
Effing Avatars

Sunday February 21, 2010 at 12:29 PM


 I'm a wolf girlie and I want to use a photo of the hotness that I have on file. Problem is it's too big, does anyone know how to resize and reduce pixels I have tried to use ms paint, no luck there, help!!!!!!!!!


Let's write a story together!

Sunday February 21, 2010 at 11:54 AM

 OK, so I came up with this really cool idea! Read Meg Cabot's diary earlier, and she's doing this real cool thing on twitter, where she started with a sentence, and then someone tweeted the next sentence and so on of a story. So let's do that with Edward and Bella! (because I prefer reading ExB stories)

Ok, now I just have to come up with a beginning...


I didn't usually walk in to trees. In fact, as long as I could avoid banging my head into one, I did. But, of course, sometimes fate just wasn't on my side. 

Ok, yeah, I know. More than one sentence. But I think that you can write as many sentence as you want! And this beginning was just the first thing that popped up inside of my head, don't be too hard on me :( So, feel free to continue!



Sunday February 21, 2010 at 10:56 AM

If ya see anything.....put it in here!


Pictures and video of Robert are in the thread-keep them coming!


Alex Day reads Twilight Ch.8+9

Sunday February 21, 2010 at 9:27 AM


A hilarious commentary of Twilight by Alex Day. Search his channel for the previous chapters :)


Appreciation with a twist

Sunday February 21, 2010 at 7:17 AM

 We have love posts, we have silly light hearted posts, but let's get down to brass tacks and do a flat out appreciation post...

but it's going to have a twist.

Going with the usuals is great, but let's build in a new layer.  Give me something about someone new...not part of your closest circle....let's push the boundaries.


I appreciate profmom for keeping me grounded, gustariana for making me be the grounder (that sounds wrong), daisy3853 for being my perky girl, starshinedown for being her fabulous sarcastic self, and theheartoflifeisgood (aka regina falange) for being all that and a bag of chips.

I also appreciate Chicklette for being such a lovely person who I am really enjoying getting to know.  I appreciate grown.ass.woman for her silliness and robpicspam (even tho we agree to disagree).  I appreciate Greeengoldfish for having the strongest sense of self I've ever seen. And finally, I appreciate Stretch for always keeping it real.

What about you? Who do you appreciate?  Who do you wish you knew better?  Let's open it up and get the conversations going :) 


new author

Sunday February 21, 2010 at 6:52 AM

I just started a new ff and I am a brand new author.  I have 2 questions.  May be stupid, but I'll ask anyway.

1.  to those of you who read...when you find a ff that you like, do you immediately add it to your story alert?    and

2.  to those of you who write...do you always use a beta?


any input is much appreciated!



Too much?

Sunday February 21, 2010 at 3:04 AM

So there was this post earlier regarding the use of clichés in the fanfic word, and I started to type away on an embarrassingly long list when I suddenly had a moment of... something and  now I feel kind of conflicted. To be honest, I've seen most of these clichés and sometimes they bore/annoy me too. BUT then I realized it is fanfic. It's mostly non-writers/aspiring writers writing for fun. It is written based on one book series (a YA book nonetheless), or one book and the fanfiction read about that book, most people read these and see how well they did/do and so they use it for their own fics. Even through using the same material writers will end up in significantly different places, it is unavoidable that there will be overlaps, overused expressions and some similarities if everyone is working from the same source. Also, this makes me feel like a burnt out film critic, who will diss every movie for lack of originality, when in fact he has just seen too many and is in a bit of a crisis of where to go from there, because he can no longer enjoy them like he used to. A crappy example, but I liked Enchanted when I saw it the first time, but after my sister started watching it multiple times daily somehow I find that I would pick nails scratching blackboard over Amy Adams' voice. I admit some of the fanfic I read first would make me cringe now. I mean, no question, I want original ideas and intriguing plot lines, fresh characters without these clichés but I don't necessarily expect them from fanfic. I buy a book. Of course sometimes I find them in fic, but it does not happen frequently and that makes it even more fantastic. (BTW books don't always give the experience either. I just started reading Hunger Games, when after a few chapters in I realized as good as it is, I felt like I've read it somewhere. It turns out it's basically a rip off of Battle Royal. I don't mean to be a cultural chauvinist, but it's easier to read in this form, however the concept is basically the same.)

So what I really wanted to say, is that proof that I read way too much fanfic and even the ones ridden with clichés, is that I could have written that really long list. So yes, that made me kind of introspective. There is only so much entertainment Twilight can give, even with fanfic. Maybe the reason they annoy/bore us so much is that we have a bit of Twilight overload? Just a question, but it is kind of the conclusion that came to me, but really do we expect Twilight through fanfic to cover that much of our literary needs? My basic question is: Aren't we expecting too much?

(BTW I found a list of harlequin metaphors for penis, and I feel that scepter of  joy as a euphemism is not adequately exploited by the fandom.)



Saturday February 20, 2010 at 10:23 PM

i just finish my 3rd reread of Scotch, Gin and The New Girl and everytime i read it and i know that the end chapter is getting nearer and nearer, i get really really sad and depressed. *wipes tears and runs to momma

i miss wtvoc's edward and jandco's bella.

favorite line's?

You can never regret loving someone—and that is the one true and honest thing I learned from Edward that night.

Even when you should hate, or hit, or run like hell from that certain painful heartbreak—you just can never regret truly and purely loving someone. No matter how it ends.

So…when the most beautiful and hurtful thing that has ever or will ever happen to me was over…there was nothing left.







Eclipse soundtrack wish list

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 10:07 PM




I'm thinking about the New Moon soundtrack. It was a definite improvement over Twilight, in my opinion. There were many songs that captured the emotions and tone well. Possibility by Lykke Li stands out for the blank months. Slow Life by Grizzly Bear was also excellent during the underwater scene. Another favorite of mine was Hearing Damage by Thom Yorke. The entire scene in the woods with Victoria was severely improved by that song.


My question is: What songs or bands do you have in mind for Eclipse. What do you think would capture the emotions and intensity of the book? It doesn't have to be current. I'm just trying to capture the feeling.


My personal pick for E & B

All I need by Radiohead


Some songs from Meyers playlist: I love them all. Good call Meyer!


Blackout by Muse--Excellent song choice--heavy with emotion


New Born by Muse--Would be killer for the fight scene


Hysteria by Muse--Meyer has said she wrote this as the soundtrack to the Jacob kiss in the woods



WTVOC is intruding my dreamyland!

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 10:05 PM

I had the weirdest dream last night....

WTVOC had sent me a locket, with the pic of dear old DB in it!

I was running around my house, trying to understand the meaning behind it. My sis asks me who sent it to me, and that who's that guy (please forgive her ignorant ass).

I said, "yeah, someone I know..." (I cannot reveal my FF/Twi obsession outside. meh...)

Then the scene shifts, and I see DB hanging around my house, Emily Deschanel is with him, of course. BUT, there's a huge ass but there. HE'S ANGEL, the VAMPIRE! Not Seeley Booth. Oh lord!

I'm trying to wrap my mind around it all, and he's all, "hey, WTVOC sent me here. You want me to call her?"

I thought, wow, WTVOC is greatness! (along with how must I get Angel/DB a little bit closer to me. hehe)

Then someone from my family shouts at someone (it's a mad house, I tell ya), and I wake up. DB was going to call her for me, I would've talked to her!

Okay, crazy, crazy dreams... yeah.

WTVOC, you must have infiltrated my mind or something, because I never dreamt of DB before! haha...



Saturday February 20, 2010 at 9:49 PM

Has your opinion changed of people in the fandom (authors or readers) after how seeing how they interact with others or what they say?




Saturday February 20, 2010 at 9:24 PM

Okay, so I'm not sure if this is allowed but i suppose we'll see.

I've just started my first story, and am in desperate need of a beta. Anybody interested ?



Prototype of Bromance

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 8:23 PM

I'm sort of in love with the idea of bromances.

Matt and Ben. George and Brad. Dre and Eminem.

They're epic! And so gosh durn homosocially cute! Tolkien certainly thoughts so.

Flight of the Conchords says this: "If you would permit me, ... can't a heterosexual guy, tell a heterosexual guy, that he thinks his booty WAS fly?" <--- Question of the AGES

So, tell me your favorite bromances. Have there been any fanfics where Edward and Jasper were just particularly awesome together? Or tell me your favorite celeb/fictional bromances!

Really, I'll use anything as an excuse for this gif



Saturday February 20, 2010 at 7:57 PM

Hi!  My name is Marcie and this is my first campfire.  Hope all is well in The Forest tonight.  Hopefully I can make this campfire interactive.

I went to check my email today and realized that due to a glitch all of my emails in my inbox had been deleted....like gone forever.  This really freaked me out because I leave chapters in there after I have read them so I remember which ones I need to go back and review. 

So it got me thinking...if you review...do you review immediately after reading a chapter or do you let it swirl around in your head before you review?  Do you have a way to track which chapters you still need to review?

I used to be one that had to get my thoughts on the chapter down as soon as I read but lately I find myself letting the chapter sink in for a bit before I review.


For you viewing please


 ETA:  Sorry that pic was smaller than I thought :)



Let's Bond Over Earworms...

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 7:35 PM

UrbanDictionary.com defines an 'Earworm' as 'A song with an 'addictive' element (hook, melody, lyric) that draws people into listening multiple times. Song doesn't have to be good or bad, it just needs to have that 'addictive' element.'

Me?  I've got this sucker stuck in my head.  Which is frightening to be honest, because this video scared the everloving hell out of me as a child.  THERE ARE MUMMIES OMG.



So, campers?  What earworms are taking over your cute little heads right now?

Post YouTubes in the comments or else...or else I'll karaoke MMMBop and make a fanfid with it playing over Edward's attempted sparkly suicide in Volterra.  Trust me when I tell you that no one wants that to happen.



Cliches in the fanfic world

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 6:51 PM

Okay so I totally admit I had some wine with dinner with the husband, and i'm sure this has been covered...

Let's just start by saying that some of my fav-o-rite fics have these "things" in them and I love them anyway...but here are some of my top *YIKES* about fanfiction:

1. Tongues fighting for dominance
2. heated cores or centers
3. people 'hissing' at physical contact (or for any reason, really)
4. Bella blushing full body so Edward "knows" what Bella's thinking
5. all the damn lip biting done by Bella, the chick would be lipless if it really happened so often
6. clumsiness to where she'd be considered on the short bus if it wasn't Bella
7. Alice being referred to as "pixie"
8. makeovers for Bella aka "Barbie Bella"
9. Why does Alice always have Halloween parties where they dress like sluts?

I guess that's it for now..what are some of yours? OH and I totally need an avatar, have no idea how...

PS I get giddy when Jandco posts a comment on a thread of mine


Can I haz da funny?

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 6:39 PM

I think we all had similar reactions when the first set pictures of Rob working on Bel Ami hit the internet. Some of us drooled, some of us started chain reactions of phone calls and texts to fellow fans, and others...immediately went to www.bfro.net/ or Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.

I'm well aware that there are so many things wrong with that statement that I probably can't even save myself, but I'm going to try.

When I first saw the Bel Ami set pictures I had an odd reaction. no it has nothing to do with Rob's feet. You can't even see them! I was flipping through the pictures when one of them gave me a vague sense of deja vu. My fellow nerds out there might already know what I'm talking about. When I say nerd, I'm talking cryptozoology level of nerd. Watch discovery channel for fun level of nerd. Played with dinosaurs as a child instead of barbies level of nerd. Monty Python DAMMIT!

Anyway, it occurred to me that one of the poses Rob was snapped in is VERY similar to another document most of us, nerd or not, have seen before.

Well that's one mystery solved. now about that loch ness monster...

[Yes I made that meme, don't make me piss all over it to claim ownership. I'm not in the mood.]


Who are you like?

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 6:35 PM

Which character(s) are you most like from Twilight? It can be in personality, what you look like, or what you like to do...


Personally, I'm like:

-Alice because I'm super hyper and talkative and love to shop

-Emmett because I bring teh lulz

-Bella because I'm the biggest Klutz ever. And I guess she's the one I look most like because I have long, straight brown hair and poop-colored eyes chocolate orbs of wonder...


What have you bought lately?

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 5:03 PM

It's Saturday which usually means that I go out and shop and spend WAY more than I wanted to. 

I went to Sephora today. MAJOR mistake. I never keep to my budget there. I bought new mascara, new lipstick, new eyeshadow and new blush. (all NARS)


So share with me please-What have you bought lately?


This post was ranger approved! Thank you!



Twilight Totally Invented Werewolves

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 4:24 PM

So I just found this article on my fav news site, gawker, and I literally LOL-ed. Oh, the sheer brilliance of some of these people in the fandom. It is the most honest form of free entertainment. Please don't ever  change.  


Twilight Totally Invented Werewolves and The Wolfman Is Just Copying


You guys, our sistah from anotha mistah Kayla Patterson, a dedicated Twilight fan, is reeeally mad at Universal. Why? Because their movieThe Wolfman, starring Benicio del Toro as himself, totally copied the whole werewolf thing from New Moon, right???


That is sort of what an actual person actually argued, in an actual email that wasallegedly sent to the actual Universal Pictures movie studio in essence addressed to Universal, but sent to a site called Latino Review. Kyla is a crazed Twihard (or Twilighter, it's sort of like the Trekkie vs. Trekker debate) fan and she just can't stand seeing Stephenie Meyer's beautiful from-whole-cloth invention, which is werewolves, copied and ruined. Look, look:

This movie was a complete waste and I feel that it offends ALL Twilight Fans around the world, that including myself. For one, it was a COMPLETE remakingof the Wolf Pack from the Twilight Saga: New Moon. It gives the werewolves a bad name and makes them look like some deformed mutation of a rabid dog. I actually started to like werewolves after seeing Jacob Black and all his awesomeness on the big screen at the movies. That was until I saw your crappy remake of what you call to be a "were wolf". I don't see how you live with yourself for making it the way you did. If I made this movie, I would be ashamed to even admit that I owned it. How can a werewolf be killed with a silver bullet*? Better yet, have you saw the transformation of the man that is "supposed" to be the wolf? He sits in some chair and his entire body turns in to some mutated freak. If you would watch the transformation of Jacob Black, (Taylor Lautner) he doesn't come close to looking as fake, cheap and or mutated as the wolf man. You tell me, who looks to be the better werewolf. Your stupid Wolf Movie didn't even make the top Movie for the charts; Valentines Day WITH TAYLOR Lautner! Get that this is MY oppinion and I felt I wanted to express it because I saw that your email was on your site. I wanted to let you know this is what i thought of the wolf man that sucks.

I can't even! That's just like insane and wonderful in every possible way. God bless America. Angel Moroni bless Stephenie Meyer. And thank heavens to Film Drunk, where we found this beautiful missive.

I couldn't resist posting this, I just smile every time I see it:



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