocking the dust off in prep for the Indies (next round coming soon) and need to dive back in...

So hit me with your recs!  My critieria:

- WIP with less than 30 reviews per ch

- completed fic with less than 1000 reviews

I'm on a vamp kick these days - but am open to anything that is well written and clever!


your don is benevolent and wants her tribute

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 10:56 AM

the free-for all continues.  i love that you all are posting.

but we're taking it back to twilight tomorrow, capiche?

now, i expect to see at least 10 new faces starting campfires before this day is through.

post what you want- but no autoplay, and make sure you keep it interactive.

and in this thread, discuss which post-holidays icon you will be using and whether i should go back to snape or use the boreanaz.

La Strana Musica

Last Chance To Enter The "Mentalward Contest"!

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 9:11 AM

The Deadline For The "Mentalward Contest" Is Today.

"Mentalward" Contest

Exploiting the minds of those that are sick, twisted, and demented…

Presented by: Yanxxx, YellowGlue, DurtyNelly, and Rparkerp

Everyone has seen "Darkward" contests. We know them, we love them, but sometimes you want a little more. So we have decided to create a contest that focuses on what happens when Edward (or other characters) is a little insane. We are looking for characters that are mentally unstable, obsessive, stalkers, or any other term that would define them as insane or crazy.

You Have To Get Your Entry In By 11:00 PM Central Standard Time - 27/12/09.



Don't you hate it...

Sunday December 27, 2009 at 2:40 AM

Don't you hate it when an author hasn't updated a story since July on and then you happen to run across the same fic on and not only is it 20 more chapters in, but it's been completed since August?

I feel like a moron for not checking months ago, but shouldn't there have been a note or some indication from the author that she was posting quicker over there? How does one keep up with both sites?


Slightly Moronic, Severely Frustrated (aka m81170)


Looking for a rec....

Saturday December 26, 2009 at 11:50 PM

Hopefully we are still in free-for-all so this is ok :)

So the bookstore in my mall is closing (due to the recession and the general inability for the people in my town to read) and they are having a huge sale where everything is at least 50% off. I went in today trying to find something to read and I drew a blank. I don't read FF without a rec and now apparently I can't read a real book without one either. So that's what I'm looking for. Tell me the name of a real book that I should read. Preferably something romantic(-ish) with some humor and maybe a little angst.

But really, just tell me your favorite books and I'll give them a shot. My corneas will thank you later for taking me away from the computer screen.

And just because we're all looking for the perfect man, I think I've found him:


Sons of Anarchy

Saturday December 26, 2009 at 7:14 PM

 are we still having free for all? if not, rangers i'm sorry and please delete my post.

Thanks to camper kimvi, i've recently become addicted to the show 'Sons of Anarchy'

don't know what this show is about? summary from

Sons of Anarchy, aka SAMCRO, is a motorcycle gang that operates both illegal and legal businesses in the small town of Charming. They combine gun-running and a garage, plus involvement in porn film. Clay, the president, likes it old school and violent; while Jax, his stepson and the club's VP, has thoughts about changing the way things are, based on his dead father's journal. Their conflict has effects on both the club and their personal relationships.

it's awesome. it features, sex, violence, drama, dark humor and this guy:


anyway...i just started watching it online about a week ago and i'm on season 2 and i'm lovin' every second of it. 

does anyone else watch it? i'm know i'm late with this show as the 2nd season ended a few weeks ago but talk to me! i need some discussion 


(p.s. there is a small twilight connection..sorta...Johnny Lewis is in this show, he was on The O.C. the same time Nikki Reed and Cam Gigandet were on it)

 (p.p.s. if anyone has a pic/manip of rob or jackson perched on top of a Harley that they'd like to share with me, i'll kiss your feet. js )


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