
Fic Back from the Pulled Fics List

Monday April 19, 2010 at 1:06 PM

 Wreckage by lambcullen is back! Author of Tides, Landscapes, and Tilt. Wreckage was an older story that I'd heard lots of great things about and sadly, never got to read before it was pulled. I was just starting Landscapes, and I noticed some news on Wreckage. See the author's note below. There are now 3 chapters posted. I'm so excited!

EDIT to add summary: Only moments after Edward proposes his world is shattered. A horrific accident leave Bella with nine years of darkness. Can they both find their way back? Rewrite of my first fic. Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Bella & Edward

From lambcullen's blog

OK, I've been asked about this fic a lot recently, so I thought I'd explain what the hell I'm doing with it.
Wreckage was my first fic, and pretty much the first full length story I ever wrote. A couple of months ago I decided to reread it and was wincing all the way through. My style has altered a lot since that first one, and I honestly don't think I did the story justice. I was very attached to that fic- it's my first born, but it could have been better.
So I decided to pull it and rewrite it.
The basic story will remain, but I wanted to do more with it and thats what I'm doing now.
The first two chapters will be uploaded back on and TWCS soon. There will be no time frame for chapters, just as and when they're ready. This is because some chapters will need more care than others.
I do hope you read them, even if you read Wreckage the first time, because there will be significant changes.
Thank you!


I need a story!

Monday April 19, 2010 at 12:29 PM

Hello, Im new on this site and I was wondering if ya'll (Im from Texas) had any good stories to share. I love reading stories where Bella gets super powers or something like that. Im also in love with Emmett, so any fics where he and Bella get together is pretty awsome.Thx for your help!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I love Emmett!!!!


fic recs

Monday April 19, 2010 at 10:28 AM

i have been cruising this site and have found some really good fics but am looking for some new ones that are any pairing, human or not, slash or not, as long as they have lemons...please help!!!


I propose...

Monday April 19, 2010 at 10:00 AM

a meet bestie(EmmaleeWrites05), myself and HopelessRomantic79 are planning a little get away to San Fran on Memorial Day weekend full of all kinds of fun and if anyone is in or around the San Fran area at that time feel free to come join in the fun...there will be much mishief to be had(there was even talk of a gay bar...dont ask..haha..or do...), Ghiradelli is a must, Ripley's Believe it or Not, The Academy of Sciences, some Pier 39/Fisherman's Warf shinanigans....I dunno...but if you want to meet up just holler this way :)

It would be awesome to meet some of the West Coasters

***This post was approved by Ranger Emibella***



Monday April 19, 2010 at 8:30 AM

In honor of Isla being pregnant, congratulate me, I'm jonesing for a good pregnancy fic. I don't care who's pregnant (I'm a sucker for baby Rosalies though), just link me some good twilight baby mamas.

Oh, and male pregnancies are awesome too.


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I haz a sad

Monday April 19, 2010 at 7:58 AM

Today I found out that LISA89 pulled out  "A MZUNGU OASIS"

I guess some of you know how much I loved that fic and I was always recc'ing it, and now... it's gone.

I'm sad, because I can't even PM her in FF.NET to let her know how much I'm going to miss her fic.

And now I'm sad... cheer me up?????


A day to remember

Monday April 19, 2010 at 7:17 AM

The date was April 19th, 1995. Fifteen years ago today the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in downtown Oklahoma was bombed. It was the most destructive act of terrorism on American soil before 9/11. The bombing claimed 168 lives, including the lives of nineteen children under the age of six. More than 680 people were injured. The blast damaged 324 buildings within a sixteen block radius. Destroyed 68 cars, and shattered glass in 258 surrounding buildings.

I was only a little girl when this happened. About five years old, but I can still remember seeing my Mom cry as we watched the news. It was absolutely devastating, and will be something that I never forget.

The scary thing is the Nichol boys were from around the area I live. About fifteen minutes from my home in a place called Decker. I stood outside, playing in my yard when FBI and cop cars came speeding through town. It's one of those things you never forget seeing.

So... where were you on this day? Do you remember what you were doing when you heard?

Several fire-damaged cars located in front of a partially destroyed multi-story building.

This should never be forgotten. The world was robbed of some amazing people that day, and should always live on in our memories. 

approved by wtvoc


New Camper

Monday April 19, 2010 at 7:07 AM

Okay so I am new to this site but not to fanfiction. I want to know what you would rec for me, I usually read stories that are all human and are E/B. And make sure there is smut please!

There isn't a lot that i don't read but there are so many to pick from that I wanted some help..... So PLEASE give me some ideas!


Damn Ash Cloud

Monday April 19, 2010 at 6:17 AM

ROB ! Kristen !    

Separated volcanic ASH  !!

Is anyone else out there stranded or separated from friends or family by this nuisance? 

My husband is in the Far East and who knows when he'll be home.  At least he managed to get a hotel room for a few more days.


mommy issues.

Sunday April 18, 2010 at 11:58 PM

 I took a break from forest frolicking, and I watched some SNL. I saw this video and it reminded me of Bella's obsession with all things Renee:

Do you think Bella has mommy issues? cause I thought it was little weird that she and her mommy were BFF.

please ignore the fact that I don't know how to do that little mini video window thingy. 


Yet Another Fic Request

Sunday April 18, 2010 at 11:56 PM

I just got to thinking that the only guy who sees me as a cool beautiful girl is gay (nothing wrong with being gay, but the fact that the only guy who sees me as interesting beyond certain parts of my body has absolutely no romantic interest in me kinda bothers me). This depressed me.

Anyway, point is, I need something fluffy & preferably funny. I've recently opened myself up to crack!fic, so I would be completely cool with that. Any pairing, but preferably E/B.

Help me out plz.
And to bribe you, here's some pretty pictures of pretty boys:


1 hit wonder

Sunday April 18, 2010 at 11:22 PM

So I'm listening to 1 hit wonders. My favourite songs of all time are 1 hit wonders. So I just twittered a line from Land Downunder - Men at work & it got me thinking.... What are you favourite 1 hit wonders?


Land Downunder - Men at work

Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice

Achey Breaky Heart - Billy Ray Cyrus

Whip It - Devo

Nothing compares to you - Sinead O'Conner

Mickey - Toni Basel

Tubthumping  - Chumbawumba

I would walk 500 Miles - The Proclaimers

Snow - Informer


And because I love Jim Carrey & Snow



What bugs you

Sunday April 18, 2010 at 9:33 PM

So i was on twitter talking about things in the twilight movies that bugged the shit out of me well there wasn't much that bugged me about twilight but New moon bugged the shit out of me like really so i wont to know what about the movies bugged the shit out of you


1. umm the dream thing in the begining of the movie bugs me to no end like they started off with her running through Volterra and then she's on the meadow and it just all weird to me but yea w/e

2. the scene in the parking lot with jacob umm that bugged me because they totally stole a scene from eclipse because of that because all that shit happen in eclipse when jacob gave bella a gift for gradation and edwards all like why does jacob get to give you gifts

3. this will shock the hell out of all who knowz me but jasper bugged me in this movie first of all why the hell is he at school with bella, edward and alice isn't he suppose to be in his first year of college with his twin sister rose or did he fail a year i'm confused

4. Hey bella the love of your life just broke up with you and left you in a forest alone where are the hysterical tears i'm just saying you seem a little too calm to me 

5. movie night with bella jacob and mike enough said

6. i thought bella dreams where suppose to be scary i wasn't scared i think i kinda laugh a little 

7. I thought vampires where all fast and shit how come Demteri and Felix are extra slow shit if bella hadn't showed up edward would have been strolling down the square with his sparkling self by time they got there really guys stop gettin so lazy on the job 

8. the scene in bella bedroom where the hell did edward come from he wasn't behide the door because you can see behide it while bella's dad is standing there but as soon as he closes the door there he is 

so lmao i know that kinda alot but tell me what bugged you about the movies lets share ppl 


ADF ~~ I got the 411, yo!

Sunday April 18, 2010 at 7:34 PM

omg i have a lot to say so i'm gonna keep my font small so I don't use up yer whole screen.  you're welcome.

AND-- i might be buzzing rather nicely, but that's neither here nor there.

Soooo.... We have a lot of new campers and I think that is so awesome!

Hi new people!!! 

I've been camping in these parts since the Forest was just a collection of saplings.  (i'm old skool)

The thing for me is that I always feel weird about joining a new community because it seems like everyone already knows each other, and there are these inside jokes and stuff that I never get.

I really hope none of you new campers feel that way.  So to get you all up to speed, I'm gonna dish some of the goods about some of our campers and rangers.  All in the name of fun, of course.

here we go....

WTVOC ~ her font is that big scary purple, but I assure you, she's as sweet as pie.  just don't mess with jandco and you better not diss the DB.  Also--- watch Bones and tell her you love it. And tho the Forest recognizes that neither DBoreanaz nor BONES is part of the Twi franchise..... we don't care.  Deal with it.

EMIBELLA & HMONSTER4 ~ omg two of the nicest people in the WORLD. They love Emmett and they love wine.  They both are AMAZING writers.  EMIBELLA is a hippie and has awesome taste in music......Hmonster is the world's best beta (better than yours, I promise!) and is freakishly efficient at multi-tasking.

INFERNALHEART ~ my twife.  Hands off, ladies, she's awesome and seems to know everyone's drink of choice.....but she's mine.

BORNTODANCE94 ~ she stirs up some trouble every once in a while but she always has something interesting to say and WE LOVE HER!!

STRETCH & LJSUMMERS ~ our resident Wolf girls.  They are also two of the smartest people around these parts (so I wont hold the wolf thing against them) and i LOVE them!

JANDCO ~ everyone loves her.  One of the fandom's most popular writers....also one of the sweetest and funniest people I know.  Srsly....hubs gets mad when we gchat because all I do is laugh.

JENNYFUCKINGFLY ~ omg I've crowned her the GODFATHER of the Forest.  Don't ask questions, just do what she says.  She's also one of the best writers I've ever read---online or off.

BECKABOO ~ has to drive to another city just to shop and can predict the weather like nobody's bsns.

TKMOON#s ~ infuses her own vodka with fruity flavors....and has a fierce love of da BONES as well.

TOR ~ Billy Burke follows her on Twitter.... 'nuff said.  (I am in awe of her coolness)

LITTLESECRET84 ~ Kristen Stewart Lover, writer of Tomstu RPF....and I may or may not have a lesbian crush on her.  She's also a pretty awesome writer if you're not reading Brown Study then I don't know you.

LIVIA CULLEN ~ She's from France.  I kinda wanna do her.

OHALENO ~ She loves the Hunger Games. but omg of she flounces this fandom i'm coming after her---- Bridgette I know where you live I'm not playing!

GREEENGOLDFISH ~ Alienporn is her thang.  Click her links on twitter---only if you dare.  Also... you better be reading MIDNIGHT SOB or I'll have to hurt you.  It's hilar.

WOLVESNVAMPS ~ omg one of my favorite people EVER!!  She's got a heart the size of Texas and a great sense of humor....she's fiercely loyal and one of the greatest friends you could make around here--- TRUTH!

CAPRICORN75 ~ I think she might be my long lost twin or something....she's AMAZING... funny as hell and share's my love for a certain Mr. Pattinson.

EMPTYPOSTCARDS ~ she really Isla Fisher (incognito, of course)

WONKEYGIRLUK ~ she's moving to Korea and she has a weird sock fetish....but she just climbed some crazy-ass mountain and she's kinda my hero

KIMVI ~ loves all things Bacardi and is working towards getting them to follow her on Twitter.  I think we need to launch a campaign or something.

FLOR_P ~ luvs her some LOL cats and she's one of my fav twitter buddies

MRZJASPERHALE ~ has Jackson Rathbone hiding in her bushes.  It's kinda creepy... but i dont think she minds.

MOMINATOR ~ i'm pretty sure she's drunk. im srsly jealous

PIXIEVAMP ~ one of the most literary people in the Forest, her favorite book is Dante's Inferno and she loves vodka.

Now you wanna know about me?  I'm grown.ass.woman.  I like my wine, i have a violent lactose intolerance and will often complain about it on twitter.   And Robert Pattinson is obsessed with me.  This is FACT.  We have irrefutable evidence.

NOW... it's YOUR TURN~~

**Share a random fact about YOURSELF!**

**Share a randon fact about ANOTHER CAMPER**

(but plz keep it friendly... i dont want the purple font to have bust some heads up in here!)





Sunday April 18, 2010 at 6:48 PM









TwiFic News Has a Brand New Website!

Sunday April 18, 2010 at 5:54 PM


Grand Opening in 15minutes!

TwiFic News has a brand new site that we want you to check out!

We are having a Cyber Launch Party to celebrate. Go to and check it out. Then make comments on the page and tweet your thoughts.

We have door prizes! Everyone who leaves a comment on the page will be entered into a drawing for a gift card. We will pick four names. 

We know you will LOVE the site!


Family oriented fics?

Sunday April 18, 2010 at 5:49 PM

 So, I'm looking for fics that are family filled. Whether it be single parents, big family, etc.


Help a Sister Out, Yo.

Sunday April 18, 2010 at 5:13 PM

I need help.

I have a twitter, adf has a twitter, and I have no idea about tweeting.  I have no idea how people follow conversations on there--at all.  If i see something with my name on it, it takes me ten minutes to figure out how to reply, and then, the moment has past and I feel like a loser.


Actually, Jennyfly demanded I learn Twitter.  Efficiently.  Like, how to keep up with it and things, so i'm not constantly asking questions about it. 

So this is the plan:  I have a series of one-shots that I planned to post on ADF--but instead, I'm going to attempt to tweet one of them tonight.

This will be one of four little stories based on getting to each base.  I'm tweeting second base.

I KNOW there are more tech-disabled people out there who don't understand Twitter, either.  I ask you to do this with me.

Together, we can learn and not be outcasted because of our lack of tweeting.

I'm going to tweet the story from the @Differentforest account starting at, like, 8:30 p.m. eastern. 

Someone, please show up and tell me if i'm doing it right or not. 

*also, there will be no River Dam Update this Sunday, as I'm devoting myself to figuring out the jungle that is TWITTER.


as a failed author i'd like to know

Sunday April 18, 2010 at 4:44 PM

do you want to hear a continuation from people who have long since updated or would you rather they write something new altogether?


guilt post is guilty.


New Robert Out-takes

Sunday April 18, 2010 at 4:04 PM

You are welcome.

First --- | >> | 1199 | 1200 | 1201 | 1202 | 1203 | 1204 | 1205 | 1206 | 1207 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
