Show me you Tattoos

Friday April 16, 2010 at 7:28 PM

I've mentioned numerous times that tattoos really get me hawt and bothered. Its a Friday night and I'm lonely so make my night people and show me your beautiful art work,

OR Tattoos you want to get but are to chicken shit to get. haven't gotten around to it yet.

Here's mine. I got it in September for my B-day. Totally illegally though, You gotta be 18 to get a tattoo in Texas even with parental consent, I'm bad ass like that though. Sometimes I even check out in the 10 item or less isle with more than 10 items. ;-)

Ignore my fat feet and toes.

Top View

Side View


Stories I would re-read

Friday April 16, 2010 at 7:27 PM

Okay, another kind of drunken post after dinner with hubby again (I seem to do this every Friday night)

Stories I Would Re-Read and WHY

1. Wide Awake: read like a novel to me

2. Tropic of Virgo: just....good

3. The Submissive/The Dominant: um helloooo SMUT with PLOT

4. In a category all by themselves, Jandco stories: MAD, TAB, SCNG, CU (all hot Edwards)

5. The Workshop: My fave Edward ever

6. CW&IA: Tattoo Edward

7. You Get Me Closer to God: Hot Edward and good "we're a secret" story

8. Age of Consent: "Forbidden Love"

9. Art After 5: Bella older than Edward

10. The Office: Hot, Mean, I Hate You story

What's yours and why?



Friday April 16, 2010 at 7:05 PM

These guys:

are playing these guys:  tonight. And since its FFAF lettuce discuss this game...or just hockey in general. Please humor me. Or if you don't like/watch hockey discuss the awesomeness that is hunterhunting and her new Hockeyward fic.


Words that need to be banned...

Friday April 16, 2010 at 7:05 PM


Ok...I know each and every single one of you have read something in a fic that makes you cringe.  Something that just ain't right and needs to be banned.

"Dripping core", "Edward was hard as granite", "popped the p".

Tell me kiddos...what is it that bothers the shit out of you when you read fanfiction?



Friday April 16, 2010 at 6:54 PM

OMG I'm not quite buzzed....

but i'm working on it!

I'm also...umm, actually WORKING.

on a Friday night.

with it's cool.

ANYWAY........the reason for this campfire??

YOU, my dear chickadees...

Friday Free For All brings out the lurkers among us.  And I wanna know who you are!!

Don't Hide.  STOPPIT!


~~Tell me something RANDOM about you

~~Say something nice about someone you know/love/admire here in the Forest

~~share a pic of yerself, if yer so inclined

~~if you don't wanna show yer face....then gimme some ROB CANDY!

~~what song do you love but yer ashamed to admit





Girl with a Red Umbrella

Friday April 16, 2010 at 6:17 PM

I'm abusing my status as a VIP author here  (and the fact that it's Free for All Friday) to shamelessly pimp and self-promote. Girl with a Red Umbrella, the story I co-author with fellow ADF VIP author, justaskalice, is now complete. So if you were waiting until it was done, now it is.

And for your time tonight, some eye-candy. Our inspiration for Girl with a Red Umbrella Edward:


The climb that almos killed me

Friday April 16, 2010 at 6:15 PM


How J-Lo got that ASS

The pictures pretty much tell it all.

We parked a ways away and had to walk up to the entry way. I'd only ever seen The Incline from a distance.

As we neared the true extent of what I had let myself in for became apparent -





And I did this




My friend - bless her heart - offered me words of reassurance. 'One step at a time,' she said.



At about a quarter of the way up my vision (mych like that terrible pic up there) turned blurry...but, I took said friends advice and took it one step at a time, not looking up.

Half way up, after our 5th break and my 3rd attempt at coughing up my lungs I decided I'd better take a pic or two for posterity - you know, to prove I actually tortured talked myself into keeping on going. My innder self was convinced I had become a sadist.



And this is us at the halfway point - proof - see, there's me. No fancy photoshopping. Look behind us, yes, that vertical climb was still ahead of us - that little brown strip in the distance. And those steps you see? Yeah, the were the easy ones. There were plenty that had huge rusted old drainage pipes in front of them, or fallen boulders, where I was litterally kneeing myself into the shoulder to take a step up.



But, we did it (did I mention I was also carrying about 15lbs of photography gear and crap on my back?)

Us at the top


Now I'm sure you'd all agree the best part would be coming down - and you'd be right, it was. Gorgeous. Beautiful. THe clouds had come down - we were rambling through the mist, huge ancient granite Boulders stood frozen at imposible angels on the mountain side. It was quite, cold, misty and almost bluish in colour - yes, you can see where I'm goign with this can't you? I couldn't resist it. I went traipsing through the undergrowth calling out Edwards name (fortunately for me I'm agile, no tripping over) I even found the exact spot where Edward and Bella spoike those famour Lion/Lamb lines (well I swear it was, I know I'm really in CO, but honestly, it looked just like it)

Anyway, I digress.

A couple more shots that don't do the gorgeous surroundings justice due to mylack of a proper lens


See, doesn't it look a little familiar? The fangirl in me was just dying to unleash herself.

And, just because and the emergence of Spring seems to put a smile on everyone's face


My arse is killing me, my knees and ankles are swollen...but I'm doing it again next week.....


Happy Weekend Everyone. What will you do that you don't think you can do?


Vampire Bella

Friday April 16, 2010 at 6:12 PM

Well, this is my first campfire... Hello everyone.

I'm new to ADF, but have become quite addicted to reading this blog.... I will admit I've spent quite a few hours reading more than ever really wanted to know about Robbie P. this past week. I just never knew the power he welds with his nice bone structure…

Anyway, I'm looking for some help. I recently read a fic called, Redshift, Blueshift by Its29 (Link: ) and have become a little obsessed with the idea that Bella's the vampire instead of Edward. I've been in the fandom for a few years now and haven't ever read a fic with Bella as a vampire - I know, I’m shocked too.

Does anyone know of a well-written, entrancing Bella-vampire fic to rec me? It would be much appreciated.

[If I knew how you post a picture of Rob, I would. Right… here.]



"I am considering disobedience."

Friday April 16, 2010 at 5:47 PM

Well, "disobedience" may be a little overboard, but I have decided to...


I want to read some Supernatural fic--preferable focused on this fine male specimen:

Does anybody here read SPN fic who will rec me some stuff? Also, has anyone else here belong to any other fandoms? Does the way you feel toward one fandom affect the way you view another?

Here's some pretty boy gifs for everyone's viewing pleasure:



Friday April 16, 2010 at 4:45 PM

Happy Friday, everyone!

For my school, this past week was spring break. I love time away from school, teachers, homework, and petty high school drama, but I was bored. This probably would've been different if my mom didn't have work until 5 every night, but some things can't be changed.

Where am I going with this? The past five days, I've been reading like crazy. The problem I have now is that I've run out of things to read. So I'm asking for a little help from you guys. I only ask that they be rated T and be Edward/Bella in terms of pairings. (and before anyone asks, yes, I am reading An Introduction to Swirl and Daisy.)

Thank you. :)


what's your fetish

Friday April 16, 2010 at 4:16 PM

mah girlfriends and I were talking about fetishes today...


which leads me to my question:


what's your fetish?

Sorcha Cullen

Well the Noob Finally Came Out to Play

Friday April 16, 2010 at 3:55 PM

Hey everyone!!!!!

my name is Sarah, but some of you may know me as Sorcha_Cullen or AngelStardust depending on the fandom site you're on haha... I'm here to say hello and try to figure this place out!


Do you talk funny?

Friday April 16, 2010 at 3:42 PM

Okay, so we all know the Twilight fandom is made up of all different sorts of people. I mean, that's what makes this particular fandom so awesome! It's everywhere!

So, do you have an accent?

I'm a Canadian, specifically from Saskatchewan, and I have a twang. 

Oh, hells yes, ladies and gentleman. I master the "Ingram twang." It's my family's twang. Only my father and I have it, and my mom makes fun of me for it allll the time. I went to Kenya this past summer with kids from all over the U.S. and Canada, and they made fun of me for said twang. 

So I say hilarious funny? Big fucking deal. Maybe I say other words different too, but it sure brings all the boys to the yard better than milkshakes.

Share your accent with me! 


Where do you write?

Friday April 16, 2010 at 3:23 PM

So here's a little something I've been wondering.  For those of you who write fic, in what do you do your writing?  I'm not talking about laptop vs. desktop, or where you sit, but more what tools do you use?

Personally, I write everything in Microsoft Word (2007) and save it to a flash drive, and then copy it to my desktop's hard drive fairly regularly.  I know there are people who do all their writing in GoogleDocs, and perhaps others who write directly in the document editor on  Maybe some people use pen and paper and type it all up later?  Email drafts?  Notepad?

So how about you?  Where do you do your fic writing?

Here's a picture of the flash drive I use, just because it's so pretty:

And a picture of Jackson, cuz he's very pretty too: ;)


Help! Am going crazy trying to remember FF Story>

Friday April 16, 2010 at 2:51 PM

Well, yeh, my first post here.

I'm slowly going a little bit mental trying to remember the title of a 1 (or maybe 2) shot story that I read on FFnet a while back.  Maybe my rambling description will sound familiar to one of our less senile Campers?

Here goes: B/E story set in ancient Roman time frame.  Told from 3rd person POV( I think), mainly about Edward being a slave himself, participating in some hot lovin with his mistress (not Bella) and eventually becoming a free citizen. He goes to a slave market and spies Bella on the auction block. The rest is history.

Sounds corny I know but was wellwritten and I'd like to visit this story again;) 

Familiar anyone??


How FF just takes over your life

Friday April 16, 2010 at 2:33 PM

Hey guys!

I was thinking today (yes, I do that sometimes) that Twific has an unholy amount of power over my life.

I don't know about you, but there are things I just don't see the same way since I started really getting into fanfic

Like, I was watching NCIS reruns the other night and it was the episode where we find out that Tony's dating the Turtle's daughter (I was really bummed about that. I mean, really, the guy is FINALLY in love and then they go and do that?) and my friend was all "yay it's gonna get interesting" and a year ago I totally would have thought the same thing but the only thing I thought was "Fuck. Heartfail... NOOOOO!"

Another friend was rec'ing a book to me today and I nearly asked her "is it angsty?"

There are more, but I can't remember them...

So, campers, tell me how did fanfic change your life? Did you pick up little habits because of it? Did you stop doing things because of it? Did you turn into a hermit because all you were doing was eat, read fic and sleep?


It's the ciiiiirrrrcle of Twi-Life

Friday April 16, 2010 at 2:16 PM

This morning Ruby_Wednesday remarked that she had a delish ferrero rocher milkshake, which reminded me of this nutella milkshake my sis made last week (she devoured 3 jars of nutella in the 3 wks that she visited me. I kept buying a new jar and she just kept eating it all up, I guess thinking that nutella fairies live in my pantry. Whatev.) 

Anyway - I then spend all day reading "Fault" by ineedyoursway, turns out - nutella makes an appearance. ha.

I love flikr, I love ADF - I cower in fear of a certain angry purple font...what do I find in my flikr stream today...

Twilight. We're all connected. : ) 

Tell me about your weird Twilight connections! 

I know how you all love Disney. 


 i'm not that scary got damn


Give me your best Harry Potter fic reccs!

Friday April 16, 2010 at 1:47 PM

Can anyone rec some Harry Potter fanfiction?    I have Finding Himself and the Cassandra Claire Draco trilogy on my Sony reader but was wondering for someone just getting started in the fandom was the "classic must read" HP stories are.    I have no problem with any pairing EXCEPT Fred/George slash or Ron slash with ANYONE.   




April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Friday April 16, 2010 at 1:31 PM

I know that almost every month has become an awareness for some cause or another.  And I'm not trying to say that this is more important to another, but like a mother with an Autistic child, or a daughter of a breast cancer victim, this one holds a special place in my heart and life.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

I honestly hope that some, if not all of you, take the time to read this and really think about it.  I wish someone had taken the time to have given me this information instead of the half-truths and lies they spread to make people feel better. 

I thought I was a strong, independent girl.  I didn't dress promiscuously, I didn't walk by myself past dark, I didn't go off with strange people, I didn't walk down deserted alleys, I didn't pick up hitch hikers.  Know what, though?  None of that mattered.  It wasn't the strangers I needed to keep an eye on-it was the people I already knew.  No one wants to think that they have to be wary of people they know-or think they know.  Truth is, you never know any one person completely.  I'm not saying you should lock yourself in your houses and never go out to see the light of day again.  We all take risks daily...just think a little more about what risks you're actually taking and if the possible consequence is worth it.

Down to the nitty gritty (& FYI, the following statistics are for the USA only...sorry :(  ):

I wasn't alone when it came to being raped by someone I knew and thought I could trust.  Almost 73% of rape victims know their assailants.  That's nearly 3 out of every 4 rape victims that knows his or her rapist.  And it gets worse-93% of juvenile rape/sexual assault victims know their assailant.

Think of 6 women you know.  Got it?  At least ONE of them has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape.  Think I'm lying?  After I was raped I found out that my older sister had been as well and that my mom had narrowly escaped being raped.  That's not counting everyone else I know that confided in me once I got my 'membership' to this club (please don't think I'm taking this lightly, either.  But it's how it feels, truly.)  1 in 33 men have been the victim of an attempted or completed rape (which, there is some dispute on both figures, esp. the men one since men are least likely to report.  I'm sure the figure is lower than that, I've even heard as low as 1 in 17).

Victims of sexual assault (including rape) are 3 times more likely to suffer from depression, 6 times more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, 13 times more likely to abuse alcohol, 26 times more likely to abuse drugs, and 4 times more likely to contemplate suicide.

A rape occurs every 2 minutes.  So in the time it takes to pop a bag of popcorn, or heat up some Ramen, someone has just been raped.  In 2007, a total of 248,300 became victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.

Sexual assault and rape are the most under reported crimes, with about 60% being unreported.  If you factor in these unreported rapes, only 6% of all rapists will ever spend a day in jail-15 out of 16 rapists walk free.  

Would knowing this information have kept me from being raped?  Maybe, maybe not.  Will sharing this information and trying to get it out possibly prevent someone from being a victim? I don't know, but I sure as hell hope so.  The one thing I regret in my entire life is not listening to my gut instinct when I first met this guy.  I chalked it up to nerves because he was charming and attractive and so sure of himself, and I was this just-turned-20 year old and thought I knew everything I needed to.  Gradually, the strange feeling went away.  Less than a year from the time I first met him I found myself in a hospital with one of my best friends, stripped down and cracking jokes to make myself think of anything else.  I knew if I thought about the situation I would burst into tears and not stop.  A few hours later I eventually did, when I was in the safety of her car, sitting in the parking lot of Jack in the Box.  

If you know someone that has been through a rape or sexual assault, please don't treat him or her like a leper.  Honestly, I lost so many friends over this one issue.  Granted, I now know that they really weren't my friends, but it still hurts to know that people I thought I could trust couldn't stand the fact that I was now a statistic, and a horrible one at that.  My friends and family that stuck through this with me have been gold.  The best thing you can do is to listen.  I wish someone had listened to me.  I tried telling the counselor I was seeing that I was pretty sure I was experiencing some symptoms of PTSD but it was brushed aside.  It wasn't until I moved to Germany that I finally got someone to listen to me and got the help I needed.

BTW..I'm open to questions, comments, etc.  I want everyone to feel like they can voice their experiences and opinions without having to fear about anyone saying anything derogatory.


EDIT:  No means exactly that-NO.  Whether you're kissing, heavy petting, in the middle of the act, whatever- No means stop, and stop right then.  No does not mean 'persuade me'.  No does not mean she/he is flirting.  No does not mean that that person really means yes.

If a person is too drugged/intoxicated/not in the right state of mind to consent, that means 'No' as well.  Silence does not ever mean 'yes'.  Just because a person has impaired judgement due to a substance or situation does not give anyone the right to take advantage of that person.



OT-Hunger Games

Friday April 16, 2010 at 1:24 PM

I am sorry that I do not know how to post pictures here. :0(  I really want to see what other people think so if you have read the books and would like to respond, please do so. :0)

I am curious to know if anyone else has read these books and what your cast suggestions are.

Here are my suggestions so far:

Katniss- Mila Kunis-eyes a bit off, but contacts can take care of that.

Peeta-William Mosely or Alex Pettyfer

Gale-Undecided-but he has to be really really good looking for the viewers to feel how hard it is to choose. Chris Pine comes to mind. The Bad Vampire from Vampire Diaries comes to mind..the one who looks like Rob Lowe.

Finnick-From the second book- Cam Ciganet-He does such a good sarcastic attitude.
Also-Thinking outside the box-Jesse Williams who is very bronze-skinned with greenish eyes. He also has the height and the build for it. He certainly is beautiful enough as Finnick is described.

Haymitch-Gerard Butler/Robert Downy JR.

Effie-Kristin Chenoweth-perfect choice!!!


Snow-Who cares-somebody awful looking

Madge-not sure

Prim- No clue!! Maybe Dakota Fanning's little sister?

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