I'm relatively new to Twi FF Fandom and I've been really disturbed by some of the drama that has arisen in the last few months. I'm a lurker in this fandom. I didn't review many stories for a long time, I followed ppl on Twitter, made a comment or two to a few authors, but never really made a solid connection with any of them. Mostly because RL is a beyotch and I didn't really have the time to devote to being involved in the social networking stuff.
I did notice, however, as I lurked during those random moments, that a lot of negativity within the fandom started to become more prevalent. I'm pretty easy going. I really try not get too involved in the little dramas that are aired publicly. I've enjoyed my limited interactions with all the authors I've had contact with and I admire all of them for having the moxie to put themselves out there creatively. Not everyone can do...not everyone should, but everyone that does should be given credit for their participation. Everybody is different. Because of that, there will never be a time that everyone agrees about who's writing is the best, what story is the best, etc. We're all here because we love (to the point of obsession, and sometimes to the point of stalker) Twilight or Robward or Kristella or any combination of the three.
So it was a bit disheartening when all this pettiness started to cloud the reason that brought us together. Many a talented writer bounced the fandom because of such pettiness and the only result in that is our fandom loses a talented storyteller and we become angry and bitter and bitchy. Each and every one of the authors who contribute to the fandom do so without compensation, save the reviews we give them. Whether you agree with what they write or the direction of their story, ask yourself, "can I do better?" If you can, write your own fic and share it with the rest of us. Don't be rude and bitchy and publicly degrade it on the random social networks, unless whatever they are doing is something that they could be arrested for in RL.
It's fiction ppl. It's suppose to be fun and an escape for both the writers and readers. If you don't like it, stop reading it and move on to the next fic. There are PLENTY to choose from. Of course everyone has an opinion which they can express freely. But every time you choose to air your opinion in a public forum, you cloud the judgement of everyone who follows you, whether intentional or not.
Twilight, and Edward and Bella's story is about love and devotion; good and bad, right or wrong. I, for one, am grateful to ALL the authors of the fics I've read because their stories, whether they were my cup of tea or not, touched me in one way or another. I applaud their talent and guts because it takes courage to open yourself to criticism, knowing not everyone will love or even like your story.
So thank you to all the authors out there, whether I've read your stuff or not, for sharing your fic with all of us, your love of Twi/Robward-Kristella/smut-smexing-pr0n/etc. You give me the escape I need from RL and I greatly appreciate it!!