
Fanfiction Haiku

Friday February 19, 2010 at 8:17 PM

This camp-fire was pre-approved by WTVOC. I'd like to think David would approve.

David B


Dear Haiku Camper

You inspired my new vice

As the snowfall roars


In your honor, I’m starting a Twilight Haiku thread.


Campers, post anything you want about Twilight in Haiku. Or Bones. WTVOC said so.


Here’s how to do one if you have never tried:


And here are two examples from Twilight:


(Let’s be clear, I never claimed to be good at haiku. I just find it amusing. Bad Haiku could be just as fun.)


Fanfiction Alice

With pixie shopping and dance

Makes me want to spork my eyes


This one was pre-approved by GinnyW.

I totally didn't show her the one above out of fear for my soul since she likes the character Alice.


Coming to Terms Ed

I nicknamed Trollward

Because he made me so mad


And for WTVOC a Bones haiku:

Unrequited lust 

Between Bones and her G Man                                     (that was man, not spot)

Will keep me watching


She's probably going to ban me now for doggerel. So farewell campers. :) LOL


it's not a flame if it's the truth

Friday February 19, 2010 at 8:13 PM

sorry, charlie.  i win at power struggles.  

As all you lovely campers know, I was attacked today.

*pause for drama*

I was publicly flamed by none other then the authoritative Ranger WTVOC.

She misused the forest for her own selfish purposes and personally attacked me for doing  what no one else here dares to do.


Yes I did this. I flamed her AU Bonesfic today to make a point that NO MORE will i stand back and allow her to spread the misery she so loves to create.

By then coming here and flaming me for having the audacity to flame her greatness, she angered me further.


I swore I would never do it again but this crime against the fandom shall not go unpunished.




so please campers come around and flame wtvoc away, till she gives in and apologizes

and to show I'm serious beans here. I GIVE YOU AN EXCERPT FROM PIE.


Now she comes from time to time, not nearly as often as she used to back when she still smiled, and puzzles the staff with her visible eagerness in staring at pies for no apparent reason. I think it might have something to do with him not coming with her anymore. The guy really liked his pies, if my memory serves me right. Maybe they broke up and she misses him. Maybe he became an underwear model after all and moved to LA. Or maybe it has something to do with those horrible scars.




My new crush

Friday February 19, 2010 at 7:39 PM

So I'm sitting here watching the Olympics and NBC just did a story on Aksel Lund Svindal, the Men's Super-G Gold Medalist from Norway.  I just died - he's so pretty!

Edit:  To make this interactive, have you discovered any new crushes from the Olympics??


ily sfm. nao plz go away.

Friday February 19, 2010 at 7:30 PM

So Im sitting her with the Pretty Princess being lazy in the home on a Friday night like the old couple we pretend we are.

Im on the laptop playing around int he forest and talking on twitter reading a fic and trying not to read CF, whatever.

David, however is playing some overly violent video game with someone online and is eating a peanut butter sandwich. Gross.

I notice a while back that both of us have the most rediculous pet peeves. He hates the sound my typing makes and I want to break that damn game with all the shooting then toss that nasty ass sandwich out the window. Yet, we're still sitting here. I guess we kinda just get over those pet peeves.

Was that how it was for you all? What things did your significant other go that bugged you? Did you get over them.? 

What are your pet peeves? Im being nosey. Humor me.


Drunk in the forest?

Friday February 19, 2010 at 7:29 PM

Ranger Tor is drunk somewhere in Canada right now. I have been with her when she is drinking and she is delightfully funny. She has asked for a DRUNK POST!!!!

So tell us campers-are you drunk? are you planning to get drunk?

Tell us some funny drunken stories!





Friday February 19, 2010 at 7:29 PM

Two of my friends have forgotten their passwords for this site and they cannot figure out who or how to ask for help.  Anyone got an idea?  Thanks so much!


I'm a Gleek

Friday February 19, 2010 at 7:17 PM

 I saw the new Glee promo today!


I'm so excited! Madonna is allowing them to use her entire catalog. Joss Whedon is directing an episode, Molly Shannon and supposedly Neil Patrick Harris will be guest stars!

Anyone as pumped as me?

Where all are my gleeks at?





A Contest You Don't Have to Write Anything For!

Friday February 19, 2010 at 7:00 PM

So, your faithful Rangers think ADF needs to pitch a tent over on iTunes (I just made myself laugh there, don't mind me).  

What say you, campers?  Feel like providing some entertainment?


Well here's your chance to host your own very own ADF Podcast.  Rob likes Podcasts - see?

Ranger wolvesnvamps and Ranger Tor are launching a new contest to find the best talent in the fandom to host a weekly podcast here at ADF.  Don't you want to give them something interesting to listen to while they camp out and toast their S'mores and drink their weight in club soda?  


We know you're all talented - so here's your chance to shine.  You have to follow a few guides along your trails, or else they'll be forced to throw your entry into the campfire.  Curious?

These are the rules:

1. All submissions must be in a MediaFire .mp3 format and a link to the file should be emailed to no later than MIDNIGHT on 3/5/10.

2.  Please keep the topics to all things TWI-VERSE. Fandom wank, fanfiction, movies, books, actors-just as long as it is Twi-verse related. Although you can get a little raunchy, please keep the language clean.

3. Podcasts cannot be longer than 15 minutes. Anything longer than that becomes fuel for the campfire, and will be disqualified.

4. No threesomes please! We are looking for soloists and duos only!!

5. Deadline for entry is MIDNIGHT, Friday, March 5th.

6. Only ONE entry per team or person please!

The winners will host their own weekly 30-minute podcast with wolvesnvamps and Tor as your Executive Producers.  You will also be required to allot 15 minutes from your first Podcast to allow WTVOC and myself to debate the awesomeness of Red vs. Purple Drank, and serve as moderator to said debate and the subsequent fisticuffs to determine superiority (just kidding...kinda).

So, go forth and be creative - send us your best.  Ranger wolvesnvamps and Ranger Tor can't wait to hear from you!

Questions?  Ask away!




The Batman Debate

Friday February 19, 2010 at 6:50 PM

My husband and I got into a shouting match  healthy debate the other day about who was the best Batman.  Now, I know you're wondering, "What does Batman have to do with Twilight?" Well, we were watching the George Clooney Batman (you know, the really awful one?) and I thought to myself, George Clooney was in that movie with Anna Kendrick and she's Jessica Stanley!  Maybe I should write a seven degrees of Twilight book if there isn't one already.  But, I digress.  There have been so many Batmans and I did a google search on it and apparently there are some people who are pretty passionate about this.  I figured I would ask all the intelligent folks on ADF and see what their opinion was!  I love Friday free for all.

So, is it...

Michael Keaton?

Val Kilmer?


George Clooney?

Christian Bale? *cough, cough*

or, just for the heck of it,  Adam West 


Furthermore, if a Batman fight broke out, which Batman would come out on top?

I need fuel to prove I am right and my husband is wrong...I picked Christian Bale :)


Hold the phone...

Friday February 19, 2010 at 6:41 PM

What IS that?

The Russian trailer has new scenes from Remember Me.

Tattoo?  Sharpie from a drunken night?  Oddly shaped patch of Rob's chest hair?

Or maybe it's just a goof on the yt vid and I'm imagining it. 

Look at it.  1:11.  Am I crazy?




Friday February 19, 2010 at 6:33 PM

Trainwreck is back and this week I reveal how pathetic I am when I compare Twilight to a relationship.

So, campers, what is Twilight to you?  Fling or Long Term?


A fan fic of a fan fic....

Friday February 19, 2010 at 5:49 PM

What do you think would happen if someone, other than Sleepyvalentina, continued Art After 5?
Or, if a fan of Wide Awake wrote an Edward who hated cookies?

A Bella that never remembered who she was in Retrograde....
An IRA Edward that doesn't make it at the end..

What would you do if someone wrote a fan fiction of a fan fiction? I've heard of things like this happening in huge fandoms before.


Our fandom also seems highly protective of the written works therein. Would you let this fly? Love the new view? The different arc? 

Authors, would you find this flattering? Given that the proper credit was awarded you? (The characters are SM's, the orginal storyline belongs to yadda yadda)

Ladies, the word is Winnebago...Discuss.



Outtake #1 of Unraveled Knot!

Friday February 19, 2010 at 5:12 PM


HEY, HEY, HEY!!! The first outtake for Unraveled Knot just posted!!! More Skye you say? GO READ!!!!!

Did I mention that this wonderful fic has been nominated for TWO INDIES?!?!


The Things We Do For Love!

Friday February 19, 2010 at 4:52 PM

Love makes us do crazy things.  Real life and fiction are full of examples of people who've done some bizzaro things for the people they care about. 

Well.... I am no exception.  A few months ago, I entered my husband into RedBook magazines Hot Husband contest, partly because I do think he's a hot number and partly because it was the goofy type of thing the two of us do for each other.  I didn't anticipate anything coming of it. That was until a few weeks ago when we found out he was a finalist in the contest.

So I am "popping my campfire cherry" with this desperate cry for help ....

Will you help me get him voted in as the Hot Husband for 2010?!?

Here he is - for your viewing pleasure (I hope.  And Yes - it feels kind of wrong pimping my hubby out like this!)


vote here:

I would love if you would click and vote - and then come back and tell me:

What is the craziest thing you've ever done for love? ( and can it top begging strangers to vote on the attractiveness of your mate?)

(I know Free For all Friday is "in full effect", but Ranger wtvoc did approve this message - thanks.... and I am off to find some Bones to watch - I promise!)





Dear Fandom

Friday February 19, 2010 at 4:36 PM

I'm relatively new to Twi FF Fandom and I've been really disturbed by some of the drama that has arisen in the last few months.  I'm a lurker in this fandom.  I didn't review many stories for a long time, I followed ppl on Twitter, made a comment or two to a few authors, but never really made a solid connection with any of them.  Mostly because RL is a beyotch and I didn't really have the time to devote to being involved in the social networking stuff.

I did notice, however, as I lurked during those random moments, that a lot of negativity within the fandom started to become more prevalent.  I'm pretty easy going.  I really try not get too involved in the little dramas that are aired publicly.  I've enjoyed my limited interactions with all the authors I've had contact with and I admire all of them for having the moxie to put themselves out there creatively.  Not everyone can do...not everyone should, but everyone that does should be given credit for their participation.  Everybody is different.  Because of that, there will never be a time that everyone agrees about who's writing is the best, what story is the best, etc.  We're all here because we love (to the point of obsession, and sometimes to the point of stalker) Twilight or Robward or Kristella or any combination of the three.  

So it was a bit disheartening when all this pettiness started to cloud the reason that brought us together.   Many a talented writer bounced the fandom because of such pettiness and the only result in that is our fandom loses a talented storyteller and we become angry and bitter and bitchy.  Each and every one of the authors who contribute to the fandom do so without compensation, save the reviews we give them.  Whether you agree with what they write or the direction of their story, ask yourself, "can I do better?" If you can, write your own fic and share it with the rest of us.  Don't be rude and bitchy and publicly degrade it on the random social networks, unless whatever they are doing is something that they could be arrested for in RL.

It's fiction ppl.  It's suppose to be fun and an escape for both the writers and readers.  If you don't like it, stop reading it and move on to the next fic.  There are PLENTY to choose from.  Of course everyone has an opinion which they can express freely.  But every time you choose to air your opinion in a public forum, you cloud the judgement of everyone who follows you, whether intentional or not.  

Twilight, and Edward and Bella's story is about love and devotion; good and bad, right or wrong.  I, for one, am grateful to ALL the authors of the fics I've read because their stories, whether they were my cup of tea or not, touched me in one way or another.  I applaud their talent and guts because it takes courage to open yourself to criticism, knowing not everyone will love or even like your story.  

So thank you to all the authors out there, whether I've read your stuff or not, for sharing your fic with all of us, your love of Twi/Robward-Kristella/smut-smexing-pr0n/etc.  You give me the escape I need from RL and I greatly appreciate it!!  


A Strawberry by any other name...

Friday February 19, 2010 at 3:57 PM

...Is STILL a freaking strawberry!

I'm well aware most of you know this but I have a point. Trust.

Hello everyone. I thought it was about high time I make my way over to the forest. Seriously, I've been hearing about the awesome campfires here and smores that are to die for! When was the last time you had a good, honest to god, smore made somewhere other than your kitchen zap frying chocolate in the microwave or trying to balance graham crackers over your stove without killing yourself in a "made for TV" way?

Moving on, I'm EndellionSinClaire. Feel free to call me any snippet of that name. I'll probably answer to all of them. Actually, don't call me dell. My customer service is far worse than theirs if you can believe it.

So...Strawberries. Yummy stuff right? Assuming you're not allergic. Something really bothers me about the little suckers though.

In just about every piece of writing in the twilight community, canon or otherwise, Bella has strawberry scented shampoo. If we're to believe Edward from MS and everywhere else he's "penned", it smells divine. Her scent is intoxicating yadda yadda yadda and so on. We get it. now it's true that I won't spend a fortune on shampoo but that doesn't mean I haven't had my fair share of different brands with locks like mine. A rat's nest is probably the more appropriate term. It's very possible that the canon Edward that never dared to show his face in BD is tangled up somewhere in this hot mess.

Anyway, this little tidbit about Bella has never really made sense for me. I've come across a LOT of shampoo and I've NEVER experienced strawberry shampoo that ever came within miles of the real scent of strawberries. Given the nature of vampires, wouldn't Edward probably be turned off by this fake "months old candy from halloween" smell?

The only shampoos I've ever seen with a strawberry scent really weren't something I would want my hypothetical vampires soul mate to see in my bathroom, let alone massage in to my scalp when we inevitably end up in the shower/bath together. I would imagine a number of fics are manifesting in everyone's minds. It's really not sensual to be nude up against the reincarnation of Eros in the shower only to see him reach for the shampoo and grab on to this...

Naturally, as a mature young woman beyond her years, Bella only buys the highest quality Loreal Kids shampoo. nothing less will do. Who knew it was Edward's other kryptonite? Makes you wonder what else we don't know....

Really Now SMeyer. Midnight Sun PLEASE!


For funsies...

Friday February 19, 2010 at 3:17 PM

 I'm abusing the Friday Free For All by posting this monstrosity....

Yes, that's right...a Jersey Shore Nickname generator.  Love it or hate it, it's a good way to waste a minute of your time when you're bored...

My nickname is "The Rack"...What's your's?

***FIST PUMP!***



Friday February 19, 2010 at 3:07 PM






i'm sobbing in my pillow, jsyk 



River Dam

Friday February 19, 2010 at 2:47 PM


Rver Dam won't be updating this Sunday...BUT!  it's not abandoned at all.  It just had to take a backseat to real life...and Jennyfly is once again trying to narrowly escape death.  She is sick again. 

Feel free to leave your well wishes or pick at her estate in this thread.


new Moon - Hillywood style

Friday February 19, 2010 at 1:26 PM

Happe weekend people!


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