
Jackson talks Eclipse and Airbender

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 4:13 PM

Jackson talking about playing Jasper and other stuff:

But I really posted this to show off my new avi! HAH!!! Rangers, you can totally delete this if it isn't acceptable :)



I absolutely, positively love this article

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 3:52 PM

I don’t know about you guys, but one of my favorite, guiltiest pleasures is reading advice from writers on writing.  I suck down their admonishments, apply it to my own writing, and determine whether I think it’s bunk.  I play with the rules that they toss out, and they I try to examine the results with a critical eye.  Despite the fact that I write fanfiction, I’m guilty of the one cardinal sin in fandom:  I write it like it’s srs bsns. 

Thus, imagine my delight when I stumbled across this article on the interwebs today:

Ten Rules for Writing Fiction, Part I

There’s advice from Elmore Leonard, Margaret Atwood, Anne Enright, Neil frikkin Gaiman, PD James…you get the idea. 

And reading through these “rules,” I found a lot that I adhere to (Using adverbs is a mortal sin) and some that I don’t agree with (don’t write in public places), but I found that I started reading these rules and thinking then about my favorite fanfics, and found that a lot of those fics follow these rules as well. 

So, twific writers – do any of these “rules” work for you?  If so, which?  Readers, what do you think?  Is there a fic out there that is heavy with adverbs that you absolutely, unequivocally adore (swidt?)?  (Full disclosure – my nickname among those who love/hate me is Chicklette – the Adverb Slayer, but I’m willing to be swayed.)


This campfire was approved by Lillybellis.  :)



There are no words.

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 1:46 PM

Hydraulic Level 5 updated today.

This story owns my soul. No lie. 

I started reading HL5 when it was a mere five chapters in and immediately fell in love.  The storyline and charactarization are beautiful.  I love everything about it so I won't sit here and gush about how broken and sad Edward is and I just wanna shake him and yell at  him and the hold him all at the same time... oops. 

Anyways, the point is that if you are reading HL5 there is a lack of one thing that seems to erm... "pop up" in all Twifics. And yes, I'm talking about the schmexin'. 


As sexually frustrated these two are, HL5 needs no smut for filler. It's lovely without it. 

Have you read any other stories that are smut-less but still pwn you?

PS - I can't wait for them to finally dew eet.


PPS - pls take me on yer cruise ship.


PPPS - Someone just beat me to the HL5 post cause I wanted to make this one full of pretty.  Eff.


fangirl squeal!

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 1:43 PM

oh em gee!  Gondolier updated!!

Go read, go read!

How engrossing is Hydraulic Level 5?  VERY.



Saturday February 20, 2010 at 1:43 PM

 Just found a fic that is only 3 chapters long and has 2,565 reviews.

That has to be some sort of record, lol.



EPIC Twilight Fail

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 1:32 PM

So. This morning, I'm scanning my rapidly depleting list of favourites on my FF account and trying desperately to remember the name of a fic I'm sure I'm about halfway through reading, but haven't finished yet. I know that the last bit I read was something about Bella going to see Jake in La Push and being worried about Edward's reaction...

Then it dawns on me.

That would be Eclipse.


Indies Voting is Open

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 11:33 AM



Please go vote - there are some campers you might recognize and some other lovely stories


Search Option for Old Campfires

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 10:23 AM

hi everyone. i just started coming to ADF a little over a week ago i think. let me just say i love this site. i find lots of good rec's and information here. one thing i love about the campfires is the honesty. i love reading about and discussing fanfics and on this site people are not afraid to share what they really feel.

so because i am new to this site, i'm wondering if there is a way to search older topics and campfires that people have already discussed?



Gift Exchange Stuff

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 10:11 AM

This post was preapproved by jandco & company.

So, I run a community on LiveJournal called The Twilight Gift Exchange and I simply wanted a public place where I could explain a few things and make an apology.

First of all, the way the gift exchange works is that people sign up with a list of story prompts they'd like to see written. When they sign up with their wish list, they are also agreeing to write a story (or do artwork) for someone else in return. The thing is, they don't get to choose who they write for. With the help of my friend, Shug, <b>I</b> choose who writes which set of prompts.
Please stop and think about that for a minute. Based purely on previous work and a list of things the requestor says they like and don't like in fic, Shug & I tell people what they are going to write.
Not only that, but oftentimes instead of simply writing to the prompts, the author then takes into account the recipients individual tastes. Therefore, the story is truly written FOR the recipient.
Add to that the fact that there is a timelimit on the gift exchange and stories are turned in by a due date. The story has a minimum length requirement and it must be complete.
That is a very difficult set of hinderances to write under. 
It's hard to write under a specific set of prompts that the writer had no choice in taking.
It's hard to write a story when you're worried about <b>one</b> person really liking it more than anyone else.
It's hard to write under a time crunch.
Well, we're going to add to that... real life happens and those things are not posted as a disclaimer to a posted story. Computers crash, family members are unwell, RL comes into play and makes it difficult for authors to complete the stories that they promised. 
Outside readers are strongly encouraged to read and review, however... really... they have no idea what is involved in creating the stories that have been posted.
Sooo... what's the problem?
The gifts are posted anonymously.
The only people who know who wrote a specific story are: the author, their beta team, Shug, & me.
Yesterday, I posted on twitter a general comment about non-HEA stories. I didn't think about people tying it to a specific story simply because I frequently post this complaint on twitter. Of course, the comment was made after reading a couple of unnamed stories. So, for that, I apologise.
However, whereas I made a general comment about non-HEA stories that was more a general remark, others have made more specific comments. And because this is all anonymous, the author can't defend herself beyond replying to comments on the actual story...well... anonymously.
The worst part about this is that no one knows who this author is and... People don't know! It could very well be a favourite & beloved writer. It could be a good friend. It could be YOUR biggest fan. It could be a first-time writer. No one knows that her computer crashed and she lost her entire first version of the story. No one knows who the story was originally written for and what THAT original recipient likes to read. (Because, remember, the original recipient might have ASKED for a specific type of story.) 
So, while I'm grateful and would love for more people to read and review the gift exchange fics (PLEASE DO!!), I am also asking for people to keep everything else in mind. Writing under these conditions is difficult at best. Nothing about it is ideal. And it's important to keep in mind that specific circumstances can hinder the direction, quality, and universal appeal of a particular story.
Anonymous stories are not the place for critique and criticism. That is reserved for when the stories are posted at an archive under their pen name... please wait until there is a "face" attached to the story.
The things I do like this for fandom, I do because I really want to instill a sense of community. So, this sort of thing makes me sad. I like the peace, love, brotherhood... come on with the hippie music please. :)

Fics becoming books

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 9:57 AM

I know that this is a hot topic, and i'm not here to start an argument about taking fics off, having them published, etc.

My only thought is when I hear about this (one example - The Forbidden Room) is:

I wouldn't read a book about that if it didn't have my Twi Guys in it! There's alot of fics that are so good mostly because we're picturing Robert Pattinson in our heads or because we love the characters in the first place...the only one that truly would make a good novel without our beloved friends would be Wide Awake.

Just my two cents. Any others that you would read without them being Edward/Bella? If they were about two kids named Seymour and Lucy?


Um, Excuse Me... IMAX???

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 9:32 AM




The Twilight Saga Eclipse movie poster.jpg






Los Angeles, CA - December 9, 2009 - IMAX Corporation (NASDAQ: IMAX; TSX: IMX) and Summit Entertainment announced today that The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, the third film in the studio’sTwilight franchise, will be released to IMAX®theatres simultaneously with the film’s launch on June 30, 2010. Directed by David Slade (30 DAYS OF NIGHT, HARD CANDY) and starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse will be digitally re-mastered into the unparalleled image and sound quality of The IMAX Experience® with proprietary IMAX DMR® (Digital Re-mastering) technology. The crystal-clear images coupled with IMAX’s customized theatre geometry and powerful digital audio create a unique environment that will make audiences feel as if they are in the movie. The film franchise is based on the book series by Stephenie Meyer.

Twilight moviegoers will have a whole new way to experience this next installment of the series, with the enhanced image and sound quality of The IMAX Experience putting them IN the movie,” said Richie Fay, Summit Entertainment’s President of Domestic Theatrical Distribution. “The IMAX release puts us on the event film calendar for 2010, and we’re very excited to work with IMAX to bring a new kind of film to the IMAX theatre network.”

“Our 2010 film slate continues to fill out with strong titles, and a film from this incredible franchise is a very welcome addition,” said IMAX CEO Richard L. Gelfond. “This title fills a valuable spot in our 2010 summer release window, and will no doubt thrill IMAX audiences.”

“We’re very excited to work with our new partners at Summit Entertainment to transport the very loyal and enthusiastic Twilight fans into the world of the Volturi via The IMAX Experience,” added Greg Foster, Chairman and President of IMAX Filmed Entertainment. “With our growing theatre network, we’re poised to take advantage of the rapidly growing fan-base devoted to this dynamic, cutting edge series."







Keepin' Busy?

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 8:48 AM

So... what do you do? Are you currently employed? High-flying lawyer? Providing the world with much needed caffeine at Starbucks? Come share some funny stories from your place of work.

I'm a full-time student, training to be a primary school teacher (just writing up lesson plans on teeth. Some interesting experiments with hard-boiled eggs and cola) and I work part-time as a receptionist at a gym, which mostly involves sitting, drinking a lot of tea and trying to get people to swipe their membership cards the right way.

"No, turn it around. No, not upside down. Now swipe it through. No, turn it back the way you had it. No, swipe it towards you. TOWARDS YOU.... Ah screw it, just go in."


ranger announcement

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 8:32 AM

you've got about four hours left in the free-for-all! it ends at 3pm EST every saturday.

carry on.  and in this thread, let's talk about how you can't take any internet-generated wars seriously.

alternately, discuss how annoying it is when you post a oneshot that's marked "complete", and people wonder when you're gonna update.


Boycotts and barflies

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 7:23 AM

 So I'm sure everyone already knows about this but I decided to re-visit an old fav 'Boycotts and barflies' but couldn't find it. 

Did a google search for the title and realised the lady who wrote it has had it published and I just wanted to say how brilliant I thought that was.

Anyway I'm sure everyone else already knows and has discussed but I just wanted to say i think it's great and I love that story.

Does anyone know if she's planning on publishing 'We're going where'? Cos i love that one even more than boycotts.

I don't know vjgm but I just wanted to say well done, very cool!!!!

La Strana Musica

Everybody Scream!

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 7:13 AM

Remember when the slightest whisper of anything Twilight related gave you a bigger high that what one would get on a three day bender? If you seen or heard the stars name you would sqeaul, or if you heard complete strangers talking about RPattz and his spray-on-abs-of-heaven you would butt in?

What I'm wondering is:

Has there been a time when you have been guilty of a crime like this?



Does anyone know what happened to...

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 2:26 AM

Unplanned by Jayeliwood? Her FF profile mentions she's working on it but it seems to have disappeared.

I wondered if it might have been pulled as a result of the recent LU situation but some of her other stories are still up.


the stuff Legends are made of

Saturday February 20, 2010 at 12:08 AM

We all adore the pretty that is RPattz, but I would like to take the opportunity to appreciate the Reigning King of Pretty....Brad Pitt.

I’m sitting here watching Legends of the Fall and I have realized that no man (not even our dear Rob) will ever match the hotness of Brad Pitt in this movie. Dear Lord Tristan sets my loins on fire. 
It saddens me that THIS
Has turned into this
I mean this is the man that portrayed Achilles and was the first ever to be crowned Sexiest Man Alive TWICE.
Please campers share your favourite Brad Pitt pics and tell me what your favourite Pitt flick is.
p.s anyone who can find me the gif of this picture
would be my savoir.  
That hat tip makes me quiver....every time.

Bad Day

Friday February 19, 2010 at 10:55 PM

I'm having a bad day... ergh.

Can anyone rec me some fluff?
(Preferably E/B or A/J from Twilight, or Draco/Hermionie  or James/Lilly from Harry Potter?)

And perhaps tell me how you get rid of a bad mood? (besides from the obvious chocolate, of course!)



Friday February 19, 2010 at 10:36 PM

Many of you follow me on Twitter so you know that I was discussing my breasts earlier today. I needed new bras. I got some and they are fan-fucking-tastic.

Tell me you like your breasts? Do you think they are too small? Too big? saggy? firm? If you could have anyone's ta-ta's in the entire world-whose would you choose?

I really like mine. I have been told that they are the perfect handful. I would like them to be more perky but can't have everything.

**Please do NOT post pics of your breasts! This is the internet. Post other people's if you want!**



the we hate wtvoc club

Friday February 19, 2010 at 8:42 PM

i'm not sure what i ever did to either erica lopeezy or lillybellis for them to hurt me so.

new evidence:



oh, lillybellis.  why do ya gotta be so hurtful?  D':


you guys know who the president of the "we hate wtvoc club" is, don't you?  do you really want to associate with her?

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