
Fic rec

Friday April 16, 2010 at 12:56 PM

This fic is from the same author as ' Fate Worse than Death'.  It is one of those stories that just tugs at my heart.  The author gives the following summary;

New Moon A/U. Abandoned by the Cullens, Bella emerges from depression with a wall around her heart and a chip on her shoulder. Closed off and immersed in her college studies, she finds her emotional outlet in a surprising source.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!






How do you let someone down about their FanFic?

Friday April 16, 2010 at 12:56 PM

I love reviewers, don't get me wrong. I always get asked to "read my fanfic" and well to be honest, I don't mind half the time. My problem, though, is when it sucks, how can you tell them? I mean, they just awesomely rep'd your fic, and even loved it. How can you be nice about it? Now don't think I believe all my stuff is great, cause trust me, it could use a beta reader here and there, but I just hate hurting feelings. So what do you do?



1997 is the year that keeps on giving.

Friday April 16, 2010 at 12:23 PM

It's free for all Friday, right?


Hanson just released a new video and single and oh my god I feel like I am 14 again. I don't even care if you all make fun of me for this, because this is the best thing that has happened all week besides the Cadbury Mini Eggs I got half price at Staples yesteday.





Now Edwards Peen has competition...

Friday April 16, 2010 at 12:14 PM

Now Bella's vajay jay can sparkle too... and mine and your's!!! (My hubs actually sent this to me... think it's a hint?)

Vajazzling: Do You Dare to Decorate 'Down There?'


Appreciate a Ranger Campfire!

Friday April 16, 2010 at 11:13 AM

I think we need to appreciate the Rangers and all the wonderful work they do for us! I'll be starting campfires to tell the Rangers I love them and after I get bored, hopefully one of you will continue...

Let us start with RANGER TOR.

I was lucky enough to meet her in NY recently, and she's quite lovely. While I'm obsessed with many of the rangers, I asked her to prom last night and she said yes, so she gets to be appreciated first.

You can dedicate gifs, pics, songs, videos, or just say THANK YOU RANGER TOR.

Ranger Tor has excellent taste. We both adore this song, and I dedicate it to her:

She also loves him:


And him:



Daniel on stage again!

Friday April 16, 2010 at 10:49 AM

Daniel Radcliffe to make Broadway musical debut in 'How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying'


Daniel Radcliffe, after his quite literally revealing Broadway debut in "Equus" in 2008, will return to the Great White Way in a revival of "How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying," Entertainment Weekly reports.

The boy wizard will star as J. Pierrepont Finch, the role originated in 1961 by Robert Morse (now Bert Cooper in "Mad Men"), and also played by Matthew Broderick in the 1990s. He'll begin rehearsals once filming on the last "Harry Potter" movie has wrapped.




When a book reads like a bad fanfic...

Friday April 16, 2010 at 10:46 AM

I want to scream! REALLY LOUD!

I read FALLEN last week, and meh! I feel burned, and really pissed. It reads like a bad spinoff on Twilight. All the fucking time, I keep seeing cutouts of Edward and Bella in the story. The lead characters have no personality. I can honestly say that I've read Twifics that are way better written than this shit of a book. ARGH!

I badly need some good book recs here, ppl. Preferably YA and romance (because I feel kinda fluffy). It can be paranormal or mystery, or even gothic, or just simply a good, well written story with a gripping plot. Just, no total heartfail, because I already feel kinda melancholic without its help.

And while I'm still waiting for my Hunger Games copy, I need something to get my hands on. Plz rec me some good reads? I needz it baad!

greeen goldfish

Images Without Borders

Friday April 16, 2010 at 10:22 AM

So a reader shared this great website with me calledImages Without Borders. They raise money for Doctors Without Borders/MSF through the sale of photographs. She is a camper here and her husband has some photos up in the iphotography portion.

For anyone who has read Courting Achilles, you know that Doctors Without Borders figures into the storyline pretty significantly. So I browsed the website and stumbled across a photo of Angkor Wat, which almost made me pee my pants, because part of Courting Achilles takes place there. So of course I bought it.

Anyway, I thought I would share the link for those of you who have read Courting Achilles, or even those who haven't, because the photographs are beautiful and the money goes to a beautiful organization. I'm bummed I didn't get the link while it was still a WIP to share with readers. The readers donated over $300 to Chile when they had the earthquake there. That's how awesome they were.

Here are some sample photos:


And also here is a plug for Courting Achilles (made by another reader, famouslyso <3)

Finally, here is a link to donate directly to Doctors Without Borders if you just want to give a buck or two.


Our thoughts on love triangles?

Friday April 16, 2010 at 9:39 AM

So, I was thinking about Vampire Diaries last night, and it's hitting me how much I'm completely dreading the inevitable love triangle (which I find irksome either way cause...brothers..and in the past....ew) And then it dawned on me how much they irritate me in the first place.

Hi, I love you, oh, we're having relationship issues?....Hey...that guy over there is totally hot, I'm kind of attracted to him. Oh no, don't worry, I still love you...but damn he's hot.

I know, hatred for love triangles, what the hell am I doing in this fandom?

Pisses me off. I get it, he was there for her when she needed him, I really do. But once she took Edward back, once I love you was solidified, that should have been it. Yea, I know, we have plenty of issues with the Jacob thing with Bella....but I don't know, it pisses me off. (Especially since Edward blames himself for it and no one really seems to have that much of an issue with that)

Love triangles are fine when the word love isn't involved. When there isn't a real relationship. When someone isn't trying to say "yo, I love you" because if you say that and then end up in some sort of triangle, I don't believe you. Especially when the other man shows up just because your relationship apparently isn't strong enough to overcome the obstacles in your way.


Once again, I'm reminded of how sometimes the only one who can get this shit right is Buffy XD. One man at a time and it's still interesting!


P.S. One of my favorite fics Best Laid Plans doesn't count in this because Bella wasn't actually in love with Jacob, she just had a really bad plan.


Horror Stories.

Friday April 16, 2010 at 9:36 AM

For my Horror lit class I need to compare and contrast a horror novel to its movie. I have no idea which story to do.

The list we were given:

Frankenstein, Jaws, The Exorcist, Dracula, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, The Shining, & Psycho.

We can do something else with his consent as long as it is within reason and has a movie to compare it to.

And this is somewhat Twilight related because my professor directly said, "And, no, don't ask to do Twilight. While I admire Stephanie Meyer's success I don't think we can revere her as a substantial horror writer just yet." *sigh* that one would have been easy to do.

Have you read any of the others you recommend?(I've already read Dracula and Frankenstein) Have any other good horror story/movie you loved and want to recommend? Let me know because the essay is due in a few weeks!! Thanks.

Some pics for you help:


bringing back that spark

Friday April 16, 2010 at 8:56 AM

I want to play matchmarker. To whom you might ask??? Well, none other than my mom and dad. Strange you might think, but for me it's a pretty damn good idea. and why? they can't stand each other.

Twenty years together and I'm watching their marriage crumble right in front of me. It's heartbreaking, really. They've been through so much together, and have had some pretty hard times over the past four years. I can see it's taken a toll on them. My dad even mentioned divorce not that long ago. I'm at a loss for what to do.

So I had this idea in mind. Asking how other's keep their marriages trucking strong after so many years. I know me and my husband have been together for five years, and I still love him like we're newlyweds. I've tried to come up with so many ideas for how to show them that they can still love each other after all these years, but I feel like i'm coming up short. So my question for you is... how do you do it? How do you break away from the everyday life stresses... or even year stresses and make your relationship last?

I could really use some ideas or advice for bringing the spark back to their lives. All comments are appreciated. Even those who aren't married. Tell me about your parents, maybe?

plz and thx :)



Calling all writers!

Friday April 16, 2010 at 8:41 AM

Hey guys,

Since it's Free-For-All Friday, I hope this post is okay. I'm not pimping any fics, but I would like to pimp my friend's book that she's working on. It's for young girls, ages 10-13, and it's a collection of stories written by women about what it was like to be that age and any life-changing experiences they had. Most stories are only a couple of pages long, and all submissions must be handwritten. If you have a story to tell and would like it published in this book, head over to her site at She's also working on a book aimed at boys 10-13, as well as a collection of stories written by young people addressed to parents. I think these books could provide a lot of guidance and insight, and thought I'd share in case any of you lovely ladies were interested in contributing :)

Here's the link again:


Somethin' to Believe in

Friday April 16, 2010 at 8:18 AM

If you havn't already heard, celebrity Chef Jamie Oliver has  come to the states to introduce his healthy School Lunch program. He successfully change the way school lunches were prepared in the UK and has come to spread the health!

He encourages school districts to change how they feed our kids by provinding healthly and fresh food instead of fried, processed, high fat, high sugar, frozen garbage.

His Food Revolution show is on ABC on friday nights (Yes tonight, 9/8c on ABC) watch it! The information will shock you!

You can check out the show's website and watch back episodes and see what the program is


Please support  the program and help bring The Food Revolution to your state by signing Jamie's


Help encourage kids/parents to eat healthy at home at at school!






National Day of Silence

Friday April 16, 2010 at 8:15 AM


(Erm, just want to say that this isn't a thinly veiled attempt to tell anyone to be quiet. I actually rather like the chatter. Sorry, read on...)
Okay, as a 'slash fiction' author, I wanted to just bring this campaign to the forest. Today (April 16th) this campaign is running across lots of the USA and some parts of the UK.
On the National Day of Silence hundreds of thousands of students nationwide take a vow of silence to bring attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in their schools.
We may read or write about gay couples, but for so many young kids in schools it's not as easy as just being out, being gay or whatever. I'm a 24 year old girl and I went through that soul- wrenching struggle to define myself at 16. It took me a good five years for me to accept what it ment to be bisexual and to come to terms with not feeling like I 'fit in' with the LGBT community because I wasn't a 'proper' lesbian.
This campaign started in the US but it has spread to the UK too and there are different groups springing up all over the place, taking part on different days (a lot of schools are still on Easter Break in the UK today). I'm a big campaigner for the LGBT community and hopefully we can spread the message a little bit further.
If you have a minute, maybe have a look on the website, tweet the message or stick it up on your facebook page, even if you're not actively taking part (it's been a long time since I was in school :/ so I'm not!) I just wanted to pass the message on.
Thanks guys!
(p.s. This was checked with jandco before posting. Thanks!)

Boy on the Side - Part 2

Friday April 16, 2010 at 8:06 AM

ciaobella27 and littlesecret84 present the next installment of the life and loves of TomStu - Boy on the Side.



The green Skype icon told Tom that Robert was already online. He hoped that Robert would notice him first, and that he'd hear the familiar sound of an incoming Skype call. But Tom was impatient. Impulsively, he hit the call button, ringing Robert. He wanted to ask how he'd been. He wanted to know if Robert thought about him while they were apart, if he noticed the shirt Tom was wearing to the screening. He wanted to ask Robert about the bracelet. He wanted to know if she still had it.
Robert sounded pleased to hear Tom's voice. He sounded relaxed and happy, and Tom remembered the times when they were relaxed and happy together.
Excited to hear Robert's voice, Tom recounted the highlights of his trip to New York City and the success of the screening. As Tom talked about how nervous he had been, he heard Robert giggle. Some things never change. Rob's giggle was one of those things. The same somewhat girly sound that Tom had fallen in love with years ago. Her sour face and frightening green eyes didn't change anything. Robert still giggled for Tom. Nevertheless, Tom found it strange that Robert was giggling, as nothing Tom had said was particularly funny. But Robert was a strange boy, so Tom cast these thoughts aside. This wasn't difficult to do, because the sound of Robert's laughter made Tom remember happier times.
He continued his story, anxious to share with Robert the reviews and kind things the critics had said about his performance. Suddenly, Robert giggled again, and this time there was no mistaking the fact that the giggle was not meant for Tom.
And Tom knew why... He had a very good idea of what - or who - was making Robert laugh in the middle of their conversation.
When Robert admitted that Kristen had been texting him throughout their Skype conversation, the anger engulfed Tom. It was searing and palpable and it took everything in Tom not to scream at the top of his lungs that he had had enough of Kristen Stewart. But he said nothing. Could he truly blame Kristen? Tom knew better. Kristen's mere presence brought Robert to life. As jealous as Tom was, he knew there was nothing he could do but continue to pretend. And as much as he hated to admit it, he felt a strong attachment to the young girl with bad cuticles and skinny legs. Kristen cared for Tom, loved Tom, and Tom knew this. It wasn't her fault that Robert's heart would only beat for her. It wasn't her fault that Robert's entire being gravitated towards her. No, Kristen was not to blame. Tom knew this, and so he told Robert to wish her well. And before he hung up, Tom told Robert to look out for the package he had sent him - fully aware that Robert had already received and discarded his gift.
Tom walked away from his computer and headed straight to the pub they had once frequented together. He found solace in a pint, but no peace.




Wish me luck

Friday April 16, 2010 at 7:44 AM

I have FINALLY lost my mind.

I'm in the middle of a move to Korea.

We are living in a hotel.

A friend has persuaded me to do this today

See that little white line going diagonally up toward the right side of the picture? Yes, we are climbing that -


If you don't hear from me by midnight tonight you'll know why

oHALENo, Infernal and grown.ass.woman, I leave it up to you for someone to take my stories and finish them for me.

WTVOC - I'm hoping that they show Bones in the Afterlife - if not, see below re Pixivamp

Jandco - you'll need to somehow get a copy of MAD to me via the ether

Pixievamp - you'll need to perform a seance and tell me what you thought of Incarceron.

Rebekah - join Pixivamp so we can continue the theory discussion.

Bex - stay safe all the way up there. If I keep on going today maybe I"ll make it up to you.

I leave my sock avis to Melissa Cullen.

Oh and Edward, should I croak it I'll make sure my remains go to the nearest mountain lion, help fatten him up for you.

Someone is also going to have to get a copy of Mockingjay to me.

Gondolier and Halojones - HL5 and Last Rites, I'll need to know what happens there too.

Fare thee well, oh beautiful forest


Computer Virus

Friday April 16, 2010 at 7:38 AM

so some of you may have notice i've gone missing my computer has a very mean computer virus which is keeping me from the joy that is the Internet  and it also deleted all my Jackson Rathbone pictures right now I'm using my schools computer but i going on break and i want be in school next week so...... i don't know when my computer will be fix just wanted to let you guys know that I miss the shit out of all of you **cries** I love all you guys to death and I'm gonna be going bat shit crazy until i get my computer fixed


well well well i never.

Friday April 16, 2010 at 6:00 AM

i've had a gosh darn marvellous week in which many wonderful things have happened and i was wondering if anything extra-specially splendid has happened to you this week.

we're talking really really great things. not like, a three for two deal on shampoo or sausages. things that made you smile all day long.

i had four. beat that if you can.



(but i don't want to know if you got through the black balloon contest because i didn't and i am bitter and jealous so SHUSH. well done if you did, though. i'll be pleased for you in a few days when the slytherin in me is gone again)


Creature Love

Friday April 16, 2010 at 5:41 AM

So we all love our favorite sparkly vampires of course, but what other creatures get your blood boiling??? Aliens, werewolves and likens...oh my! Lets show some creature love!!!

To get things rolling... (thud) Hot Hot Hot!!! Helloooooo Michael / Scott! 


wtvoc approves this campfire because everyone knows ben covington >>>>>> noel fucking crane




Introducing someone to fanfiction

Friday April 16, 2010 at 5:17 AM

Ok, so I know there are posts on this somewhere, but I can't find them anywhere!

I just 'outed' myself to a friend for the first time. I admitted my obsession with fanfiction and told her that I would email a link to a fic that would be a good starting point for her. She is really excited. I am relieved she didn't laugh at me.

I am looking for a post Breaking Dawn, canon fic. I think that would be a good start. She is Team Jacob (I am going to try to convert her to Team Edward) and read all 4 books in 4 days, so is definitely a Twilight fan.

What is the best post Breaking Dawn, canon fic you have read? What do you think I should recommend to her? How would you introduce a Twilight fan to fanfiction?

If you can't be bothered to respond to my Qs, but know where a similar post is located, I would appreciate that too.

As a thank you for your time...

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