Hey campers. I recently started moving some fic from LJ to ffn and am still getting to know the site. The traffic section? So not cool. I don't want to see that 93 people visited my story and didn't review it. How do you deal? I always eyerolled at authors who begged for reviews (and sometimes wouldn't review *because* of the begging, which is maybe spiteful) but now I get it.
In any case, I think the traffic counter thing is unhealthy for a person like me.
And for discussion's sake- do you always review when you enjoy a story? I try to make an effort when I see that they don't have a ton of reviews or if I have something to say other than "good job, thanks!" but otherwise I won't say anything. Authors with lots of readers- does the 2077th review really matter anymore?
hoping this is relevant, I didn't get any sort of ranger approval (apparently I'm still figuring out how y'all work too)
ETA: Thanks everyone! I totally wish I had time to comment back to everyone but this is the most posting I've gotten on a campfire before, hah. So thanks for your input, I mostly just wanted to share my neuroses and commiserate ;) which you all helped with. As an aspiring novelist who rarely writes fic anymore (the stuff I've posted is the HP fic I'm particularly fond of from a while ago) I really just wanted to get some feedback in a casual setting, you know? That's why *I'm* eager for reviews. I may have to try to lay off the traffic section though.