I find it interesting that Tanya is an ally of the Cullens in canon, yet in fanfic, she's almost ubiquitously the bad guy gal. I have been giving this some thought, and I've come to a sickening conclusion.
Everyone vilifies her because of jealousy - she hit on Edward & this is a fandom full of dames who are prepared to hate on her just for that. I hate that we, as women, are trained to be so horrible to each other like this.
Discuss poor Tanya with me. What characterizations of her in fic do you like the best/hate the most/think are accurate portrayals of what her relationship with Edward & his family would really be like.
I cannot STAND her in Loneliness Be Over by Pixievamp, and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to like her, so I don't feel bad about the hate.
I ADORE her in Breaking News by WriteOnTime. Srsly you guys: BEST TANYA EVER.
And who's your Tanya? I'd cast this gal right here: