Oh Rob :'(

Friday July 27, 2012 at 6:51 AM

Robert Pattinson Tells Kristen Stewart:

You Humiliated Me

Rob is devastated and deeply hurt. [Rob and Kristen] spoke on the phone and he said ‘You’ve completely humiliated me’. All the trust has gone,” a source told the Daily Mirror newspaper.


This is so sad .. I don't know when I'm going to get this out of my head and focus on my own dramatic life :/






Problems? I'll show you problems!

Thursday July 26, 2012 at 11:24 PM

I hesitated to start this. Something happened this week, and I'd love the imput of the creatures of the forest!

Details inside... But first a question. Has a friend come to you with a huge problem, wanting and needing your help... and you just couldn't do it?

Not borrowing a sweater, but something HUGE.

Or, did you help them? Why did you say no, or why did you say yes?


I'd love to have a pertinent recommendation, but the best I can come up with is Indecent Proposal by Pattyrose. Edward needs Bella's help to win back his love.



what the hell could THIS change?

Thursday July 26, 2012 at 7:58 PM


She is defenitely one of my favorite actresses so i cant help but want to know the truth is she really a VAMP TRAMP or just someone that made a mistake.....but alot tells me this wasnt a mistake...maybe a full on affair.

"Absolutely nothing. Never had sex my ass! They clearly had a routine, and in the pic the body language doesn't lie. Not buying it Gossip Cop!"


"Exactly! I completely agree with you. They might not have been caught having sex that day, but judging from those pictures they had bumped uglies before."


AND ON AN UNRELATED NOTE CAN SOMEONE MSG ME BECAUSE MY PREVIOUS CAMPFIRE "what the &^*%does this change" WAS DELETED so if you how this happened please msg me.


All things Rob Appreciation

Thursday July 26, 2012 at 4:15 PM

So I've had enough! 

I want to talk/see/hear about Rob and his Awesomeness! 

Like for instance he signed on in May for a new movie Mission: Black List

The announcement of The Rover which will also star Guy Pierce.  

Cosmopolis Poster

Cosmopolis is set to release August 17 which I'm excited about!

So leave me something whether it be a pic, gif, or video of Rob 

Just Do It



Thursday July 26, 2012 at 2:19 PM

ok,  I have two questions, and I want answers:

1- Should Rob forgive Kristen? Meaning- do YOU want Rob to forgive her

2- Is cheating *ever* forgivable?


BUT HERE'S THE RULEyes or no answers ONLY.  so everyone's comments should look like, yes/yes, no/no, yes/no, etc.  obviously I can't stop you from breaking this rule, but the reason I wanna do this is I want to tally the answers at the end to get percentages  (I'm actually using this for a school thing LOL... hey listen I got stuff to do and I can't keep my mind off of this so I figured why not combine the two) and long answers are gonna take forever to wade through. so help me out and let's keep it simple :)   maybe if people really wanna explain themselves they could reply to their own comment with explanations..  *or if you just stick the yes/yes or no/no up at the top of the comment- that works fine too. as long as you don't have to read through several paragraphs to find it :)

anways, Got it?  GO!


*DISCLAIMER:  a bunch of you have pointed out two very important things: we know nothing about them or their relationship, and that it depends on the situation. this is all true, so I changed the questions slightly to address that. for the first one, just answer whether you want rob to forgive her or not (obviously we all want rob to do what's best for rob, but if you lived in a magical fairytale land and rob asked you, what would you say)  and for the second one answer yes or no based on whether you think there could ever be a situation where cheating could be forgiven.   just try to ignore real life and go with your yes/no gut reactions :)


ETA 7/27 11:00 PM:   RESULTS:

on question one, 16 said yes and 23 said no

on question two, 27 said yes and 16 said no

thanks guys!  Now the next step is to take these numbers and attempt to draw a correlation between the two. For example, the majority felt rob should not forgive kristen, however the majority also felt that it was possible to forgive cheating.  What lead to these decisions?   Now a lot of you gave me your reasonings so you've made it slightly easier on me, but I will look into all the different factors that could affect the outcomes,and draw correlations. I won't be getting a grade for this but my prof is gonna see is so I am *very* interested to find out what he will think of my topic LOL   (hey, he said we could use anything we wanted...)

OH, and a couple people questioned whether I meant forgive as in just forgive, or forgive as in forgive and stay together- I didn't answer that on purpose, it's meant to be open to interpretation of what "forgiveness" in this situation entails, and I will talk about that as well :)


Now what…?

Thursday July 26, 2012 at 2:05 PM

I have asked this before, and I will ask it again….what happens when the movies are done? With this new scandal (which I really don't want to discuss on here) what will happen with this fandom? I have had a hard time reading some fics these past two days because of whats happened. Do you think this event has changed and will change the forrest and the entire fandom? Will people abandon writing and reading fics? 

Will I be all alone in the Forrest rubbing two sticks together trying to make a campfire?

I would love some of your thoughts.

Heres a rec: To Destroy by walkingwithgiants


Depressed? Need HEA?

Thursday July 26, 2012 at 12:14 PM

Me too. Turns out Kristen is only human. I need a HEA to read, asap, before I, a grown woman, cry into my er, potato gnocchi dinner. I still want to have legs like hers, though.

Please rec me some HEA fics!

I'm loving Bella's Hymen Theory which never fails to give me the giggles.

Bella's Hymen Theory
Author: SwanCullen12 PM
Bella theorizes her hymen is connected with heartbreak so she asked housemate and buddy Edward to help her get rid of it. Edward's reply? Hell no!
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Bella & Edward - Chapters: 21 - Words: 99,257 - Reviews: 1,341 - Favs: 1,166 - Follows: 1,311 - Updated: 03-31-11 - Published: 03-12-10 - id: 5809801


What the Fic?!

Thursday July 26, 2012 at 9:26 AM



Thursday July 26, 2012 at 8:38 AM

From the Huffington Post today...

Robert Pattinson is reportedly "heartbroken and humiliated" after learning his girlfriend, Kristen Stewart, cheated on him with her married "Snow White and the Huntsman" director, Rupert Sanders.

Sources told Page Six that the 26-year-old "Twilight" star may have already known about Stewart's infidelity, as witnesses reportedly saw the couple fighting backstage at Sunday night's Teen Choice Awards, just days before the photos of what looks like Stewart and Sanders kissing were made public.

“Rob and Kristen were having a long and intense conversation backstage, and he looked miserable, heartbroken and humiliated. She was pleading," a source told Page Six, while another source claimed that once Stewart learned she couldn't stop the photos from leaking she was forced to own up to Pattinson last week.

The photos caught the 22-year-old actress and Sanders, 41, who is married to British model Liberty Ross, kissing inside a car and hugging in a park, in what was described by Us Weekly as a “marathon make-out session.”

As damning as the photos may have been, it was almost more shocking when Stewart actually admitted to cheating on Pattinson. The couple have been together for four years, but have barely publicly acknowledged their relationship. In October 2011, Stewart would only reveal to British GQ that her "boyfriend is English."

Some have suggested that Stewart's public apology -- in which she declared her love for Pattinson, calling him the person she "loves and respects the most" -- is simply her attempt to communicate with Rob, who may not be answering her phone calls.

By all accounts, Pattinson took his relationship with Stewart very seriously and some have claimed he was even planning to propose.



Robert Pattinson has packed his bags.

Following Kristen Stewart's public apology for having a fling with her Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders, the 26-year-old actor has left the Los Angeles home he shared with Stewart, PEOPLE has confirmed.

"I'm not sure they'll be able to recover from this," a source says of the couple of three years, who met making the Twilight trilogy.

In seclusion and not in contact with Stewart, 22, the British star "is heartbroken and angry," says the source.

A "devastated" Stewart, meanwhile, described Pattinson as "the person I love and respect the most" in her apology following revelations of her indiscretion with Sanders, 41, a married father of two.

"Kristen really loves Rob more than anything," says an insider. "He's all that matters to her right now


LJ Summers

Cougarella Fic List

Thursday July 26, 2012 at 7:48 AM


Okay, so she might not wear a t-shirt, but you've probably seen her around right?

In the land of FAN FICTION, sometimes folks have a craving for Bella having the age-advantage

The request for the campfire was specifically for a Bella who is older and wiser than Edward.  She might be an employer, a neighbor, a co-worker...?  Who knows?


AU/AH, any rating. Any Bella-partnering.

So if you've read about Cougarella, bring her here and we'll tuck her away to play in the Master Fic List!

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:

1. Keep it simple.  Title. Author. Summary. Link.

2. No Discussions.  This means no chit-chat, agreements, squeeing. This is a list.

Thank you for sharing your favorite Cougarella Fics around the fire!



Thursday July 26, 2012 at 7:42 AM

Sorry if this has been posted in one of the other campfires.... As we know Liberty deleted her twitter account a few days ago, but I was just reading Famous and didn't realize that she had aslo deleted her Instagram account and posted this before she did. Coincidence? 

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


I love it when...

Thursday July 26, 2012 at 5:57 AM

I discover new music! 

I don't listen to the radio as a general rule, so I have been stuck in the same rut on my iPod. The same Florence/Adele/Muse/James Morrison playlists for the last year.  So, the other day I heard a snappy tune on the radio that really popped out from the regular pop top 40 stuff. 

It was this song

I have been listening to it on repeat on my phone this morning! It's so awesome. The beat, the lyric, the voices...everything.  
So, what have YOU discovered recently? What new song has been on repeat on your iPod? Any suggestions for me to check out?
Come inside and post your new music finds
This message has been approved by LJ Summers

Want to feel better?

Thursday July 26, 2012 at 1:20 AM

This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.


Please come inside and share other reaction videos with me!!!
(The lovely lady above?)

She's All That or Breakfast Club?

Wednesday July 25, 2012 at 10:06 PM

I couldn't help but notice that all the Robsten drama today was like an epic mish-mash of all my favorite teen movies: How the hot popular guy actually falls for the class oddball:

But then the oddball(who's secretly hot underneath all that dandruff) gets seduced by the gross old principal in the janitor's closet and the school newspaper photographer catches it on film:

So in an apologetically grand gesture, she publicly declares her love for Popular Hot Guy for all the world to hear:

So tell me campers, do you see any shades of your favorite teen movies in the epic opera that is Robsten? Come and whisper in my ear inside.

eta to add rec: High Fidelity of course.


TWCS emails?

Wednesday July 25, 2012 at 9:03 PM

ok, I doubt anyone will even see this, what with the forest aflame with cheatingate (</3) (DYING at the new background btw, props to whoever did that lol)  but I just got home and hadn't checked my email all day, this morning I recieved this from TWCS:

Your story has been chosen to be one of the 12 to continue into the next part of the challenge. We are very excited to see more from your creative tale.
Before you post chapter 4, I need a few things from you.

Please email me immediately with your email address. I have two VERY important documents to send you before you can post your chapter 4.

1.NDA ? (Nondisclosure agreement) This protect you as well as us from giving away integral parts of the contest, stories, and other privacy issues.
2.Contest Contract ? Gives you all the rules of the contest, and allows TWCS the right to first refusal on you completed manuscript. (Cause lets face it, you have written an amazing start to a story, and we would be stupid to pass it up.) J
Once you send me your email, I will send the documents. On August 1st, as long as I have received your NDA and Contest Contract, you may begin to post Chapter 4.

All Chapter 4?s must be posted by Monday, August 6th. Please do not post but one chapter a week.

During this contest, the 12 Judges as well as the members of the Library will be asked to review each of your chapters. They will give you suggestions to help you continue to grow not only as an author, but to polish your story in the process. This is by no means an attack on you.

As with other TALENT SHOWS, we are merely giving you suggestions to help you advance to the next round.

We are all very excited to see how this ends, but at the same time we want you all to know that we truly appreciate all your hard work.

If you are voted off during the contest, your story will be moved to the ORIGINAL FICTION area of the Library. Your fans and the Judges will want to continue to watch your success. So please continue to post your chapters. It is not meant as a slam to you, but in the nature of the contest, there can only be one winner.

Thank you again for posting, and let the games begin.
Please sent me your email address ASAP.. my email is (removed)

uhmm... I have not entered a contest.. I haven't submitted chapters 1,2, and 3... shoot, I've never posted fanfiction there before! or anywhere ever, for that matter...  sooo yeah I am a bit confused? has anyone else recieved one of these??  I would assume it was spam but it came from TWCS email which was saved in my account since I had followed a story there over a year ago..   should I write them back? could someone be using my account to post stories?  I am full of questions


Young and Stupid. Were u in that position?

Wednesday July 25, 2012 at 7:40 PM

What is the most stupidest thing you ever done while you were 20-ies? 



Ive cheated on my fiancee with his co-worker (and bestfriend). Im not proud with that, mostly coz it happen more than a year but I broke up with both of them and still didnt say apologize or even admited than Ive cheated both of them coz Im too scared. 5 years latter I met my ex fiancee and he asked me "were u cheated on me with ....xxxx..." and I still didnt admit it :( coz he have no prove on the internet or magazine and also it happen in 1996 (coz im not celebrity...of course).

So if you dont mind..share it here maybe we can a little bit forgive what Kristen have done to Rob :( 

Ps; my hubby knew my past and accept it and trust me. im thankfull for that. I beleive every person deserve second chance

Ps : pls forgive me if im not being sensitif posting this kind of campfire. feel free to delete this camp please :)

Rec Fic :


Tangled Up In Blue
Author: TxBirdie PM
Edward Cullen is looking for inspiration to write THE American novel. Bella Swan is looking for inspiration, any inspiration, to pull her from her doldrums existence. But what they find in each other, neither of them could have expected.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Bella & Edward - Chapters: 32 - Words: 143,800 - Reviews: 2,619 - Favs: 1,670 - Follows: 1,796 - Updated: 01-15-12 - Published: 05-04-10 - id: 5945379





Wednesday July 25, 2012 at 3:32 PM


I was stuck in cubicle hell all day.  And occasionally, I had this niggling little thought (after seeing the apology) that I was missing something great at ADF.  I was so tempted to get my a$$ canned by popping on here.  But, ya know, I've got bills and stuff.  

Thing is, as curious as I am, I'm too lazy to sort through 1000+ comments.  So, would it be possible to start an "apology reaction" thread here?  

What are your thoughts on this apology?  Do you think Robsten was ever real to begin with?  How did KStew and RPatz successfully avoid the paps and PDA for so long and then she gets caught sucking face with this guy after a few months (cause I don't believe the one-time indiscretion story-line they're selling -- that movie has been done filming and premiered already for goodness sake, and this just happened last week). 

I'm cynical by nature anyway, but after reading HL5 and seeing some of the PR stuff that went on in that story, I can't help but be bedazzled by all of this.  Obviously, the People tidbit last night and Kristen's apology are major PR/damage-control moves.  But were they an attempt to contain a real circumstance or part of a plan to end what everyone perceived as Robsten so the people involved could move on??  How ironic is it that the only overt confirmation we get on their relationship is contained within Kristen's public apology for cheating on Rob?

This world is bizarre.  IF they were ever a couple and IF this is all real and she did cheat on him -- that sucks.  Nothing hurts like that.  Nothing.  And for the other couple and their kids -- that sucks even more.

What do you think campers?!!! 


What the Fic?!

Wednesday July 25, 2012 at 9:02 AM


Jennyfly's Awesome Day 1

Tuesday July 24, 2012 at 8:39 PM


Dracula with pillow-lipped, Irish hottie

Tuesday July 24, 2012 at 7:07 PM

NBC orders ‘Dracula’ drama starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers



The Washington Post article 

This could possibly be interesting if he can stay sober and/or out of jail.  Sometimes I love him, and sometimes I don't.  

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