
Ray Ban's

Thursday December 17, 2009 at 1:53 PM

So I found this and thought it was hilarious. I hope the linking worked. Does he make the glasses or the glasses make him?



Thursday December 17, 2009 at 1:52 PM


What your favorite line(s) from your fic(s)?


What are your favorite line(s) from some of your favorite fics?


Kill. Marry. Make Out.

Thursday December 17, 2009 at 1:01 PM

It's that time, Campers!

We will play a game.  All of us. 

Kill, Marry, Make Out.

Meet the Players:

Emmett McCarty:

Edward Cullen:

Robert Pattinson:

The rules:

You have to pick one of these three for each.  Kill.  Marry.  Make Out.  And if you're feeling generous, tell us your reasoning.


 other half edit: jimmy and i have a bet going as to who you guys will pick for this.  it's one of the few things we disagree on.  that, and that she's obvs. wrong about rob being hotter than the boreanaz.


video of

Thursday December 17, 2009 at 11:43 AM

Rob and Katy Perry



Rob Pattinson and Katy Perry were party pals last night, enjoying a night of karaoke at Dimples Supper Club for a mutual friend’s birthday.

RadarOnline.com reports that the stars were spied close in conversation, at one point touching foreheads and giggling.

While Katy — who recently introduced boyfriend Russell Brand to her parents — took to the stage to belt out a karaoke number, the New Moon star stayed low key sipping whiskey and cokes, and taking numerous cigarette breaks.


new rob photo?

Thursday December 17, 2009 at 11:39 AM



Great Vexations

Thursday December 17, 2009 at 11:11 AM

Has anyone read Great Vexations by angstgoddess?  I read it this weekend and can't stop thinking about it.  I have opposing theories about Edward and Jasper, one where Edward is an insensitive jerk and the other where he is a bit more complicated.  I'd love to know what other people thought of the story and their theories about the characters. 

I will put my thoughts about the story in a seperate comment post (or two) because there will be a lot of spoilers and I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't read it. 

Here is the summary:

GREAT VEXATIONS:  Oneshot-SLASH: Jasper is brought home to live with the Cullens in hopes of providing lonely orphan Edward a friend. As they come of age, Jasper struggles with attachments, unrequited lust, and hostility in the wake of being left behind. E/J. Rated M

And the link to the story:




Thursday December 17, 2009 at 10:25 AM

Blurb on the antihero (thanks Wiki)

"In the postmodern era, the traditional "knight in shining armor" type has given way to a "grittier" protagonist. The brooding vigilante or "noble criminal" archetype (ex: Batman) is slowly becoming part of the popular conception of heroic valor- when once they would have been vilified."

I know vampires were once vilified. And now....


I think Edward is an antihero in a lot of ways. He's got that Batman thing going on- yeah, I'm a good guy now, but I really wish I could rip some people's jugulars out.

Do you agree? Disagree? Is Edward really just a misunderstood flower?

Also, show me your favorite antiheroes.


Have you ever read Twilight saga out loud?

Thursday December 17, 2009 at 9:23 AM

K.  I will admit that this was a cover for me to be able to talk a little bit about me reading "A Christmas Carol" out loud and discussing it with my children for school and me loving the classics all the more!


SO.  Have you EVER read the TWILIGHT saga out loud to anyone?

We are big readers here in this family and so I can say YES.  I read the ENIRE saga to my husband.  I am HIS "voice of Bella".


Good Morning KStew

Thursday December 17, 2009 at 6:12 AM

Yep, I guess this is the trailer some of us have been waiting for. 

I think it might be a hot movie. And I'm gonna be there supporting MulletStew! 



Thursday December 17, 2009 at 12:56 AM


OK, so I just read the Rhapsody in B update from Lillybellis and it was amazing.
If you aren’t reading this, what are you waiting for? Seriously, it’s only going to be 12 chapters long and it’s adorable.
So go read, NOW. Thank you
Anyways, I was thinking, what fics have you read that make you love/hate/hopewilldieahorribledeath/wannafuckhug a character that you normally wouldn’t think twice about?
For example, I hope Angela Webber from RiB falls off a cliff and gets mauled by hyenas. Which is really kind of sad because she’s supposed to be very nice, but that’s beside the point.
And while I’ve always loved bad boy James, I think wtvoc Piano Lesson’s James is fucking hot and I want him to spoon feed me butterscotch pudding while lying on his piano in a holey white tshirt. BUT the character that she has me loving that I normally don’t care for is her Garrett. I want him to be my bff. Now if you aren’t reading this fic, then I can’t be your friend anymore.
And Jennyfly with her Jessica Stanley. The girl made me like Jessica fucking Stanley. I don’t know how she did it, but she did.
AND PixieVamp! She has done the unthinkable! For once, I actually would be ok if Bella chose a different guy over Edward. For the first time EVER I kinda, not completely, but KINDA want Bella to be with EMBRY!!! That’s a first.
Ps. If you have any nice porn for me, please share
Thank you

Another Robert cover?

Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 11:42 PM


Tell what personage you like your fics written.

Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 6:28 PM

1st person? 3rd?

What about POV?  One two?  Main characters only?


There is an awful lot of 1st person fail in this fandom and honestly I am not sure I can read too much more written in 1st person without it being completely fresh and not stereotypical. 

Opinions?  Flames?  Please know that I am NOT talking about any one here who writes in 1st person.  I am trying to learn and well, at least I know what NOT to do.



runaways sneak peek

Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 6:24 PM

Sneak peek at the trailer


To outline, or not to outline...?

Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 5:58 PM

I just got this great new idea for a fic today, and all of these little ideas keep popping up into my head for the plot. I was thinking about writing an outline to keep everything in track, but I've never done that before for a fic.

I was wondering if any of you write outlines if you're writing fics? Is is worth the time? I'm debating whether or not to do it. What are the pros (and possibly cons)?


I AM A DORK... please tell me you are one too...

Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 5:34 PM

Today I told someone that the wasting of finite resources is everyone's business.. Ok I KNEW I was quoting the book at the time, but I'm sure I could have phrased my intent differently... ah... Please tell me you guys have had these moments too...


Slutward? Whorella!

Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 5:33 PM

I've noticed that in so many fics out there that Slutward is a common theme: manwhore Edward, who, inevitably, reforms his whore-iness whilst falling for a (usually) semi-chaste Bella. 

I'm looking for good fic recommendations where Bella is a (slut), tastefully done of course, and perhaps Edward is the virgin.

Also, why do you think Edward is usually the slutty one in fan fics?  Please respond!


Breaking Dawn

Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 4:33 PM

I think most of us can agree that Breaking Dawn was a HUGE disappointment. How do you think the saga should have ended?

Would you change anything about the wedding?

I know the "fade to black" sucked, but how should SM have written the honeymoon, keeping with the YA rating and her religious beliefs?

We can aslo agree that the demon spawn should have never happened, so how should the Bella/Jacob storyline have come to an end? And what about changing Bella, without Renesmee, how should that have happened?

And what role should the Volturi have played?


Master of the Universe

Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 3:27 PM

This story just updated again. I have to give the author credit for updating her story on a regular basis. She is a very good writer, and I am totally sucked into her story even though I dislike the subject matter.

This last chapter was awesome, thank god Bella is finally away from that FUBAR asshole! I know it will probably be short lived, as he will probably come to her saying he can't live without her, and Bella will be so miserable without him she will take him back, pathetic creature that she is!

I know alot of you will probably disagree with me, what did you think of this new chapter?


The Runaways trailer

Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 2:41 PM






Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 12:25 PM




post your fav dilfs in here





*post idea from twatlight

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