The Red Line

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 6:08 PM

 I really enjoyed the fic the Red Line and the author winndsinger said at the end that she was planning a sequel.But I haven't seen it posted on FF.

Does anyone know if she posted it somewhere else????



Lost Post

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 6:08 PM

I'm doing this for my darling Tricia. She's a bit under the weather.


Emibella has dubbed me ADF's very own John Locke, as I'm back from the dead. ROFL I think I need an icon.



Jack shirtless?

I saw a sneak peak and Jack looks hot. js js.

emibella and I want to run our very own lost chat one day soon, yell out if you are interested.


that's A.M.O.R.E.!

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM

It was a recent post comment by laSerenade that prompted this, but I have been considering it for a while.  Come join our group, we have a catchy name, we are...

That's A.M.O.R.E.!

which stands for All-For Men Of Reasonably-Sized Erections!

(I can say that word here, can't I? I hope so).

Comment and show your support for our cause now!



Canon question

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 5:18 PM

I was writing earlier and I had a canon question that I was wondering if anyone knew the answer to.

Does anyone know how long Edward stayed with his family in NM, before he left to track Victoria? I can't find the answer, and I was wondering if it was ever mentioned anywhere. Or if there even was an answer

Oh and to make this more interactive: 


And that way maybe we can all help each other out. Ask away campers.


How to write a lemon

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 5:16 PM

Anyone have advice on how to get over some internal Lemon block? I have a story posted and another one on the back burner that have dead stopped because of my inability to write the lemon. Now, the lemons are necessary so I can't gloss over them.

I've thought about just writing them and forcing it out, but that feels wrong.

Any advice from y'all?


I'm bored!

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 5:09 PM

So, I just finished re-reading YGMCTG and now I'm completely bored and in desperate need of something new to read, having absolutely nothing better to do in this horrible rainy - yet hot as hell - night! I'm craving some hot, badass, human Edward and snarky, funny Bella. Any good rec's? Pretty please? x)

PS: Ignore my bad English please! Thank you. *sigh*



Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 4:03 PM

If you haven't already heard, The Elite by Fate.of.Gabriel is being plagairized here. She changed the some of the characters, but there is literally word for word copying. She was asked in reviews to take it down; she responded by being bitchy and acting like it was her own.

The account is obviously a sock, as it was created two days before she posted the first chapter. She claims to be 16, but who knows.

I ask that you report but don't review. She honestly enjoys seeing the number go up. If you really feel the need to say something, PM her, but I can tell you she won't take it down willingly.

Pass on the word, people. Plagiarism and general doucheness isn't cool.

ranger note: thank you for helping out the gabe.  the offending story has been pulled by the gods.  and thanks for bringing this to the forest, jess. <3


trailer anyone?

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 3:48 PM



RANGER EDIT: This is a fan-made trailer. It is very well-done-she has talent! Please just specify in the future that it is fan-made. Thank you!


The Reader's Bill of Rights

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 3:40 PM

Thanks for all of your support last night. My aunt send me this randomly in e-mail today, and I thought I'd share it with you. 

I think it's kinda cool.

Readers have:

 1. The right to not read.
 2. The right to skip pages.
 3. The right to not finish.
 4. The right to reread.
 5. The right to read anything.
 6. The right to escapism.
 7. The right to read anywhere.
 8. The right to browse.
 9. The right to read out loud.
 10. The right not to defend your tastes."

 -Pennac, Daniel, Better Than Life, Coach House Press, 1996.

you're still the one i kiss goodnight

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 2:41 PM

so i was at the post office, mailing gifts to pulsepoint and thevulva...

when my effing vehicle died on me.  took a poop right there in the parking lot and refused to budge.

i called mr. wtvoc.

within 45 minutes he had left a meeting, picked up a new battery (hooray for phone diagnosis-ing), replaced it, and even topped off my windshield wiper fluid.  then he went back to work.

(if that story didn't turn you on... he fixes helicopters for a living.  and he's six feet tall with black (peppery lol) hair and blue eyes.

:') i love that man

tell me about the real people in your lives that you adore...


Chapter Missing?

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 2:40 PM

So i'm revisiting one of my faves, "YGMCTG" by americnxidiot, and chapter 11 is missing? Is that right? Does anyone know if this is a mistake cause I can't remember the story exactly and maybe it's just a false chapter for some reason, and i'm not missing any content?


Burberry Prorsum LFW Autumn/Winter 2010

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 2:36 PM

Actress Kristen Stewart wearing Burberry attends the Burberry Prorsum LFW Autumn/Winter 2010 Women’s wear show
 * credit to make_me_irish from lion_lamb


ETA: Just wanted to add one where she smiles :D


More pics inside!


Looking for Story

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 1:53 PM

Hi! Looking for what I thought was here in the forest, but I either have the title or the author wrong!

Suicide Kinds by racktghost ??


Twilight’ Inspired Tanning Lotion?!

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 1:21 PM


Yes  you read correctly! There is now a Twilight inspired tanning lotion. 

Isn’t that like … an oxymoron?! Twilight + Vampires = Pale and sparkly. Not tan! This must be a wolf pack thing  LMAO

What will they come up with next the already have a twilight inspired vibrator i think things have gone just a little to far



How do you write?????

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 1:14 PM

 So I'm thinking about writing a story. I'll prob chicken out and won't do it but I'm curious about fan fic writers......

How do you write?????

Do you have the whole story planned out chapter by chapter?

If you plan out chapters in advance are they detailed breakdowns or more general just with the main developments e.g chap 1 E/B meet or would it also include what they were doing/thinking etc?

Do you write the whole or a large portion of the story before you have uploaded chapter one?

Do you just release the first chapter and then go from there?

And anything else you can think of that I haven't asked.

As I said I'll prob chicken out and not publish but was curious about the process you guys use.....

Enquiring minds wanna know : )










Yea-running out to buy this one-NOT

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 12:54 PM



Vampires, werewolves and, of course, the people who love them have been very good to writer Stephenie Meyer. The writer, creator of the mega-selling Twilight series of vampire novels, has achieved that rarest of feats for modern authors: She’s become a celebrity, a household name.

Meyer’s comic biography resonated with fans of the Twilight novels and movies. Bluewater, in fact, sold out of several runs of the comic, making it one of the most successful of the company’s hot-selling line of biography comics. That’s why, this edition called “Twilight Unbound: The Stephenie Meyer Story”, will release a new hard cover version of Meyer’s story.

Last year, Meyer also became a comic-book star. Bluewater Productions in November released Female Force: Stephenie Meyer, a graphic biography detailing Meyer’s rise from unknown writer to the guiding force behind one of the book industry’s top-selling franchises.

This new version will include updates on the success of New Moon, the most recent Twilight film, and a look at Meyer’s future plans for Edward and Bella, the romantic leads of her vampire books. The book will also be stuffed with extras, making it a must-buy for Twilight fans.

The collectable version with new features will be the first hard cover for Bluewater retail for $12.99. Written by Ryan Burton with art by David McNeil, the comic is just the latest in Bluewater’s popular biography line. This series of biography comics has already highlighted such influential women as Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, Sarah Palin, Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton. The series’ goal is to examine the lives of these important figures in an objective and balanced manner without resorting to sensationalism.

“The fan reaction to our original release of Female Force: Stephenie Meyer was amazing,” said Darren G. Davis, president of Bluewater Productions. “The positive response took even me by surprise. That’s why I’m so excited to release this new version of Meyer’s story. I hope her fans appreciate the new information and extras we were able to dig up for this edition of the book.”

Bluewater’s biography comics, which include the Female Force, Political Power and Fame lines, have been credited with bringing new readers to the comics industry. Many of these books have sold out of their initial print runs. Such mainstream media as MTV, Rolling Stone, Time Magazine and People Magazine have run stories on the books.

The book is scheduled for a release in May in time for the “Twilight: Eclipse” film. The book is now available for pre-order on




ADF VIP author process

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 12:45 PM

So gather us up around the campfire and tell us Rangers-how does a story/author get picked to be a VIP here in the forest?

Is there a list? What is the process?  Do you argue? Has everyone gotten in that you vote for? Do campers get to make recommendations?

Please tell me! I am very curious!


RP's "confession"

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 12:31 PM

I'm guessing the fandom is dismissing this:

as tabloid gossip (as am I) and ignoring the entire debaucle. I mean, it is The Sun. The paper isn't exactly known for it's groundbreaking expose's. But I am surprised no- one's mentioned it yet... To be fair we have heard it all before!


What are you reading that you love - with a twist

Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 10:27 AM

Well - I guess since we are still mid Olympics it should be a triple toe loop :)

I am coming out of work craziness right now, and looking for some new stories to catch my interest.  Before you start throwing them out - a few constraints:

- I prefer vamp these days - AU or Canon

- I'll happily take anything that has a good Em (big surprise)

- I don't want the buzz fics or usual suspects, I want good characterizations and off the beaten path.  Give me something that is averaging less than 75 reviews per chapter - WIP is fine. 

Let 'em rip....

 *** ETA  - if you are on the Indie Nom list - I already know about you - trust me on that one :)  You are all the reason I am losing my eyesight hehe



Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 10:25 AM

Sanctuary updated...and there is much to discuss!

go, read it and come back and give me your thoughts

and predictions for Father Edward.

I'll be sharing mine when I get my thoughts gathered coherently.

First --- | >> | 1279 | 1280 | 1281 | 1282 | 1283 | 1284 | 1285 | 1286 | 1287 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
